{ Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend Apophysis Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Ronald Hordijk, Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } //{$D-,L-,O+,Q-,R-,Y-,S-} unit Main; //{$define VAR_STR} interface uses Windows, Forms, Dialogs, Menus, Controls, ComCtrls, ToolWin, StdCtrls, Classes, Messages, ExtCtrls, ImgList, Jpeg, SyncObjs, SysUtils, ClipBrd, Graphics, Math, ExtDlgs, AppEvnts, ShellAPI, Registry, Global, Xform, XFormMan, ControlPoint, CMap, RenderThread, RenderTypes, LibXmlParser, LibXmlComps, PngImage; const PixelCountMax = 32768; RS_A1 = 0; RS_DR = 1; RS_XO = 2; RS_VO = 3; AppVersionString = 'Apophysis 2.08 beta 2'; type TMouseMoveState = (msUsual, msZoomWindow, msZoomOutWindow, msZoomWindowMove, msZoomOutWindowMove, msDrag, msDragMove, msRotate, msRotateMove); type TWin32Version = (wvUnknown, wvWin95, wvWin98, wvWinNT, wvWin2000, wvWinXP); type pRGBTripleArray = ^TRGBTripleArray; TRGBTripleArray = array[0..PixelCountMax - 1] of TRGBTriple; TMatrix = array[0..1, 0..1] of double; TMainForm = class(TForm) Buttons: TImageList; SmallImages: TImageList; MainMenu: TMainMenu; MainFile: TMenuItem; mnuSaveUPR: TMenuItem; N1: TMenuItem; mnuRandomBatch: TMenuItem; FileExitSep: TMenuItem; mnuExit: TMenuItem; MainEdit: TMenuItem; mnuCopyUPR: TMenuItem; mnuEditor: TMenuItem; mnuRandom: TMenuItem; mnuNormalWeights: TMenuItem; mnuEqualize: TMenuItem; mnuRWeights: TMenuItem; mnuOptions: TMenuItem; MainHelp: TMenuItem; mnuHelpTopics: TMenuItem; OpenDialog: TOpenDialog; ListPopUp: TPopupMenu; mnuItemDelete: TMenuItem; mnuListRename: TMenuItem; DisplayPopup: TPopupMenu; mnuPopFullscreen: TMenuItem; RedrawTimer: TTimer; mnuVar: TMenuItem; mnuVRandom: TMenuItem; N3: TMenuItem; mnuOpen: TMenuItem; mnuSaveAs: TMenuItem; N8: TMenuItem; mnuGrad: TMenuItem; mnuSmoothGradient: TMenuItem; ToolBar: TToolBar; btnOpen: TToolButton; btnSave: TToolButton; btnEditor: TToolButton; btnGradient: TToolButton; ToolButton9: TToolButton; ToolButton3: TToolButton; mnuView: TMenuItem; mnuToolbar: TMenuItem; mnuStatusBar: TMenuItem; ListView: TListView; Splitter: TSplitter; BackPanel: TPanel; Image: TImage; StatusBar: TStatusBar; mnuFileContents: TMenuItem; mnuUndo: TMenuItem; mnuRedo: TMenuItem; N5: TMenuItem; SaveDialog: TSaveDialog; F1: TMenuItem; N11: TMenuItem; mnuAbout: TMenuItem; mnuFullScreen: TMenuItem; mnuRender: TMenuItem; mnuMutate: TMenuItem; btnMutate: TToolButton; btnUndo: TToolButton; btnRedo: TToolButton; mnuAdjust: TMenuItem; btnAdjust: TToolButton; mnuOpenGradient: TMenuItem; mnuResetLocation: TMenuItem; N4: TMenuItem; N14: TMenuItem; mnuSaveUndo: TMenuItem; N2: TMenuItem; ToolButton1: TToolButton; btnOptions: TToolButton; btnRender: TToolButton; mnuPopResetLocation: TMenuItem; N6: TMenuItem; mnuPopUndo: TMenuItem; N16: TMenuItem; mnuPopRedo: TMenuItem; btnReset: TToolButton; mnuCalculateColors: TMenuItem; mnuRandomizeColorValues: TMenuItem; N7: TMenuItem; N18: TMenuItem; N19: TMenuItem; btnDefine: TToolButton; mnuScript: TMenuItem; mnuRun: TMenuItem; mnuEditScript: TMenuItem; N15: TMenuItem; btnRun: TToolButton; mnuStop: TMenuItem; btnStop: TToolButton; mnuOpenScript: TMenuItem; mnuImportGimp: TMenuItem; N9: TMenuItem; N10: TMenuItem; mnuManageFavorites: TMenuItem; mnuImageSize: TMenuItem; N13: TMenuItem; ApplicationEvents: TApplicationEvents; mnuPaste: TMenuItem; mnuCopy: TMenuItem; N20: TMenuItem; mnuExportFLame: TMenuItem; mnuPostSheep: TMenuItem; ListXmlScanner: TEasyXmlScanner; N21: TMenuItem; XmlScanner: TXmlScanner; mnuFlamepdf: TMenuItem; ToolButton4: TToolButton; tbzoomwindow: TToolButton; tbDrag: TToolButton; tbRotate: TToolButton; mnuimage: TMenuItem; tbzoomoutwindow: TToolButton; mnuSaveAllAs: TMenuItem; ToolButton5: TToolButton; btnSize: TToolButton; btnFullScreen: TToolButton; ToolButton6: TToolButton; tbQualityBox: TComboBox; View1: TMenuItem; tbShowAlpha: TToolButton; tbShowTrace: TToolButton; tbTraceSeparator: TToolButton; mnuRenderAll: TMenuItem; mnuBuiltinVars: TMenuItem; mnuPluginVars: TMenuItem; procedure tbzoomoutwindowClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuimageClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuExitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuSaveUPRClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ListViewChange(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Change: TItemChange); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuRandomClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuEqualizeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuEditorClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuRWeightsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuRandomBatchClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure FormKeyUpDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure mnuOptionsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure mnuHelpTopicsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuRefreshClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuNormalWeightsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuCopyUPRClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuItemDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ListViewEdited(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; var S: string); procedure mnuListRenameClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BackPanelResize(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuNextClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuPreviousClick(Sender: TObject); procedure RedrawTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure MainFileClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MainViewClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MainToolsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MainHelpClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuVRandomClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuSaveAsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuOpenClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuGradClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuSmoothGradientClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuToolbarClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuStatusBarClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuFileContentsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuUndoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuRedoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Undo; procedure Redo; procedure mnuExportBitmapClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuFullScreenClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuRenderClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuMutateClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuAdjustClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuResetLocationClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuAboutClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuOpenGradientClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuSaveUndoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuExportBatchClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuCalculateColorsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuRandomizeColorValuesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuEditScriptClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRunClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuRunClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuOpenScriptClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuStopClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuImportGimpClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuManageFavoritesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuShowFullClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuImageSizeClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ApplicationEventsActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuPasteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuCopyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuExportFlameClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ListXmlScannerStartTag(Sender: TObject; TagName: string; Attributes: TAttrList); procedure XMLScannerStartTag(Sender: TObject; TagName: string; Attributes: TAttrList); procedure XMLScannerEmptyTag(Sender: TObject; TagName: string; Attributes: TAttrList); procedure mnuFlamepdfClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ImageMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure ImageMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure ImageMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure tbzoomwindowClick(Sender: TObject); procedure tbDragClick(Sender: TObject); procedure tbRotateClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuSaveAllAsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure tbQualityBoxKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure tbQualityBoxSet(Sender: TObject); procedure ImageDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure tbShowAlphaClick(Sender: TObject); procedure tbShowTraceClick(Sender: TObject); procedure XmlScannerContent(Sender: TObject; Content: String); procedure mnuRenderAllClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ListViewChanging(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Change: TItemChange; var AllowChange: Boolean); procedure ListViewInfoTip(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; var InfoTip: String); private Renderer: TRenderThread; FMouseMoveState: TMouseMoveState; FSelectRect, FClickRect: TRect; DrawSelection: boolean; FRotateAngle: double; FClickAngle: double; FViewImage: TPngObject; FViewPos, FViewOldPos: TSPoint; FViewScale: double; FShiftState: TShiftState; // For parsing: FinalXformLoaded: boolean; ActiveXformSet: integer; XMLPaletteFormat: string; XMLPaletteCount: integer; procedure DrawImageView; procedure DrawZoomWindow; procedure DrawRotatelines(Angle: double); procedure FillVariantMenu; procedure VariantMenuClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FavoriteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure HandleThreadCompletion(var Message: TMessage); message WM_THREAD_COMPLETE; procedure HandleThreadTermination(var Message: TMessage); message WM_THREAD_TERMINATE; public { Public declarations } UndoIndex, UndoMax: integer; Center: array[0..1] of double; MainZoom: double; StartTime: TDateTime; AnimPal: TColorMap; VarMenus: array of TMenuItem; procedure LoadXMLFlame(filename, name: string); overload; procedure LoadXMLFlame(filename: string; index: integer); overload; procedure DisableFavorites; procedure EnableFavorites; procedure ParseXML(var cp1: TControlPoint; const params: PCHAR); function SaveFlame(cp1: TControlPoint; title, filename: string): boolean; function SaveXMLFlame(const cp1: TControlPoint; title, filename: string): boolean; procedure DisplayHint(Sender: TObject); procedure OnProgress(prog: double); procedure ResizeImage; procedure DrawFlame; procedure UpdateUndo; procedure LoadUndoFlame(index: integer; filename: string); procedure SmoothPalette; procedure RandomizeCP(var cp1: TControlPoint; alg: integer = 0); function UPRString(cp1: TControlPoint; Entry: string): string; function SaveGradient(Gradient, Title, FileName: string): boolean; function GradientFromPalette(const pal: TColorMap; const title: string): string; procedure StopThread; procedure UpdateWindows; procedure ResetLocation; procedure RandomBatch; procedure GetScripts; function ApplicationOnHelp(Command: Word; Data: Integer; var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean; {$IFDEF DEBUG} procedure AppException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); {$ENDIF} end; procedure ListXML(FileName: string; sel: integer); function EntryExists(En, Fl: string): boolean; function XMLEntryExists(title, filename: string): boolean; //procedure ComputeWeights(var cp1: TControlPoint; Triangles: TTriangles; t: integer); function DeleteEntry(Entry, FileName: string): boolean; function CleanIdentifier(ident: string): string; function CleanUPRTitle(ident: string): string; function GradientString(c: TColorMap): string; //function PackVariations: int64; //procedure UnpackVariations(v: int64); //procedure NormalizeWeights(var cp: TControlPoint); //procedure EqualizeWeights(var cp: TControlPoint); procedure MultMatrix(var s: TMatrix; const m: TMatrix); procedure ListFlames(FileName: string; sel: integer); procedure ListIFS(FileName: string; sel: integer); procedure NormalizeVariations(var cp1: TControlPoint); function GetWinVersion: TWin32Version; var MainForm: TMainForm; pname, ptime: string; nxform: integer; MainCp: TControlPoint; ParseCp: TControlPoint; mainCPindex: integer; implementation uses {$IFDEF DEBUG} JclDebug, ExceptForm, {$ENDIF} Editor, Options, Regstry, Render, FullScreen, FormRender, Mutate, Adjust, Browser, Save, About, CmapData, HtmlHlp, ScriptForm, FormFavorites, FormExport, msMultiPartFormData, ImageColoring, RndFlame, Tracer, Types; {$R *.DFM} procedure NormalizeVariations(var cp1: TControlPoint); var totvar: double; i, j: integer; begin for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do begin totvar := 0; for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin if cp1.xform[i].vars[j] < 0 then cp1.xform[i].vars[j] := cp1.xform[i].vars[j] * -1; totvar := totvar + cp1.xform[i].vars[j]; end; if totVar = 0 then begin cp1.xform[i].vars[0] := 1; end else for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin if totVar <> 0 then cp1.xform[i].vars[j] := cp1.xform[i].vars[j] / totvar; end; end; end; function FlameInClipboard: boolean; var flamestr: string; isstart, isend: integer; begin { returns true if a flame in clipboard - can be tricked } result := false; if Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT) then begin flamestr := Clipboard.AsText; isstart := Pos('<flame', flamestr); isend := Pos('</flame>', flamestr); if (isstart > 0) and (isend > 0) and (isstart < isend) then Result := true; end end; procedure MultMatrix(var s: TMatrix; const m: TMatrix); var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h: double; begin a := s[0, 0]; b := s[0, 1]; c := s[1, 0]; d := s[1, 1]; e := m[0, 0]; f := m[0, 1]; g := m[1, 0]; h := m[1, 1]; { [a, b][e ,f] [a*e+b*g, a*f+b*h] [ ][ ] = [ ] [c, d][g, h] [c*e+d*g, c*f+d*h] } s[0, 0] := a * e + b * g; s[0, 1] := a * f + b * h; s[1, 0] := c * e + d * g; s[1, 1] := c * f + d * h; end; (* function PackVariations: int64; { Packs the variation options into an integer with Linear as lowest bit } var i: integer; begin result := 0; for i := NRVAR-1 downto 0 do begin result := (result shl 1) or integer(Variations[i]); end; end; procedure UnpackVariations(v: int64); { Unpacks the variation options form an integer } var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do Variations[i] := boolean(v shr i and 1); end; *) function GetWinVersion: TWin32Version; { Returns current version of a host Win32 platform } begin Result := wvUnknown; if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS then if (Win32MajorVersion > 4) or ((Win32MajorVersion = 4) and (Win32MinorVersion > 0)) then Result := wvWin98 else Result := wvWin95 else if Win32MajorVersion <= 4 then Result := wvWinNT else if Win32MajorVersion = 5 then Result := wvWin2000 end; { ************************************* Help ********************************* } procedure ShowHelp(Pt: TPoint; ContextId: Integer); var Popup: THHPopup; begin FillChar(Popup, SizeOf(Popup), 0); Popup.cbStruct := SizeOf(Popup); Popup.hinst := 0; Popup.idString := ContextId; Popup.pszText := nil; GetCursorPos(Pt); Popup.pt := Pt; Popup.clrForeGround := TColorRef(-1); Popup.clrBackground := TColorRef(-1); Popup.rcMargins := Rect(-1, -1, -1, -1); Popup.pszFont := ''; HtmlHelp(0, PChar(AppPath + 'Apophysis 2.0.chm::/Popups.txt'), HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP, DWORD(@Popup)); end; function TMainForm.ApplicationOnHelp(Command: Word; Data: Integer; var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean; var Pos: TPoint; begin Pos.x := 0; Pos.y := 0; CallHelp := False; Result := True; case Command of HELP_SETPOPUP_POS: Pos := SmallPointToPoint(TSmallPoint(Data)); HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP: ShowHelp(Pos, Data); else Result := False; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuHelpTopicsClick(Sender: TObject); var URL, HelpTopic: string; begin if EditForm.Active then HelpTopic := 'Transform editor.htm' // else if GradientForm.Active then HelpTopic := 'Gradient window.htm' else if AdjustForm.Active then HelpTopic := 'Adjust window.htm' else if MutateForm.Active then HelpTopic := 'Mutation window.htm' else if RenderForm.Active then HelpTopic := 'Render window.htm'; HtmlHelp(0, nil, HH_CLOSE_ALL, 0); URL := AppPath + 'Apophysis 2.0.chm'; if HelpTopic <> '' then URL := URL + '::\' + HelpTopic; HtmlHelp(0, PChar(URL), HH_DISPLAY_TOC, 0); end; { **************************************************************************** } procedure TMainForm.StopThread; begin RedrawTimer.Enabled := False; if Assigned(Renderer) then begin assert(Renderer.Suspended = false); Renderer.Terminate; Renderer.WaitFor; end; end; procedure EqualizeVars(const x: integer); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do MainCp.xform[x].vars[i] := 1.0 / NRVAR; end; procedure NormalVars(const x: integer); var i: integer; td: double; begin td := 0.0; for i := 0 to 6 do td := td + Maincp.xform[x].vars[i]; if (td < 0.001) then EqualizeVars(x) else for i := 0 to 6 do MainCp.xform[x].vars[i] := MainCp.xform[x].vars[i] / td; end; procedure RandomVariation(cp: TControlPoint); { Randomise variation parameters } var a, b, i, j: integer; begin inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; for i := 0 to cp.NumXForms - 1 do begin for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do cp.xform[i].vars[j] := 0; repeat a := random(NRVAR); until Variations[a]; repeat b := random(NRVAR); until Variations[b]; if (a = b) then begin cp.xform[i].vars[a] := 1; end else begin cp.xform[i].vars[a] := random; cp.xform[i].vars[b] := 1 - cp.xform[i].vars[a]; end; end; end; procedure SetVariation(cp: TControlPoint); { Set the current Variation } var i, j: integer; begin if Variation = vRandom then begin RandomVariation(cp); end else for i := 0 to cp.NumXForms - 1 do begin for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do cp.xform[i].vars[j] := 0; cp.xform[i].vars[integer(Variation)] := 1; end; end; procedure TMainForm.RandomizeCP(var cp1: TControlPoint; alg: integer = 0); (* var vrnd, Min, Max, i, j, rnd: integer; Triangles: TTriangles; cmap: TColorMap; r, s, theta, phi: double; skip: boolean; *) var sourceCP: TControlPoint; begin if assigned(MainCP) then sourceCP := MainCP.Clone else SourceCP := nil; if assigned(cp1) then begin cp1.Free; cp1 := nil; end; cp1 := RandomFlame(sourceCP, alg); if assigned(sourceCP) then sourceCP.Free; (* Min := randMinTransforms; Max := randMaxTransforms; case randGradient of 0: begin cp1.CmapIndex := Random(NRCMAPS); GetCMap(cmap_index, 1, cp1.cmap); cmap_index := cp1.cmapindex; end; 1: cmap := DefaultPalette; 2: cmap := MainCp.cmap; 3: cmap := GradientForm.RandomGradient; end; inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; transforms := random(Max - (Min - 1)) + Min; repeat try inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; cp1.clear; cp1.RandomCP(transforms, transforms, false); cp1.SetVariation(Variation); inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; case alg of 1: rnd := 0; 2: rnd := 7; 3: rnd := 9; else if (Variation = vLinear) or (Variation = vRandom) then rnd := random(10) else rnd := 9; end; case rnd of 0..6: begin for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do begin if Random(10) < 9 then cp1.xform[i].c[0, 0] := 1 else cp1.xform[i].c[0, 0] := -1; cp1.xform[i].c[0, 1] := 0; cp1.xform[i].c[1, 0] := 0; cp1.xform[i].c[1, 1] := 1; cp1.xform[i].c[2, 0] := 0; cp1.xform[i].c[2, 1] := 0; cp1.xform[i].color := 0; cp1.xform[i].symmetry := 0; cp1.xform[i].vars[0] := 1; for j := 1 to NVARS - 1 do cp1.xform[i].vars[j] := 0; Translate(cp1.xform[i], random * 2 - 1, random * 2 - 1); Rotate(cp1.xform[i], random * 360); if i > 0 then Scale(cp1.xform[i], random * 0.8 + 0.2) else Scale(cp1.xform[i], random * 0.4 + 0.6); if Random(2) = 0 then Multiply(cp1.xform[i], 1, random - 0.5, random - 0.5, 1); end; SetVariation(cp1); end; 7, 8: begin { From the source to Chaos: The Software } for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do begin r := random * 2 - 1; if ((0 <= r) and (r < 0.2)) then r := r + 0.2; if ((r > -0.2) and (r <= 0)) then r := r - 0.2; s := random * 2 - 1; if ((0 <= s) and (s < 0.2)) then s := s + 0.2; if ((s > -0.2) and (s <= 0)) then s := s - -0.2; theta := PI * random; phi := (2 + random) * PI / 4; cp1.xform[i].c[0][0] := r * cos(theta); cp1.xform[i].c[1][0] := s * (cos(theta) * cos(phi) - sin(theta)); cp1.xform[i].c[0][1] := r * sin(theta); cp1.xform[i].c[1][1] := s * (sin(theta) * cos(phi) + cos(theta)); { the next bit didn't translate so well, so I fudge it} cp1.xform[i].c[2][0] := random * 2 - 1; cp1.xform[i].c[2][1] := random * 2 - 1; end; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do cp1.xform[i].density := 0; for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do cp1.xform[i].density := 1 / Transforms; SetVariation(cp1); end; 9: begin for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do cp1.xform[i].density := 0; for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do cp1.xform[i].density := 1 / Transforms; end; end; // case MainForm.TrianglesFromCp(cp1, Triangles); vrnd := Random(2); if vrnd > 0 then ComputeWeights(cp1, Triangles, transforms) else EqualizeWeights(cp1); except on E: EmathError do begin Continue; end; end; for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do cp1.xform[i].color := i / (transforms - 1); if cp1.xform[0].density = 1 then Continue; case SymmetryType of { Bilateral } 1: add_symmetry_to_control_point(cp1, -1); { Rotational } 2: add_symmetry_to_control_point(cp1, SymmetryOrder); { Rotational and Reflective } 3: add_symmetry_to_control_point(cp1, -SymmetryOrder); end; { elimate flames with transforms that aren't affine } skip := false; for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do if not transform_affine(Triangles[i], Triangles) then skip := True; if skip then continue; until not cp1.BlowsUP(5000) and (cp1.xform[0].density <> 0); cp1.brightness := defBrightness; cp1.gamma := defGamma; cp1.vibrancy := defVibrancy; cp1.sample_density := defSampleDensity; cp1.spatial_oversample := defOversample; cp1.spatial_filter_radius := defFilterRadius; cp1.cmapIndex := MainCp.cmapindex; if not KeepBackground then begin cp1.background[0] := 0; cp1.background[1] := 0; cp1.background[2] := 0; end; if randGradient = 0 then else cp1.cmap := cmap; cp1.zoom := 0; cp1.Nick := SheepNick; cp1.URl := SheepURL; *) end; function TMainForm.GradientFromPalette(const pal: TColorMap; const title: string): string; var c, i, j: integer; strings: TStringList; begin strings := TStringList.Create; try strings.add('gradient:'); strings.add(' title="' + CleanUPRTitle(title) + '" smooth=no'); for i := 0 to 255 do begin j := round(i * (399 / 255)); c := pal[i][2] shl 16 + pal[i][1] shl 8 + pal[i][0]; strings.Add(' index=' + IntToStr(j) + ' color=' + intToStr(c)); end; result := strings.text; finally strings.free; end; end; function CleanIdentifier(ident: string): string; { Strips unwanted characters from an identifier} var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to Length(ident) do begin if ident[i] = #32 then ident[i] := '_' else if ident[i] = '}' then ident[i] := '_' else if ident[i] = '{' then ident[i] := '_'; end; Result := ident; end; procedure TMainForm.OnProgress(prog: double); var Elapsed, Remaining: TDateTime; begin Elapsed := Now - StartTime; StatusBar.Panels[0].Text := Format('Elapsed %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%2.2d', [Trunc(Elapsed * 24), Trunc((Elapsed * 24 - Trunc(Elapsed * 24)) * 60), Trunc((Elapsed * 24 * 60 - Trunc(Elapsed * 24 * 60)) * 60), Trunc((Elapsed * 24 * 60 * 60 - Trunc(Elapsed * 24 * 60 * 60)) * 100)]); if prog > 0 then Remaining := Elapsed/prog - Elapsed else Remaining := 0; StatusBar.Panels[1].Text := Format('Remaining %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%2.2d', [Trunc(Remaining * 24), Trunc((Remaining * 24 - Trunc(Remaining * 24)) * 60), Trunc((Remaining * 24 * 60 - Trunc(Remaining * 24 * 60)) * 60), Trunc((Remaining * 24 * 60 * 60 - Trunc(Remaining * 24 * 60 * 60)) * 100)]); StatusBar.Panels[2].Text := MainCp.name; //Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateUndo; begin SaveFlame(MainCp, Format('%.4d-', [UndoIndex]) + MainCp.name, AppPath + 'apophysis.undo'); Inc(UndoIndex); UndoMax := UndoIndex; //Inc(UndoMax); mnuSaveUndo.Enabled := true; mnuUndo.Enabled := True; mnuPopUndo.Enabled := True; mnuRedo.Enabled := false; mnuPopRedo.Enabled := false; btnUndo.enabled := true; btnRedo.Enabled := false; EditForm.mnuUndo.Enabled := True; EditForm.mnuRedo.Enabled := false; EditForm.tbUndo.enabled := true; EditForm.tbRedo.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnUndo.enabled := true; AdjustForm.btnRedo.enabled := false; end; function GradientEntries(gFilename: string): string; var i, p: integer; Title: string; FileStrings: TStringList; NewStrings: TStringList; begin FileStrings := TStringList.Create; NewStrings := TStringList.Create; NewStrings.Text := ''; FileStrings.LoadFromFile(gFilename); try if (Pos('{', FileStrings.Text) <> 0) then begin for i := 0 to FileStrings.Count - 1 do begin p := Pos('{', FileStrings[i]); if (p <> 0) then begin Title := Trim(Copy(FileStrings[i], 1, p - 1)); if (Title <> '') and (LowerCase(Title) <> 'comment') then begin { Otherwise bad format } NewStrings.Add(Title); end; end; end; GradientEntries := NewStrings.Text; end; finally FileStrings.Free; NewStrings.Free; end; end; { ********************************* File ************************************* } function EntryExists(En, Fl: string): boolean; { Searches for existing identifier in parameter files } var FStrings: TStringList; i: integer; begin Result := False; if FileExists(Fl) then begin FStrings := TStringList.Create; try FStrings.LoadFromFile(Fl); for i := 0 to FStrings.Count - 1 do if Pos(LowerCase(En) + ' {', Lowercase(FStrings[i])) <> 0 then Result := True; finally FStrings.Free; end end else Result := False; end; function CleanEntry(ident: string): string; { Strips unwanted characters from an identifier} var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to Length(ident) do begin if ident[i] = #32 then ident[i] := '_' else if ident[i] = '}' then ident[i] := '_' else if ident[i] = '{' then ident[i] := '_'; end; Result := ident; end; function CleanXMLName(ident: string): string; var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to Length(ident) do begin if ident[i] = '*' then ident[i] := '_' else if ident[i] = '"' then ident[i] := #39; end; Result := ident; end; function CleanUPRTitle(ident: string): string; { Strips braces but leave spaces } var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to Length(ident) do begin if ident[i] = '}' then ident[i] := '_' else if ident[i] = '{' then ident[i] := '_'; end; Result := ident; end; function DeleteEntry(Entry, FileName: string): boolean; { Deletes an entry from a multi-entry file } var Strings: TStringList; p, i: integer; begin Result := True; Strings := TStringList.Create; try i := 0; Strings.LoadFromFile(FileName); while Pos(Entry + ' ', Trim(Strings[i])) <> 1 do begin inc(i); end; repeat p := Pos('}', Strings[i]); Strings.Delete(i); until p <> 0; if (i < Strings.Count) and (Trim(Strings[i]) = '') then Strings.Delete(i); Strings.SaveToFile(FileName); finally Strings.Free; end; end; function SaveUPR(Entry, FileName: string): boolean; { Saves UF parameter to end of file } var UPRFile: TextFile; begin Result := True; try AssignFile(UPRFile, FileName); if FileExists(FileName) then begin if EntryExists(Entry, FileName) then DeleteEntry(Entry, FileName); Append(UPRFile); end else ReWrite(UPRFile); WriteLn(UPRFile, MainForm.UPRString(MainCp, Entry)); CloseFile(UPRFile); except on E: EInOutError do begin Application.MessageBox('Cannot save file', 'Apophysis', 16); Result := False; end; end; end; function IFSToString(cp: TControlPoint; Title: string): string; { Creates a string containing a formated IFS parameter set } var i: integer; a, b, c, d, e, f, p: double; Strings: TStringList; begin Strings := TStringList.Create; try Strings.Add(CleanEntry(Title) + ' {'); for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do begin a := cp.xform[i].c[0][0]; b := cp.xform[i].c[0][1]; c := cp.xform[i].c[1][0]; d := cp.xform[i].c[1][1]; e := cp.xform[i].c[2][0]; f := cp.xform[i].c[2][1]; p := cp.xform[i].density; Strings.Add(Format('%.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g', [a, b, c, d, e, f, p])); end; Strings.Add('}'); IFSToString := Strings.Text; finally Strings.Free; end; end; function GetTitle(str: string): string; var p: integer; begin str := Trim(str); p := Pos(' ', str); GetTitle := Trim(Copy(str, 1, p)); end; function GetComment(str: string): string; { Extracts comment form line of IFS file } var p: integer; begin str := Trim(str); p := Pos(';', str); if p <> 0 then GetComment := Trim(Copy(str, p + 1, Length(str) - p)) else GetComment := ''; end; function GetParameters(str: string; var a, b, c, d, e, f, p: double): boolean; var Tokens: TStringList; begin GetParameters := False; Tokens := TStringList.Create; try try GetTokens(str, tokens); if Tokens.Count >= 7 then {enough tokens} begin a := StrToFloat(Tokens[0]); b := StrToFloat(Tokens[1]); c := StrToFloat(Tokens[2]); d := StrToFloat(Tokens[3]); e := StrToFloat(Tokens[4]); f := StrToFloat(Tokens[5]); p := StrToFloat(Tokens[6]); Result := True; end; except on E: EConvertError do begin Result := False end; end; finally Tokens.Free; end; end; function StringToIFS(strng: string): boolean; { Loads an IFS parameter set from string} var Strings: TStringList; Comments: TStringList; i, sTransforms: integer; cmnt, sTitle: string; a, b, c, d: double; e, f, p: double; begin MainCp.clear; StringToIFS := True; sTransforms := 0; Strings := TStringList.Create; Comments := TStringList.Create; try try Strings.Text := strng; if Pos('}', Strings.Text) = 0 then raise EFormatInvalid.Create('No closing brace'); if Pos('{', Strings[0]) = 0 then raise EFormatInvalid.Create('No opening brace.'); {To Do ... !!!!} sTitle := GetTitle(Strings[0]); if sTitle = '' then raise EFormatInvalid.Create('No identifier.'); cmnt := GetComment(Strings[0]); if cmnt <> '' then Comments.Add(cmnt); i := 1; try repeat cmnt := GetComment(Strings[i]); if cmnt <> '' then Comments.Add(cmnt); if (Pos(';', Trim(Strings[i])) <> 1) and (Trim(Strings[i]) <> '') then if GetParameters(Strings[i], a, b, c, d, e, f, p) then begin MainCp.xform[sTransforms].c[0][0] := a; MainCp.xform[sTransforms].c[0][1] := c; MainCp.xform[sTransforms].c[1][0] := b; MainCp.xform[sTransforms].c[1][1] := d; MainCp.xform[sTransforms].c[2][0] := e; MainCp.xform[sTransforms].c[2][1] := f; MainCp.xform[sTransforms].density := p; inc(sTransforms); end else EFormatInvalid.Create('Insufficient parameters.'); inc(i); until (Pos('}', Strings[i]) <> 0) or (sTransforms = NXFORMS); except on E: EMathError do end; if sTransforms < 2 then raise EFormatInvalid.Create('Insufficient parameters.'); MainCp.name := sTitle; Transforms := sTransforms; for i := 1 to Transforms - 1 do MainCp.xform[i].color := 0; MainCp.xform[0].color := 1; except on E: EFormatInvalid do begin Application.MessageBox('Invalid Format.', PChar(APP_NAME), 16); end; end; finally Strings.Free; Comments.Free; end; end; function SaveIFS(cp: TControlPoint; Title, FileName: string): boolean; { Saves IFS parameters to end of file } var a, b, c: double; d, e, f, p: double; m: integer; IFile: TextFile; begin Result := True; try AssignFile(IFile, FileName); if FileExists(FileName) then begin if EntryExists(Title, FileName) then DeleteEntry(Title, FileName); Append(IFile); end else ReWrite(IFile); WriteLn(IFile, Title + ' {'); for m := 0 to Transforms - 1 do begin a := cp.xform[m].c[0][0]; c := cp.xform[m].c[0][1]; b := cp.xform[m].c[1][0]; d := cp.xform[m].c[1][1]; e := cp.xform[m].c[2][0]; f := cp.xform[m].c[2][1]; p := cp.xform[m].density; Write(IFile, Format('%.