import math from ctypes import * from cStringIO import StringIO import numpy as np from fr0stlib import pyflam3 from fr0stlib.pyflam3._flam3 import * from fr0stlib.pyflam3.constants import * from cuburnlib.cuda import LaunchContext from cuburnlib.device_code import * Point = lambda x, y: np.array([x, y], dtype=np.double) class Genome(pyflam3.Genome): pass class _Frame(pyflam3.Frame): """ ctypes flam3_frame object used for genome interpolation and spatial filter creation """ def __init__(self, genomes, *args, **kwargs): pyflam3.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.genomes = (BaseGenome * len(genomes))() for i in range(len(genomes)): memmove(byref(self.genomes[i]), byref(genomes[i]), sizeof(BaseGenome)) self.ngenomes = len(genomes) # TODO: do this here? self.pixel_aspect_ratio = float(genomes[0].height) / genomes[0].width def interpolate(self, time, stagger=0, cp=None): cp = cp or BaseGenome() flam3_interpolate(self.genomes, self.ngenomes, time, stagger, byref(cp)) return cp class Frame(object): """ Handler for a single frame of a rendered genome. """ def __init__(self, _frame, time): self._frame = _frame self.center_cp = self._frame.interpolate(time) def upload_data(self, ctx, filters, time): """ Prepare and upload the data needed to render this frame to the device. """ center = self.center_cp ncps = center.nbatches * center.ntemporal_samples if ncps < ctx.ctas: raise NotImplementedError( "Distribution of a CP across multiple CTAs not yet done") # TODO: isn't this leaking ctypes xforms all over the place? stream = StringIO() cp_list = [] for batch_idx in range(center.nbatches): for time_idx in range(center.ntemporal_samples): idx = time_idx + batch_idx * center.nbatches time = time + filters.temporal_deltas[idx] cp = self._frame.interpolate(time) cp_list.append(cp) = Camera(self._frame, cp, filters) cp.nsamples = ( * center.width * center.height) / ncps print "Expected writes:", ( * center.width * center.height) min_time = min(filters.temporal_deltas) max_time = max(filters.temporal_deltas) for i, cp in enumerate(cp_list): cp.norm_time = (filters.temporal_deltas[i] - min_time) / ( max_time - min_time) CPDataStream.pack_into(ctx, stream, frame=self, cp=cp, cp_idx=idx) PaletteLookup.upload_palette(ctx, self, cp_list) IterThread.upload_cp_stream(ctx,, ncps) class Animation(object): """ Control structure for rendering a series of frames. Each animation will dynamically generate a kernel that includes only the code necessary to render the genomes provided. The process of generating and uploading the kernel takes a small but finite amount of time. In general, the kernel generated for all genomes resulting from interpolating between two control points will have identical performance, so it is wasteful to create more than one animation for any interpolated sequence. However, genome sequences interpolated from three or more control points with different features enabled will have the code needed to render all genomes enabled for every frame. Doing this can hurt performance. In other words, it's best to use exactly one Animation for each interpolated sequence between one or two genomes. """ def __init__(self, genomes): # _frame is the ctypes frame object used only for interpolation self._frame = _Frame(genomes) # Use the same set of filters throughout the anim, a la flam3 self.filters = Filters(self._frame, genomes[0]) self.features = Features(genomes, self.filters) self.ctx = None def compile(self): """ Create a PTX kernel optimized for this animation, compile it, and attach it to a LaunchContext with a thread distribution optimized for the active device. """ # TODO: user-configurable test control self.ctx = LaunchContext([IterThread], block=(256,1,1), grid=(54,1), tests=True) # TODO: user-configurable verbosity control