object ScriptEditor: TScriptEditor Left = 312 Top = 383 Width = 539 Height = 390 Caption = 'Script Editor' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShortCut = FormShortCut OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Splitter1: TSplitter Left = 0 Top = 250 Width = 531 Height = 4 Cursor = crVSplit Align = alBottom end object ToolBar: TToolBar Left = 508 Top = 0 Width = 23 Height = 250 Align = alRight AutoSize = True Caption = 'ToolBar' Flat = True Images = MainForm.Buttons ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 object btnNew: TToolButton Left = 0 Top = 0 Hint = 'New' Caption = 'btnNew' ImageIndex = 0 Wrap = True OnClick = btnNewClick end object btnOpen: TToolButton Left = 0 Top = 22 Hint = 'Open' Caption = 'btnOpen' ImageIndex = 1 Wrap = True OnClick = btnOpenClick end object btnSave: TToolButton Left = 0 Top = 44 Hint = 'Save' Caption = 'btnSave' ImageIndex = 2 Wrap = True OnClick = btnSaveClick end object btnRun: TToolButton Left = 0 Top = 66 Hint = 'Run' Caption = 'btnRun' ImageIndex = 43 Wrap = True OnClick = btnRunClick end object btnStop: TToolButton Left = 0 Top = 88 Hint = 'Stop' Caption = 'btnStop' Enabled = False ImageIndex = 36 Wrap = True OnClick = btnStopClick end object btnBreak: TToolButton Left = 0 Top = 110 Hint = 'Break' Enabled = False ImageIndex = 37 OnClick = btnBreakClick end end object StatusBar: TStatusBar Left = 0 Top = 343 Width = 531 Height = 19 Anchors = [akLeft, akRight] Panels = <> end object BackPanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 508 Height = 250 Align = alClient BevelInner = bvLowered BevelOuter = bvLowered Caption = 'BackPanel' TabOrder = 2 object Editor: TAdvMemo Left = 2 Top = 2 Width = 504 Height = 246 Cursor = crIBeam PopupMenu = PopupMenu ActiveLineSettings.ShowActiveLine = False ActiveLineSettings.ShowActiveLineIndicator = False Align = alClient AutoCompletion.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET AutoCompletion.Font.Color = clWindowText AutoCompletion.Font.Height = -11 AutoCompletion.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' AutoCompletion.Font.Style = [] AutoCompletion.Height = 120 AutoCompletion.Width = 400 AutoCorrect.Active = True AutoHintParameterPosition = hpBelowCode BlockShow = False BlockColor = clWindow BlockLineColor = clGray BkColor = clWindow BorderStyle = bsNone Ctl3D = False DelErase = True EnhancedHomeKey = False Gutter.DigitCount = 4 Gutter.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Gutter.Font.Color = clWindowText Gutter.Font.Height = -13 Gutter.Font.Name = 'Courier New' Gutter.Font.Style = [] Gutter.LineNumberStart = 1 Gutter.LineNumberTextColor = clBlack Gutter.ShowLineNumbers = True Gutter.Visible = True Gutter.ShowLeadingZeros = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'COURIER NEW' Font.Style = [] HiddenCaret = False Lines.Strings = ( '{ Rotate the reference triangle continuously }' '{ Hit any key to stop }' 'Flame.SampleDensity := 1;' 'while not Stopped do' 'begin' ' RotateReference(3.6);' ' Preview;' 'end;') MarkerList.UseDefaultMarkerImageIndex = False MarkerList.DefaultMarkerImageIndex = -1 MarkerList.ImageTransparentColor = 33554432 PrintOptions.MarginLeft = 0 PrintOptions.MarginRight = 0 PrintOptions.MarginTop = 0 PrintOptions.MarginBottom = 0 PrintOptions.PageNr = False PrintOptions.PrintLineNumbers = False RightMarginColor = 14869218 ScrollHint = False SelColor = clWhite SelBkColor = clHighlight ShowRightMargin = True SmartTabs = False SyntaxStyles = PascalStyler TabOrder = 0 TabSize = 4 TabStop = True TrimTrailingSpaces = False UndoLimit = 100 UrlAware = False UrlStyle.TextColor = clBlue UrlStyle.BkColor = clWhite UrlStyle.Style = [fsUnderline] UseStyler = True Version = '' WordWrap = wwNone OnChange = EditorChange end end object Console: TMemo Left = 0 Top = 254 Width = 531 Height = 89 Align = alBottom Constraints.MinHeight = 20 ReadOnly = True ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 3 end object MainOpenDialog: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = 'asc' Filter = 'Apophysis Script Files (*.asc)|*.asc|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt' Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 456 Top = 32 end object MainSaveDialog: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'asc' Filter = 'Apophysis Script Files (*.asc)|*.asc|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofEnableSizing] Left = 424 Top = 32 end object PopupMenu: TPopupMenu Images = MainForm.Buttons Left = 392 Top = 32 object mnuUndo: TMenuItem Caption = 'Undo' ImageIndex = 4 OnClick = mnuUndoClick end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object mnuCut: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cut' ImageIndex = 6 ShortCut = 16472 OnClick = mnuCutClick end object mnuCopy: TMenuItem Caption = 'Copy' ImageIndex = 7 OnClick = mnuCopyClick end object mnuPaste: TMenuItem Caption = 'Paste' ImageIndex = 8 OnClick = mnuPasteClick end end object PascalStyler: TAdvPascalMemoStyler BlockStart = 'begin' BlockEnd = 'end' LineComment = '//' MultiCommentLeft = '{' MultiCommentRight = '}' CommentStyle.TextColor = clNavy CommentStyle.BkColor = clWindow CommentStyle.Style = [fsItalic] NumberStyle.TextColor = clNavy NumberStyle.BkColor = clWindow NumberStyle.Style = [] AllStyles = < item KeyWords.Strings = ( 'and' 'begin' 'break' 'class' 'class' 'const' 'constructor' 'continue' 'default' 'destructor' 'do' 'else' 'end' 'except' 'finalise' 'finally' 'for' 'function' 'if' 'implementation' 'inherited' 'initialise' 'interface' 'nil' 'not' 'or' 'override' 'private' 'procedure' 'property' 'protected' 'public' 'published' 'raise' 'repeat' 'stored' 'then' 'to' 'try' 'type' 'unit' 'until' 'uses' 'var' 'virtual' 'while' 'with') Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsBold] BGColor = clWindow StyleType = stKeyword BracketStart = #0 BracketEnd = #0 Info = 'Pascal Standard Default' end item Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] BGColor = clWindow StyleType = stBracket BracketStart = #0 BracketEnd = #0 Info = 'Simple Quote' end item Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] BGColor = clWindowText StyleType = stBracket BracketStart = #0 BracketEnd = #0 Info = 'Double Quote' end item Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clTeal Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] BGColor = clWindow StyleType = stSymbol BracketStart = #0 BracketEnd = #0 Symbols = ' ,;:.