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g', [a, b, c, d, e, f, p])); WriteLn(IFile, ''); end; WriteLn(IFile, '}'); WriteLn(IFile, ' '); CloseFile(IFile); except on E: EInOutError do begin Application.MessageBox('Cannot save file', 'Apophysis', 16); Result := False; end; end; end; function TMainForm.SaveFlame(cp1: TControlPoint; title, filename: string): boolean; { Saves Flame parameters to end of file } var IFile: TextFile; sl: TStringList; i: integer; begin Result := True; try AssignFile(IFile, filename); if FileExists(filename) then begin if EntryExists(title, filename) then DeleteEntry(title, fileName); Append(IFile); end else ReWrite(IFile); sl := TStringList.Create; try cp1.SaveToStringList(sl); WriteLn(IFile, title + ' {'); write(IFile, sl.Text); WriteLn(IFile, 'palette:'); for i := 0 to 255 do begin WriteLn(IFile, IntToStr(cp1.cmap[i][0]) + ' ' + IntToStr(cp1.cmap[i][1]) + ' ' + IntToStr(cp1.cmap[i][2])) end; WriteLn(IFile, ' }'); finally sl.free end; WriteLn(IFile, ' '); CloseFile(IFile); except on EInOutError do begin Application.MessageBox('Cannot save file', 'Apophysis', 16); Result := False; end; end; end; function ColorToXmlCompact(cp1: TControlPoint): string; var i: integer; begin Result := ' <palette count="256" format="RGB">'; for i := 0 to 255 do begin if ((i and 7) = 0) then Result := Result + #13#10 + ' '; Result := Result + IntToHex(cp1.cmap[i, 0],2) + IntToHex(cp1.cmap[i, 1],2) + IntToHex(cp1.cmap[i, 2],2); end; Result := Result + #13#10 + ' </palette>'; end; function ColorToXml(cp1: TControlPoint): string; var i: integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 0 to 255 do begin Result := Result + ' <color index="' + IntToStr(i) + '" rgb="' + IntToStr(cp1.cmap[i, 0]) + ' ' + IntToStr(cp1.cmap[i, 1]) + ' ' + IntToStr(cp1.cmap[i, 2]) + '"/>' + #13#10; end; end; function FlameToXML(const cp1: TControlPoint; exporting: boolean): string; var t, i{, j}: integer; FileList: TStringList; x, y: double; parameters: string; begin FileList := TStringList.create; x := cp1.center[0]; y := cp1.center[1]; // if cp1.cmapindex >= 0 then pal := pal + 'gradient="' + IntToStr(cp1.cmapindex) + '" '; try parameters := 'version="' + AppVersionString + '" '; if cp1.time <> 0 then parameters := parameters + format('time="%g" ', [cp1.time]); parameters := parameters + 'size="' + IntToStr(cp1.width) + ' ' + IntToStr(cp1.height) + format('" center="%g %g" ', [x, y]) + format('scale="%g" ', [cp1.pixels_per_unit]); if cp1.FAngle <> 0 then parameters := parameters + format('angle="%g" ', [cp1.FAngle]) + format('rotate="%g" ', [-180 * cp1.FAngle/Pi]); if cp1.zoom <> 0 then parameters := parameters + format('zoom="%g" ', [cp1.zoom]); parameters := parameters + format( 'oversample="%d" filter="%g" quality="%g" ', [cp1.spatial_oversample, cp1.spatial_filter_radius, cp1.sample_density] ); if cp1.nbatches <> 1 then parameters := parameters + 'batches="' + IntToStr(cp1.nbatches) + '" '; parameters := parameters + format('background="%g %g %g" ', [cp1.background[0] / 255, cp1.background[1] / 255, cp1.background[2] / 255]) + format('brightness="%g" ', [cp1.brightness]) + format('gamma="%g" ', [cp1.gamma]); if cp1.vibrancy <> 1 then parameters := parameters + format('vibrancy="%g" ', [cp1.vibrancy]); if cp1.gamma_threshold <> 0 then parameters := parameters + format('gamma_threshold="%g" ', [cp1.gamma_threshold]); if cp1.soloXform >= 0 then parameters := parameters + format('soloxform="%d" ', [cp1.soloXform]); if exporting then parameters := parameters + format('estimator_radius="%g" ', [cp1.estimator]) + format('estimator_minimum="%g" ', [cp1.estimator_min]) + format('estimator_curve="%g" ', [cp1.estimator_curve]) + format('temporal_samples="%d" ', [cp1.jitters]); FileList.Add('<flame name="' + CleanXMLName(cp1.name) + '" ' + parameters + '>'); { Write transform parameters } t := cp1.NumXForms; for i := 0 to t - 1 do FileList.Add(cp1.xform[i].ToXMLString); if cp1.HasFinalXForm then begin // 'enabled' flag disabled in this release FileList.Add(cp1.xform[t].FinalToXMLString(cp1.finalXformEnabled)); end; { Write palette data } if exporting or OldPaletteFormat then FileList.Add(ColorToXml(cp1)) else FileList.Add(ColorToXmlCompact(cp1)); FileList.Add('</flame>'); result := FileList.text; finally FileList.free end; end; function RemoveExt(filename: string): string; var ext: string; p: integer; begin filename := ExtractFileName(filename); ext := ExtractFileExt(filename); p := Pos(ext, filename); Result := Copy(filename, 0, p - 1); end; function XMLEntryExists(title, filename: string): boolean; var FileList: TStringList; begin Result := false; if FileExists(filename) then begin FileList := TStringList.Create; try FileList.LoadFromFile(filename); if pos('<flame name="' + title + '"', FileList.Text) <> 0 then Result := true; finally FileList.Free; end end else result := false; end; procedure DeleteXMLEntry(title, filename: string); var Strings: TStringList; p, i: integer; begin Strings := TStringList.Create; try i := 0; Strings.LoadFromFile(FileName); while Pos('name="' + title + '"', Trim(Strings[i])) = 0 do inc(i); p := 0; while p = 0 do begin p := Pos('</flame>', Strings[i]); Strings.Delete(i); end; Strings.SaveToFile(FileName); finally Strings.Free; end; end; function TMainForm.SaveXMLFlame(const cp1: TControlPoint; title, filename: string): boolean; { Saves Flame parameters to end of file } var Tag: string; IFile: TextFile; FileList: TStringList; i, p: integer; bakname: string; begin Tag := RemoveExt(filename); Result := True; try if FileExists(filename) then begin bakname := ChangeFileExt(filename, '.bak'); if FileExists(bakname) then DeleteFile(bakname); RenameFile(filename, bakname); FileList := TStringList.create; try FileList.LoadFromFile(bakname); if Pos('<flame name="' + title + '"', FileList.Text) <> 0 then begin i := 0; while Pos('<flame name="' + title + '"', Trim(FileList[i])) = 0 do inc(i); p := 0; while p = 0 do begin p := Pos('</flame>', FileList[i]); FileList.Delete(i); end; end; // FileList := TStringList.create; // try // FileList.LoadFromFile(filename); // fix first line if (FileList.Count > 0) then begin FileList[0] := '<Flames name="' + Tag + '">'; end; if FileList.Count > 2 then begin if pos('<flame ', FileList.text) <> 0 then repeat FileList.Delete(FileList.Count - 1); until (Pos('</flame>', FileList[FileList.count - 1]) <> 0) else repeat FileList.Delete(FileList.Count - 1); until (Pos('<' + Tag + '>', FileList[FileList.count - 1]) <> 0) or (Pos('</Flames>', FileList[FileList.count - 1]) <> 0); end else begin FileList.Delete(FileList.Count - 1); end; FileList.Add(Trim(FlameToXML(cp1, false))); FileList.Add('</Flames>'); FileList.SaveToFile(filename); finally if FileExists(bakname) and not FileExists(filename) then RenameFile(bakname, filename); FileList.Free; end; end else begin // New file ... easy AssignFile(IFile, filename); ReWrite(IFile); Writeln(IFile, '<Flames name="' + Tag + '">'); Write(IFile, FlameToXML(cp1, false)); Writeln(IFile, '</Flames>'); CloseFile(IFile); end; except on E: EInOutError do begin Application.MessageBox('Cannot save file', 'Apophysis', 16); Result := False; end; end; end; function TMainForm.SaveGradient(Gradient, Title, FileName: string): boolean; { Saves gradient parameters to end of file } var IFile: TextFile; begin Result := True; try AssignFile(IFile, FileName); if FileExists(FileName) then begin if EntryExists(Title, FileName) then DeleteEntry(Title, FileName); Append(IFile); end else ReWrite(IFile); Write(IFile, Gradient); WriteLn(IFile, ' '); CloseFile(IFile); except on EInOutError do begin Application.MessageBox('Cannot save file', 'Apophysis', 16); Result := False; end; end; end; function RenameIFS(OldIdent: string; var NewIdent: string): boolean; { Renames an IFS parameter set in a file } var Strings: TStringList; p, i: integer; s: string; begin Result := True; NewIdent := CleanEntry(NewIdent); Strings := TStringList.Create; try try i := 0; Strings.LoadFromFile(OpenFile); if Pos(OldIdent + ' ', Trim(Strings.Text)) <> 0 then begin while Pos(OldIdent + ' ', Trim(Strings[i])) <> 1 do begin inc(i); end; p := Pos('{', Strings[i]); s := Copy(Strings[i], p, Length(Strings[i]) - p + 1); Strings[i] := NewIdent + ' ' + s; Strings.SaveToFile(OpenFile); end else Result := False; except on Exception do Result := False; end; finally Strings.Free; end; end; function RenameXML(OldIdent: string; var NewIdent: string): boolean; { Renames an XML parameter set in a file } var Strings: TStringList; i: integer; bakname: string; begin Result := True; Strings := TStringList.Create; try try i := 0; Strings.LoadFromFile(OpenFile); if Pos('name="' + OldIdent + '"', Strings.Text) <> 0 then begin while Pos('name="' + OldIdent + '"', Strings[i]) = 0 do begin inc(i); end; Strings[i] := StringReplace(Strings[i], OldIdent, NewIdent, []); bakname := ChangeFileExt(OpenFile, '.bak'); if FileExists(bakname) then DeleteFile(bakname); RenameFile(OpenFile, bakname); Strings.SaveToFile(OpenFile); end else Result := False; except on Exception do Result := False; end; finally Strings.Free; end; end; procedure ListIFS(FileName: string; sel: integer); { List identifiers in file } var i, p: integer; Title: string; ListItem: TListItem; FStrings: TStringList; begin FStrings := TStringList.Create; FStrings.LoadFromFile(FileName); try MainForm.ListView.Items.BeginUpdate; MainForm.ListView.Items.Clear; if (Pos('{', FStrings.Text) <> 0) then begin for i := 0 to FStrings.Count - 1 do begin p := Pos('{', FStrings[i]); if (p <> 0) and (Pos('(3D)', FStrings[i]) = 0) then begin Title := Trim(Copy(FStrings[i], 1, p - 1)); if Title <> '' then begin { Otherwise bad format } ListItem := MainForm.ListView.Items.Add; Listitem.Caption := Trim(Copy(FStrings[i], 1, p - 1)); end; end; end; end; MainForm.ListView.Items.EndUpdate; case sel of 0: MainForm.ListView.Selected := MainForm.ListView.Items[MainForm.ListView.Items.Count - 1]; 1: MainForm.ListView.Selected := MainForm.ListView.Items[0]; end; finally FStrings.Free; end; end; procedure ListFlames(FileName: string; sel: integer); { List identifiers in file } var i, p: integer; Title: string; ListItem: TListItem; FStrings: TStringList; begin FStrings := TStringList.Create; FStrings.LoadFromFile(FileName); try MainForm.ListView.Items.BeginUpdate; MainForm.ListView.Items.Clear; if (Pos('{', FStrings.Text) <> 0) then begin for i := 0 to FStrings.Count - 1 do begin p := Pos('{', FStrings[i]); if (p <> 0) then begin Title := Trim(Copy(FStrings[i], 1, p - 1)); if Title <> '' then begin { Otherwise bad format } ListItem := MainForm.ListView.Items.Add; Listitem.Caption := Trim(Copy(FStrings[i], 1, p - 1)); end; end; end; end; MainForm.ListView.Items.EndUpdate; if sel = 1 then MainForm.ListView.Selected := MainForm.ListView.Items[0]; finally FStrings.Free; end; end; { ****************************** Display ************************************ } procedure Trace1(const str: string); begin if TraceLevel >= 1 then TraceForm.MainTrace.Lines.Add('. ' + str); end; procedure Trace2(const str: string); begin if TraceLevel >= 2 then TraceForm.MainTrace.Lines.Add('. . ' + str); end; procedure TMainForm.HandleThreadCompletion(var Message: TMessage); var oldscale: double; begin Trace2(MsgComplete + IntToStr(message.LParam)); if not Assigned(Renderer) then begin Trace2(MsgNotAssigned); exit; end; if Renderer.ThreadID <> message.LParam then begin Trace2(MsgAnotherRunning); exit; end; Image.Cursor := crDefault; if assigned(FViewImage) then begin oldscale := FViewImage.Width / Image.Width; FViewImage.Free; end else oldscale := FViewScale; FViewImage := Renderer.GetTransparentImage; if FViewImage <> nil then begin FViewScale := FViewImage.Width / Image.Width; FViewPos.X := FViewScale/oldscale * (FViewPos.X - FViewOldPos.X); FViewPos.Y := FViewScale/oldscale * (FViewPos.Y - FViewOldPos.Y); DrawImageView; { case FMouseMoveState of msZoomWindowMove: FMouseMoveState := msZoomWindow; msZoomOutWindowMove: FMouseMoveState := msZoomOutWindow; // msDragMove: FMouseMoveState := msDrag; msRotateMove: FMouseMoveState := msRotate; end; } if FMouseMoveState in [msZoomWindowMove, msZoomOutWindowMove, msRotateMove] then DrawSelection := false; Trace1(TimeToStr(Now) + ' : Render complete'); Renderer.ShowSmallStats; end else Trace2('WARNING: No image rendered!'); Renderer.WaitFor; Trace2('Destroying RenderThread #' + IntToStr(Renderer.ThreadID)); Renderer.Free; Renderer := nil; Trace1(''); end; procedure TMainForm.HandleThreadTermination(var Message: TMessage); begin Trace2(MsgTerminated + IntToStr(message.LParam)); if not Assigned(Renderer) then begin Trace2(MsgNotAssigned); exit; end; if Renderer.ThreadID <> message.LParam then begin Trace2(MsgAnotherRunning); exit; end; Image.Cursor := crDefault; Trace2(' Render aborted'); Trace2('Destroying RenderThread #' + IntToStr(Renderer.ThreadID)); Renderer.Free; Renderer := nil; Trace1(''); end; procedure TMainForm.DrawFlame; var GlobalMemoryInfo: TMemoryStatus; // holds the global memory status information RenderCP: TControlPoint; Mem, ApproxMem: cardinal; begin RedrawTimer.Enabled := False; if Assigned(Renderer) then begin assert(Renderer.Suspended = false); Trace2('Killing previous RenderThread #' + inttostr(Renderer.ThreadID)); Renderer.Terminate; Renderer.WaitFor; Trace2('Destroying RenderThread #' + IntToStr(Renderer.ThreadID)); Renderer.Free; Renderer := nil; end; if not Assigned(Renderer) then begin if EditForm.Visible and ((MainCP.Width / MainCP.Height) <> (EditForm.cp.Width / EditForm.cp.Height)) then EditForm.UpdateDisplay(true); // preview only? if AdjustForm.Visible then AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay(true); // preview only! RenderCP := MainCP.Clone; RenderCp.AdjustScale(Image.width, Image.height); // following needed ? // cp.Zoom := Zoom; // cp.center[0] := center[0]; // cp.center[1] := center[1]; RenderCP.sample_density := defSampleDensity; // oversample and filter are just slowing us down here... RenderCP.spatial_oversample := 1; // defOversample; RenderCP.spatial_filter_radius := 0.001; {?} //defFilterRadius; RenderCP.Transparency := true; // always generate transparency here GlobalMemoryInfo.dwLength := SizeOf(GlobalMemoryInfo); GlobalMemoryStatus(GlobalMemoryInfo); Mem := GlobalMemoryInfo.dwAvailPhys; // if Output.Lines.Count >= 1000 then Output.Lines.Clear; Trace1('--- Previewing "' + RenderCP.name + '" ---'); Trace1(Format(' Available memory: %f Mb', [Mem / (1024*1024)])); ApproxMem := int64(RenderCp.Width) * int64(RenderCp.Height) {* sqr(Oversample)} * (SizeOfBucket[InternalBitsPerSample] + 4 + 4); // +4 for temp image(s)...? assert(MainPreviewScale <> 0); if ApproxMem * sqr(MainPreviewScale) < Mem then begin if ExtendMainPreview then begin RenderCP.sample_density := RenderCP.sample_density / sqr(MainPreviewScale); RenderCP.Width := round(RenderCp.Width * MainPreviewScale); RenderCP.Height := round(RenderCp.Height * MainPreviewScale); end; end else Trace1('WARNING: Not enough memory for extended preview!'); if ApproxMem > Mem then Trace1('OUTRAGEOUS: Not enough memory even for normal preview! :-('); Trace1(Format(' Size: %dx%d, Quality: %f', [RenderCP.Width, RenderCP.Height, RenderCP.sample_density])); FViewOldPos.x := FViewPos.x; FViewOldPos.y := FViewPos.y; StartTime := Now; try Renderer := TRenderThread.Create; Renderer.TargetHandle := MainForm.Handle; if TraceLevel > 0 then Renderer.Output := TraceForm.MainTrace.Lines; Renderer.OnProgress := OnProgress; Renderer.SetCP(RenderCP); Trace2('Starting RenderThread #' + inttostr(Renderer.ThreadID)); Renderer.Resume; Image.Cursor := crAppStart; except Trace1('ERROR: Cannot start renderer!'); end; RenderCP.Free; end; end; { ************************** IFS and triangle stuff ************************* } function FlameToString(Title: string): string; { Creates a string containing the formated flame parameter set } var I: integer; sl, Strings: TStringList; begin Strings := TStringList.Create; sl := TStringList.Create; try Strings.Add(CleanEntry(Title) + ' {'); MainCp.SaveToStringList(sl); Strings.Add(sl.text); Strings.Add('palette:'); for i := 0 to 255 do begin Strings.Add(IntToStr(MainCp.cmap[i][0]) + ' ' + IntToStr(MainCp.cmap[i][1]) + ' ' + IntToStr(MainCp.cmap[i][2])) end; Strings.Add('}'); Result := Strings.Text; finally sl.Free; Strings.Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.RandomBatch; { Write a series of random ifs to a file } var i: integer; F: TextFile; b, RandFile: string; begin b := IntToStr(BatchSize); inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; try AssignFile(F, AppPath + 'apophysis.rand'); OpenFile := AppPath + 'apophysis.rand'; ReWrite(F); WriteLn(F, '<random_batch>'); for i := 0 to BatchSize - 1 do begin inc(RandomIndex); Statusbar.SimpleText := 'Generating ' + IntToStr(i + 1) + ' of ' + b; RandSeed := MainSeed; if randGradient = 0 then cmap_index := random(NRCMAPS); inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; RandomizeCP(MainCp); MainCp.CalcBoundbox; (* Title := RandomPrefix + RandomDate + '-' + IntToStr(RandomIndex); *) MainCp.name := RandomPrefix + RandomDate + '-' + IntToStr(RandomIndex); Write(F, FlameToXML(MainCp, False)); // Write(F, FlameToString(Title)); // WriteLn(F, ' '); end; Write(F, '</random_batch>'); CloseFile(F); except on EInOutError do Application.MessageBox('Error creating batch', PChar(APP_NAME), 16); end; RandFile := AppPath + 'apophysis.rand'; MainCp.name := ''; end; { ******************************** Menu ************************************ } procedure ListXML(FileName: string; sel: integer); { List .flame file } var i, p: integer; Title: string; ListItem: TListItem; FStrings: TStringList; begin FStrings := TStringList.Create; FStrings.LoadFromFile(FileName); try MainForm.ListView.Items.BeginUpdate; MainForm.ListView.Items.Clear; if (Pos('<flame ', Lowercase(FStrings.Text)) <> 0) then begin for i := 0 to FStrings.Count - 1 do begin p := Pos('<flame ', LowerCase(FStrings[i])); if (p <> 0) then begin MainForm.ListXMLScanner.LoadFromBuffer(PCHAR(FSTrings[i])); MainForm.ListXMLScanner.Execute; if Trim(pname) = '' then Title := '*untitled ' + ptime else Title := Trim(pname); if Title <> '' then begin { Otherwise bad format } ListItem := MainForm.ListView.Items.Add; Listitem.Caption := Title; end; end; end; end; MainForm.ListView.Items.EndUpdate; case sel of 0: MainForm.ListView.Selected := MainForm.ListView.Items[MainForm.ListView.Items.Count - 1]; 1: MainForm.ListView.Selected := MainForm.ListView.Items[0]; end; finally FStrings.Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuOpenClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; OpenDialog.Filter := 'Flame files (*.flame;*.flam3)|*.flame;*.flam3|Apophysis 1.0 parameters (*.fla;*.apo)|*.fla;*.apo|Fractint IFS Files (*.ifs)|*.ifs'; OpenDialog.InitialDir := ParamFolder; OpenDialog.FileName := ''; if OpenDialog.Execute then begin Maincp.name := ''; ParamFolder := ExtractFilePath(OpenDialog.FileName); ListView.ReadOnly := False; mnuListRename.Enabled := True; mnuItemDelete.Enabled := True; OpenFile := OpenDialog.FileName; MainForm.Caption := AppVersionString + ' - ' + OpenFile; // --Z-- OpenFileType := ftXML; if UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(OpenDialog.FileName)) = '.IFS' then begin OpenFileType := ftIfs; Variation := vLinear; VarMenus[0].Checked := True; end; if (UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(OpenDialog.FileName)) = '.FLA') or (UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(OpenDialog.FileName)) = '.APO') then OpenFileType := ftFla; if OpenFileType = ftXML then ListXML(OpenDialog.FileName, 1) else ListIFS(OpenDialog.FileName, 1) end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuNextClick(Sender: TObject); begin with ListView do if Items.Count <> 0 then Selected := Items[(Selected.Index + 1) mod Items.Count]; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuPreviousClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin with ListView do if Items.Count <> 0 then begin i := Selected.Index - 1; if i < 0 then i := Items.Count - 1; Selected := Items[i]; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuListRenameClick(Sender: TObject); begin if ListView.SelCount <> 0 then ListView.Items[ListView.Selected.Index].EditCaption; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuCopyUPRClick(Sender: TObject); begin Clipboard.SetTextBuf(PChar(UPRString(MainCp, Maincp.name))); end; procedure TMainForm.mnuItemDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); var c: boolean; begin if ListView.SelCount <> 0 then begin if ConfirmDelete then c := Application.MessageBox( PChar('Are you sure you want to permanently delete' + ' "' + ListView.Selected.Caption + '"'), 'Apophysis', 36) = IDYES else c := True; if c then if ListView.Focused and (ListView.SelCount <> 0) then begin Application.ProcessMessages; if OpenFileType = ftXML then DeleteXMLEntry(ListView.Selected.Caption, OpenFile) else DeleteEntry(ListView.Selected.Caption, OpenFile); ListView.Items.Delete(ListView.Selected.Index); Application.ProcessMessages; ListView.Selected := ListView.ItemFocused; end; end; //end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuOptionsClick(Sender: TObject); begin OptionsForm.ShowModal; // --Z-- StopThread; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; tbQualityBox.Text := FloatToStr(defSampleDensity); tbShowAlpha.Down := ShowTransparency; DrawImageView; UpdateWindows; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuRefreshClick(Sender: TObject); begin RedrawTimer.enabled := true; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuNormalWeightsClick(Sender: TObject); begin StopThread; UpdateUndo; // TODO: ...something // ComputeWeights(MainCp, MainTriangles, transforms); RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuRWeightsClick(Sender: TObject); begin StopThread; UpdateUndo; inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; MainCp.RandomizeWeights; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuRandomBatchClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; RandomBatch; OpenFile := AppPath + 'apophysis.rand'; OpenFileType := ftXML; MainForm.Caption := AppVersionString + ' - Random Batch'; ListXML(OpenFile, 1); ListView.SetFocus; if batchsize = 1 then DrawFlame; end; function GradientString(c: TColorMap): string; var strings: TStringList; i, j, cl: integer; begin strings := TStringList.Create; for i := 0 to 255 do begin j := round(i * (399 / 255)); cl := (c[i][2] shl 16) + (c[i][1] shl 8) + (c[i][0]); strings.Add(' index=' + IntToStr(j) + ' color=' + intToStr(cl)); end; Result := Strings.Text; strings.Free; end; function TMainForm.UPRString(cp1: TControlPoint; Entry: string): string; { Returns a string containing an Ultra Fractal parameter set for copying or saving to file } var IterDensity, m, i, j: integer; scale, a, b, c, d, e, f, p, v: double; GradStrings, Strings: TStringList; rept, cby, smap, sol: string; uprcenter: array[0..1] of double; // camera center Backcolor: longint; xf_str: string; begin cp1.Prepare; uprcenter[0] := cp1.Center[0]; uprcenter[1] := cp1.Center[1]; cp1.Width := UPRWidth; cp1.Height := UPRHeight; scale := power(2, cp1.zoom) * CalcUPRMagn(cp1); cp1.center[0] := uprCenter[0]; cp1.center[1] := uprCenter[1]; smap := 'no'; sol := 'no'; rept := ''; cby := 'Hit Frequency'; Strings := TStringList.Create; GradStrings := TStringList.Create; try Strings.Add(CleanEntry(Entry) + ' {'); Strings.Add('fractal:'); Strings.Add(' title="' + CleanUPRTitle(Entry) + '" width=' + IntToStr(UPRWidth) + ' height=' + IntToStr(UPRHeight) + ' layers=1'); Strings.Add('layer:'); Strings.Add(' method=linear caption="Background" opacity=100 mergemode=normal'); Strings.Add('mapping:'); Strings.Add(' center=' + floatToStr(cp1.center[0]) + '/' + floatToStr(-cp1.center[1]) + ' magn=' + FloatToStr(scale)); Strings.Add('formula:'); Strings.Add(' maxiter=1 filename="' + UPRFormulaFile + '" entry="' + UPRFormulaIdent + '"'); Strings.Add('inside:'); Strings.Add(' transfer=none'); Strings.Add('outside:'); Strings.Add(' transfer=linear repeat=no ' + 'filename="' + UPRColoringFile + '" entry="' + UPRColoringIdent + '"'); if (UPRAdjustDensity) and (scale > 1) then IterDensity := Trunc(UPRSampleDensity * scale * scale) else IterDensity := UPRSampleDensity; Strings.Add(' p_iter_density=' + IntToStr(IterDensity) + ' p_spat_filt_rad=' + Format('%.3g', [UPRFilterRadius]) + ' p_oversample=' + IntToStr(UPROversample)); backcolor := 255 shl 24 + cp1.background[0] shl 16 + cp1.background[1] shl 8 + cp1.background[2]; Strings.Add(' p_bk_color=' + IntToStr(Backcolor) + ' p_contrast=1' + ' p_brightness=' + FloatToStr(cp1.Brightness) + ' p_gamma=' + FloatToStr(cp1.Gamma)); Strings.Add(' p_white_level=200 p_xforms=' + inttostr(Transforms)); for m := 0 to Transforms do begin a := cp1.xform[m].c[0][0]; c := cp1.xform[m].c[0][1]; b := cp1.xform[m].c[1][0]; d := cp1.xform[m].c[1][1]; e := cp1.xform[m].c[2][0]; f := cp1.xform[m].c[2][1]; p := cp1.xform[m].Density; if m < Transforms then xf_str := 'p_xf' + inttostr(m) else begin if cp1.HasFinalXForm = false then break; xf_str := 'p_finalxf'; end; Strings.Add(' ' + xf_str + '_p=' + Format('%.6g ', [p])); Strings.Add(' ' + xf_str + '_c=' + floatTostr(cp1.xform[m].color)); Strings.Add(' ' + xf_str + '_sym=' + floatTostr(cp1.xform[m].symmetry)); Strings.Add(' ' + xf_str + '_cfa=' + Format('%.6g ', [a]) + xf_str + '_cfb=' + Format('%.6g ', [b]) + xf_str + '_cfc=' + Format('%.6g ', [c]) + xf_str + '_cfd=' + Format('%.6g ', [d])); Strings.Add(' ' + xf_str + '_cfe=' + Format('%.6g ', [e]) + ' ' + xf_str + '_cff=' + Format('%.6g ', [f])); for i := 0 to NRVAR-1 do if cp1.xform[m].vars[i] <> 0 then begin Strings.Add(' ' + xf_str + '_var_' + VarNames(i) + '=' + floatToStr(cp1.xform[m].vars[i])); for j:= 0 to GetNrVariableNames - 1 do begin {$ifndef VAR_STR} cp1.xform[m].GetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(j), v); Strings.Add(' ' + xf_str + '_par_' + GetVariableNameAt(j) + '=' + floatToStr(v)); {$else} Strings.Add(' ' + xf_str + '_par_' + GetVariableNameAt(j) + '=' + cp1.xform[m].GetVariableStr(GetVariableNameAt(j))); {$endif} end; end; end; Strings.Add('gradient:'); Strings.Add(GradientString(cp1.cmap)); Strings.Add('}'); UPRString := Strings.Text; finally GradStrings.Free; Strings.Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuRandomClick(Sender: TObject); begin StopThread; UpdateUndo; inc(MainSeed); RandomizeCP(MainCp); inc(RandomIndex); MainCp.name := RandomPrefix + RandomDate + '-' + IntToStr(RandomIndex); Transforms := MainCp.TrianglesFromCP(MainTriangles); if AdjustForm.visible then AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay; StatusBar.Panels[2].text := maincp.name; ResetLocation; RedrawTimer.Enabled := true; UpdateWindows; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuEqualizeClick(Sender: TObject); begin StopThread; UpdateUndo; MainCP.EqualizeWeights; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuEditorClick(Sender: TObject); begin EditForm.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuExitClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; Close; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuSaveUPRClick(Sender: TObject); { Write a UPR to a file } begin SaveForm.Caption := 'Export UPR'; SaveForm.Filename := UPRPath; SaveForm.Title := maincp.name; if SaveForm.ShowModal = mrOK then begin UPRPath := SaveForm.FileName; SaveUPR(SaveForm.Title, SaveForm.Filename); end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuSaveAsClick(Sender: TObject); { Save parameters to a file } begin SaveForm.Caption := 'Save Parameters'; SaveForm.Filename := SavePath; SaveForm.Title := maincp.name; SaveForm.txtTitle.Enabled := True; if SaveForm.ShowModal = mrOK then begin maincp.name := SaveForm.Title; SavePath := SaveForm.Filename; if ExtractFileExt(SavePath) = '' then SavePath := SavePath + '.flame'; if Lowercase(ExtractFileExt(SaveForm.Filename)) = '.ifs' then SaveIFS(maincp, maincp.name, SavePath) else if (LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(SaveForm.Filename)) = '.fla') or (LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(SaveForm.Filename)) = '.apo') then SaveFlame(maincp, maincp.name, SavePath) else SaveXMLFlame(maincp, maincp.name, SavePath); StatusBar.Panels[2].Text := maincp.name; if (SavePath = OpenFile) then begin if OpenFileType = ftXML then ListXML(OpenDialog.FileName, 0) else ListIFS(OpenDialog.FileName, 0) end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuSaveAllAsClick(Sender: TObject); { Save all parameters to a file } var i, current: integer; begin SaveForm.Caption := 'Save All Parameters'; SaveForm.Filename := SavePath; SaveForm.Title := ''; SaveForm.txtTitle.Enabled := false; if SaveForm.ShowModal = mrOK then begin SavePath := SaveForm.Filename; if ExtractFileExt(SavePath) = '' then SavePath := SavePath + '.flame'; if ExtractFileExt(SavePath) <> '.flame' then begin Application.MessageBox('Bad filename extension.', 'Warning', MB_OK or MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); exit; end; current := ListView.ItemIndex; for i := 0 to ListView.Items.Count-1 do begin LoadXMLFlame(OpenFile, ListView.Items.Item[i].Caption); SaveXMLFlame(maincp, maincp.name, SavePath); end; ListView.ItemIndex := current; LoadXMLFlame(OpenFile, ListView.Selected.caption); end; end; function GradTitle(str: string): string; var p: integer; begin p := pos('{', str); GradTitle := Trim(copy(str, 1, p - 1)); end; procedure TMainForm.DisplayHint(Sender: TObject); var T: TComponent; begin T := MainForm.FindComponent('StatusBar'); if T <> nil then if Application.Hint = '' then begin TStatusBar(T).SimpleText := ''; TStatusBar(T).SimplePanel := False; TStatusBar(T).Refresh; end else TStatusBar(T).SimpleText := Application.Hint; end; procedure TMainForm.MainFileClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; end; procedure TMainForm.MainViewClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; end; procedure TMainForm.MainToolsClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; end; procedure TMainForm.MainHelpClick(Sender: TObject); begin end; { ********************************* Form ************************************ } procedure TMainForm.FavoriteClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; s: string; begin i := TMenuItem(Sender).Tag; Script := favorites[i]; ScriptEditor.Editor.Lines.LoadFromFile(Script); s := ExtractFileName(Script); s := Copy(s, 0, length(s) - 4); mnuRun.Caption := 'Run "' + s + '"'; btnRun.Hint := 'Run Script (F8)|Runs the ' + s + ' script.'; ScriptEditor.Caption := s; ScriptEditor.RunScript; end; procedure TMainForm.GetScripts; var NewItem: TMenuItem; i: integer; s: string; begin if not FileExists(AppPath + 'favorites') then exit; Favorites.LoadFromFile(AppPath + 'favorites'); if Trim(Favorites.Text) = '' then exit; if Favorites.count <> 0 then begin NewItem := TMenuItem.Create(self); NewItem.Caption := '-'; mnuScript.Add(NewItem); for i := 0 to Favorites.Count - 1 do begin if FileExists(Favorites[i]) then begin NewItem := TMenuItem.Create(Self); if i < 12 then NewItem.ShortCut := TextToShortCut('Ctrl+F' + IntToStr(i + 1)); NewItem.Tag := i; s := ExtractFileName(Favorites[i]); s := Copy(s, 0, length(s) - 4); NewItem.Caption := s; NewItem.Hint := 'Loads and runs the ' + s + ' script.'; NewItem.OnClick := FavoriteClick; OnClick := FavoriteClick; mnuScript.Add(NewItem); end; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var dte: string; begin Screen.Cursors[crEditArrow] := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'ARROW_WHITE'); Screen.Cursors[crEditMove] := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'MOVE_WB'); Screen.Cursors[crEditRotate] := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'ROTATE_WB'); Screen.Cursors[crEditScale] := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'SCALE_WB'); (* {$IFDEF DEBUG} // Enable raw mode (default mode uses stack frames which aren't always generated by the compiler) Include(JclStackTrackingOptions, stRawMode); // Disable stack tracking in dynamically loaded modules (it makes stack tracking code a bit faster) Include(JclStackTrackingOptions, stStaticModuleList); // Initialize Exception tracking JclStartExceptionTracking; Application.OnException := AppException; {$ENDIF} *) FMouseMoveState := msDrag; LimitVibrancy := True; Favorites := TStringList.Create; GetScripts; Randomize; MainSeed := Random(1234567890); maincp := TControlPoint.Create; ParseCp := TControlPoint.create; mainCPindex := -1; OpenFileType := ftXML; Application.OnHint := DisplayHint; Application.OnHelp := ApplicationOnHelp; AppPath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); CanDrawOnResize := False; ReadSettings; Dte := FormatDateTime('yymmdd', Now); if Dte <> RandomDate then RandomIndex := 0; RandomDate := Dte; mnuExit.ShortCut := TextToShortCut('Alt+F4'); //if VariationOptions = 0 then VariationOptions := 16383; // it shouldn't hapen but just in case; //UnpackVariations(VariationOptions); FillVariantMenu; tbQualityBox.Text := FloatToStr(defSampleDensity); tbShowAlpha.Down := ShowTransparency; DrawSelection := true; FViewScale := 1; // prevent divide by zero (?) end; procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var Registry: TRegistry; i: integer; begin { Read position from registry } Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if Registry.OpenKey('\Software\' + APP_NAME + '\Forms\Main', False) then begin if Registry.ValueExists('Left') then MainForm.Left := Registry.ReadInteger('Left'); if Registry.ValueExists('Top') then MainForm.Top := Registry.ReadInteger('Top'); if Registry.ValueExists('Width') then MainForm.Width := Registry.ReadInteger('Width'); if Registry.ValueExists('Height') then MainForm.Height := Registry.ReadInteger('Height'); end; Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; { Synchronize menus etc..