""" Contains the PTX fragments which will drive the device. """ import os import time import struct import pycuda.driver as cuda import numpy as np from cuburnlib.ptx import * class IterThread(PTXEntryPoint): entry_name = 'iter_thread' entry_params = [] def __init__(self): self.cps_uploaded = False def deps(self): return [MWCRNG, CPDataStream, HistScatter] @ptx_func def module_setup(self): mem.global_.u32('g_cp_array', cp.stream_size*features.max_ntemporal_samples) mem.global_.u32('g_num_cps') mem.global_.u32('g_num_cps_started') # TODO move into debug statement mem.global_.u32('g_num_rounds', ctx.threads) mem.global_.u32('g_num_writes', ctx.threads) @ptx_func def entry(self): # For now, we indulge in the luxury of shared memory. # Index number of current CP, shared across CTA mem.shared.u32('s_cp_idx') # Number of samples that have been generated so far in this CTA # If this number is negative, we're still fusing points, so this # behaves slightly differently (see ``fuse_loop_start``) mem.shared.u32('s_num_samples') op.st.shared.u32(addr(s_num_samples), -(features.num_fuse_samples+1)) # TODO: temporary, for testing reg.u32('num_rounds num_writes') op.mov.u32(num_rounds, 0) op.mov.u32(num_writes, 0) reg.f32('x_coord y_coord color_coord') mwc.next_f32_11(x_coord) mwc.next_f32_11(y_coord) mwc.next_f32_01(color_coord) comment("Ensure all init is done") op.bar.sync(0) label('cp_loop_start') reg.u32('cp_idx cpA') with block("Claim a CP"): std.set_is_first_thread(reg.pred('p_is_first')) op.atom.add.u32(cp_idx, addr(g_num_cps_started), 1, ifp=p_is_first) op.st.shared.u32(addr(s_cp_idx), cp_idx, ifp=p_is_first) op.st.shared.u32(addr(s_num_samples), 0, ifp=p_is_first) comment("Load the CP index in all threads") op.bar.sync(1) op.ld.shared.u32(cp_idx, addr(s_cp_idx)) with block("Check to see if this CP is valid (if not, we're done)"): reg.u32('num_cps') reg.pred('p_last_cp') op.ldu.u32(num_cps, addr(g_num_cps)) op.setp.ge.u32(p_last_cp, cp_idx, num_cps) op.bra.uni('all_cps_done', ifp=p_last_cp) with block('Load CP address'): op.mov.u32(cpA, g_cp_array) op.mad.lo.u32(cpA, cp_idx, cp.stream_size, cpA) label('fuse_loop_start') # When fusing, num_samples holds the (negative) number of iterations # left across the CP, rather than the number of samples in total. with block("If still fusing, increment count unconditionally"): std.set_is_first_thread(reg.pred('p_is_first')) op.red.shared.add.s32(addr(s_num_samples), 1, ifp=p_is_first) op.bar.sync(2) label('iter_loop_start') comment('Do... well, most of everything') mwc.next_f32_11(x_coord) mwc.next_f32_11(y_coord) mwc.next_f32_01(color_coord) op.add.u32(num_rounds, num_rounds, 1) with block("Test if we're still in FUSE"): reg.s32('num_samples') reg.pred('p_in_fuse') op.ld.shared.s32(num_samples, addr(s_num_samples)) op.setp.lt.s32(p_in_fuse, num_samples, 0) op.bra.uni(fuse_loop_start, ifp=p_in_fuse) reg.pred('p_point_is_valid') with block("Write the result"): hist.scatter(x_coord, y_coord, color_coord, 0, p_point_is_valid) op.add.u32(num_writes, num_writes, 1, ifp=p_point_is_valid) with block("Increment number of samples by number of good values"): reg.b32('good_samples laneid') reg.pred('p_is_first') op.vote.ballot.b32(good_samples, p_point_is_valid) op.popc.b32(good_samples, good_samples) op.mov.u32(laneid, '%laneid') op.setp.eq.u32(p_is_first, laneid, 0) op.red.shared.add.s32(addr(s_num_samples), good_samples, ifp=p_is_first) with block("Check to see if we're done with this CP"): reg.pred('p_cp_done') reg.s32('num_samples