{ Flame screensaver Copyright (C) 2002 Ronald Hordijk Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend Apophysis Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Ronald Hordijk, Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } unit XForm; interface uses XFormMan, BaseVariation; const MAX_WEIGHT = 1000.0; NXFORMS = 100; type TCPpoint = record x, y, c: double; end; PCPpoint = ^TCPpoint; TXYpoint = record x, y: double; end; PXYpoint = ^TXYpoint; T2Cpoint = record x, y, c1, c2: double; end; TMatrix = array[0..2, 0..2] of double; {$define _ASM_} type TXForm = class public vars: array of double; // {normalized} interp coefs between variations c: array[0..2, 0..1] of double; // the coefs to the affine part of the function p: array[0..2, 0..1] of double; // post-transform coefs! weight: double; // prob is this function is chosen color: double; // color coord for this function. 0 - 1 color2: double; // Second color coord for this function. 0 - 1 color_speed: double; animate: double; // for flam3, use as 1/0 toggle in Apo? c00, c01, c10, c11, c20, c21: double;// unnecessary duplicated variables p00, p01, p10, p11, p20, p21: double;// :-) postXswap: boolean; opacity: double; plotMode: integer; // (neverPlot = -1, opacityPlot = 0, alwaysPlot = 1); // nx,ny,x,y: double; // script: TatPascalScripter; modWeights: array [0..NXFORMS] of double; PropTable: array of TXForm; Orientationtype: integer; private FNrFunctions: Integer; FFunctionList: array of TCalcFunction; FCalcFunctionList: array of TCalcFunction; FTx, FTy: double; // must remain in this order FPx, FPy: double; // some asm code relies on this FAngle: double; FSinA: double; FCosA: double; FLength: double; colorC1, colorC2: double; // precalculated constants for some variations waves_f1, waves_f2, rings_dx, fan_dx, fan_dx2, cosine_var2, polar_vpi, disc_vpi: double; gauss_rnd: array [0..3] of double; gauss_N: integer; FRegVariations: array of TBaseVariation; procedure PrecalcAngle; procedure PrecalcSinCos; procedure PrecalcAll; procedure DoPostTransform; procedure DoInvalidOperation; procedure Linear; // var[0] procedure Sinusoidal; // var[1] procedure Spherical; // var[2] procedure Swirl; // var[3] procedure Horseshoe; // var[4] procedure Polar; // var[5] procedure FoldedHandkerchief; // var[6] procedure Heart; // var[7] procedure Disc; // var[8] procedure Spiral; // var[9] procedure hyperbolic; // var[10] procedure Square; // var[11] procedure Ex; // var[12] procedure Julia; // var[13] procedure Bent; // var[14] procedure Waves; // var[15] procedure Fisheye; // var[16] procedure Popcorn; // var[17] procedure Exponential; // var[18] procedure Power; // var[19] procedure Cosine; // var[20] procedure Rings; // var[21] procedure Fan; // var[22] procedure Eyefish; // var[23] procedure Bubble; // var[24] procedure Cylinder; // var[25] procedure Noise; // var[26] procedure Blur; // var[27] procedure Gaussian; // var[28] procedure PreBlur; // var[29] function Mul33(const M1, M2: TMatrix): TMatrix; function Identity: TMatrix; procedure BuildFunctionlist; procedure AddRegVariations; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure Prepare; procedure PrepareInvalidXForm; procedure Assign(Xform: TXForm); procedure NextPoint(var CPpoint: TCPpoint); procedure NextPointTo(var CPpoint, ToPoint: TCPpoint); procedure NextPointXY(var px, py: double); procedure NextPoint2C(var p: T2CPoint); procedure Rotate(const degrees: double); procedure Translate(const x, y: double); procedure Multiply(const a, b, c, d: double); procedure Scale(const s: double); procedure GetVariable(const name: string; var Value: double); procedure SetVariable(const name: string; var Value: double); procedure ResetVariable(const name: string); function GetVariableStr(const name: string): string; procedure SetVariableStr(const name: string; var Value: string); function ToXMLString: string; function FinalToXMLString(IsEnabled: boolean): string; end; implementation uses