{ Flame screensaver Copyright (C) 2002 Ronald Hordijk Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } unit RenderMM; interface uses Windows, Graphics, Render, Controlpoint, ImageMaker; type TRendererMM64 = class(TBaseRenderer) private oversample: Integer; filter_width: Integer; filter: array of array of extended; image_Width: Int64; image_Height: Int64; BucketWidth: Integer; BucketHeight: Integer; BucketSize: Integer; gutter_width: Integer; sample_density: extended; Buckets: TBucketArray; ColorMap: TColorMapArray; bounds: array[0..3] of extended; size: array[0..1] of extended; FRotationCenter: array[0..1] of extended; ppux, ppuy: extended; nrSlices: int64; Slice: int64; FImageMaker: TImageMaker; procedure InitValues; procedure InitBuffers; procedure ClearBuffers; procedure ClearBuckets; procedure CreateColorMap; procedure CreateCamera; procedure AddPointsToBuckets(const points: TPointsArray); overload; procedure AddPointsToBucketsAngle(const points: TPointsArray); overload; procedure SetPixels; protected function GetSlice: integer; override; function GetNrSlices: integer; override; public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; function GetImage: TBitmap; override; procedure SaveImage(const FileName: String); override; procedure Render; override; end; implementation uses Math, Sysutils; { TRendererMM64 } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.ClearBuckets; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to BucketSize - 1 do begin buckets[i].Red := 0; buckets[i].Green := 0; buckets[i].Blue := 0; buckets[i].Count := 0; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.ClearBuffers; begin ClearBuckets; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.CreateCamera; var scale: double; t0, t1: double; corner0, corner1: double; shift: Integer; begin scale := power(2, fcp.zoom); sample_density := fcp.sample_density * scale * scale; ppux := fcp.pixels_per_unit * scale; ppuy := fcp.pixels_per_unit * scale; // todo field stuff shift := 0; t0 := gutter_width / (oversample * ppux); t1 := gutter_width / (oversample * ppuy); corner0 := fcp.center[0] - image_width / ppux / 2.0; corner1 := fcp.center[1] - image_height / ppuy / 2.0; bounds[0] := corner0 - t0; bounds[1] := corner1 - t1 + shift; bounds[2] := corner0 + image_width / ppux + t0; bounds[3] := corner1 + image_height / ppuy + t1; //+ shift; if abs(bounds[2] - bounds[0]) > 0.01 then size[0] := 1.0 / (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) else size[0] := 1; if abs(bounds[3] - bounds[1]) > 0.01 then size[1] := 1.0 / (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) else size[1] := 1; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.CreateColorMap; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to 255 do begin ColorMap[i].Red := (fcp.CMap[i][0] * fcp.white_level) div 256; ColorMap[i].Green := (fcp.CMap[i][1] * fcp.white_level) div 256; ColorMap[i].Blue := (fcp.CMap[i][2] * fcp.white_level) div 256; // cmap[i][3] := fcp.white_level; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// destructor TRendererMM64.Destroy; begin FImageMaker.Free; inherited; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TRendererMM64.GetImage: TBitmap; begin Result := FImageMaker.GetImage; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.InitBuffers; begin oversample := fcp.spatial_oversample; gutter_width := (FImageMaker.GetFilterSize - oversample) div 2; BucketHeight := oversample * image_height + 2 * gutter_width; Bucketwidth := oversample * image_width + 2 * gutter_width; BucketSize := BucketWidth * BucketHeight; if high(buckets) <> (BucketSize - 1) then begin SetLength(buckets, BucketSize); end; // share the buffer with imagemaker FImageMaker.SetBucketData(Buckets, BucketWidth); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.InitValues; begin image_height := fcp.Height; image_Width := fcp.Width; CreateCamera; InitBuffers; CreateColorMap; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.AddPointsToBuckets(const points: TPointsArray); var i: integer; px, py: double; bws, bhs: double; bx, by: double; wx, wy: double; // R: double; // V1, v2, v3: integer; Bucket: PBucket; MapColor: PColorMapColor; begin bws := (BucketWidth - 0.5) * size[0]; bhs := (BucketHeight - 0.5) * size[1]; bx := bounds[0]; by := bounds[1]; wx := bounds[2] - bounds[0]; wy := bounds[3] - bounds[1]; for i := SUB_BATCH_SIZE - 1 downto 0 do begin if FStop then Exit; px := points[i].x - bx; py := points[i].y - by; if ((px < 0) or (px > wx) or (py < 0) or (py > wy)) then continue; MapColor := @ColorMap[Round(points[i].c * 255)]; Bucket := @buckets[Round(bws * px) + Round(bhs * py) * BucketWidth]; Inc(Bucket.Red, MapColor.Red); Inc(Bucket.Green, MapColor.Green); Inc(Bucket.Blue, MapColor.Blue); Inc(Bucket.Count); end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.AddPointsToBucketsAngle(const points: TPointsArray); var i: integer; px, py: double; ca,sa: double; nx, ny: double; bws, bhs: double; bx, by: double; wx, wy: double; // R: double; // V1, v2, v3: integer; Bucket: PBucket; MapColor: PColorMapColor; begin bws := (BucketWidth - 0.5) * size[0]; bhs := (BucketHeight - 0.5) * size[1]; bx := bounds[0]; by := bounds[1]; wx := bounds[2] - bounds[0]; wy := bounds[3] - bounds[1]; ca := cos(FCP.FAngle); sa := sin(FCP.FAngle); for i := SUB_BATCH_SIZE - 1 downto 0 do begin if FStop then Exit; px := points[i].x - FRotationCenter[0]; py := points[i].y - FRotationCenter[1]; nx := px * ca + py * sa; ny := -px * sa + py * ca; px := nx + FRotationCenter[0] - bx; py := ny + FRotationCenter[1] - by; if ((px < 0) or (px > wx) or (py < 0) or (py > wy)) then continue; MapColor := @ColorMap[Round(points[i].c * 255)]; Bucket := @buckets[Round(bws * px) + Round(bhs * py) * BucketWidth]; Inc(Bucket.Red, MapColor.Red); Inc(Bucket.Green, MapColor.Green); Inc(Bucket.Blue, MapColor.Blue); Inc(Bucket.Count); end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.SetPixels; var i: integer; nsamples: Int64; nrbatches: Integer; points: TPointsArray; begin SetLength(Points, SUB_BATCH_SIZE); nsamples := Round(sample_density * bucketSize / (oversample * oversample)); nrbatches := Round(nsamples / (fcp.nbatches * SUB_BATCH_SIZE)); Randomize; for i := 0 to nrbatches do begin if FStop then Exit; if (i and $F = 0) then if nrbatches > 0 then Progress(i / nrbatches) else Progress(0); // generate points case Compatibility of 0: fcp.iterate_Old(SUB_BATCH_SIZE, points); 1: fcp.iterateXYC(SUB_BATCH_SIZE, points); end; if FCP.FAngle = 0 then AddPointsToBuckets(points) else AddPointsToBucketsAngle(points); end; Progress(1); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TRendererMM64.Create; begin inherited Create; FImageMaker := TImageMaker.Create; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.Render; const Dividers: array[0..15] of integer = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512); var ApproxMemory, MaxMemory: int64; i: integer; zoom_scale, center_base, center_y: double; begin FStop := False; FRotationCenter[0] := fcp.center[0]; FRotationCenter[1] := fcp.center[1]; image_height := fcp.Height; image_Width := fcp.Width; oversample := fcp.spatial_oversample; // entered memory - imagesize MaxMemory := FMaxMem * 1024 * 1024 - 4 * image_height * image_width; ApproxMemory := 32 * oversample * oversample * image_height * image_width; if (MaxMemory < 0) then Exit; nrSlices := 1 + ApproxMemory div MaxMemory; if nrSlices > Dividers[High(Dividers)] then begin for i := High(Dividers) downto 0 do begin if image_height <> (image_height div dividers[i]) * dividers[i] then begin nrSlices := dividers[i]; break; end; end; end else begin for i := 0 to High(Dividers) do begin if image_height <> (image_height div dividers[i]) * dividers[i] then continue; if nrslices <= dividers[i] then begin nrSlices := dividers[i]; break; end; end; end; FImageMaker.SetCP(FCP); FImageMaker.Init; fcp.sample_density := fcp.sample_density * nrslices; fcp.height := fcp.height div nrslices; center_y := fcp.center[1]; zoom_scale := power(2.0, fcp.zoom); center_base := center_y - ((nrslices - 1) * fcp.height) / (2 * fcp.pixels_per_unit * zoom_scale); InitValues; for i := 0 to NrSlices - 1 do begin if FStop then Exit; Slice := i; fcp.center[1] := center_base + fcp.height * slice / (fcp.pixels_per_unit * zoom_scale); CreateCamera; ClearBuffers; SetPixels; if not FStop then begin FImageMaker.OnProgress := OnProgress; FImageMaker.CreateImage(Slice * fcp.height); end; end; fcp.sample_density := fcp.sample_density / nrslices; fcp.height := fcp.height * nrslices; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TRendererMM64.GetSlice: integer; begin Result := Slice; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TRendererMM64.GetNrSlices: integer; begin Result := NrSlices; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRendererMM64.SaveImage(const FileName: String); begin FImageMaker.SaveImage(FileName); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// end.