2017-04-20 18:22:27 -07:00

459 lines
15 KiB

import io
import os
import tempfile
from cStringIO import StringIO
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import numpy as np
from numpy import float32 as f32, int32 as i32
import pycuda.driver as cuda
from code.util import ClsMod, launch
from code.output import pixfmtlib
import gevent
except ImportError:
gevent = None
def launchC(name, mod, stream, dim, fb, *args):
launch(name, mod, stream,
(32, 8, 1), (int(np.ceil(dim.w/32.)), int(np.ceil(dim.h/8.))),
fb.d_back, fb.d_front,
i32(fb.gutter), i32(dim.w), i32(dim.astride), i32(dim.h),
class Output(object):
def convert(self, fb, gnm, dim, stream=None):
Convert a filtered buffer to whatever output format is needed by the
This function is intended for use by the Renderer, and should not be
called by clients. It does not modify its instance.
raise NotImplementedError()
def copy(self, fb, dim, pool, stream=None):
Schedule a copy from the device buffer to host memory, returning the
target buffer(s).
This function is intended for use by the Renderer, and should not be
called by clients. It does not modify its instance.
raise NotImplementedError()
def encode(self, host_frame):
Push `host_frame` (as returned from `Output.copy`) into the encoding
pipeline, and return any completed media segments. If `host_frame` is
None, flush the encoding pipeline.
The return value is a 2-tuple `(media, logs)`. `media` is a dictionary
mapping channel names (appropriate for use as file suffixes) to
file-like objects containing the encoded media segments. `logs` is a
dictionary containing log entries. Either or both entries can be empty
at any time (and will typically be either populated on each frame
except the flush, for non-temporal codecs, or will be empty on all
frames except the flush, for temporal codecs.)
Media segments are discretely decodeable chunks of content. The
mapping of media segments to individual frames is not specified.
raise NotImplementedError()
def suffix(self):
Return the file suffix that will be used. If more than one suffix will
be used, the value returned is the one considered to be "primary".
raise NotImplementedError()
class PILOutput(Output, ClsMod):
lib = pixfmtlib
def __init__(self, codec='jpeg', quality=100, alpha=False):
import scipy.misc
if not hasattr(scipy.misc, 'toimage'):
raise ImportError("Could not find scipy.misc.toimage. "
"Are scipy and PIL installed?")
super(PILOutput, self).__init__()
self.type, self.quality, self.alpha = codec, quality, alpha
def convert(self, fb, gnm, dim, stream=None):
launchC('f32_to_rgba_u8', self.mod, stream, dim, fb,
fb.d_rb, fb.d_seeds)
def copy(self, fb, dim, pool, stream=None):
h_out = pool.allocate((dim.h, dim.w, 4), 'u1')
cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(h_out, fb.d_back, stream)
return h_out
def _convert_buf(self, buf):
import scipy.misc
out = StringIO()
img = scipy.misc.toimage(buf, cmin=0, cmax=1), self.type, quality=self.quality)
return out
def encode(self, buf):
if buf is None: return {}, []
if self.type == 'jpeg':
out = self._convert_buf(buf[:,:,:3])
if self.alpha:
alpha = self._convert_buf(buf[:,:,3])
return {'_color.jpg': out, '_alpha.jpg': alpha}, []
return {'.jpg': out}, {}
return {'.'+self.type: self._convert_buf(buf)}, []
def suffix(self):
if self.type == 'jpeg':
if self.alpha: return '_color.jpg'
return '.jpg'
return '.'+self.type
class TiffOutput(Output, ClsMod):
lib = pixfmtlib
def __init__(self, alpha=False):
import tifffile
if 'filename' in tifffile.TiffWriter.__init__.__func__.func_doc:
raise EnvironmentError('tifffile version too old!')