SysUtils, Math, StrUtils; const EPS: double = 1E-300; procedure SinCos(const Theta: double; var Sin, Cos: double); // to avoid using 'extended' type asm FLD Theta FSINCOS FSTP qword ptr [edx] // Cos FSTP qword ptr [eax] // Sin FWAIT end; { TXForm } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TXForm.Create; begin AddRegVariations; BuildFunctionlist; SetLength(vars, NRLOCVAR + Length(FRegVariations)); Clear; end; procedure TXForm.Clear; var i: Integer; begin weight := 0; color := 0; color_speed := 0; postXswap := false; c[0, 0] := 1; c[0, 1] := 0; c[1, 0] := 0; c[1, 1] := 1; c[2, 0] := 0; c[2, 1] := 0; p[0, 0] := 1; p[0, 1] := 0; p[1, 0] := 0; p[1, 1] := 1; p[2, 0] := 0; p[2, 1] := 0; vars[0] := 1; for i := 1 to High(vars) do vars[i] := 0; for i := 0 to NXFORMS do modWeights[i] := 1; opacity := 1; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Prepare; var i: integer; CalculateAngle, CalculateSinCos, CalculateLength: boolean; begin c00 := c[0][0]; c01 := c[0][1]; c10 := c[1][0]; c11 := c[1][1]; c20 := c[2][0]; c21 := c[2][1]; colorC1 := (1 + color_speed)/2; colorC2 := color*(1 - color_speed)/2; FNrFunctions := 0; for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do begin FRegVariations[i].FPX := @FPX; FRegVariations[i].FPY := @FPY; FRegVariations[i].FTX := @FTX; FRegVariations[i].FTY := @FTY; FRegVariations[i].vvar := vars[i + NRLOCVAR]; FRegVariations[i].Prepare; FRegVariations[i].GetCalcFunction(FFunctionList[NRLOCVAR + i]); end; SetLength(FCalcFunctionList, NrVar + 2); CalculateAngle := (vars[5] <> 0.0) or (vars[6] <> 0.0) or (vars[7] <> 0.0) or (vars[8] <> 0.0) or (vars[12] <> 0.0) or (vars[13] <> 0.0) or (vars[21] <> 0.0) or (vars[22] <> 0.0) or (vars[27] <> 0.0); // CalculateLength := False; CalculateSinCos := (vars[9] <> 0.0) or (vars[11] <> 0.0) or (vars[19] <> 0.0) or (vars[21] <> 0.0); // Pre- variations for i := 0 to NrVar - 1 do begin if (vars[i] <> 0.0) and (LeftStr(Varnames(i), 4) = 'pre_') then begin FCalcFunctionList[FNrFunctions] := FFunctionList[i]; Inc(FNrFunctions); end; end; // Precalc must be called after pre- vars if CalculateAngle or CalculateSinCos then begin if CalculateAngle and CalculateSinCos then FCalcFunctionList[FNrFunctions] := PrecalcAll else if CalculateAngle then FCalcFunctionList[FNrFunctions] := PrecalcAngle else //if CalculateSinCos then FCalcFunctionList[FNrFunctions] := PrecalcSinCos; Inc(FNrFunctions); end; // Normal variations for i := 0 to NrVar - 1 do begin if (vars[i] <> 0.0) then begin if (LeftStr(Varnames(i), 4) = 'pre_') or (LeftStr(Varnames(i), 5) = 'post_') then continue; FCalcFunctionList[FNrFunctions] := FFunctionList[i]; Inc(FNrFunctions); end; end; // Post- variations for i := 0 to NrVar - 1 do begin if (vars[i] <> 0.0) and (LeftStr(Varnames(i), 5) = 'post_') then begin FCalcFunctionList[FNrFunctions] := FFunctionList[i]; Inc(FNrFunctions); end; end; waves_f1 := 1 / (sqr(c20) + EPS); waves_f2 := 1 / (sqr(c21) + EPS); rings_dx := sqr(c20) + EPS; fan_dx := PI * (sqr(c20) + EPS); fan_dx2 := fan_dx/2; cosine_var2 := vars[20]/2; polar_vpi := vars[5]/pi; disc_vpi := vars[8]/pi; gauss_rnd[0] := random; gauss_rnd[1] := random; gauss_rnd[2] := random; gauss_rnd[3] := random; gauss_N := 0; if (p[0,0]<>1) or (p[0,1]<>0) or(p[1,0]<>0) or (p[1,1]<>1) or (p[2,0]<>0) or (p[2,1]<>0) then begin p00 := p[0][0]; p01 := p[0][1]; p10 := p[1][0]; p11 := p[1][1]; p20 := p[2][0]; p21 := p[2][1]; FCalcFunctionList[FNrFunctions] := DoPostTransform; Inc(FNrFunctions); end; (* if (vars[27] <> 0.0) then begin FFunctionList[FNrFunctions] := TestScript; Inc(FNrFunctions); Script := TatPascalScripter.Create(nil); Script.SourceCode.Text := 'function test(x, y; var nx, ny);' + #10#13 + 'begin' + #10#13 + 'nx := x;' + #10#13 + 'ny := y;' + #10#13 + 'end;' + #10#13 + 'function test2;' + #10#13 + 'begin' + #10#13 + 'nx := x;' + #10#13 + 'ny := y;' + #10#13 + 'end;' + #10#13 + 'nx := x;' + #10#13 + 'ny := y;' + #10#13; Script.AddVariable('x',x); Script.AddVariable('y',y); Script.AddVariable('nx',nx); Script.AddVariable('ny',ny); Script.Compile; end; if (vars[NRLOCVAR -1] <> 0.0) then begin FFunctionList[FNrFunctions] := TestVar; Inc(FNrFunctions); end; *) end; procedure TXForm.PrepareInvalidXForm; begin c00 := 1; c01 := 0; c10 := 0; c11 := 1; c20 := 0; c21 := 0; colorC1 := 1; colorC2 := 0; FNrFunctions := 1; SetLength(FCalcFunctionList, 1); FCalcFunctionList[0] := DoInvalidOperation; end; procedure TXForm.PrecalcAngle; {$ifndef _ASM_} begin FAngle := arctan2(FTx, FTy); {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fpatan fstp qword ptr [eax + FAngle] //fwait {$endif} end; procedure TXForm.PrecalcSinCos; {$ifndef _ASM_} begin FLength := sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)) + EPS; FSinA := FTx / FLength; FCosA := FTy / FLength; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fadd qword ptr [EPS] // avoid divide by zero...(?) fdiv st(1), st fdiv st(2), st fstp qword ptr [eax + FLength] fstp qword ptr [eax + FCosA] fstp qword ptr [eax + FSinA] //fwait {$endif} end; procedure TXForm.PrecalcAll; {$ifndef _ASM_} begin FLength := sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)) + EPS; FSinA := FTx / FLength; FCosA := FTy / FLength; FAngle := arctan2(FTx, FTy); {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld st(1) fld st(1) fpatan fstp qword ptr [eax + FAngle] fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fadd qword ptr [EPS] // avoid divide by zero...(?) fdiv st(1), st fdiv st(2), st fstp qword ptr [eax + FLength] fstp qword ptr [eax + FCosA] fstp qword ptr [eax + FSinA] //fwait {$endif} end; procedure TXForm.DoPostTransform; {$ifndef _ASM_} var tmp: double; begin tmp := FPx; FPx := p00 * FPx + p10 * FPy + p20; FPy := p01 * tmp + p11 * FPy + p21; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FPy] fld qword ptr [eax + FPx] fld st(1) fmul qword ptr [eax + p10] fld st(1) fmul qword ptr [eax + p00] faddp fadd qword ptr [eax + p20] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fmul qword ptr [eax + p01] fld qword ptr [eax + p11] fmulp st(2), st faddp fadd qword ptr [eax + p21] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; procedure TXForm.DoInvalidOperation; begin raise EMathError.Create(''); end; //--0--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Linear; {$ifndef _ASM_} begin FPx := FPx + vars[0] * FTx; FPy := FPy + vars[0] * FTy; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fmul st, st(1) fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fmulp st(2), st fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--1--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Sinusoidal; {$ifndef _ASM_} begin FPx := FPx + vars[1] * sin(FTx); FPy := FPy + vars[1] * sin(FTy); {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 1*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fsin fmul st, st(1) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fsin fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--2--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Spherical; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r: double; begin r := vars[2] / (sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy) + EPS); FPx := FPx + FTx * r; FPy := FPy + FTy * r; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fadd qword ptr [EPS] mov edx, [eax + vars] fdivr qword ptr [edx + 2*8] fmul st(2), st fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--3--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Swirl; {$ifndef _ASM_} { r2 := FTx * FTx + FTy * FTy; c1 := sin(r2); c2 := cos(r2); FPx := FPx + vars[3] * (c1 * FTx - c2 * FTy); FPy := FPy + vars[3] * (c2 * FTx + c1 * FTy); } var sinr, cosr: double; begin SinCos(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy), sinr, cosr); FPx := FPx + vars[3] * (sinr * FTx - cosr * FTy); FPy := FPy + vars[3] * (cosr * FTx + sinr * FTy); {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 3*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fsincos