} // should be defaults.... UndoIndex := 0; UndoMax := 0; ListView.RowSelect := True; inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; Variation := vRandom; Maincp.brightness := defBrightness; maincp.gamma := defGamma; maincp.vibrancy := defVibrancy; maincp.sample_density := defSampleDensity; maincp.spatial_oversample := defOversample; maincp.spatial_filter_radius := defFilterRadius; maincp.gammaThreshRelative := defGammaThreshold; inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; // somehow this doesn't work: // Image.Width := BackPanel.Width - 2; // Image.Height := BackPanel.Height - 2; // so we'll do it 'bad' way ;-) Image.Align := alNone; if FileExists(AppPath + 'default.map') then begin DefaultPalette := GradientBrowser.LoadFractintMap(AppPath + 'default.map'); maincp.cmap := DefaultPalette; end else begin cmap_index := random(NRCMAPS); GetCMap(cmap_index, 1, maincp.cmap); DefaultPalette := maincp.cmap; end; if FileExists(AppPath + 'apophysis.rand') then DeleteFile(AppPath + 'apophysis.rand'); // get filename from command line argument if ParamCount > 0 then openFile := ParamStr(1) else openFile := defFlameFile; if (openFile = '') or (not FileExists(openFile)) then begin MainCp.Width := Image.Width; MainCp.Height := Image.Height; RandomBatch; MainForm.Caption := AppVersionString + ' - Random Batch'; OpenFile := AppPath + 'apophysis.rand'; ListXML(OpenFile, 1); OpenFileType := ftXML; if batchsize = 1 then DrawFlame; end else begin if (LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(OpenFile)) = '.apo') or (LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(OpenFile)) = '.fla') then begin ListFlames(OpenFile, 1); OpenFileType := ftFla; end else begin ListXML(OpenFile, 1); OpenFileType := ftXML; MainForm.ListView.Selected := MainForm.ListView.Items[0]; end; MainForm.Caption := AppVersionString + ' - ' + defFlameFile; end; ListView.SetFocus; CanDrawOnResize := True; Statusbar.Panels[2].Text := maincp.name; { gradientForm.cmbPalette.Items.clear; for i := 0 to NRCMAPS -1 do gradientForm.cmbPalette.Items.Add(cMapnames[i]); GradientForm.cmbPalette.ItemIndex := 0; } AdjustForm.cmbPalette.Items.clear; for i := 0 to NRCMAPS -1 do AdjustForm.cmbPalette.Items.Add(cMapnames[i]); AdjustForm.cmbPalette.ItemIndex := 0; // AdjustForm.cmbPalette.Items.clear; ExportDialog.cmbDepth.ItemIndex := 2; end; procedure TMainForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); var Registry: TRegistry; begin if ConfirmExit and (UndoIndex <> 0) then if Application.MessageBox('Do you really want to exit?' + #13#10 + 'All unsaved data will be lost!', 'Apophysis', MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) <> IDYES then begin Action := caNone; exit; end; ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; HtmlHelp(0, nil, HH_CLOSE_ALL, 0); { To capture secondary window positions } if EditForm.visible then EditForm.Close; if AdjustForm.visible then AdjustForm.close; if GradientBrowser.visible then GradientBrowser.close; if MutateForm.visible then MutateForm.Close; // if GradientForm.visible then GradientForm.Close; if ScriptEditor.visible then ScriptEditor.Close; { Stop the render thread } if RenderForm.Visible then RenderForm.Close; if assigned(Renderer) then Renderer.Terminate; if assigned(Renderer) then Renderer.WaitFor; { Write position to registry } Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if Registry.OpenKey('\Software\' + APP_NAME + '\Forms\Main', True) then begin if MainForm.WindowState <> wsMaximized then begin Registry.WriteInteger('Top', MainForm.Top); Registry.WriteInteger('Left', MainForm.Left); Registry.WriteInteger('Width', MainForm.Width); Registry.WriteInteger('Height', MainForm.Height); end; end; finally Registry.Free; end; Application.ProcessMessages; CanDrawOnResize := False; if FileExists('apophysis.rand') then DeleteFile('apophysis.rand'); if FileExists('apophysis.undo') then DeleteFile('apophysis.undo'); SaveSettings; end; procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if assigned(Renderer) then Renderer.Terminate; if assigned(Renderer) then Renderer.WaitFor; if assigned(Renderer) then Renderer.Free; if assigned(FViewImage) then FViewImage.Free; MainCP.free; ParseCp.free; Favorites.Free; end; procedure TMainForm.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); var scale: double; begin if Key = #27 then begin case FMouseMoveState of msZoomWindowMove: FMouseMoveState := msZoomWindow; msZoomOutWindowMove: FMouseMoveState := msZoomOutWindow; msDragMove: begin FMouseMoveState := msDrag; scale := FViewScale * Image.Width / FViewImage.Width; FViewPos.X := FViewPos.X - (FClickRect.Right - FClickRect.Left) / scale; FViewPos.Y := FViewPos.Y - (FClickRect.Bottom - FClickRect.Top) / scale; end; msRotateMove: FMouseMoveState := msRotate; end; DrawImageView; end; ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; end; { ****************************** Misc controls ****************************** } procedure TMainForm.BackPanelResize(Sender: TObject); begin StopThread; if CanDrawOnResize then reDrawTimer.Enabled := True; ResizeImage; DrawImageView; end; procedure TMainForm.LoadXMLFlame(filename, name: string); var i, p: integer; FileStrings: TStringList; ParamStrings: TStringList; Tokens: TStringList; time: integer; begin time := -1; FileStrings := TStringList.Create; ParamStrings := TStringList.Create; if pos('*untitled', name) <> 0 then begin Tokens := TStringList.Create; GetTokens(name, tokens); time := StrToInt(tokens[1]); Tokens.free; end; try FileStrings.LoadFromFile(filename); for i := 0 to FileStrings.Count - 1 do begin pname := ''; ptime := ''; p := Pos('<flame ', LowerCase(FileStrings[i])); if (p <> 0) then begin MainForm.ListXMLScanner.LoadFromBuffer(PCHAR(FileStrings[i])); MainForm.ListXMLScanner.Execute; if pname <> '' then begin if (Trim(pname) = Trim(name)) then begin ParamStrings.Add(FileStrings[i]); Break; end; end else begin if StrToInt(ptime) = time then begin ParamStrings.Add(FileStrings[i]); Break; end; end; end; end; repeat inc(i); ParamStrings.Add(FileStrings[i]); until pos('</flame>', Lowercase(FileStrings[i])) <> 0; ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; StopThread; ParseXML(MainCp, PCHAR(PAramStrings.Text)); mnuSaveUndo.Enabled := false; mnuUndo.Enabled := False; mnuPopUndo.Enabled := False; mnuRedo.enabled := False; mnuPopRedo.enabled := False; EditForm.mnuUndo.Enabled := False; EditForm.mnuRedo.enabled := False; EditForm.tbUndo.enabled := false; EditForm.tbRedo.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnUndo.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnRedo.enabled := false; btnUndo.Enabled := false; btnRedo.enabled := false; Transforms := MainCp.TrianglesFromCP(MainTriangles); UndoIndex := 0; UndoMax := 0; if fileExists(AppPath + 'apophysis.undo') then DeleteFile(AppPath + 'apophysis.undo'); Statusbar.Panels[2].Text := Maincp.name; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; Application.ProcessMessages; EditForm.SelectedTriangle := 0; // (?) UpdateWindows; finally FileStrings.free; ParamStrings.free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.LoadXMLFlame(filename: string; index: integer); var i, p: integer; FileStrings: TStringList; ParamStrings: TStringList; Tokens: TStringList; flameindex: integer; begin FileStrings := TStringList.Create; ParamStrings := TStringList.Create; try FileStrings.LoadFromFile(filename); flameindex := 0; for i := 0 to FileStrings.Count - 1 do begin pname := ''; ptime := ''; p := Pos('<flame ', LowerCase(FileStrings[i])); if (p <> 0) then begin if (flameIndex <> index) then begin inc(flameIndex); continue; end; MainForm.ListXMLScanner.LoadFromBuffer(PCHAR(FileStrings[i])); MainForm.ListXMLScanner.Execute; ParamStrings.Add(FileStrings[i]); Break; end; end; repeat inc(i); ParamStrings.Add(FileStrings[i]); until pos('</flame>', Lowercase(FileStrings[i])) <> 0; ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; StopThread; ParseXML(MainCp, PCHAR(PAramStrings.Text)); mnuSaveUndo.Enabled := false; mnuUndo.Enabled := False; mnuPopUndo.Enabled := False; mnuRedo.enabled := False; mnuPopRedo.enabled := False; EditForm.mnuUndo.Enabled := False; EditForm.mnuRedo.enabled := False; EditForm.tbUndo.enabled := false; EditForm.tbRedo.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnUndo.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnRedo.enabled := false; btnUndo.Enabled := false; btnRedo.enabled := false; Transforms := MainCp.TrianglesFromCP(MainTriangles); UndoIndex := 0; UndoMax := 0; if fileExists(AppPath + 'apophysis.undo') then DeleteFile(AppPath + 'apophysis.undo'); Statusbar.Panels[2].Text := Maincp.name; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; Application.ProcessMessages; EditForm.SelectedTriangle := 0; // (?) UpdateWindows; finally FileStrings.free; ParamStrings.free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ResizeImage; var pw, ph: integer; begin pw := BackPanel.Width - 2; ph := BackPanel.Height - 2; begin if (MainCP.Width / MainCP.Height) > (pw / ph) then begin Image.Width := pw; Image.Height := round(MainCP.Height / MainCP.Width * pw); Image.Left := 1; Image.Top := (ph - Image.Height) div 2; end else begin Image.Height := ph; Image.Width := round(MainCP.Width / MainCP.Height * ph); Image.Top := 1; Image.Left := (pw - Image.Width) div 2; end; end; //MainCP.AdjustScale(Image.Width, Image.Height); end; procedure TMainForm.ListViewChange(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Change: TItemChange); var FStrings: TStringList; IFSStrings: TStringList; EntryStrings, Tokens: TStringList; SavedPal: Boolean; i, j: integer; floatcolor: double; s: string; Palette: TcolorMap; begin if ((ListView.SelCount <> 0) and (Trim(ListView.Selected.Caption) <> Trim(mainCP.name))) or ((Change = ctState) and (Item.Selected = true) and (Item.Index <> mainCPindex)) then begin assert(ListView.Selected = Item); mainCPindex := Item.Index; RedrawTimer.Enabled := False; //? StopThread; if OpenFileType = ftXML then begin LoadXMLFlame(OpenFile, ListView.Selected.Index); end else begin SavedPal := false; ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; FStrings := TStringList.Create; IFSStrings := TStringList.Create; Tokens := TStringList.Create; EntryStrings := TStringList.Create; try FStrings.LoadFromFile(OpenFile); for i := 0 to FStrings.count - 1 do if Pos(ListView.Selected.Caption + ' {', Trim(FStrings[i])) = 1 then break; IFSStrings.Add(FStrings[i]); repeat inc(i); IFSStrings.Add(FStrings[i]); until Pos('}', FStrings[i]) <> 0; maincp.Clear; // initialize control point for new flame; maincp.background[0] := 0; maincp.background[1] := 0; maincp.background[2] := 0; maincp.sample_density := defSampleDensity; maincp.spatial_oversample := defOversample; maincp.spatial_filter_radius := defFilterRadius; if OpenFileType = ftFla then begin for i := 0 to FStrings.count - 1 do begin if Pos(ListView.Selected.Caption + ' {', Trim(FStrings[i])) = 1 then break; end; inc(i); while (Pos('}', FStrings[i]) = 0) and (Pos('palette:', FStrings[i]) = 0) do begin EntryStrings.Add(FStrings[i]); inc(i); end; if Pos('palette:', FStrings[i]) = 1 then begin SavedPal := True; inc(i); for j := 0 to 255 do begin s := FStrings[i]; GetTokens(s, tokens); floatcolor := StrToFloat(Tokens[0]); Palette[j][0] := round(floatcolor); floatcolor := StrToFloat(Tokens[1]); Palette[j][1] := round(floatcolor); floatcolor := StrToFloat(Tokens[2]); Palette[j][2] := round(floatcolor); inc(i); end; end; FlameString := EntryStrings.Text; maincp.ParseString(FlameString); Transforms := MainCP.NumXForms; end else begin { Open *.ifs File } Variation := vLinear; VarMenus[0].Checked := True; StringToIFS(IFSStrings.Text); SetVariation(maincp); maincp.CalcBoundBox; end; // Zoom := maincp.zoom; Center[0] := maincp.Center[0]; Center[1] := maincp.Center[1]; // MainCP.NormalizeWeights; mnuSaveUndo.Enabled := false; mnuUndo.Enabled := False; mnuPopUndo.Enabled := False; mnuRedo.enabled := False; mnuPopRedo.enabled := False; EditForm.mnuUndo.Enabled := False; EditForm.mnuRedo.enabled := False; EditForm.tbUndo.enabled := false; EditForm.tbRedo.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnUndo.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnRedo.enabled := false; btnUndo.Enabled := false; btnRedo.enabled := false; Transforms := MainCp.TrianglesFromCP(MainTriangles); // Fix Apophysis 1.0 parameters with negative color parameteres! for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do if maincp.xform[i].color < 0 then maincp.xform[i].color := 0; if SavedPal then maincp.cmap := Palette; UndoIndex := 0; UndoMax := 0; if fileExists(AppPath + 'apophysis.undo') then DeleteFile(AppPath + 'apophysis.undo'); maincp.name := ListView.Selected.Caption; Statusbar.Panels[2].Text := maincp.name; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; Application.ProcessMessages; UpdateWindows; finally IFSStrings.Free; FStrings.Free; Tokens.free; EntryStrings.free; end; end; {if ResizeOnLoad then} ResizeImage; end; end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateWindows; begin if AdjustForm.visible then AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay; if EditForm.visible then EditForm.UpdateDisplay; if MutateForm.visible then MutateForm.UpdateDisplay; end; procedure TMainForm.LoadUndoFlame(index: integer; filename: string); var FStrings: TStringList; IFSStrings: TStringList; EntryStrings, Tokens: TStringList; SavedPal: Boolean; i, j: integer; s: string; Palette: TColorMap; begin ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; FStrings := TStringList.Create; IFSStrings := TStringList.Create; Tokens := TStringList.Create; EntryStrings := TStringList.Create; try FStrings.LoadFromFile(filename); for i := 0 to FStrings.count - 1 do if Pos(Format('%.4d-', [UndoIndex]), Trim(FStrings[i])) = 1 then break; IFSStrings.Add(FStrings[i]); repeat inc(i); IFSStrings.Add(FStrings[i]); until Pos('}', FStrings[i]) <> 0; for i := 0 to FStrings.count - 1 do begin if Pos(Format('%.4d-', [UndoIndex]), Trim(Lowercase(FStrings[i]))) = 1 then break; end; inc(i); while (Pos('}', FStrings[i]) = 0) and (Pos('palette:', FStrings[i]) = 0) do begin EntryStrings.Add(FStrings[i]); inc(i); end; SavedPal := false; if Pos('palette:', FStrings[i]) = 1 then begin SavedPal := True; inc(i); for j := 0 to 255 do begin s := FStrings[i]; GetTokens(s, tokens); Palette[j][0] := StrToInt(Tokens[0]); Palette[j][1] := StrToInt(Tokens[1]); Palette[j][2] := StrToInt(Tokens[2]); inc(i); end; end; maincp.Clear; FlameString := EntryStrings.Text; maincp.zoom := 0; maincp.center[0] := 0; maincp.center[0] := 0; maincp.ParseString(FlameString); maincp.sample_density := defSampleDensity; Center[0] := maincp.Center[0]; Center[1] := maincp.Center[1]; // cp.CalcBoundbox; // MainCP.NormalizeWeights; Transforms := MainCp.TrianglesFromCP(MainTriangles); // Trim undo index from title maincp.name := Copy(Fstrings[0], 6, length(Fstrings[0]) - 7); if SavedPal then maincp.cmap := palette; if AdjustForm.visible then AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; finally IFSStrings.Free; FStrings.Free; Tokens.free; EntryStrings.free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ResetLocation; var i: integer; label skip; begin for i := 0 to mainCP.NumXForms-1 do if mainCP.xform[i].noPlot = false then goto skip; exit; skip: maincp.zoom := 0; //maincp.Width := Image.Width; //maincp.Height := Image.Height; maincp.CalcBoundBox; center[0] := maincp.center[0]; center[1] := maincp.center[1]; end; procedure TMainForm.ListViewEdited(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; var