{ Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend Apophysis Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Ronald Hordijk, Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis "3D hack" Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Peter Sdobnov Apophysis "7X" Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Georg Kiehne This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } unit XFormMan; interface uses BaseVariation, SysUtils, Forms, Windows; const NRLOCVAR = 29; var NumBuiltinVars: integer; type TFNToVN = record FileName: string; VarName: string; end; function NrVar: integer; function Varnames(const index: integer): String; procedure RegisterVariation(Variation: TVariationLoader; supports3D, supportsDC : boolean); function GetNrRegisteredVariations: integer; function GetRegisteredVariation(const Index: integer): TVariationLoader; function GetNrVariableNames: integer; function GetVariableNameAt(const Index: integer): string; function GetVariationIndex(const str: string): integer; function GetVariationIndexFromVariableNameIndex(const Index: integer): integer; procedure VarSupports(index : integer; var supports3D : boolean; var supportsDC : boolean); procedure InitializeXFormMan; procedure DestroyXFormMan; procedure RegisterVariationFile(filename, name: string); function GetFileNameOfVariation(name: string): string; implementation uses Classes; var VariationList: TList; VariableNames: TStringlist; loaderNum : integer; Variable2VariationIndex : array of integer; FNToVNList : array of TFNToVN; FNToVNCount: integer; procedure InitializeXFormMan; begin VariationList := TList.Create; VariableNames := TStringlist.create; SetLength(Variable2VariationIndex,0); SetLength(FNToVNList, 0); FNToVNCount := 0; end; procedure VarSupports(index : integer; var supports3D : boolean; var supportsDC : boolean); const supports3D_arr: array[0..NRLOCVAR-1] of boolean = ( true, //'linear', true, //'flatten', true, //'sinusoidal', true, //'spherical', true, //'swirl', true, //'horseshoe', true, //'polar', true, //'disc', true, //'spiral', true, //'hyperbolic', true, //'diamond', true, //'eyefish', true, //'bubble', true, //'cylinder', true, //'noise', true, //'blur', true, //'gaussian_blur', true, //'zblur', true, //'blur3D', true, //'pre_blur', true, //'pre_zscale', true, //'pre_ztranslate', true, //'pre_rotate_x', true, //'pre_rotate_y', true, //'zscale', true, //'ztranslate', true, //'zcone', true, //'post_rotate_x', true //'post_rotate_y', ); supportsDC_arr: array[0..NRLOCVAR-1] of boolean = ( false, //'linear3D', false, //'linear', false, //'sinusoidal', false, //'spherical', false, //'swirl', false, //'horseshoe', false, //'polar', // false, // 'handkerchief', // false, // 'heart', false, //'disc', false, //'spiral', false, //'hyperbolic', false, //'diamond', // false, // 'ex', // false, // 'julia', // false, // 'bent', // false, // 'waves', // false, // 'fisheye', // false, // 'popcorn', // false, // 'exponential', // false, // 'power', // false, // 'cosine', // false, // 'rings', // false, // 'fan', false, //'eyefish', false, //'bubble', false, //'cylinder', false, //'noise', false, //'blur', false, //'gaussian_blur', false, //'zblur', false, //'blur3D', false, //'pre_blur', false, //'pre_zscale', false, //'pre_ztranslate', false, //'pre_rotate_x', false, //'pre_rotate_y', false, //'zscale', false, //'ztranslate', false, //'zcone', false, //'post_rotate_x', false //'post_rotate_y' ); var varl : TVariationLoader; begin if (index >= NRLOCVAR) then begin supports3D := TVariationLoader(VariationList.Items[index - NRLOCVAR]).supports3D; supportsDC := TVariationLoader(VariationList.Items[index - NRLOCVAR]).supportsDC; end else begin supports3D := supports3D_arr[index]; supportsDC := supportsDC_arr[index]; end; end; procedure DestroyXFormMan; var i: integer; begin VariableNames.Free; // The registered variation loaders are owned here, so we must free them. for i := 0 to VariationList.Count-1 do TVariationLoader(VariationList[i]).Free; VariationList.Free; Finalize(Variable2VariationIndex); Finalize(FNToVNList); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NrVar: integer; begin Result := NRLOCVAR + VariationList.Count; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetVariationIndexFromVariableNameIndex(const Index: integer): integer; begin if (Index<0) or (Index > High(Variable2VariationIndex)) then Result := -1 else Result := Variable2VariationIndex[Index]; end; function Varnames(const index: integer): String; const cvarnames: array[0..NRLOCVAR-1] of string = ( 'linear', 'flatten', 'sinusoidal', 'spherical', 'swirl', 'horseshoe', 'polar', // 'handkerchief', // 'heart', 'disc', 'spiral', 'hyperbolic', 'diamond', // 'ex', // 'julia', // 'bent', // 'waves', // 'fisheye', // 'popcorn', // 'exponential', // 'power', // 'cosine', // 'rings', // 'fan', 'eyefish', 'bubble', 'cylinder', 'noise', 'blur', 'gaussian_blur', 'zblur', 'blur3D', 'pre_blur', 'pre_zscale', 'pre_ztranslate', 'pre_rotate_x', 'pre_rotate_y', 'zscale', 'ztranslate', 'zcone', 'post_rotate_x', 'post_rotate_y' ); begin if Index < NRLOCVAR then Result := cvarnames[Index] else Result := TVariationLoader(VariationList[Index - NRLOCVAR]).GetName; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetVariationIndex(const str: string): integer; var i: integer; begin i := NRVAR-1; while (i >= 0) and (Varnames(i) <> str) do Dec(i); Result := i; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure RegisterVariationFile(filename, name: string); begin FNToVNCount := FNToVNCount + 1; SetLength(FNToVNList, FNToVNCount); FNToVNList[FNToVNCount - 1].FileName := filename; FNToVNList[FNToVNCount - 1].VarName := name; end; function GetFileNameOfVariation(name: string): string; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to FNToVNCount - 1 do begin if FNToVNList[i].VarName = name then begin Result := FNToVNList[i].FileName; Exit; end; end; Result := ''; end; procedure RegisterVariation(Variation: TVariationLoader; supports3D, supportsDC : boolean); var i: integer; prevNumVariables:integer; begin OutputDebugString(PChar(Variation.GetName)); VariationList.Add(Variation); Variation.Supports3D := supports3D; Variation.SupportsDC := supportsDC; prevNumVariables := GetNrVariableNames; setLength(Variable2VariationIndex, prevNumVariables + Variation.GetNrVariables); for i := 0 to Variation.GetNrVariables - 1 do begin VariableNames.Add(Variation.GetVariableNameAt(i)); Variable2VariationIndex[prevNumVariables + i] := NrVar-1; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetNrRegisteredVariations: integer; begin Result := VariationList.count; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetRegisteredVariation(const Index: integer): TVariationLoader; begin Result := TVariationLoader(VariationList[Index]); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetNrVariableNames: integer; begin Result := VariableNames.Count; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GetVariableNameAt(const Index: integer): string; begin Result := VariableNames[Index]; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// initialization InitializeXFormMan; finalization DestroyXFormMan; end.