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= 'asc' Filter = 'Apophysis Script Files (*.asc)|*.asc|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofEnableSizing] Left = 344 Top = 32 end object PopupMenu: TPopupMenu Images = MainForm.Buttons Left = 280 Top = 112 object mnuUndo: TMenuItem Caption = 'Undo' ImageIndex = 4 OnClick = mnuUndoClick end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object mnuCut: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cut' ImageIndex = 6 ShortCut = 16472 OnClick = mnuCutClick end object mnuCopy: TMenuItem Caption = 'Copy' ImageIndex = 7 OnClick = mnuCopyClick end object mnuPaste: TMenuItem Caption = 'Paste' ImageIndex = 8 OnClick = mnuPasteClick end end object Scripter: TatPascalScripter SourceCode.Strings = ( '') SaveCompiledCode = False EventSupport = False OnCompileError = ScripterCompileError ShortBooleanEval = False LibOptions.SearchPath.Strings = ( '$(CURDIR)' '$(APPDIR)') LibOptions.SourceFileExt = '.psc' LibOptions.CompiledFileExt = '.pcu' LibOptions.UseScriptFiles = False CallExecHookEvent = False Left = 480 Top = 200 end object OpenDialog: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = 'fla' Filter = 'Flame files (*.flame)|*.flame|Apophysis 1.0 parameters (*.apo;*.' + 'fla)|*.apo;*.fla|All files (*.*)|*.*' Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 416 Top = 200 end object SaveDialog: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'flame' Filter = 'Flame files (*.flame)|*.flame' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 440 Top = 128 end object Styler: TAdvPascalMemoStyler BlockStart = 'begin,try,case,class,record' BlockEnd = 'end' LineComment = '//' MultiCommentLeft = '{' MultiCommentRight = '}' CommentStyle.TextColor = clNavy CommentStyle.BkColor = clWhite CommentStyle.Style = [fsItalic] NumberStyle.TextColor = clFuchsia NumberStyle.BkColor = clWhite NumberStyle.Style = [fsBold] HighlightStyle.TextColor = clWhite HighlightStyle.BkColor = clRed HighlightStyle.Style = [fsBold] AllStyles = < item KeyWords.Strings = ( 'absolute' 'abstract' 'and' 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HintParameter.HintCharWriteDelimiter = ',' HintParameter.Parameters.Strings = ( 'ShowMessage(const Msg: string);' 'MessageDlg(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMs' + 'gDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): Integer);') HexIdentifier = '$' Description = 'Pascal' Filter = 'Pascal Files (*.pas,*.dpr,*.dpk,*.inc)|*.pas;*.dpr;*.dpk;*.inc' DefaultExtension = '.pas' StylerName = 'Pascal' Extensions = 'pas;dpr;dpk;inc' RegionDefinitions = < item Identifier = 'procedure' RegionStart = 'begin' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'constructor' RegionStart = 'begin' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'destructor' RegionStart = 'begin' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'interface' RegionStart = 'interface' RegionType = rtOpen ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'unit' RegionStart = 'unit' RegionType = rtFile ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'implementation' RegionStart = 'implementation' RegionType = rtOpen ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'case' RegionStart = 'case' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtIgnore ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'try' RegionStart = 'try' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtIgnore ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'function' RegionStart = 'begin' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end item Identifier = '{$region' RegionStart = '{$region' RegionEnd = '{$endregion' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end> Left = 288 Top = 208 end end