S: string); begin if s <> Item.Caption then if OpenFIleType = ftXML then begin if not RenameXML(Item.Caption, s) then s := Item.Caption; end else if not RenameIFS(Item.Caption, s) then s := Item.Caption end; procedure TMainForm.RedrawTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); { Draw flame when timer fires. This seems to stop a lot of errors } begin if FMouseMoveState in [msZoomWindowMove, msZoomOutWindowMove, msDragMove, msRotateMove] then exit; RedrawTimer.enabled := False; DrawFlame; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuVRandomClick(Sender: TObject); begin mnuVRandom.Checked := True; StopThread; UpdateUndo; inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; repeat Variation := vRandom; SetVariation(maincp); until not maincp.blowsup(1000); inc(randomindex); MainCp.name := RandomPrefix + RandomDate + '-' + IntToStr(RandomIndex); ResetLocation; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuGradClick(Sender: TObject); begin AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay; AdjustForm.PageControl.TabIndex:=2; AdjustForm.Show; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.mnuimageClick(Sender: TObject); begin frmImageColoring.Show; end; procedure swapcolor(var clist: array of cardinal; i, j: integer); var t: cardinal; begin t := clist[j]; clist[j] := clist[i]; clist[i] := t; end; function diffcolor(clist: array of cardinal; i, j: integer): cardinal; var r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2: byte; begin r1 := clist[j] and 255; g1 := clist[j] shr 8 and 255; b1 := clist[j] shr 16 and 255; r2 := clist[i] and 255; g2 := clist[i] shr 8 and 255; b2 := clist[i] shr 16 and 255; Result := abs((r1 - r2) * (r1 - r2)) + abs((g1 - g2) * (g1 - g2)) + abs((b1 - b2) * (b1 - b2)); end; procedure TMainForm.mnuSmoothGradientClick(Sender: TObject); begin SmoothPalette; end; procedure TMainForm.SmoothPalette; { From Draves' Smooth palette Gimp plug-in } var Bitmap: TBitMap; JPEG: TJPEGImage; pal: TColorMap; strings: TStringlist; ident, FileName: string; len, len_best, as_is, swapd: cardinal; cmap_best, original, clist: array[0..255] of cardinal; p, total, j, rand, tryit, i0, i1, x, y, i, iw, ih: integer; begin Total := Trunc(NumTries * TryLength / 100); p := 0; Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; JPEG := TJPEGImage.Create; strings := TStringList.Create; try begin inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; OpenDialog.Filter := 'All (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg|JPEG images (*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|BMP images (*.bmp)|*.bmp'; OpenDialog.InitialDir := ImageFolder; OpenDialog.Title := 'Select Image File'; OpenDialog.FileName := ''; if OpenDialog.Execute then begin ImageFolder := ExtractFilePath(OpenDialog.FileName); Application.ProcessMessages; len_best := 0; if UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Opendialog.FileName)) = '.BMP' then Bitmap.LoadFromFile(Opendialog.FileName); if (UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Opendialog.FileName)) = '.JPG') or (UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Opendialog.FileName)) = '.JPEG') then begin JPEG.LoadFromFile(Opendialog.FileName); with Bitmap do begin Width := JPEG.Width; Height := JPEG.Height; Canvas.Draw(0, 0, JPEG); end; end; iw := Bitmap.Width; ih := Bitmap.Height; for i := 0 to 255 do begin { Pick colors from 256 random pixels in the image } x := random(iw); y := random(ih); clist[i] := Bitmap.canvas.Pixels[x, y]; end; original := clist; cmap_best := clist; for tryit := 1 to NumTries do begin clist := original; // scramble for i := 0 to 255 do begin rand := random(256); swapcolor(clist, i, rand); end; // measure len := 0; for i := 0 to 255 do len := len + diffcolor(clist, i, i + 1); // improve for i := 1 to TryLength do begin inc(p); StatusBar.SimpleText := 'Calculating palette...' + IntToStr(p div total) + '%'; i0 := 1 + random(254); i1 := 1 + random(254); if ((i0 - i1) = 1) then begin as_is := diffcolor(clist, i1 - 1, i1) + diffcolor(clist, i0, i0 + 1); swapd := diffcolor(clist, i1 - 1, i0) + diffcolor(clist, i1, i0 + 1); end else if ((i1 - i0) = 1) then begin as_is := diffcolor(clist, i0 - 1, i0) + diffcolor(clist, i1, i1 + 1); swapd := diffcolor(clist, i0 - 1, i1) + diffcolor(clist, i0, i1 + 1); end else begin as_is := diffcolor(clist, i0, i0 + 1) + diffcolor(clist, i0, i0 - 1) + diffcolor(clist, i1, i1 + 1) + diffcolor(clist, i1, i1 - 1); swapd := diffcolor(clist, i1, i0 + 1) + diffcolor(clist, i1, i0 - 1) + diffcolor(clist, i0, i1 + 1) + diffcolor(clist, i0, i1 - 1); end; if (swapd < as_is) then begin swapcolor(clist, i0, i1); len := abs(len + swapd - as_is); end; end; if (tryit = 1) or (len < len_best) then begin cmap_best := clist; len_best := len; end; end; clist := cmap_best; // clean for i := 1 to 1024 do begin i0 := 1 + random(254); i1 := i0 + 1; as_is := diffcolor(clist, i0 - 1, i0) + diffcolor(clist, i1, i1 + 1); swapd := diffcolor(clist, i0 - 1, i1) + diffcolor(clist, i0, i1 + 1); if (swapd < as_is) then begin swapcolor(clist, i0, i1); len_best := len_best + swapd - as_is; end; end; { Convert to TColorMap, Gradient and save } FileName := lowercase(ExtractFileName(Opendialog.FileName)); ident := CleanEntry(FileName); strings.add(ident + ' {'); strings.add('gradient:'); strings.add(' title="' + CleanUPRTitle(FileName) + '" smooth=no'); for i := 0 to 255 do begin pal[i][0] := clist[i] and 255; pal[i][1] := clist[i] shr 8 and 255; pal[i][2] := clist[i] shr 16 and 255; j := round(i * (399 / 255)); strings.Add(' index=' + IntToStr(j) + ' color=' + intToStr(clist[i])); end; strings.Add('}'); SaveGradient(Strings.Text, Ident, defSmoothPaletteFile); StopThread; UpdateUndo; maincp.cmap := Pal; maincp.cmapindex := -1; AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay; if EditForm.Visible then EditForm.UpdateDisplay; if MutateForm.Visible then MutateForm.UpdateDisplay; RedrawTimer.enabled := true; end; StatusBar.SimpleText := ''; end; finally Bitmap.Free; JPEG.Free; strings.Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuToolbarClick(Sender: TObject); begin Toolbar.Visible := not Toolbar.Visible; mnuToolbar.Checked := Toolbar.visible; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuStatusBarClick(Sender: TObject); begin Statusbar.Visible := not Statusbar.Visible; mnuStatusbar.Checked := Statusbar.visible; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuFileContentsClick(Sender: TObject); begin ListView.Visible := not ListView.Visible; mnuFileContents.Checked := ListView.Visible; if ListView.Visible then Splitter.Width := 4 else Splitter.Width := 0; end; procedure TMainForm.Undo; begin if UndoIndex = UndoMax then SaveFlame(maincp, Format('%.4d-', [UndoIndex]) + maincp.name, AppPath + 'apophysis.undo'); StopThread; Dec(UndoIndex); LoadUndoFlame(UndoIndex, AppPath + 'apophysis.undo'); mnuRedo.Enabled := True; mnuPopRedo.Enabled := True; btnRedo.Enabled := True; EditForm.mnuRedo.Enabled := True; EditForm.tbRedo.enabled := true; AdjustForm.btnRedo.enabled := true; if UndoIndex = 0 then begin mnuUndo.Enabled := false; mnuPopUndo.Enabled := false; btnUndo.Enabled := false; EditForm.mnuUndo.Enabled := false; EditForm.tbUndo.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnUndo.enabled := false; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuUndoClick(Sender: TObject); begin Undo; StatusBar.Panels[2].Text := maincp.name; end; procedure TMainForm.Redo; begin StopThread; Inc(UndoIndex); assert(UndoIndex <= UndoMax, 'Undo list index out of range!'); LoadUndoFlame(UndoIndex, AppPath + 'apophysis.undo'); mnuUndo.Enabled := True; mnuPopUndo.Enabled := True; btnUndo.Enabled := True; EditForm.mnuUndo.Enabled := True; EditForm.tbUndo.enabled := true; AdjustForm.btnUndo.enabled := true; if UndoIndex = UndoMax then begin mnuRedo.Enabled := false; mnuPopRedo.Enabled := false; btnRedo.Enabled := false; EditForm.mnuRedo.Enabled := false; EditForm.tbRedo.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnRedo.enabled := false; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuRedoClick(Sender: TObject); begin Redo; StatusBar.Panels[2].Text := maincp.name; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuExportBitmapClick(Sender: TObject); begin SaveDialog.DefaultExt := 'bmp'; SaveDialog.Filter := 'Bitmap files (*.bmp)|*.bmp'; SaveDialog.Filename := maincp.name; if SaveDialog.Execute then Image.Picture.Bitmap.SaveToFile(SaveDialog.Filename) end; procedure TMainForm.mnuFullScreenClick(Sender: TObject); begin FullScreenForm.ActiveForm := Screen.ActiveForm; FullScreenForm.Width := Screen.Width; FullScreenForm.Height := Screen.Height; FullScreenForm.Top := 0; FullScreenForm.Left := 0; FullScreenForm.cp.Copy(maincp); FullScreenForm.cp.cmap := maincp.cmap; FullScreenForm.center[0] := center[0]; FullScreenForm.center[1] := center[1]; FullScreenForm.Calculate := True; FullScreenForm.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuRenderClick(Sender: TObject); var Ext: string; NewRender: Boolean; begin NewRender := True; if Assigned(RenderForm.Renderer) then if Application.MessageBox('Do you want to abort the current render?', 'Apophysis', 36) = ID_NO then NewRender := false; if NewRender then begin if Assigned(RenderForm.Renderer) then RenderForm.Renderer.Terminate; if Assigned(RenderForm.Renderer) then RenderForm.Renderer.WaitFor; // hmm #1 RenderForm.ResetControls; RenderForm.PageCtrl.TabIndex := 0; case renderFileFormat of 1: Ext := '.bmp'; 2: Ext := '.png'; 3: Ext := '.jpg'; end; RenderForm.caption := 'Render ' + #39 + maincp.name + #39 + ' to Disk'; RenderForm.Filename := RenderPath + maincp.name + Ext; RenderForm.SaveDialog.FileName := RenderPath + maincp.name + Ext; RenderForm.txtFilename.Text := ChangeFileExt(RenderForm.SaveDialog.Filename, Ext); RenderForm.cp.Copy(MainCP); RenderForm.cp.cmap := maincp.cmap; RenderForm.zoom := maincp.zoom; RenderForm.Center[0] := center[0]; RenderForm.Center[1] := center[1]; if Assigned(RenderForm.Renderer) then RenderForm.Renderer.WaitFor; // hmm #2 end; RenderForm.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuRenderAllClick(Sender: TObject); var Ext: string; NewRender: Boolean; begin NewRender := True; if Assigned(RenderForm.Renderer) then if Application.MessageBox('Do you want to abort the current render?', 'Apophysis', 36) = ID_NO then NewRender := false; if NewRender then begin if Assigned(RenderForm.Renderer) then RenderForm.Renderer.Terminate; if Assigned(RenderForm.Renderer) then RenderForm.Renderer.WaitFor; // hmm #1 RenderForm.ResetControls; RenderForm.PageCtrl.TabIndex := 0; case renderFileFormat of 1: Ext := '.bmp'; 2: Ext := '.png'; 3: Ext := '.jpg'; end; RenderForm.caption := 'Render all flames to disk'; RenderForm.bRenderAll := true; RenderForm.Filename := RenderPath + maincp.name + Ext; RenderForm.SaveDialog.FileName := RenderForm.Filename; RenderForm.txtFilename.Text := ChangeFileExt(RenderForm.SaveDialog.Filename, Ext); RenderForm.cp.Copy(MainCP); RenderForm.cp.cmap := maincp.cmap; RenderForm.zoom := maincp.zoom; RenderForm.Center[0] := center[0]; RenderForm.Center[1] := center[1]; if Assigned(RenderForm.Renderer) then RenderForm.Renderer.WaitFor; // hmm #2 end; RenderForm.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuMutateClick(Sender: TObject); begin MutateForm.Show; MutateForm.UpdateDisplay; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuAdjustClick(Sender: TObject); begin AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay; AdjustForm.PageControl.TabIndex := 0; AdjustForm.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuResetLocationClick(Sender: TObject); var scale: double; dx, dy, cdx, cdy: double; sina, cosa: extended; begin UpdateUndo; scale := MainCP.pixels_per_unit / MainCP.Width * power(2, MainCP.zoom); cdx := MainCP.center[0]; cdy := MainCP.center[1]; ResetLocation; cdx := MainCP.center[0] - cdx; cdy := MainCP.center[1] - cdy; Sincos(MainCP.FAngle, sina, cosa); if IsZero(sina) then begin dy := cdy*cosa {- cdx*sina}; dx := (cdx {+ dy*sina})/cosa; end else begin dx := cdy*sina + cdx*cosa; dy := (dx*cosa - cdx)/sina; end; FViewPos.x := FViewPos.x - dx * scale * Image.Width; FViewPos.y := FViewPos.y - dy * scale * Image.Width; FViewScale := FViewScale * MainCP.pixels_per_unit / MainCP.Width * power(2, MainCP.zoom) / scale; DrawImageView; RedrawTimer.enabled := true; UpdateWindows; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuAboutClick(Sender: TObject); begin AboutForm.ShowModal; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuOpenGradientClick(Sender: TObject); begin GradientBrowser.Filename := GradientFile; GradientBrowser.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuSaveUndoClick(Sender: TObject); begin if FileExists(AppPath + 'apophysis.undo') then begin SaveDialog.DefaultExt := 'apo'; SaveDialog.Filter := 'Apophysis Parameters (*.apo)|*.apo'; SaveDialog.Filename := maincp.name; if SaveDialog.Execute then begin if FileExists(SaveDialog.Filename) then DeleteFile(SaveDialog.Filename); CopyFile(PChar(AppPath + 'apophysis.undo'), PChar(SaveDialog.Filename), False); end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuExportBatchClick(Sender: TObject); begin if FileExists(AppPath + 'apophysis.rand') then begin SaveDialog.DefaultExt := 'apo'; SaveDialog.Filter := 'Parameter files (*.apo)|*.apo'; SaveDialog.Filename := ''; if SaveDialog.Execute then begin if FileExists(SaveDialog.Filename) then DeleteFile(SaveDialog.Filename); CopyFile(PChar(AppPath + 'apophysis.rand'), PChar(SaveDialog.Filename), False); end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); begin if Assigned(RenderForm.Renderer) then if Application.MessageBox('Do you want to abort the current render?', 'Apophysis', 36) = ID_NO then CanClose := False; end; procedure TMainForm.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(Renderer) then Renderer.Priority := tpLower; //tpNormal; end; procedure TMainForm.FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(Renderer) then Renderer.Priority := tpLowest; //tpLower; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuCalculateColorsClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin StopThread; UpdateUndo; for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do maincp.xform[i].color := i / (transforms - 1); RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuRandomizeColorValuesClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin inc(MainSeed); RandSeed := MainSeed; StopThread; UpdateUndo; for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do maincp.xform[i].color := random; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuEditScriptClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.btnRunClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.RunScript; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuRunClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.RunScript; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuOpenScriptClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.OpenScript; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuImportGimpClick(Sender: TObject); var flist: tStringList; begin flist := TStringList.Create; OpenDialog.Filter := 'Gimp parameters (*.*)|*.*'; try if OpenDialog.Execute then begin flist.loadFromFile(OpenDialog.filename); maincp.clear; maincp.ParseStringList(flist); maincp.Width := Image.Width; maincp.Height := Image.Height; maincp.zoom := 0; maincp.CalcBoundBox; center[0] := maincp.center[0]; center[1] := maincp.center[1]; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; Application.ProcessMessages; Transforms := MainCp.TrianglesFromCP(MainTriangles); UpdateWindows; end; finally flist.free end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuManageFavoritesClick(Sender: TObject); var MenuItem: TMenuItem; i: integer; s: string; begin if FavoritesForm.ShowModal = mrOK then begin if favorites.count <> 0 then begin mnuScript.Items[7].free; // remember to increment if add any items above for i := 0 to Favorites.Count - 1 do begin s := ExtractFileName(Favorites[i]); s := Copy(s, 0, length(s) - 4); MenuItem := mnuScript.Find(s); if MenuItem <> nil then MenuItem.Free; end end; GetScripts; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DisableFavorites; var MenuItem: TMenuItem; i: integer; s: string; begin for i := 0 to Favorites.Count - 1 do begin s := ExtractFileName(Favorites[i]); s := Copy(s, 0, length(s) - 4); MenuItem := mnuScript.Find(s); if MenuItem <> nil then MenuItem.Enabled := False; end; end; procedure TMainForm.EnableFavorites; var MenuItem: TMenuItem; i: integer; s: string; begin for i := 0 to Favorites.Count - 1 do begin s := ExtractFileName(Favorites[i]); s := Copy(s, 0, length(s) - 4); MenuItem := mnuScript.Find(s); if MenuItem <> nil then MenuItem.Enabled := True; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuShowFullClick(Sender: TObject); begin FullScreenForm.Calculate := False; FullScreenForm.