num_samples_needed') op.ld.shared.s32(num_samples, addr(s_num_samples)) cp.get(cpA, num_samples_needed, 'cp.nsamples') op.setp.ge.s32(p_cp_done, num_samples, num_samples_needed) op.bra.uni(cp_loop_start, ifp=p_cp_done) op.bra.uni(iter_loop_start) label('all_cps_done') # TODO this is for testing, move it to a debug statement std.store_per_thread(g_num_rounds, num_rounds) std.store_per_thread(g_num_writes, num_writes) @instmethod def upload_cp_stream(self, ctx, cp_stream, num_cps): cp_array_dp, cp_array_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_cp_array') assert len(cp_stream) <= cp_array_l, "Stream too big!" cuda.memcpy_htod_async(cp_array_dp, cp_stream) num_cps_dp, num_cps_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_num_cps') cuda.memset_d32(num_cps_dp, num_cps, 1) # TODO: "if debug >= 3" print "Uploaded stream to card:" CPDataStream.print_record(ctx, cp_stream, 5) self.cps_uploaded = True def call_setup(self, ctx): if not self.cps_uploaded: raise Error("Cannot call IterThread before uploading CPs") num_cps_st_dp, num_cps_st_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_num_cps_started') cuda.memset_d32(num_cps_st_dp, 0, 1) def _call(self, ctx, func): # Get texture reference from the Palette # TODO: more elegant method than reaching into ctx.ptx? tr = ctx.ptx.instances[PaletteLookup].texref super(IterThread, self)._call(ctx, func, texrefs=[tr]) def call_teardown(self, ctx): shape = (ctx.grid[0], ctx.block[0]/32, 32) num_rounds_dp, num_rounds_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_num_rounds') num_writes_dp, num_writes_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_num_writes') rounds = cuda.from_device(num_rounds_dp, shape, np.int32) writes = cuda.from_device(num_writes_dp, shape, np.int32) print "Rounds:", sum(rounds) print "Writes:", sum(writes) print rounds print writes class CameraTransform(PTXFragment): shortname = 'camera' def deps(self): return [CPDataStream] @ptx_func def rotate(self, rotated_x, rotated_y, x, y): """ Rotate an IFS-space coordinate as defined by the camera. """ if features.camera_rotation: assert rotated_x.name != x.name and rotated_y.name != y.name with block("Rotate %s, %s to camera alignment" % (x, y)): reg.f32('rot_center_x rot_center_y') cp.get_v2(cpA, rot_center_x, 'cp.rot_center[0]', rot_center_y, 'cp.rot_center[1]') op.sub.f32(x, x, rot_center_x) op.sub.f32(y, y, rot_center_y) reg.f32('rot_sin_t rot_cos_t rot_old_x rot_old_y') cp.get_v2(cpA, rot_cos_t, 'cos(cp.rotate * 2 * pi / 360.)', rot_sin_t, '-sin(cp.rotate * 2 * pi / 360.)') comment('rotated_x = x * cos(t) - y * sin(t) + rot_center_x') op.fma.rn.f32(rotated_x, x, rot_cos_t, rot_center_x) op.fma.rn.f32(rotated_x, y, rot_sin_t, rotated_x) op.neg.f32(rot_sin_t, rot_sin_t) comment('rotated_y = x * sin(t) + y * cos(t) + rot_center_y') op.fma.rn.f32(rotated_y, x, rot_sin_t, rot_center_y) op.fma.rn.f32(rotated_y, y, rot_cos_t, rotated_y) # TODO: if this is a register-critical section, reloading # rot_center_[xy] here should save two regs. OTOH, if this is # *not* reg-crit, moving the subtraction above to new variables # may save a few clocks op.add.f32(x, x, rot_center_x) op.add.f32(y, y, rot_center_y) else: comment("No camera rotation in this kernel") op.mov.f32(rotated_x, x) op.mov.f32(rotated_y, y) @ptx_func def get_norm(self, norm_x, norm_y, x, y): """ Find the [0,1]-normalized floating-point histogram coordinates ``norm_x, norm_y`` from the given IFS-space coordinates ``x, y``. """ self.rotate(norm_x, norm_y, x, y) with block("Scale rotated points to [0,1]-normalized coordinates"): reg.f32('cam_scale cam_offset') cp.get_v2(cpA, cam_scale, 'cp.camera.norm_scale[0]', cam_offset, 'cp.camera.norm_offset[0]') op.fma.f32(norm_x, norm_x, cam_scale, cam_offset) cp.get_v2(cpA, cam_scale, 'cp.camera.norm_scale[1]', cam_offset, 'cp.camera.norm_offset[1]') op.fma.f32(norm_y, norm_y, cam_scale, cam_offset) @ptx_func def get_index(self, index, x, y, pred=None): """ Find the histogram index (as a u32) from the IFS spatial coordinate in ``x, y``. If the coordinates are out of bounds, 0xffffffff will be stored to ``index``. If ``pred`` is given, it will be set if the point is valid, and cleared if not. """ # A few instructions could probably be shaved off of this one with block("Find histogram index"): reg.f32('norm_x norm_y') self.rotate(norm_x, norm_y, x, y) comment('Scale and offset from IFS to index coordinates') reg.f32('cam_scale cam_offset') cp.get_v2(cpA, cam_scale, 'cp.camera.idx_scale[0]', cam_offset, 'cp.camera.idx_offset[0]') op.fma.rn.f32(norm_x, norm_x, cam_scale, cam_offset) cp.get_v2(cpA, cam_scale, 'cp.camera.idx_scale[1]', cam_offset, 'cp.camera.idx_offset[1]') op.fma.rn.f32(norm_y, norm_y, cam_scale, cam_offset) comment('Check for bad value') reg.u32('index_x index_y') if not pred: pred = reg.pred('p_valid') op.cvt.rzi.s32.f32(index_x, norm_x) op.setp.ge.s32(pred, index_x, 0) op.setp.lt.and_.s32(pred, index_x, features.hist_width, pred) op.cvt.rzi.s32.f32(index_y, norm_y) op.setp.ge.and_.s32(pred, index_y, 0, pred) op.setp.lt.and_.s32(pred, index_y, features.hist_height, pred) op.mad.lo.u32(index, index_y, features.hist_stride, index_x) op.mov.u32(index, 0xffffffff, ifnotp=pred) class PaletteLookup(PTXFragment): shortname = "palette" # Resolution of texture on device. Bigger = more palette rez, maybe slower texheight = 16 def __init__(self): self.texref = None def deps(self): return [CPDataStream] @ptx_func def module_setup(self): mem.global_.texref('t_palette') @ptx_func def look_up(self, r, g, b, a, color, norm_time): """ Look up the values of ``r, g, b, a`` corresponding to ``color_coord`` at the CP indexed in ``timestamp_idx``. Note that both ``color_coord`` and ``timestamp_idx`` should be [0,1]-normalized floats. """ op.tex._2d.v4.f32.f32(vec(r, g, b, a), addr([t_palette, ', ', vec(norm_time, color)])) if features.non_box_temporal_filter: raise NotImplementedError("Non-box temporal filters not supported") @instmethod def upload_palette(self, ctx, frame, cp_list): """ Extract the palette from the given list of interpolated CPs, and upload it to the device as a texture. """ # TODO: figure out if storing the full list is an actual drag on # performance/memory if frame.center_cp.temporal_filter_type != 0: # TODO: make texture sample based on time, not on CP index raise NotImplementedError("Use box temporal filters for now") pal = np.ndarray((self.texheight, 256, 4), dtype=np.float32) inv = float(len(cp_list) - 1) / (self.texheight - 1) for y in range(self.texheight): for x in range(256): for c in range(4): # TODO: interpolate here? cy = int(round(y * inv)) pal[y][x][c] = cp_list[cy].palette.entries[x].color[c] dev_array = cuda.make_multichannel_2d_array(pal, "C") self.texref = ctx.mod.get_texref('t_palette') # TODO: float16? or can we still use interp with int storage? self.texref.set_format(cuda.array_format.FLOAT, 