#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from __future__ import unicode_literals AUTHOR = u'Bradlee Speice' SITENAME = u'Bradlee Speice' SITEURL = '' PATH = 'content' TIMEZONE = 'America/New_York' DEFAULT_LANG = u'en' # Feed generation is usually not desired when developing FEED_ALL_ATOM = None CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None # Blogroll # LINKS = (('Pelican', 'http://getpelican.com/'), # ('Python.org', 'http://python.org/'), # ('Jinja2', 'http://jinja.pocoo.org/'), # ('You can modify those links in your config file', '#'),) # Social widget SOCIAL = (('Github', 'https://github.com/bspeice'), ('LinkedIn', 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradleespeice'),) DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 10 # Uncomment following line if you want document-relative URLs when developing #RELATIVE_URLS = True PLUGIN_PATHS = ['pelican-plugins/'] PLUGINS = ['liquid_tags.notebook'] NOTEBOOK_DIR = 'notebooks' THEME='nest' #NEST_INDEX_HEADER_TITLE="Bradlee Speice" NEST_INDEX_HEADER_SUBTITLE="Exploring the intersection of Computer Science and Financial Engineering" NEST_HEADER_LOGO="/images/logo.svg"