{ Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend Apophysis Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Ronald Hordijk, Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis "3D hack" Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Peter Sdobnov Apophysis "7X" Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Georg Kiehne This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } unit Base64; interface uses Windows, Sysutils; type TBinArray = Array of Byte; { Base64 encode and decode a string } function B64Encode(const data: TBinArray; size : integer): string; procedure B64Decode(S: string; var data : TBinArray; var size : integer); {******************************************************************************} {******************************************************************************} implementation const B64Table= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; procedure StringToBinArray(const s: String; var bin: TBinArray); var l: Integer; begin l := Length(s); SetLength(bin, l); CopyMemory(@bin[0], @s[1], l); end; procedure BinArrayToString(const bin: TBinArray; var s: string); var l: Integer; begin l := Length(bin); SetLength(s, l); CopyMemory(@s[1], @bin[0], l); end; function B64Encode(const data: TBinArray; size : integer) : string; var i: integer; S: string; InBuf: array[0..2] of byte; OutBuf: array[0..3] of char; begin BinArrayToString(data, s); SetLength(Result,((size+2) div 3)*4); for i:= 1 to ((size+2) div 3) do begin if size< (i*3) then Move(S[(i-1)*3+1],InBuf,size-(i-1)*3) else Move(S[(i-1)*3+1],InBuf,3); OutBuf[0]:= B64Table[((InBuf[0] and $FC) shr 2) + 1]; OutBuf[1]:= B64Table[(((InBuf[0] and $03) shl 4) or ((InBuf[1] and $F0) shr 4)) + 1]; OutBuf[2]:= B64Table[(((InBuf[1] and $0F) shl 2) or ((InBuf[2] and $C0) shr 6)) + 1]; OutBuf[3]:= B64Table[(InBuf[2] and $3F) + 1]; Move(OutBuf,Result[(i-1)*4+1],4); end; if (size mod 3)= 1 then begin Result[Length(Result)-1]:= '='; Result[Length(Result)]:= '='; end else if (Length(S) mod 3)= 2 then Result[Length(Result)]:= '='; end; procedure B64Decode(S: string; var data : TBinArray; var size : integer); var i: integer; InBuf: array[0..3] of byte; OutBuf: array[0..2] of byte; Result2: string; begin if (Length(S) mod 4)<> 0 then raise Exception.Create('Base64: Incorrect string format'); SetLength(Result2,((Length(S) div 4)-1)*3); for i:= 1 to ((Length(S) div 4)-1) do begin Move(S[(i-1)*4+1],InBuf,4); if (InBuf[0]> 64) and (InBuf[0]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[0],65) else if (InBuf[0]> 96) and (InBuf[0]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[0],71) else if (InBuf[0]> 47) and (InBuf[0]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[0],4) else if InBuf[0]= 43 then InBuf[0]:= 62 else InBuf[0]:= 63; if (InBuf[1]> 64) and (InBuf[1]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[1],65) else if (InBuf[1]> 96) and (InBuf[1]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[1],71) else if (InBuf[1]> 47) and (InBuf[1]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[1],4) else if InBuf[1]= 43 then InBuf[1]:= 62 else InBuf[1]:= 63; if (InBuf[2]> 64) and (InBuf[2]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[2],65) else if (InBuf[2]> 96) and (InBuf[2]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[2],71) else if (InBuf[2]> 47) and (InBuf[2]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[2],4) else if InBuf[2]= 43 then InBuf[2]:= 62 else InBuf[2]:= 63; if (InBuf[3]> 64) and (InBuf[3]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[3],65) else if (InBuf[3]> 96) and (InBuf[3]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[3],71) else if (InBuf[3]> 47) and (InBuf[3]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[3],4) else if InBuf[3]= 43 then InBuf[3]:= 62 else InBuf[3]:= 63; OutBuf[0]:= (InBuf[0] shl 2) or ((InBuf[1] shr 4) and $03); OutBuf[1]:= (InBuf[1] shl 4) or ((InBuf[2] shr 2) and $0F); OutBuf[2]:= (InBuf[2] shl 6) or (InBuf[3] and $3F); Move(OutBuf,Result2[(i-1)*3+1],3); end; if Length(S)<> 0 then begin Move(S[Length(S)-3],InBuf,4); if InBuf[2]= 61 then begin if (InBuf[0]> 64) and (InBuf[0]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[0],65) else if (InBuf[0]> 96) and (InBuf[0]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[0],71) else if (InBuf[0]> 47) and (InBuf[0]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[0],4) else if InBuf[0]= 43 then InBuf[0]:= 62 else InBuf[0]:= 63; if (InBuf[1]> 64) and (InBuf[1]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[1],65) else if (InBuf[1]> 96) and (InBuf[1]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[1],71) else if (InBuf[1]> 47) and (InBuf[1]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[1],4) else if InBuf[1]= 43 then InBuf[1]:= 62 else InBuf[1]:= 63; OutBuf[0]:= (InBuf[0] shl 2) or ((InBuf[1] shr 4) and $03); Result2:= Result2 + char(OutBuf[0]); end else if InBuf[3]= 61 then begin if (InBuf[0]> 64) and (InBuf[0]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[0],65) else if (InBuf[0]> 96) and (InBuf[0]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[0],71) else if (InBuf[0]> 47) and (InBuf[0]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[0],4) else if InBuf[0]= 43 then InBuf[0]:= 62 else InBuf[0]:= 63; if (InBuf[1]> 64) and (InBuf[1]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[1],65) else if (InBuf[1]> 96) and (InBuf[1]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[1],71) else if (InBuf[1]> 47) and (InBuf[1]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[1],4) else if InBuf[1]= 43 then InBuf[1]:= 62 else InBuf[1]:= 63; if (InBuf[2]> 64) and (InBuf[2]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[2],65) else if (InBuf[2]> 96) and (InBuf[2]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[2],71) else if (InBuf[2]> 47) and (InBuf[2]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[2],4) else if InBuf[2]= 43 then InBuf[2]:= 62 else InBuf[2]:= 63; OutBuf[0]:= (InBuf[0] shl 2) or ((InBuf[1] shr 4) and $03); OutBuf[1]:= (InBuf[1] shl 4) or ((InBuf[2] shr 2) and $0F); Result2:= Result2 + char(OutBuf[0]) + char(OutBuf[1]); end else begin if (InBuf[0]> 64) and (InBuf[0]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[0],65) else if (InBuf[0]> 96) and (InBuf[0]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[0],71) else if (InBuf[0]> 47) and (InBuf[0]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[0],4) else if InBuf[0]= 43 then InBuf[0]:= 62 else InBuf[0]:= 63; if (InBuf[1]> 64) and (InBuf[1]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[1],65) else if (InBuf[1]> 96) and (InBuf[1]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[1],71) else if (InBuf[1]> 47) and (InBuf[1]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[1],4) else if InBuf[1]= 43 then InBuf[1]:= 62 else InBuf[1]:= 63; if (InBuf[2]> 64) and (InBuf[2]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[2],65) else if (InBuf[2]> 96) and (InBuf[2]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[2],71) else if (InBuf[2]> 47) and (InBuf[2]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[2],4) else if InBuf[2]= 43 then InBuf[2]:= 62 else InBuf[2]:= 63; if (InBuf[3]> 64) and (InBuf[3]< 91) then Dec(InBuf[3],65) else if (InBuf[3]> 96) and (InBuf[3]< 123) then Dec(InBuf[3],71) else if (InBuf[3]> 47) and (InBuf[3]< 58) then Inc(InBuf[3],4) else if InBuf[3]= 43 then InBuf[3]:= 62 else InBuf[3]:= 63; OutBuf[0]:= (InBuf[0] shl 2) or ((InBuf[1] shr 4) and $03); OutBuf[1]:= (InBuf[1] shl 4) or ((InBuf[2] shr 2) and $0F); OutBuf[2]:= (InBuf[2] shl 6) or (InBuf[3] and $3F); Result2:= Result2 + Char(OutBuf[0]) + Char(OutBuf[1]) + Char(OutBuf[2]); end; end; StringToBinArray(Result2, data); size := Length(result2); end; end.