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuImageSizeClick(Sender: TObject); begin // SizeTool.Show; AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay; AdjustForm.PageControl.TabIndex:=3; AdjustForm.Show; end; procedure TMainForm.ApplicationEventsActivate(Sender: TObject); begin if GradientInClipboard then begin // GradientForm.mnuPaste.enabled := true; // GradientForm.btnPaste.enabled := true; AdjustForm.mnuPaste.enabled := true; AdjustForm.btnPaste.enabled := true; end else begin // GradientForm.mnuPaste.enabled := false; // GradientForm.btnPaste.enabled := false; AdjustForm.mnuPaste.enabled := false; AdjustForm.btnPaste.enabled := false; end; if FlameInClipboard then begin mnuPaste.enabled := true; end else begin mnuPaste.enabled := false; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ParseXML(var cp1: TControlPoint; const params: PCHAR); var i: integer; h, s, v: real; begin nxform := 0; FinalXformLoaded := false; ActiveXformSet := 0; XMLPaletteFormat := ''; XMLPaletteCount := 0; // Parsecp.cmapindex := -2; // generate palette from cmapindex and hue (apo 1 and earlier) // ParseCp.symmetry := 0; // ParseCP.finalXformEnabled := false; //ParseCP.Clear; ParseCp.Free; // we're creating this CP from the scratch ParseCp := TControlPoint.create; // to reset variables properly (randomize) XMLScanner.LoadFromBuffer(params); XMLScanner.Execute; cp1.copy(ParseCp); if Parsecp.cmapindex = -2 then begin if cp1.cmapindex < NRCMAPS then GetCMap(cp1.cmapindex, 1, cp1.cmap) else ShowMessage('Palette index too high'); if (cp1.hue_rotation > 0) and (cp1.hue_rotation < 1) then begin for i := 0 to 255 do begin RGBToHSV(cp1.cmap[i][0], cp1.cmap[i][1], cp1.cmap[i][2], h, s, v); h := Round(360 + h + (cp1.hue_rotation * 360)) mod 360; HSVToRGB(h, s, v, cp1.cmap[i][0], cp1.cmap[i][1], cp1.cmap[i][2]); end; end; end; if FinalXformLoaded = false then begin cp1{MainCP}.xform[nxform].Clear; cp1{MainCP}.xform[nxform].symmetry := 1; end; if nxform < NXFORMS then for i := nxform to NXFORMS - 1 do cp1.xform[i].density := 0; // Check for symmetry parameter if ParseCp.symmetry <> 0 then begin add_symmetry_to_control_point(cp1, ParseCp.symmetry); cp1.symmetry := 0; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuPasteClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT) then begin UpdateUndo; ScriptEditor.Stopped := True; StopThread; ParseXML(MainCP, PCHAR(Clipboard.AsText)); Transforms := MainCp.TrianglesFromCP(MainTriangles); Statusbar.Panels[2].Text := MainCp.name; {if ResizeOnLoad then} ResizeImage; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; Application.ProcessMessages; UpdateWindows; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuCopyClick(Sender: TObject); var txt: string; begin txt := Trim(FlameToXML(Maincp, false)); Clipboard.SetTextBuf(PChar(txt)); mnuPaste.enabled := true; AdjustForm.mnuPaste.enabled := False; AdjustForm.btnPaste.enabled := False; end; procedure WinShellExecute(const Operation, AssociatedFile: string); var a1: string; begin a1 := Operation; if a1 = '' then a1 := 'open'; ShellExecute( application.handle , pchar(a1) , pchar(AssociatedFile) , '' , '' , SW_SHOWNORMAL ); end; procedure WinShellOpen(const AssociatedFile: string); begin WinShellExecute('open', AssociatedFile); end; procedure TMainForm.mnuExportFlameClick(Sender: TObject); var FileList: Tstringlist; Ext, ex, Path: string; cp1: TControlPoint; begin if not FileExists(flam3Path) then begin Application.MessageBox('The flam3-render.exe renderer could not be found'+#13#10+ 'at a specified location.'+#13#10+ 'Please check your settings in Options -> Paths -> Export renderer.', 'Apophysis', 16); exit; end; case ExportFileFormat of 1: Ext := 'jpg'; 2: Ext := 'ppm'; 3: Ext := 'png'; end; FileList := TstringList.Create; cp1 := TControlPoint.Create; cp1.copy(Maincp); ExportDialog.ImageWidth := ExportWidth; ExportDialog.ImageHeight := ExportHeight; ExportDialog.Sample_density := ExportDensity; ExportDialog.Filter_Radius := ExportFilter; ExportDialog.Oversample := ExportOversample; try ExportDialog.Filename := RenderPath + Maincp.name + '.' + Ext; if ExportDialog.ShowModal = mrOK then begin ex := ExtractFileExt(ExportDialog.Filename); if ExtractFileExt(ExportDialog.Filename) = '.ppm' then ExportFileFormat := 2 else if ExtractFileExt(ExportDialog.Filename) = '.png' then ExportFileFormat := 3 else ExportFileFormat := 1; case ExportFileFormat of 1: Ext := 'jpg'; 2: Ext := 'ppm'; 3: Ext := 'png'; end; ExportWidth := ExportDialog.ImageWidth; ExportHeight := ExportDialog.ImageHeight; ExportDensity := ExportDialog.Sample_density; ExportFilter := ExportDialog.Filter_Radius; ExportOversample := ExportDialog.Oversample; ExportBatches := ExportDialog.Batches; ExportEstimator := ExportDialog.Estimator; ExportEstimatorMin := ExportDialog.EstimatorMin; ExportEstimatorCurve := ExportDialog.EstimatorCurve; ExportJitters := ExportDialog.Jitters; ExportGammaTreshold := ExportDialog.GammaTreshold; cp1.sample_density := ExportDensity; cp1.spatial_oversample := ExportOversample; cp1.spatial_filter_radius := ExportFilter; cp1.nbatches := ExportBatches; if (cp1.width <> ExportWidth) or (cp1.Height <> ExportHeight) then cp1.AdjustScale(ExportWidth, ExportHeight); cp1.estimator := ExportEstimator; cp1.estimator_min := ExportEstimatorMin; cp1.estimator_curve := ExportEstimatorCurve; cp1.jitters := ExportJitters; cp1.gamma_threshold := ExportGammaTreshold; FileList.Text := FlameToXML(cp1, true); FileList.SaveToFile(ChangeFileExt(ExportDialog.Filename, '.flame')); FileList.Clear; FileList.Add('@echo off'); FileList.Add('set verbose=1'); FileList.Add('set format=' + Ext); if ExportFileFormat = 1 then FileList.Add('set jpeg=' + IntToStr(JPEGQuality)); case ExportDialog.cmbDepth.ItemIndex of 0: FileList.Add('set bits=16'); 1: FileList.Add('set bits=32'); 2: FileList.Add('set bits=33'); 3: FileList.Add('set bits=64'); end; if ExportDialog.udStrips.Position > 1 then FileList.Add('set nstrips=' + IntToStr(ExportDialog.udStrips.Position)); if (PNGTransparency > 0) then FileList.Add('set transparency=1') else FileList.Add('set transparency=0'); FileList.Add('set out=' + ExportDialog.Filename); FileList.Add('@echo Rendering "' + ExportDialog.Filename + '"'); { FileList.Add(ExtractShortPathName(hqiPath) + ' < ' + ExtractShortPathName(ChangeFileExt(ExportDialog.Filename, '.flame'))); Path := ExtractShortPathName(ExtractFileDir(ExportDialog.Filename) + '\'); } FileList.Add('"' + flam3Path + '" < "' + ChangeFileExt(ExportDialog.Filename, '.flame') + '"'); Path := ExtractFilePath(ExtractFileDir(ExportDialog.Filename) + '\'); FileList.SaveToFile(Path + 'render.bat'); if ExportDialog.chkRender.Checked then begin SetCurrentDir(Path); WinShellOpen(Path + 'render.bat'); end; end; finally FileList.Free; cp1.free; end; end; function URLEncode(const ASrc: string): string; const UnsafeChars = ['*', '#', '%', '<', '>', '+', ' ']; {do not localize} var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; {Do not Localize} for i := 1 to Length(ASrc) do begin if (ASrc[i] in UnsafeChars) or (ASrc[i] >= #$80) or (ASrc[i] < #32) then begin Result := Result + '%' + IntToHex(Ord(ASrc[i]), 2); {do not localize} end else begin Result := Result + ASrc[i]; end; end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure ParseCompactColors(cp: TControlPoint; count: integer; in_data: string; alpha: boolean = true); function HexChar(c: Char): Byte; begin case c of '0'..'9': Result := Byte(c) - Byte('0'); 'a'..'f': Result := (Byte(c) - Byte('a')) + 10; 'A'..'F': Result := (Byte(c) - Byte('A')) + 10; else Result := 0; end; end; var i, pos, len: integer; c: char; data: string; begin // diable generating pallete if Parsecp.cmapindex = -2 then Parsecp.cmapindex := -1; Assert(Count = 256, 'only 256 color Colormaps are supported at the moment'); data := ''; for i := 1 to Length(in_data) do begin c := in_data[i]; if c in ['0'..'9']+['A'..'F']+['a'..'f'] then data := data + c; end; if alpha then len := count * 8 else len := count * 6; Assert(len = Length(data), 'Color-data size mismatch'); for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin if alpha then pos := i*8 + 2 else pos := i*6; Parsecp.cmap[i][0] := 16 * HexChar(Data[pos + 1]) + HexChar(Data[pos + 2]); Parsecp.cmap[i][1] := 16 * HexChar(Data[pos + 3]) + HexChar(Data[pos + 4]); Parsecp.cmap[i][2] := 16 * HexChar(Data[pos + 5]) + HexChar(Data[pos + 6]); end; end; procedure TMainForm.ListXmlScannerStartTag(Sender: TObject; TagName: string; Attributes: TAttrList); begin pname := Attributes.value('name'); ptime := Attributes.value('time'); end; procedure TMainForm.XMLScannerStartTag(Sender: TObject; TagName: string; Attributes: TAttrList); var Tokens: TStringList; v: string; begin Tokens := TStringList.Create; try if TagName='xformset' then // unused in this release... begin v := Attributes.Value('enabled'); if v <> '' then ParseCP.finalXformEnabled := (StrToInt(v) <> 0) else ParseCP.finalXformEnabled := true; inc(activeXformSet); end else if TagName='flame' then begin v := Attributes.value('name'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.name := v else Parsecp.name := 'untitled'; v := Attributes.Value('time'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.Time := StrToFloat(v); v := Attributes.value('palette'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.cmapindex := StrToInt(v) else Parsecp.cmapindex := -1; v := Attributes.value('gradient'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.cmapindex := StrToInt(v) else Parsecp.cmapindex := -1; ParseCP.hue_rotation := 1; v := Attributes.value('hue'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.hue_rotation := StrToFloat(v); v := Attributes.Value('brightness'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.Brightness := StrToFloat(v); v := Attributes.Value('gamma'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.gamma := StrToFloat(v); v := Attributes.Value('vibrancy'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.vibrancy := StrToFloat(v); if (LimitVibrancy) and (Parsecp.vibrancy > 1) then Parsecp.vibrancy := 1; v := Attributes.Value('gamma_threshold'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.gamma_threshold := StrToFloat(v) else Parsecp.gamma_threshold := 0; v := Attributes.Value('zoom'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.zoom := StrToFloat(v); v := Attributes.Value('scale'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.pixels_per_unit := StrToFloat(v); v := Attributes.Value('rotate'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.FAngle := -PI * StrToFloat(v)/180; v := Attributes.Value('angle'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.FAngle := StrToFloat(v); try v := Attributes.Value('center'); GetTokens(v, tokens); Parsecp.center[0] := StrToFloat(Tokens[0]); Parsecp.center[1] := StrToFloat(Tokens[1]); except Parsecp.center[0] := 0; Parsecp.center[1] := 0; end; v := Attributes.Value('size'); GetTokens(v, tokens); Parsecp.width := StrToInt(Tokens[0]); Parsecp.height := StrToInt(Tokens[1]); try v := Attributes.Value('background'); GetTokens(v, tokens); Parsecp.background[0] := Floor(StrToFloat(Tokens[0]) * 255); Parsecp.background[1] := Floor(StrToFloat(Tokens[1]) * 255); Parsecp.background[2] := Floor(StrToFloat(Tokens[2]) * 255); except Parsecp.background[0] := 0; Parsecp.background[1] := 0; Parsecp.background[2] := 0; end; v := Attributes.Value('soloxform'); if v <> '' then Parsecp.soloXform := StrToInt(v); v := Attributes.Value('nick'); if Trim(v) = '' then v := SheepNick; Parsecp.Nick := v; v := Attributes.Value('url'); if Trim(v) = '' then v := SheepUrl; Parsecp.URL := v; end else if TagName='palette' then begin XMLPaletteFormat := Attributes.Value('format'); XMLPaletteCount := StrToIntDef(Attributes.Value('count'), 256); end; finally Tokens.free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.XmlScannerContent(Sender: TObject; Content: String); begin if XMLPaletteCount <= 0 then begin ShowMessage('ERROR: No colors in palette!'); exit; end; if XMLPaletteFormat = 'RGB' then begin ParseCompactColors(ParseCP, XMLPaletteCount, Content, false); end else if XMLPaletteFormat = 'RGBA' then begin ParseCompactColors(ParseCP, XMLPaletteCount, Content); end else begin ShowMessage('ERROR: Unsupported palette format!'); exit; end; Parsecp.cmapindex := -1; XMLPaletteFormat := ''; XMLPaletteCount := 0; end; procedure TMainForm.XMLScannerEmptyTag(Sender: TObject; TagName: string; Attributes: TAttrList); var i: integer; v: string; d, floatcolor: double; Tokens: TStringList; begin Tokens := TStringList.Create; try if (TagName = 'xform') or (TagName = 'finalxform') then if {(TagName = 'finalxform') and} (FinalXformLoaded) then ShowMessage('ERROR: No xforms allowed after FinalXform!') else begin if (TagName = 'finalxform') or (activeXformSet > 0) then FinalXformLoaded := true; with ParseCP.xform[nXform] do begin Clear; v := Attributes.Value('weight'); if (v <> '') and (TagName = 'xform') then density := StrToFloat(v); if (TagName = 'finalxform') then begin v := Attributes.Value('enabled'); if v <> '' then ParseCP.finalXformEnabled := (StrToInt(v) <> 0) else ParseCP.finalXformEnabled := true; end; if activexformset > 0 then density := 0; // tmp... v := Attributes.Value('color'); if v <> '' then color := StrToFloat(v); v := Attributes.Value('symmetry'); if v <> '' then symmetry := StrToFloat(v); v := Attributes.Value('coefs'); GetTokens(v, tokens); if Tokens.Count < 6 then ShowMessage('Not enough coefficients...crash?'); c[0][0] := StrToFloat(Tokens[0]); c[0][1] := StrToFloat(Tokens[1]); c[1][0] := StrToFloat(Tokens[2]); c[1][1] := StrToFloat(Tokens[3]); c[2][0] := StrToFloat(Tokens[4]); c[2][1] := StrToFloat(Tokens[5]); v := Attributes.Value('post'); if v <> '' then begin GetTokens(v, tokens); if Tokens.Count < 6 then ShowMessage('Not enough post-coefficients...crash?'); p[0][0] := StrToFloat(Tokens[0]); p[0][1] := StrToFloat(Tokens[1]); p[1][0] := StrToFloat(Tokens[2]); p[1][1] := StrToFloat(Tokens[3]); p[2][0] := StrToFloat(Tokens[4]); p[2][1] := StrToFloat(Tokens[5]); end; v := Attributes.Value('chaos'); if v <> '' then begin GetTokens(v, tokens); for i := 0 to Tokens.Count-1 do modWeights[i] := Abs(StrToFloat(Tokens[i])); end; //else for i := 0 to NXFORMS-1 do modWeights[i] := 1; v := Attributes.Value('plotmode'); if v <> '' then begin if v = 'off' then begin noPlot := true; end else begin noPlot := false; end; end; for i := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin vars[i] := 0; v := Attributes.Value(varnames(i)); if v <> '' then vars[i] := StrToFloat(v); end; v := Attributes.Value('var1'); if v <> '' then begin for i := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do vars[i] := 0; vars[StrToInt(v)] := 1; end; v := Attributes.Value('var'); if v <> '' then begin for i := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do vars[i] := 0; GetTokens(v, tokens); if Tokens.Count > NRVAR then ShowMessage('To many vars..crash?'); for i := 0 to Tokens.Count - 1 do vars[i] := StrToFloat(Tokens[i]); end; for i := 0 to GetNrVariableNames - 1 do begin v := Attributes.Value(GetVariableNameAt(i)); if v <> '' then begin {$ifndef VAR_STR} d := StrToFloat(v); SetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(i), d); {$else} SetVariableStr(GetVariableNameAt(i), v); {$endif} end; end; end; Inc(nXform); end; if TagName = 'color' then begin // diable generating pallete //if Parsecp.cmapindex = -2 then Parsecp.cmapindex := -1; i := StrToInt(Attributes.value('index')); v := Attributes.value('rgb'); GetTokens(v, tokens); floatcolor := StrToFloat(Tokens[0]); Parsecp.cmap[i][0] := round(floatcolor); floatcolor := StrToFloat(Tokens[1]); Parsecp.cmap[i][1] := round(floatcolor); floatcolor := StrToFloat(Tokens[2]); Parsecp.cmap[i][2] := round(floatcolor); end; if