(){}[]=-*/^%<>#'#13#10 Info = 'Symbols Delimiters' end> AutoCompletion.Strings = ( 'ShowMessage' '' 'RotateFlame' 'RotateReference' 'Rotate' 'Multiply' 'StoreFlame' 'GetFlame' 'LoadFlame' 'Scale' 'Translate' 'ActiveTransform' 'SetActiveTransform' 'Transforms' 'FileCount' 'AddTransform' 'DeleteTransform' 'CopyTransform' 'Clear' 'Preview' 'Render' 'Print' 'AddSymmetry' 'Morph' 'SetRenderBounds' 'SetFlameFile' 'ListFile' 'SaveFlame' 'GetFileName' 'ShowStatus' 'RandomFlame' 'RandomGradient' 'SaveGradient' 'Variation' 'SetVariation' 'ProgramVersionString' 'VariationIndex' 'VariationName' 'GetPivotMode' 'SetPivotMode' 'GetPivotX' 'GetPivotY' 'SetPivot' 'ResetPivot' 'CalculateScale' 'CalculateBounds' 'NormalizeVars' 'GetSaveFileName' 'CopyFile' '' 'Renderer' '' 'Filename' 'Width' 'Height' 'MaxMemory' '' 'Flame' '' 'Gamma' 'Brightness' 'Vibrancy' 'Time' 'Zoom' 'Width' 'Height' 'SampleDensity' 'Quality' 'Oversample' 'FilterRadius' 'Scale' 'Gradient' 'Background' 'Name' 'Batches' 'FinalXformEnabled' '' 'Transform' '' 'coefs' 'post' 'Color' 'Weight' 'Symmetry' 'Clear' 'Rotate' 'Scale' 'RotateOrigin' 'Variation' '' 'Options' '' 'JPEGQuality' 'BatchSize' 'ParameterFile' 'SmoothPaletteFile' 'NumTries' 'TryLength' 'ConfirmDelete' 'FixedReference' 'SampleDensity' 'Gamma' 'Brightness' 'Vibrancy' 'Oversample' 'FilterRadius' 'Transparency' 'PreviewLowQuality' 'PreviewMediumQuality' 'PreviewHighQuality' 'MinTransforms' 'MaxTransforms' 'MutateMinTransforms' 'MutateMaxTransforms' 'RandomPrefix' 'KeepBackground' 'SymmetryType' 'SymmetryOrder' 'Variations' 'GradientOnRandom' 'MinNodes' 'MaxNodes' 'MinHue' 'MaxHue' 'MinSaturation' 'MaxSaturation' 'MinLuminance' 'MaxLuminance' 'UPRSampleDensity' 'UPRFilterRadius' 'UPROversample' 'UPRAdjustDensity' 'UPRColoringIdent' 'UPRColoringFile' 'UPRFormulaFile' 'UPRFormulaIdent' 'UPRWidth' 'UPRHeight' 'ExportRenderer' '' 'PI' 'NVARS' 'NXFORMS' 'INSTALLPATH' 'SYM_NONE' 'SYM_BILATERAL' 'SYM_ROTATIONAL' '' 'V_LINEAR' 'V_SINUSOIDAL' 'V_SPHERICAL' 'V_SWIRL' 'V_HORSESHOE' 'V_POLAR' 'V_HANDKERCHIEF' 'V_HEART' 'V_DISC' 'V_SPIRAL' 'V_HYPERBOLIC' 'V_DIAMOND' 'V_EX' 'V_JULIA' 'V_BENT' 'V_WAVES' 'V_FISHEYE' 'V_POPCORN' 'V_EXPONENTIAL' 'V_POWER' 'V_COSINE' 'V_RINGS' 'V_FAN' 'V_EYEFISH' 'V_BUBBLE' 'V_CYLINDER' 'V_NOISE' 'V_BLUR' 'V_GAUSSIANBLUR' 'V_RADIALBLUR' 'V_RINGS2' 'V_FAN2' 'V_BLOB' 'V_PDJ' 'V_PERSPECTIVE' 'V_JULIAN' 'V_JULIASCOPE' 'V_CURL' 'V_RANDOM' '') HintParameter.TextColor = clBlack HintParameter.BkColor = clInfoBk HintParameter.HintCharStart = '(' HintParameter.HintCharEnd = ')' HintParameter.HintCharDelimiter = ';' HintParameter.HintCharWriteDelimiter = ',' HintParameter.Parameters.Strings = ( 'ShowMessage(const Msg: string);') HexIdentifier = '$' Description = 'Pascal' Filter = 'Pascal Files (*.pas,*.dpr,*.dpk,*.inc)|*.pas;*.dpr;*.dpk;*.inc' DefaultExtension = '.pas' StylerName = 'Pascal' Extensions = 'pas;dpr;dpk;inc' Left = 328 Top = 32 end object Scripter: TatPascalScripter SourceCode.Strings = ( '') SaveCompiledCode = False EventSupport = False OnCompileError = ScripterCompileError ShortBooleanEval = False LibOptions.SearchPath.Strings = ( '$(CURDIR)' '$(APPDIR)') LibOptions.SourceFileExt = '.psc' LibOptions.CompiledFileExt = '.pcu' LibOptions.UseScriptFiles = False CallExecHookEvent = False Left = 360 Top = 32 end object OpenDialog: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = 'fla' Filter = 'Flame files (*.flame)|*.flame|Apophysis 1.0 parameters (*.apo;*.' + 'fla)|*.apo;*.fla|All files (*.*)|*.*' Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 328 Top = 64 end object SaveDialog: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'flame' Filter = 'Flame files (*.flame)|*.flame' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 360 Top = 64 end end