#!/usr/bin/python # # flam3cuda, one of a surprisingly large number of ports of the fractal flame # algorithm to NVIDIA GPUs. # # This one is copyright 2010 Steven Robertson # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later # as published by the Free Software Foundation. import os import sys import argparse import multiprocessing from subprocess import Popen from ctypes import * import numpy as np import Image import scipy import pycuda.autoinit import cuburn._pyflam3_hacks from fr0stlib import pyflam3 from cuburn import render from cuburn.code.mwc import MWCTest np.set_printoptions(precision=5, edgeitems=20) real_stdout = sys.stdout def fmt_time(time): # Format time in a lexically-ordered way that doesn't interfere with the # typical case of ascending natural numbers atime = abs(time) dcml = ('-' if time < 0 else '') + ('%05d' % np.floor(atime)) frac = np.round((atime - np.floor(atime)) * 1000) if frac: return '%s_%03d' % (dcml, frac) return dcml def save(args, time, raw): noalpha = raw[:,:,:3] if args.raw: real_stdout.write(buffer(np.uint8(noalpha * 255.0))) return name = os.path.join(args.dir, '%s_%s' % (args.name, fmt_time(time))) img = scipy.misc.toimage(noalpha, cmin=0, cmax=1) img.save(name+'.png') if args.jpg is not None: img.save(name+'.jpg', quality=args.jpg) print 'saved', name def error(msg): print "Error:", msg sys.exit(1) def main(args): if args.test: MWCTest.test_mwc() return if args.raw: sys.stdout = sys.stderr genome_ptr, ngenomes = pyflam3.Genome.from_string(args.flame.read()) genomes = cast(genome_ptr, POINTER(pyflam3.Genome*ngenomes)).contents if not np.all([g.width == genomes[0].width for g in genomes]): error("Inconsistent width. Force with --width.") if not np.all([g.height == genomes[0].height for g in genomes]): error("Inconsistent height. Force with --height.") if args.qs: for g in genomes: g.sample_density *= args.qs g.ntemporal_samples = max(1, int(g.ntemporal_samples * args.qs)) if args.width: if not args.scale: args.scale = float(args.width) / genomes[0].width for g in genomes: g.width = args.width if args.height: for g in genomes: g.height = args.height if args.scale: for g in genomes: g.pixels_per_unit *= args.scale if args.skip and not args.tempscale: args.tempscale = float(args.skip) if args.tempscale: for g in genomes: g.temporal_filter_width *= args.tempscale if not args.name: if args.flame.name == '': args.name = genomes[0].flame_name else: args.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.flame.name))[0] cp_times = [cp.time for cp in genomes] if args.renumber: for t, g in enumerate(genomes): g.time = t - args.renumber cp_times = [cp.time for cp in genomes] elif np.any(np.diff(cp_times) <= 0): error("Genome times are non-monotonic. Try using --renumber.") if args.skip: if args.start is None: args.start = cp_times[0] if args.end is None: args.end = cp_times[-1] times = np.arange(args.start, args.end, args.skip) else: times = [t for t in cp_times if (args.start is None or t >= args.start) and (args.end is None or t < args.end)] render._AnimRenderer.sync = args.sync or args.sleep if args.sleep: render._AnimRenderer.sleep = args.sleep / 1000. anim = render.Animation(genomes) if args.debug: anim.cmp_options.append('-G') anim.keep = args.keep or args.debug anim.compile() anim.load() if args.gfx: import pyglet window = pyglet.window.Window(anim.features.width, anim.features.height) image = pyglet.image.CheckerImagePattern().create_image( anim.features.width, anim.features.height) label = pyglet.text.Label('Rendering first frame', x=5, y=5, font_size=24, bold=True) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() image.texture.blit(0, 0) label.draw() @window.event def on_key_press(sym, mod): if sym == pyglet.window.key.Q: pyglet.app.exit() @window.event def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy): pass frames = anim.render_frames(times, block=False) def poll(dt): out = next(frames, False) if out is False: label.text = "Done. ('q' to quit)" pyglet.clock.unschedule(poll) elif out is not None: time, buf = out save(args, time, buf) imgbuf = np.uint8(buf.flatten() * 255) image.set_data('RGBA', -anim.features.width*4, imgbuf.tostring()) label.text = '%s %4g' % (args.name, time) pyglet.clock.set_fps_limit(30) pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(poll, 1/30.) pyglet.app.run() else: for time, out in anim.render_frames(times): save(args, time, out) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Render fractal flames.') parser.add_argument('flame', metavar='FILE', type=file, help="Path to genome file ('-' for stdin)") parser.add_argument('-g', action='store_true', dest='gfx', help="Show output in OpenGL window") parser.add_argument('-j', metavar='QUALITY', nargs='?', action='store', type=int, dest='jpg', const=90, help="Write .jpg in addition to .png (default quality 90)") parser.add_argument('-n', metavar='NAME', type=str, dest='name', help="Prefix to use when saving files (default is basename of input)") parser.add_argument('-o', metavar='DIR', type=str, dest='dir', help="Output directory", default='.') parser.add_argument('--raw', action='store_true', dest='raw', help="Do not write files; instead, send raw RGBA data to stdout.") time = parser.add_argument_group('Sequence options', description=""" Control which frames are rendered from a genome sequence. If '-k' is not given, '-s' and '-e' act as limits, and any control point with a time in bounds is rendered at its central time. If '-k' is given, a list of times to render is given according to the semantics of Python's range operator, as in range(start, end, skip). If no options are given, all control points are rendered.""") time.add_argument('-s', dest='start', metavar='TIME', type=float, help="Start time of image sequence (inclusive)") time.add_argument('-e', dest='end', metavar='TIME', type=float, help="End time of image sequence (exclusive)") time.add_argument('-k', dest='skip', metavar='TIME', type=float, help="Skip time between frames in image sequence. Auto-sets " "--tempscale, use '--tempscale 1' to override.") time.add_argument('--renumber', metavar="TIME", type=float, dest='renumber', nargs='?', const=0, help="Renumber frame times, counting up from the supplied start time " "(default is 0).") genome = parser.add_argument_group('Genome options') genome.add_argument('--qs', type=float, metavar='SCALE', help="Scale quality and number of temporal samples") genome.add_argument('--scale', type=float, metavar='SCALE', help="Scale pixels per unit (camera zoom)") genome.add_argument('--tempscale', type=float, metavar='SCALE', help="Scale temporal filter width") genome.add_argument('--width', type=int, metavar='PIXELS', help="Use this width. Auto-sets scale, use '--scale 1' to override.") genome.add_argument('--height', type=int, metavar='PIXELS', help="Use this height (does *not* auto-set scale)") debug = parser.add_argument_group('Debug options') debug.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', dest='test', help='Run some internal tests') debug.add_argument('--keep', action='store_true', dest='keep', help='Keep compilation directory (disables kernel caching)') debug.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='Compile kernel with debugging enabled (implies --keep)') debug.add_argument('--sync', action='store_true', dest='sync', help='Use synchronous launches whenever possible') debug.add_argument('--sleep', metavar='MSEC', type=int, dest='sleep', nargs='?', const='5', help='Sleep between invocations. Keeps a single-card system ' 'usable. Implies --sync.') args = parser.parse_args() main(args)