{ Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend Apophysis Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Ronald Hordijk, Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis "3D hack" Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Peter Sdobnov Apophysis "7X" Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Georg Kiehne This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } unit varJulia3Djf; // original variation code by Joel Faber, modified & optimized by Peter Sdobnov interface uses {$ifdef Apo7X64} {$else} AsmRandom, {$endif} BaseVariation, XFormMan; const var_name = 'julia3D'; var_n_name='julia3D_power'; {$ifdef Apo7X64} {$else} {$define _ASM_} {$endif} type TVariationJulia3DJF = class(TBaseVariation) private N: integer; absN: integer; cN: double; procedure CalcPower1; procedure CalcPowerMinus1; procedure CalcPower2; procedure CalcPowerMinus2; public constructor Create; class function GetName: string; override; class function GetInstance: TBaseVariation; override; function GetNrVariables: integer; override; function GetVariableNameAt(const Index: integer): string; override; function SetVariable(const Name: string; var value: double): boolean; override; function GetVariable(const Name: string; var value: double): boolean; override; function ResetVariable(const Name: string): boolean; override; procedure Prepare; override; procedure CalcFunction; override; procedure GetCalcFunction(var f: TCalcFunction); override; end; implementation uses Math; // TVariationJulia3DJF /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TVariationJulia3DJF.Create; begin N := random(5) + 2; if random(2) = 0 then N := -N; end; procedure TVariationJulia3DJF.Prepare; begin absN := abs(N); cN := (1/N - 1) / 2; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TVariationJulia3DJF.GetCalcFunction(var f: TCalcFunction); begin if N = 2 then f := CalcPower2 else if N = -2 then f := CalcPowerMinus2 else if N = 1 then f := CalcPower1 else if N = -1 then f := CalcPowerMinus1 else f := CalcFunction; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TVariationJulia3DJF.CalcFunction; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, r2d, z, tmp: double; sina, cosa: extended; begin z := FTz^ / absN; r2d := sqr(FTx^) + sqr(FTy^); r := vvar * Math.Power(r2d + sqr(z), cN); // r^n / sqrt(r) --> r^(n-0.5) FPz^ := FPz^ + r * z; tmp := r * sqrt(r2d); sincos((arctan2(FTy^, FTx^) + 2*pi*random(absN)) / N, sina, cosa); FPx^ := FPx^ + tmp * cosa; FPy^ := FPy^ + tmp * sina; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [edx + 32] // FTz fidiv dword ptr [eax + absN] fld qword ptr [edx] // FTx fld qword ptr [edx + 8] // FTy fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fld qword ptr [eax + cN] fld st(4) fmul st, st fadd st, st(2) // --- x^y = 2^(y*log2(x)) fyl2x fld st frndint fsub st(1), st fxch st(1) f2xm1 fld1 fadd fscale fstp st(1) // --- fmul qword ptr [eax + vvar] fmul st(4), st fxch st(1) fsqrt fmulp fxch st(2) fpatan mov ecx, eax mov eax, dword ptr [eax + absN] call AsmRandInt push eax fild dword ptr [esp] add esp, 4 fldpi fadd st, st fmulp faddp fidiv dword ptr [ecx + N] fsincos mov edx, [ecx + FPx] fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [edx] // FPx fstp qword ptr [edx] fmulp fadd qword ptr [edx + 8] // FPy fstp qword ptr [edx + 8] fadd qword ptr [edx + $18] // FPz fstp qword ptr [edx + $18] fwait {$endif} end; procedure TVariationJulia3DJF.CalcPower2; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, r2d, z, tmp: double; sina, cosa: extended; begin z := FTz^ / 2; r2d := sqr(FTx^) + sqr(FTy^); r := vvar / sqrt(sqrt(r2d + sqr(z))); // vvar * sqrt(r3d) / r3d --> vvar / sqrt(r3d) FPz^ := FPz^ + r * z; tmp := r * sqrt(r2d); sincos(arctan2(FTy^, FTx^) / 2 + pi*random(2), sina, cosa); FPx^ := FPx^ + tmp * cosa; FPy^ := FPy^ + tmp * sina; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [edx + 32] // FTz fld1 fadd st, st fdiv st(1), st fld qword ptr [edx + 8] // FTy fld qword ptr [edx] // FTx fld st(1) fld st(1) fpatan fdivrp st(3), st fmul st, st fxch st(1) fmul st, st faddp fld st(2) fmul st, st fadd st, st(1) fsqrt fsqrt fdivr qword ptr [eax + vvar] fmul st(3), st fxch st(1) fsqrt fmulp fxch st(1) mov ecx, eax