super(TiffOutput, self).__init__()
self.alpha = alpha
def convert(self, fb, gnm, dim, stream=None):
launchC('f32_to_rgba_u16', self.mod, stream, dim, fb,
fb.d_rb, fb.d_seeds)
def copy(self, fb, dim, pool, stream=None):
h_out = pool.allocate((dim.h, dim.w, 4), 'u2')
cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(h_out, fb.d_back, stream)
return h_out
def encode(self, buf):
import tifffile
if buf is None: return {}, []
if not self.alpha:
buf = buf[:,:,:3]
out = io.BytesIO()
tifffile.imsave(out, buf)
return {'.tiff': out}, []
def suffix(self):
return '.tiff'
class ProResOutput(Output, ClsMod):
lib = pixfmtlib
def __init__(self, fps=24):
super(ProResOutput, self).__init__()
self.fps = fps
self._outf = None
self._subp = None
self._dim = None
def convert(self, fb, gnm, dim, stream=None):
self._dim = dim
launchC('f32_to_yuv444p12', self.mod, stream, dim, fb,
fb.d_rb, fb.d_seeds)
def copy(self, fb, dim, pool, stream=None):
h_out = pool.allocate((3, dim.h, dim.w), 'u2')
cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(h_out, fb.d_back, stream)
return h_out
def _spawn(self):
self._outf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(bufsize=0, suffix='mov')
cmd = ('ffmpeg -loglevel panic -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv444p12le '
'-s {w}x{h} -r {fps} -i - -c:v prores -f mov -y {fn}').format(
w=self._dim.w, h=self._dim.h, fps=self.fps,
self._subp = Popen(cmd.split(), stdin=PIPE)
def _flush(self):
if not self._subp:
return {}, []
if self._subp.returncode:
raise IOError("ffmpeg exited with an error")
# get a new handle, delete the named file
outf = open(
self._outf, self._subp = None, None
return {'.mov': outf}, []
def encode(self, host_frame):
if host_frame is None:
return self._flush()
if not self._subp:
return {}, []
def suffix(self):
return '.mov'
class X264Output(Output, ClsMod):
lib = pixfmtlib
profiles = (
{ 'normal': '--profile high444 --level 4.2'
, '': ''
base = ('--no-progress --input-depth 16 --sync-lookahead 0 '
'--rc-lookahead 5 --muxer raw -o - - --log-level debug')
def __init__(self, profile='normal', csp='i444', crf=15,
command='x264', x264opts='', alpha=False):
super(X264Output, self).__init__()
self.args = ' '.join([command, self.base, self.profiles[profile],
'--crf', str(crf), x264opts]).split()
self.alpha = alpha
self.csp = csp
self.framesize = None
self.zeros = None
self.subp = None
self.outf = None
self.asubp = None
self.aoutf = None
def convert(self, fb, gnm, dim, stream=None):
launchC('f32_to_rgba_u16', self.mod, stream, dim, fb,
fb.d_rb, fb.d_seeds)
def copy(self, fb, dim, pool, stream=None):
h_out = pool.allocate((dim.h, dim.w, 4), 'u2')
cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(h_out, fb.d_back, stream)
return h_out
def _spawn_sub(self, framesize, alpha):
res = '%dx%d' % (framesize[1], framesize[0])
csp = 'yv12' if alpha else 'rgb'
extras = ['--input-csp', csp, '--demuxer', 'raw', '--input-res', res]
outf = tempfile.TemporaryFile(bufsize=0)
if alpha:
extras += ['--output-csp', 'i420', '--chroma-qp-offset', '24']
extras += ['--output-csp', self.csp]
subp = Popen(self.args + extras, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=outf)
return outf, subp
def _spawn(self, framesize):
self.framesize = framesize
self.outf, self.subp = self._spawn_sub(framesize, False)
if self.alpha:
self.aoutf, self.asubp = self._spawn_sub(framesize, True)
bufsz = framesize[0] * framesize[1] / 2
self.zeros = np.empty(bufsz, dtype='u2')
def _flush_sub(self, subp):
if gevent is not None:
# Use non-blocking poll to allow applications to continue
# rendering in other coros
log = ''
while subp.poll() is None:
log +=
log +=
(stdout, log) = subp.communicate()
if subp.returncode:
raise IOError("x264 exited with an error")
return log
def _flush(self):
if self.subp is None:
return {}, []
log = self._flush_sub(self.subp)
self.subp = None
if self.alpha:
alog = self._flush_sub(self.asubp)
self.asubp = None
return ({'_color.h264': self.outf, '_alpha.h264': self.aoutf},
[('x264_color', log), ('x264_alpha', alog)])