4) self.texref.set_flags(cuda.TRSF_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES) self.texref.set_filter_mode(cuda.filter_mode.LINEAR) self.texref.set_address_mode(0, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP) self.texref.set_address_mode(1, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP) self.texref.set_array(dev_array) def call_setup(self, ctx): assert self.texref, "Must upload palette texture before launch!" class HistScatter(PTXFragment): shortname = "hist" def deps(self): return [CPDataStream, CameraTransform, PaletteLookup] @ptx_func def module_setup(self): mem.global_.f32('g_hist_bins', features.hist_height * features.hist_stride * 4) @ptx_func def entry_setup(self): comment("For now, assume histogram bins have been cleared by host") @ptx_func def scatter(self, x, y, color, xf_idx, p_valid=None): """ Scatter the given point directly to the histogram bins. I think this technique has the worst performance of all of 'em. Accesses ``cpA`` directly. """ with block("Scatter directly to buffer"): if p_valid is None: p_valid = reg.pred('p_valid') reg.u32('hist_index') camera.get_index(hist_index, x, y, p_valid) reg.u32('hist_bin_addr') op.mov.u32(hist_bin_addr, g_hist_bins) op.mad.lo.u32(hist_bin_addr, hist_index, 16, hist_bin_addr) reg.f32('r g b a norm_time') cp.get(cpA, norm_time, 'cp.norm_time') palette.look_up(r, g, b, a, color, norm_time) # TODO: look up, scale by xform visibility op.red.add.f32(addr(hist_bin_addr), r) op.red.add.f32(addr(hist_bin_addr,4), g) op.red.add.f32(addr(hist_bin_addr,8), b) op.red.add.f32(addr(hist_bin_addr,12), a) def call_setup(self, ctx): hist_bins_dp, hist_bins_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_hist_bins') cuda.memset_d32(hist_bins_dp, 0, hist_bins_l/4) @instmethod def get_bins(self, ctx, features): hist_bins_dp, hist_bins_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_hist_bins') return cuda.from_device(hist_bins_dp, (features.hist_height, features.hist_stride, 4), dtype=np.float32) class MWCRNG(PTXFragment): shortname = "mwc" def __init__(self): self.threads_ready = 0 if not os.path.isfile('primes.bin'): raise EnvironmentError('primes.bin not found') @ptx_func def module_setup(self): mem.global_.u32('mwc_rng_mults', ctx.threads) mem.global_.u64('mwc_rng_state', ctx.threads) @ptx_func def entry_setup(self): reg.u32('mwc_st mwc_mult mwc_car') with block('Load MWC multipliers and states'): reg.u32('mwc_off mwc_addr') std.get_gtid(mwc_off) op.mov.u32(mwc_addr, mwc_rng_mults) op.mad.lo.u32(mwc_addr, mwc_off, 4, mwc_addr) op.ld.global_.u32(mwc_mult, addr(mwc_addr)) op.mov.u32(mwc_addr, mwc_rng_state) op.mad.lo.u32(mwc_addr, mwc_off, 8, mwc_addr) op.ld.global_.v2.u32(vec(mwc_st, mwc_car), addr(mwc_addr)) @ptx_func def entry_teardown(self): with block('Save MWC states'): reg.u32('mwc_off mwc_addr') std.get_gtid(mwc_off) op.mov.u32(mwc_addr, mwc_rng_state) op.mad.lo.u32(mwc_addr, mwc_off, 8, mwc_addr) op.st.global_.v2.u32(addr(mwc_addr), vec(mwc_st, mwc_car)) @ptx_func def _next(self): # Call from inside a block! reg.u64('mwc_out') op.cvt.u64.u32(mwc_out, mwc_car) op.mad.wide.u32(mwc_out, mwc_st, mwc_mult, mwc_out) op.mov.b64(vec(mwc_st, mwc_car), mwc_out) @ptx_func def next_b32(self, dst_reg): with block('Load next random u32 into ' + dst_reg.name): self._next() op.mov.u32(dst_reg, mwc_st) @ptx_func def next_f32_01(self, dst_reg): # TODO: verify that this is the fastest-performance method # TODO: verify that this actually does what I think it does with block('Load random float [0,1] into ' + dst_reg.name): self._next() op.cvt.rn.f32.u32(dst_reg, mwc_st) op.mul.f32(dst_reg, dst_reg, '0f2F800000') # 1./(1<<32) @ptx_func def next_f32_11(self, dst_reg): with block('Load random float [-1,1) into ' + dst_reg.name): reg.u32('mwc_to_float') self._next() op.cvt.rn.f32.s32(dst_reg, mwc_st) op.mul.f32(dst_reg, dst_reg, '0f30000000') # 1./(1<<31) @instmethod def seed(self, ctx, rand=np.random): """ Seed the random number generators with values taken from a ``np.random`` instance. """ # Load raw big-endian u32 multipliers from primes.bin. with open('primes.bin') as primefp: dt = np.dtype(np.uint32).newbyteorder('B') mults = np.frombuffer(primefp.read(), dtype=dt) stream = cuda.Stream() # Randomness in choosing multipliers is good, but larger multipliers # have longer periods, which is also good. This is a compromise. mults = np.array(mults[:ctx.threads*4]) rand.shuffle(mults) # Copy multipliers and seeds to the device multdp, multl = ctx.mod.get_global('mwc_rng_mults') cuda.memcpy_htod_async(multdp, mults.tostring()[:multl]) # Intentionally excludes both 0 and (2^32-1), as they can lead to # degenerate sequences of period 0 states = np.array(rand.randint(1, 0xffffffff, size=2*ctx.threads), dtype=np.uint32) statedp, statel = ctx.mod.get_global('mwc_rng_state') cuda.memcpy_htod_async(statedp, states.tostring()) self.threads_ready = ctx.threads def call_setup(self, ctx): if self.threads_ready < ctx.threads: self.seed(ctx) def tests(self): return [MWCRNGTest] class MWCRNGTest(PTXTest): name = "MWC RNG sum-of-threads" rounds = 5000 entry_name = 'MWC_RNG_test' entry_params = '' def deps(self): return [MWCRNG] @ptx_func def module_setup(self): mem.global_.u64('mwc_rng_test_sums', ctx.threads) @ptx_func def entry(self): reg.u64('sum addl') reg.u32('addend') op.mov.u64(sum, 0) with block('Sum next %d random numbers' % self.rounds): reg.u32('loopct') reg.pred('p') op.mov.u32(loopct, self.rounds) label('loopstart') mwc.next_b32(addend) op.cvt.u64.u32(addl, addend) op.add.u64(sum, sum, addl) op.sub.u32(loopct, loopct, 1) op.setp.gt.u32(p, loopct, 0) op.bra.uni(loopstart, ifp=p) with block('Store sum and state'): reg.u32('adr offset') std.get_gtid(offset) op.mov.u32(adr, mwc_rng_test_sums) op.mad.lo.u32(adr, offset, 8, adr) op.st.global_.u64(addr(adr), sum) def call_setup(self, ctx): # Get current multipliers and seeds from the device multdp, multl = ctx.mod.get_global('mwc_rng_mults') mults = cuda.from_device(multdp, ctx.threads, np.uint32) statedp, statel = ctx.mod.get_global('mwc_rng_state') fullstates = cuda.from_device(statedp, ctx.threads, np.uint64) sums = np.zeros(ctx.threads, np.uint64) print "Running %d states forward %d rounds" % (len(mults), self.rounds) ctime = time.time() for i in range(self.rounds): states = fullstates & 0xffffffff carries = fullstates >> 32 fullstates = mults * states + carries sums = sums + (fullstates & 0xffffffff) ctime = time.time() - ctime print "Done on host, took %g seconds" % ctime def call_teardown(self, ctx): dfullstates = cuda.from_device(statedp, ctx.threads, np.uint64) if not (dfullstates == fullstates).all(): print "State discrepancy" print dfullstates print fullstates raise PTXTestFailure("MWC RNG state discrepancy") sumdp, suml = ctx.mod.get_global('mwc_rng_test_sums') dsums = cuda.from_device(sumdp, ctx.threads, np.uint64) if not (dsums == sums).all(): print "Sum discrepancy" print dsums print sums raise PTXTestFailure("MWC RNG sum discrepancy") class CPDataStream(DataStream): """DataStream which stores the control points.""" shortname = 'cp'