TagName = 'colors' then begin ParseCompactcolors(Parsecp, StrToInt(Attributes.value('count')), Attributes.value('data')); Parsecp.cmapindex := -1; end; if TagName = 'symmetry' then begin i := StrToInt(Attributes.value('kind')); Parsecp.symmetry := i; end; finally Tokens.free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.mnuFlamepdfClick(Sender: TObject); begin WinShellOpen('flame.pdf'); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.ImageMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if button <> mbLeft then exit; FClickRect.TopLeft := Point(x, y); FClickRect.BottomRight := FClickRect.TopLeft; case FMouseMoveState of msZoomWindow: begin FSelectRect.TopLeft := Point(x, y); FSelectRect.BottomRight := Point(x, y); DrawZoomWindow; // if ssAlt in Shift then // FMouseMoveState := msZoomOutWindowMove // else FMouseMoveState := msZoomWindowMove; end; msZoomOutWindow: begin FSelectRect.TopLeft := Point(x, y); FSelectRect.BottomRight := Point(x, y); DrawZoomWindow; // if ssAlt in Shift then // FMouseMoveState := msZoomWindowMove // else FMouseMoveState := msZoomOutWindowMove; end; msDrag: begin if not assigned(FViewImage) then exit; // FSelectRect.TopLeft := Point(x, y); // FSelectRect.BottomRight := Point(x, y); FMouseMoveState := msDragMove; end; msRotate: begin FClickAngle := arctan2(y-Image.Height/2, Image.Width/2-x); FRotateAngle := 0; // FSelectRect.Left := x; DrawRotateLines(FRotateAngle); FMouseMoveState := msRotateMove; end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.ImageMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); const snap_angle = 15*pi/180; var dx, dy, cx, cy, sgn: integer; scale: double; begin { case FMouseMoveState of msRotate, msRotateMove: Image.Cursor := crEditRotate; msDrag, msDragMove: Image.Cursor := crEditMove; else Image.Cursor := crEditArrow; end; } case FMouseMoveState of msZoomWindowMove, msZoomOutWindowMove: begin if DrawSelection then DrawZoomWindow; FClickRect.BottomRight := Point(x, y); dx := x - FClickRect.TopLeft.X; dy := y - FClickRect.TopLeft.Y; if ssShift in Shift then begin if (dy = 0) or (abs(dx/dy) >= Image.Width/Image.Height) then dy := Round(dx / Image.Width * Image.Height) else dx := Round(dy / Image.Height * Image.Width); FSelectRect.Left := FClickRect.TopLeft.X - dx; FSelectRect.Top := FClickRect.TopLeft.Y - dy; FSelectRect.Right := FClickRect.TopLeft.X + dx; FSelectRect.Bottom := FClickRect.TopLeft.Y + dy; end else if ssCtrl in Shift then begin FSelectRect.TopLeft := FClickRect.TopLeft; sgn := IfThen(dy*dx >=0, 1, -1); if (dy = 0) or (abs(dx/dy) >= Image.Width/Image.Height) then begin FSelectRect.Right := x; FSelectRect.Bottom := FClickRect.TopLeft.Y + sgn * Round(dx / Image.Width * Image.Height); end else begin FSelectRect.Right := FClickRect.TopLeft.X + sgn * Round(dy / Image.Height * Image.Width); FSelectRect.Bottom := y; end; end else begin sgn := IfThen(dy*dx >=0, 1, -1); if (dy = 0) or (abs(dx/dy) >= Image.Width/Image.Height) then begin cy := (y + FClickRect.TopLeft.Y) div 2; FSelectRect.Left := FClickRect.TopLeft.X; FSelectRect.Right := x; FSelectRect.Top := cy - sgn * Round(dx / 2 / Image.Width * Image.Height); FSelectRect.Bottom := cy + sgn * Round(dx / 2 / Image.Width * Image.Height); end else begin cx := (x + FClickRect.TopLeft.X) div 2; FSelectRect.Left := cx - sgn * Round(dy / 2 / Image.Height * Image.Width); FSelectRect.Right := cx + sgn * Round(dy / 2 / Image.Height * Image.Width); FSelectRect.Top := FClickRect.TopLeft.Y; FSelectRect.Bottom := y; end; end; DrawZoomWindow; DrawSelection := true; end; msDragMove: begin assert(assigned(FviewImage)); assert(FViewScale <> 0); scale := FViewScale * Image.Width / FViewImage.Width; FViewPos.X := FViewPos.X + (x - FClickRect.Right) / scale; FViewPos.Y := FViewPos.Y + (y - FClickRect.Bottom) / scale; //FClickRect.BottomRight := Point(x, y); DrawImageView; end; msRotateMove: begin if DrawSelection then DrawRotatelines(FRotateAngle); FRotateAngle := arctan2(y-Image.Height/2, Image.Width/2-x) - FClickAngle; if ssShift in Shift then // angle snap FRotateAngle := Round(FRotateAngle/snap_angle)*snap_angle; //SelectRect.Left := x; // pdjpointgen.Rotate(FRotateAngle); // FRotateAngle := 0; DrawRotatelines(FRotateAngle); DrawSelection := true; { Image.Refresh; if AdjustForm.Visible then begin MainCp.FAngle:=-FRotateAngle; AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay; end; } end; end; FClickRect.BottomRight := Point(x, y); end; function ScaleRect(r: TRect; scale: double): TSRect; begin Result.Left := r.Left * scale; Result.Top := r.Top * scale; Result.Right := r.Right * scale; Result.Bottom := r.Bottom * scale; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.ImageMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var scale: double; rs: TSRect; begin case FMouseMoveState of msZoomWindowMove: begin DrawZoomWindow; FMouseMoveState := msZoomWindow; if (abs(FSelectRect.Left - FSelectRect.Right) < 10) or (abs(FSelectRect.Top - FSelectRect.Bottom) < 10) then Exit; // zoom to much or double clicked StopThread; UpdateUndo; MainCp.ZoomtoRect(ScaleRect(FSelectRect, MainCP.Width / Image.Width)); FViewScale := FViewScale * Image.Width / abs(FSelectRect.Right - FSelectRect.Left); FViewPos.x := FViewPos.x - ((FSelectRect.Right + FSelectRect.Left) - Image.Width)/2; FViewPos.y := FViewPos.y - ((FSelectRect.Bottom + FSelectRect.Top) - Image.Height)/2; DrawImageView; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; msZoomOutWindowMove: begin DrawZoomWindow; FMouseMoveState := msZoomOutWindow; if (abs(FSelectRect.Left - FSelectRect.Right) < 10) or (abs(FSelectRect.Top - FSelectRect.Bottom) < 10) then Exit; // zoom to much or double clicked StopThread; UpdateUndo; MainCp.ZoomOuttoRect(ScaleRect(FSelectRect, MainCP.Width / Image.Width)); scale := Image.Width / abs(FSelectRect.Right - FSelectRect.Left); FViewScale := FViewScale / scale; FViewPos.x := scale * (FViewPos.x + ((FSelectRect.Right + FSelectRect.Left) - Image.Width)/2); FViewPos.y := scale * (FViewPos.y + ((FSelectRect.Bottom + FSelectRect.Top) - Image.Height)/2); DrawImageView; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; msDragMove: begin FClickRect.BottomRight := Point(x, y); FMouseMoveState := msDrag; if ((x = 0) and (y = 0)) or // double clicked ((FClickRect.left = FClickRect.right) and (FClickRect.top = FClickRect.bottom)) then Exit; StopThread; UpdateUndo; MainCp.MoveRect(ScaleRect(FClickRect, MainCP.Width / Image.Width)); RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; msRotateMove: begin DrawRotatelines(FRotateAngle); FMouseMoveState := msRotate; if (FRotateAngle = 0) then Exit; // double clicked StopThread; UpdateUndo; if MainForm_RotationMode = 0 then MainCp.Rotate(FRotateAngle) else MainCp.Rotate(-FRotateAngle); if assigned(FViewImage) then begin FViewImage.Free; FViewImage := nil; DrawImageView; end; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.DrawImageView; var i, j: integer; bm: TBitmap; r: TRect; scale: double; const msg = #54; // 'NO PREVIEW'; var ok: boolean; GlobalMemoryInfo: TMemoryStatus; // holds the global memory status information area: int64; begin bm := TBitmap.Create; bm.Width := Image.Width; bm.Height := Image.Height; with bm.Canvas do begin if ShowTransparency then begin Brush.Color := $F0F0F0; FillRect(Rect(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height)); Brush.Color := $C0C0C0; for i := 0 to ((bm.Width - 1) shr 3) do begin for j := 0 to ((bm.Height - 1) shr 3) do begin if odd(i + j) then FillRect(Rect(i shl 3, j shl 3, (i+1) shl 3, (j+1) shl 3)); end; end; end else begin Brush.Color := MainCP.background[0] or (MainCP.background[1] shl 8) or (MainCP.background[2] shl 16); FillRect(Rect(0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height)); end; end; ok := false; if assigned(FViewImage) then begin scale := FViewScale * Image.Width / FViewImage.Width; r.Left := Image.Width div 2 + round(scale * (FViewPos.X - FViewImage.Width/2)); r.Right := Image.Width div 2 + round(scale * (FViewPos.X + FViewImage.Width/2)); r.Top := Image.Height div 2 + round(scale * (FViewPos.Y - FViewImage.Height/2)); r.Bottom := Image.Height div 2 + round(scale * (FViewPos.Y + FViewImage.Height/2)); GlobalMemoryInfo.dwLength := SizeOf(GlobalMemoryInfo); GlobalMemoryStatus(GlobalMemoryInfo); area := abs(r.Right - r.Left) * int64(abs(r.Bottom - r.Top)); if (area * 4 < GlobalMemoryInfo.dwAvailPhys div 2) or (area <= Screen.Width*Screen.Height*4) then try FViewImage.Draw(bm.Canvas, r); ok := true; except end; end; if not ok then with bm.Canvas do begin Font.Name := 'Wingdings'; // 'Arial'; Font.Height := bm.Height div 4; Font.Color := $808080; Brush.Style := bsClear; i := (bm.Width - TextWidth(msg)) div 2; j := (bm.Height - TextHeight(msg)) div 2; Font.Color := 0; TextOut(i+2,j+2, msg); Font.Color := clWhite; //$808080; TextOut(i,j, msg); end; Image.Picture.Graphic := bm; Image.Refresh; bm.Free; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.DrawRotateLines(Angle: double); var bkuPen: TPen; points: array[0..3] of TPoint; i,x,y: integer; begin bkuPen := TPen.Create; bkuPen.Assign(Image.Canvas.Pen); Image.Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmXor; Image.Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite; Image.Canvas.Pen.Style := psDot; //psDash; Image.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; // Image.Canvas.Rectangle(FSelectRect); points[0].x := (Image.Width div 2)-1; points[0].y := (Image.Height div 2)-1; points[1].x := (Image.Width div 2)-1; points[1].y := -Image.Height div 2; points[2].x := -Image.Width div 2; points[2].y := -Image.Height div 2; points[3].x := -Image.Width div 2; points[3].y := (Image.Height div 2)-1; for i := 0 to 3 do begin x := points[i].x; y := points[i].y; points[i].x := round(cos(Angle) * x + sin(Angle) * y) + Image.Width div 2; points[i].y := round(-sin(Angle) * x + cos(Angle) * y) + Image.Height div 2; end; Image.Canvas.MoveTo(Points[3].x, Points[3].y); for i := 0 to 3 do begin Image.Canvas.LineTo(Points[i].x, Points[i].y); end; Image.Canvas.Pen.Assign(bkuPen); bkuPen.Free; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.DrawZoomWindow; const cornerSize = 32; var bkuPen: TPen; dx, dy, cx, cy: integer; l, r, t, b: integer; begin bkuPen := TPen.Create; bkuPen.Assign(Image.Canvas.Pen); with Image.Canvas do begin Pen.Mode := pmXor; Pen.Color := clWhite; Brush.Style := bsClear; Pen.Style := psDot; //psDash; if ssShift in FShiftState then begin dx := FClickRect.Right - FClickRect.Left; dy := FClickRect.Bottom - FClickRect.Top; Rectangle(FClickRect.Left - dx, FClickRect.Top - dy, FClickRect.Right, FClickRect.Bottom); end else Rectangle(FClickRect); dx := FSelectRect.Right - FSelectRect.Left; if dx >= 0 then begin l := FSelectRect.Left - 1; r := FSelectRect.Right; end else begin dx := -dx; l := FSelectRect.Right - 1; r := FSelectRect.Left; end; dx := min(dx div 2 - 1, cornerSize); dy := FSelectRect.Bottom - FSelectRect.Top; if dy >= 0 then begin t := FSelectRect.Top - 1; b := FSelectRect.Bottom; end else begin dy := -dy; t := FSelectRect.Bottom - 1; b := FSelectRect.Top; end; dy := min(dy div 2, cornerSize); pen.Style := psSolid; MoveTo(l + dx, t); LineTo(l, t); LineTo(l, t + dy); MoveTo(r - dx, t); LineTo(r, t); LineTo(r, t + dy); MoveTo(r - dx, b); LineTo(r, b); LineTo(r, b - dy); MoveTo(l + dx, b); LineTo(l, b); LineTo(l, b - dy); { cx := (l + r) div 2; cy := (t + b) div 2; MoveTo(cx - dx div 2, cy); LineTo(cx + dx div 2 + 1, cy); MoveTo(cx, cy - dy div 2); LineTo(cx, cy + dy div 2 + 1); } Pen.Assign(bkuPen); end; bkuPen.Free; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.tbzoomwindowClick(Sender: TObject); begin FMouseMoveState := msZoomWindow; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.tbzoomoutwindowClick(Sender: TObject); begin FMouseMoveState := msZoomOutWindow; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.tbDragClick(Sender: TObject); begin FMouseMoveState := msDrag; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.tbRotateClick(Sender: TObject); begin FMouseMoveState := msRotate; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.FillVariantMenu; var i: integer; s: string; NewMenuItem : TMenuItem; begin SetLength(VarMenus, NrVar); for i := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin NewMenuItem := TMenuItem.Create(self); s := varnames(i); NewMenuItem.Caption := uppercase(s[1]) + copy(s, 2, length(s)-1); NewMenuItem.OnClick := VariantMenuClick; NewMenuItem.Enabled := True; NewMenuItem.Name := 'var' + intTostr(i); NewMenuItem.Tag := i; NewMenuItem.GroupIndex := 2; NewMenuItem.RadioItem := True; VarMenus[i] := NewMenuItem; if i < NumBuiltinVars then mnuBuiltinVars.Add(NewMenuItem) else mnuPluginVars.Add(NewMenuItem); end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.VariantMenuClick(Sender: TObject); begin //TMenuItem(Sender).Checked := True; UpdateUndo; Variation := TVariation(TMenuItem(Sender).Tag); SetVariation(maincp); ResetLocation; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; //--Z--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.tbQualityBoxKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if key = #13 then begin tbQualityBoxSet(Sender); key := #0; end else if key = #27 then tbQualityBox.Text := FloatToStr(defSampleDensity); end; procedure TMainForm.tbQualityBoxSet(Sender: TObject); var q: double; begin try q := StrToFloat(tbQualityBox.Text); except exit; end; defSampleDensity := q; StopThread; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.ImageDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin if FMouseMoveState = msRotateMove then begin // FRotateAngle := 0; StopThread; UpdateUndo; MainCp.FAngle := 0; RedrawTimer.Enabled := True; UpdateWindows; end else mnuResetLocationClick(Sender); end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.AppException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); var frmException: TfrmException; begin frmException := TfrmException.Create(nil); JclLastExceptStackListToStrings(frmException.Memo1.Lines, False, True, True, False); frmException.Memo1.Lines.Insert(0,e.Message); frmException.Memo1.Lines.Insert(1,''); frmException.ShowModal; end; {$ENDIF} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.tbShowAlphaClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShowTransparency := tbShowAlpha.Down; DrawImageView; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.tbShowTraceClick(Sender: TObject); begin TraceForm.Show; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.FormKeyUpDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var MousePos: TPoint; begin if Shift <> FShiftState then begin if FMouseMoveState in [msZoomWindowMove, msZoomOutWindowMove, msRotateMove, msDragMove] then begin // hack: to generate MouseMove event GetCursorPos(MousePos); SetCursorPos(MousePos.x, MousePos.y); end; if (FMouseMoveState in [msZoomWindowMove, msZoomOutWindowMove]) then begin DrawZoomWindow; FShiftState := Shift; DrawZoomWindow; end else FShiftState := Shift; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ListViewChanging(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Change: TItemChange; var AllowChange: Boolean); begin { if (Trim(Item.Caption) = Trim(maincp.name)) and (Item.Selected) and (Change = ctState) then if UndoIndex <> 0 then if Application.MessageBox('Are you sure?', 'Apophysis', MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) <> IDYES then begin AllowChange := false; exit; end; } end; procedure TMainForm.ListViewInfoTip(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; var InfoTip: String); var Bitmap: TBitmap; lcp: TControlPoint; begin // flame preview in a tooltip... { BitMap := TBitMap.create; Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BitMap.Width := 100; BitMap.Height := 100; lcp := TControlPoint.Create; lcp.Copy(mainCP); lcp.cmap := mainCP.cmap; if Assigned(Renderer) then begin Renderer.WaitFor; Renderer.Free; end; if not Assigned(Renderer) then begin lcp.sample_density := 1; lcp.spatial_oversample := 1; lcp.spatial_filter_radius := 0.3; lcp.AdjustScale(100, 100); lcp.Transparency := false; end; try Renderer := TRenderThread.Create; assert(Renderer <> nil); Renderer.BitsPerSample := 0 Renderer.TargetHandle := self.Handle; Renderer.SetCP(lcp); Renderer.Priority := tpLower; Renderer.NrThreads := 1 Renderer.Resume; Renderer.WaitFor; except end; lcp.Free; Bitmap.Free; } end; end.