mov eax, 2 call AsmRandInt fldpi push eax fimul dword ptr [esp] add esp, 4 faddp fsincos mov edx, [ecx + FPx] fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [edx] // FPx fstp qword ptr [edx] fmulp fadd qword ptr [edx + 8] // FPy fstp qword ptr [edx + 8] fadd qword ptr [edx + $18] // FPz fstp qword ptr [edx + $18] fwait {$endif} end; procedure TVariationJulia3DJF.CalcPowerMinus2; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, r2d, r3d, z, tmp: double; sina, cosa: extended; begin z := FTz^ / 2; r2d := sqr(FTx^) + sqr(FTy^); r3d := sqrt(r2d + sqr(z)); r := vvar / (sqrt(r3d) * r3d); FPz^ := FPz^ + r * z; tmp := r * sqrt(r2d); sincos(arctan2(FTy^, FTx^) / 2 + pi*random(2), sina, cosa); FPx^ := FPx^ + tmp * cosa; FPy^ := FPy^ - tmp * sina; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [edx + 32] // FTz fld1 fadd st, st fdiv st(1), st fld qword ptr [edx + 8] // FTy fld qword ptr [edx] // FTx fld st(1) fld st(1) fpatan fdivrp st(3), st fmul st, st fxch st(1) fmul st, st faddp fld st(2) fmul st, st fadd st, st(1) fsqrt fld st fsqrt fmulp fdivr qword ptr [eax + vvar] fmul st(3), st fxch st(1) fsqrt fmulp fxch st(1) mov ecx, eax mov eax, 2 call AsmRandInt fldpi push eax fimul dword ptr [esp] add esp, 4 faddp fsincos mov edx, [ecx + FPx] fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [edx] // FPx fstp qword ptr [edx] fmulp fsubr qword ptr [edx + 8] // FPy fstp qword ptr [edx + 8] fadd qword ptr [edx + $18] // FPz fstp qword ptr [edx + $18] fwait {$endif} end; procedure TVariationJulia3DJF.CalcPower1; {$ifndef _ASM_} begin FPx^ := FPx^ + vvar * FTx^; FPy^ := FPy^ + vvar * FTy^; FPz^ := FPz^ + vvar * FTz^; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + vvar] mov edx, [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [edx] // FTx fmul st, st(1) fadd qword ptr [edx + 16] // FPx fstp qword ptr [edx + 16] fld qword ptr [edx + 8] // FTy fmul st, st(1) fadd qword ptr [edx + 24] // FPy fstp qword ptr [edx + 24] fmul qword ptr [edx + 32] // FTz fadd qword ptr [edx + 40] // FPz fstp qword ptr [edx + 40] fwait {$endif} end; procedure TVariationJulia3DJF.CalcPowerMinus1; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r: double; begin r := vvar / (sqr(FTx^) + sqr(FTy^) + sqr(FTz^)); FPx^ := FPx^ + r * FTx^; FPy^ := FPy^ - r * FTy^; FPz^ := FPz^ + r * FTz^; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [edx + 32] // FTz fld qword ptr [edx + 8] // FTy fld qword ptr [edx] // FTx fld st(2) fmul st, st fld st(2) fmul st, st faddp fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fdivr qword ptr [eax + vvar] fmul st(3), st fmul st(2), st fmulp fadd qword ptr [edx + 16] // FPx fstp qword ptr [edx + 16] fsubr qword ptr [edx + 24] // FPy fstp qword ptr [edx + 24] fadd qword ptr [edx + 40] // FPz fstp qword ptr [edx + 40] fwait {$endif} end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class function TVariationJulia3DJF.GetInstance: TBaseVariation; begin Result := TVariationJulia3DJF.Create; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class function TVariationJulia3DJF.GetName: string; begin Result := var_name; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TVariationJulia3DJF.GetVariableNameAt(const Index: integer): string; begin case Index of 0: Result := var_n_name; else Result := ''; end end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TVariationJulia3DJF.SetVariable(const Name: string; var value: double): boolean; begin Result := False; if Name = var_n_name then begin N := Round(Value); if N = 0 then N := 1; Value := N; Result := True; end; end; function TVariationJulia3DJF.ResetVariable(const Name: string): boolean; begin Result := False; if Name = var_n_name then begin if N = 2 then N := -2 else N := 2; Result := True; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TVariationJulia3DJF.GetNrVariables: integer; begin Result := 1; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TVariationJulia3DJF.GetVariable(const Name: string; var value: double): boolean; begin Result := False; if Name = var_n_name then begin Value := N; Result := true; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// initialization RegisterVariation(TVariationClassLoader.Create(TVariationJulia3DJF), true, false); end.