self.ctx.compile(verbose=3, anim=self, features=self.features) # TODO: automatic optimization of block parameters def render_frame(self, time=0): # TODO: support more nuanced frame control than just 'time' # TODO: reuse more information between frames # TODO: allow animation-long override of certain parameters (size, etc) frame = Frame(self._frame, time) frame.upload_data(self.ctx, self.filters, time) return HistScatter.get_bins(self.ctx, self.features) class Filters(object): def __init__(self, frame, cp): # Use one oversample per filter set, even over multiple timesteps self.oversample = frame.genomes[0].spatial_oversample # Ugh. I'd really like to replace this mess spa_filt_ptr = POINTER(c_double)() spa_width = flam3_create_spatial_filter(byref(frame), flam3_field_both, byref(spa_filt_ptr)) if spa_width < 0: raise EnvironmentError("flam3 call failed") self.spatial = np.asarray([[spa_filt_ptr[y*spa_width+x] for x in range(spa_width)] for y in range(spa_width)], dtype=np.double) self.spatial_width = spa_width flam3_free(spa_filt_ptr) tmp_filt_ptr = POINTER(c_double)() tmp_deltas_ptr = POINTER(c_double)() steps = cp.nbatches * cp.ntemporal_samples self.temporal_sum = flam3_create_temporal_filter( steps, cp.temporal_filter_type, cp.temporal_filter_exp, cp.temporal_filter_width, byref(tmp_filt_ptr), byref(tmp_deltas_ptr)) self.temporal = np.asarray([tmp_filt_ptr[i] for i in range(steps)], dtype=np.double) flam3_free(tmp_filt_ptr) self.temporal_deltas = np.asarray( [tmp_deltas_ptr[i] for i in range(steps)], dtype=np.double) flam3_free(tmp_deltas_ptr) # TODO: density estimation self.gutter = (spa_width - self.oversample) / 2 class Features(object): """ Determine features and constants required to render a particular set of genomes. The values of this class are fixed before compilation begins. """ # Constant; number of rounds spent fusing points on first CP of a frame num_fuse_samples = 25 def __init__(self, genomes, flt): any = lambda l: bool(filter(None, map(l, genomes))) self.max_ntemporal_samples = max( [cp.nbatches * cp.ntemporal_samples for cp in genomes]) self.camera_rotation = any(lambda cp: cp.rotate) self.non_box_temporal_filter = genomes[0].temporal_filter_type self.palette_mode = genomes[0].palette_mode and "linear" or "nearest" # Histogram (and log-density copy) width and height self.hist_width = flt.oversample * genomes[0].width + 2 * flt.gutter self.hist_height = flt.oversample * genomes[0].height + 2 * flt.gutter # Histogram stride, for better filtering. This code assumes the # 128-byte L1 cache line width of Fermi devices, and a 16-byte # histogram bucket size. TODO: detect these things programmatically, # particularly the histogram bucket size, which may be split soon self.hist_stride = 8 * int(math.ceil(self.hist_width / 8.0)) class Camera(object): """Viewport and exposure.""" def __init__(self, frame, cp, filters): # Calculate the conversion matrix between the IFS space (xform # coordinates) and the sampling lattice (bucket addresses) # TODO: test this code (against compute_camera?) scale = 2.0 ** cp.zoom self.sample_density = cp.sample_density * scale * scale center = Point(cp._center[0], cp._center[1]) size = Point(cp.width, cp.height) # pix per unit, where 'unit' is '1.0' in IFS space self.ppu = Point( cp.pixels_per_unit * scale / frame.pixel_aspect_ratio, cp.pixels_per_unit * scale) # extra shifts applied due to gutter gutter = filters.gutter / (cp.spatial_oversample * self.ppu) cornerLL = center - (size / (2 * self.ppu)) self.lower_bounds = cornerLL - gutter self.upper_bounds = cornerLL + (size / self.ppu) + gutter self.norm_scale = 1.0 / (self.upper_bounds - self.lower_bounds) self.norm_offset = -self.norm_scale * self.lower_bounds self.idx_scale = size * self.norm_scale self.idx_offset = size * self.norm_offset