return {'.h264': self.outf}, [('x264_color', log)]
def _write(self, buf, subp):
except IOError, e:
print 'Exception while writing. Log:'
raise e
def encode(self, buf):
out = ({}, [])
if buf is None or self.framesize != buf.shape[:2]:
out = self._flush()
if buf is None:
return out
if self.subp is None:
self._write(np.delete(buf, 3, axis=2), self.subp)
if self.alpha:
self._write(buf[:,:,3].tostring(), self.asubp)
self._write(buffer(self.zeros), self.asubp)
return out
def suffix(self):
if self.alpha: return '_color.h264'
return '.h264'
class VPxOutput(Output, ClsMod):
lib = pixfmtlib
base = ('vpxenc --end-usage=3 -p 1 -q --cpu-used=-8 --lag-in-frames=5 '
'--min-q=2 --disable-kf --arnr-maxframes=3 -o - -')
def __init__(self, codec='vp9', fps=24, crf=15, pix_fmt='yuv420p'):
super(VPxOutput, self).__init__()
self.codec = codec
self.pix_fmt = pix_fmt
self.dim = None
self.subp = None
self.outf = None
self.args = self.base.split()
if pix_fmt == 'yuv420p':
self.out_filter = 'f32_to_yuv444p'
assert codec == 'vp9'
if pix_fmt == 'yuv444p':
self.out_filter = 'f32_to_yuv444p'
self.args += ['--profile=1', '--i444']
elif pix_fmt == 'yuv420p10':
assert codec == 'vp9'
self.out_filter = 'f32_to_yuv420p10'
self.args += ['-b', '10', '--input-bit-depth=10', '--profile=2']
elif pix_fmt == 'yuv444p10':
assert codec == 'vp9'
self.out_filter = 'f32_to_yuv444p10'
self.args += ['-b', '10', '--input-bit-depth=10',
'--profile=3', '--i444']
elif pix_fmt == 'yuv444p12':
assert codec == 'vp9'
self.out_filter = 'f32_to_yuv444p12'
self.args += ['-b', '12', '--input-bit-depth=12',
'--profile=3', '--i444']
raise ValueError('Invalid pix_fmt: ' + pix_fmt)
self.args += ['--codec=' + codec, '--cq-level=' + str(crf), '--fps=%d/1' % fps]
if codec == 'vp9':
self.args += ['-t', '4']
def convert(self, fb, gnm, dim, stream=None):
self.dim = dim
launchC(self.out_filter, self.mod, stream, dim, fb,
fb.d_rb, fb.d_seeds)
def copy(self, fb, dim, pool, stream=None):
fmt = 'u1'
if self.pix_fmt in ('yuv444p10', 'yuv420p10', 'yuv444p12'):
fmt = 'u2'
dims = (3, dim.h, dim.w)
if self.pix_fmt == 'yuv420p10':
dims = (dim.h * dim.w * 6 / 4,)
h_out = pool.allocate(dims, fmt)
cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(h_out, fb.d_back, stream)
return h_out
def _spawn(self):
extras = ['-w', self.dim.w, '-h', self.dim.h]
num_columns = int(max(0, min(3, np.log2(self.dim.w) - 8.9)))
if num_columns:
extras.append('--tile-columns=%d' % num_columns)
self.outf = tempfile.TemporaryFile(bufsize=0)
self.subp = Popen(map(str, self.args + extras),
stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=self.outf)
def _flush_sub(self, subp):
if gevent is not None:
# Use non-blocking poll to allow applications to continue
# rendering in other coros
log = ''
while subp.poll() is None:
log +=
log +=
(stdout, log) = subp.communicate()
if subp.returncode:
raise IOError("vpxenc exited with an error")
return log
def _flush(self):
if self.subp is None:
return {}, []
log = self._flush_sub(self.subp)
self.subp = None
return {'.webm': self.outf}, [('webm', log)]
def _write(self, buf, subp):
except IOError, e:
print 'Exception while writing. Log:'
raise e
def encode(self, buf):
out = ({}, [])
if buf is None:
return self._flush()
if self.subp is None:
if self.pix_fmt == 'yuv420p':
# Perform terrible chroma subsampling
self._write(buf[0].tostring(), self.subp)
self._write(buf[1,::2,::2].tostring(), self.subp)
self._write(buf[2,::2,::2].tostring(), self.subp)
self._write(buf, self.subp)
return out
def suffix(self):
return '.webm'
def get_output_for_profile(gprof):
opts = dict(gprof.output._val)
handler = opts.pop('type', 'jpeg')
if handler in ('jpeg', 'png'):
return PILOutput(codec=handler, **opts)
elif handler == 'tiff':
return TiffOutput(**opts)
elif handler == 'x264':
return X264Output(**opts)
elif handler == 'vp8':
return VPxOutput(codec='vp8', fps=gprof.fps, **opts)
elif handler == 'vp9':
return VPxOutput(codec='vp9', fps=gprof.fps, **opts)
elif handler == 'prores':
return ProResOutput(fps=gprof.fps, **opts)
raise ValueError('Invalid output type "%s".' % handler)