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synced 2025-03-13 23:11:29 -04:00
139 lines
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139 lines
4.7 KiB
from spectypes import *
from variations import var_params
affine = (
{ 'angle': spline(45, period=360)
, 'spread': spline(45, period=180)
, 'magnitude': XYPair(scalespline())
, 'offset': XYPair(spline())
xform = (
{ 'pre_affine': affine
, 'post_affine': affine
, 'color': spline(0, 0, 1)
, 'color_speed': spline(0.5, 0, 1)
, 'weight': spline()
, 'opacity': scalespline(max=1)
, 'variations': var_params
author = (
{ 'name': String("Human-readable name of author")
, 'user': String("Email or other unique identifier")
, 'url': String("Website or other link provided by author")
link = (
{ 'src': String("Origin node ID and temporal offset")
, 'dst': String("Destination node ID and temporal offset")
filters = (
{ 'bilateral':
{ 'spatial_std': scalespline(6,
d='Spatial filter radius, normalized to 1080p pixels')
, 'color_std': scalespline(0.05,
d='Color filter radius, in YUV space, normalized to [0,1]')
, 'density_std': scalespline(1.5, d='Density standard deviation')
, 'density_pow': scalespline(0.8, d='Density pre-filter power')
, 'gradient': scalespline(4.0, min=None,
d='Intensity of gradient amplification (can be negative)')
, 'colorclip':
{ 'gamma': scalespline(4)
, 'gamma_threshold': spline(0.01, 0, 1)
, 'highlight_power': spline(-1, -1)
, 'vibrance': scalespline()
, 'de':
{ 'radius': scalespline(11, d='Spatial filter radius in flam3 units')
, 'minimum': scalespline(0, max=1, d='Proportional min radius')
, 'curve': scalespline(0.6, d='Power of filter radius with density')
, 'haloclip': {}
, 'smearclip': {'width': scalespline(0.7, d='Spatial stdev of filter')}
, 'logscale': {'brightness': scalespline(4, d='Log-scale brightness')}
, 'logencode': {'degamma': scalespline(2.2)}
, 'yuv': {}
camera = (
{ 'center': XYPair(spline())
, 'spp': scalespline(d='Samples per pixel multiplier')
, 'dither_width': scalespline()
, 'rotation': spline(period=360)
, 'scale': scalespline()
time = (
{ 'duration': scalar(1)
, 'frame_width': scalespline(d='Scale of profile temporal width per frame.')
blend = (
{ 'duration': scalar(2, d='The base duration of the animation. This value '
'affects the periodic extension of angular parameters (values are '
'extended to minimize deviation from average velocity), and also '
'sets the default value for `time.duration` in an animation.')
, 'xform_sort': enum('weightflip weight natural color', 'weightflip')
, 'xform_map': list_(list_(String('xfid'), d='A pair of src, dst IDs'))
base = (
{ 'name': String("Human-readable name of this work")
, 'base': String("DB path to base from which this doc inherits")
, 'camera': camera
, 'filters': filters
, 'palette': list_(Palette())
, 'xforms': map_(xform)
, 'final_xform': xform
, 'time': time
node = dict(base)
node.update(type='node', blend=blend, author=author)
edge = dict(base)
edge.update(type='edge', author=author, blend=blend, link=link,
xforms=dict(src=map_(xform), dst=map_(xform)))
anim = dict(base)
anim.update(type='animation', authors=list_(author), link=link)
default_filters = ['bilateral', 'logscale', 'smearclip']
# Yeah, now I'm just messing around.
prof_filters = dict([(fk, dict([(k, refscalar(1, '.'.join(['filters', fk, k])))
for k in fv])) for fk, fv in filters.items()])
# And here's a completely stupid hack to drag scale into the logscale filter
prof_filters['logscale']['scale'] = refscalar(1, 'camera.scale')
profile = (
{ 'duration': RefScalar(30, 'time.duration', 'Base duration in seconds')
, 'fps': Scalar(24, 'Frames per second')
, 'frame_width': refscalar(1, 'time.frame_width')
, 'start': Scalar(None, 'First frame to render (1-indexed, inclusive)')
, 'end': Scalar(None, 'Last frame to render (1-indexed, exclusive; '
'negative indexes from the end)')
, 'skip': Scalar(0, 'Skip this many frames between each rendered frame')
, 'shard': Scalar(0, 'Pack this many frames in each output file '
'(causing start, end, and skip to be ignored)')
, 'height': Scalar(720, 'Output height in pixels')
, 'width': Scalar(1280, 'Output width in pixels')
, 'spp': RefScalar(2000, 'camera.spp', 'Base samples per pixel')
, 'filter_order': list_(enum(filters.keys()), default_filters)
, 'filters': prof_filters
# The other keys in the 'output' dictionary are format-specific and not
# documented here.
, 'output': {'type': enum('jpeg png tiff x264', 'jpeg')}
# Types recognized as independent units with a 'type' key
toplevels = dict(animation=anim, node=node, edge=edge, profile=profile)