fld st(1) fmul st, st(3) fld st(1) fmul st, st(5) fsubp st(1), st fmul st, st(5) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fmulp st(2), st fmulp st(2), st faddp fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--4--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Horseshoe; {$ifndef _ASM_} // --Z-- he he he... // FTx/FLength FTy/FLength // FPx := FPx + vars[4] * (FSinA * FTx - FCosA * FTy); // FPy := FPy + vars[4] * (FCosA* FTx + FSinA * FTy); var r: double; begin r := vars[4] / (sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)) + EPS); FPx := FPx + (FTx - FTy) * (FTx + FTy) * r; FPy := FPy + (2*FTx*FTy) * r; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fadd qword ptr [EPS] mov edx, [eax + vars] fdivr qword ptr [edx + 4*8] fld st(2) fadd st, st(2) fld st(3) fsub st, st(3) fmulp fmul st, st(1) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fmulp fmulp fadd st, st fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--5--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Polar; {$ifndef _ASM_} { var ny: double; rPI: double; begin rPI := 0.31830989; ny := sqrt(FTx * FTx + FTy * FTy) - 1.0; FPx := FPx + vars[5] * (FAngle*rPI); FPy := FPy + vars[5] * ny; } begin FPx := FPx + polar_vpi * FAngle; //vars[5] * FAngle / PI; FPy := FPy + vars[5] * (sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)) - 1.0); {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FAngle] fmul qword ptr [eax + polar_vpi] fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fmul st, st fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fld1 fsubp st(1), st mov edx, [eax + vars] fmul qword ptr [edx + 5*8] fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--6--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.FoldedHandkerchief; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r: double; begin r := sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)); FPx := FPx + vars[6] * sin(FAngle + r) * r; FPy := FPy + vars[6] * cos(FAngle - r) * r; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 6*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fmul st, st fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fld qword ptr [eax + FAngle] fld st fadd st, st(2) fsin fmul st, st(2) fmul st, st(3) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fsub st, st(1) fcos fmulp fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--7--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Heart; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, sinr, cosr: double; begin r := sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)); Sincos(r*FAngle, sinr, cosr); r := r * vars[7]; FPx := FPx + r * sinr; FPy := FPy - r * cosr; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 7*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fmul st, st fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fmul st(1), st fmul qword ptr [eax + FAngle] fsincos fmul st, st(2) fsubr qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fwait {$endif} end; //--8--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Disc; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, sinr, cosr: double; begin SinCos(PI * sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)), sinr, cosr); r := disc_vpi * FAngle; //r := vars[8] * FAngle / PI; FPx := FPx + sinr * r; FPy := FPy + cosr * r; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + disc_vpi] // mov edx, [eax + vars] // fld qword ptr [edx + 8*8] fmul qword ptr [eax + FAngle] // fldpi // fdivp st(1), st fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fmul st, st fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fldpi fmulp fsincos fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fwait {$endif} end; //--9--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Spiral; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, sinr, cosr: double; begin r := Flength + 1E-6; SinCos(r, sinr, cosr); r := vars[9] / r; FPx := FPx + (FCosA + sinr) * r; FPy := FPy + (FsinA - cosr) * r; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 9*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FLength] fadd qword ptr [EPS] fdiv st(1), st fsincos fsubr qword ptr [eax + FSinA] fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fadd qword ptr [eax + FCosA] fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fwait {$endif} end; //--10--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Hyperbolic; {$ifndef _ASM_} { var r: double; begin r := Flength + 1E-6; FPx := FPx + vars[10] * FSinA / r; FPy := FPy + vars[10] * FCosA * r; } // --Z-- Yikes!!! SOMEONE SHOULD GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!!! // Now watch and learn how to do this WITHOUT calculating sin and cos: begin FPx := FPx + vars[10] * FTx / (sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy) + EPS); FPy := FPy + vars[10] * FTy; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 10*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fadd qword ptr [EPS] fdivp st(1), st fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--11--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Square; {$ifndef _ASM_} var sinr, cosr: double; begin SinCos(FLength, sinr, cosr); FPx := FPx + vars[11] * FSinA * cosr; FPy := FPy + vars[11] * FCosA * sinr; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 11*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FLength] fsincos fmul qword ptr [eax + FSinA] fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fmul qword ptr [eax + FCosA] fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--12--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Ex; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r: double; n0, n1, m0, m1: double; begin r := sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)); n0 := sin(FAngle + r); n1 := cos(FAngle - r); m0 := sqr(n0) * n0; m1 := sqr(n1) * n1; r := r * vars[12]; FPx := FPx + r * (m0 + m1); FPy := FPy + r * (m0 - m1); {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fmul st, st fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fld qword ptr [eax + FAngle] fld st fadd st, st(2) fsin fld st fld st fmulp fmulp fxch st(1) fsub st, st(2) fcos fld st fld st fmulp fmulp mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 12*8] fmulp st(3), st fld st fadd st, st(2) fmul st, st(3) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fsubp st(1), st fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--13--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Julia; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, sina, cosa: double; begin SinCos(FAngle/2 + pi*random(2), sina, cosa); r := vars[13] * sqrt(sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy))); FPx := FPx + r * cosa; FPy := FPy + r * sina; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [ebx + FAngle] // assert: self is in ebx fld1 fld1 faddp fdivp st(1), st mov eax, 2 call System.@RandInt shr eax, 1 jnc @skip fldpi faddp @skip: { push eax fild dword ptr [esp] add esp, 4 fldpi fmulp faddp } fsincos fld qword ptr [ebx + FTx] fmul st, st fld qword ptr [ebx + FTy] fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fsqrt mov edx, [ebx + vars] fmul qword ptr [edx + 13*8] fmul st(2), st fmulp st(1), st fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--14--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Bent; {$ifndef _ASM_} { var nx, ny: double; begin nx := FTx; ny := FTy; if (nx < 0) and (nx > -1E100) then nx := nx * 2; if ny < 0 then ny := ny / 2; FPx := FPx + vars[14] * nx; FPy := FPy + vars[14] * ny; } // --Z-- This variation is kinda weird... begin if FTx < 0 then FPx := FPx + vars[14] * (FTx*2) else FPx := FPx + vars[14] * FTx; if FTy < 0 then FPy := FPy + vars[14] * (FTy/2) else FPy := FPy + vars[14] * FTy; {$else} // haven't noticed any improvement here... :-/ asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 14*8] fld qword ptr [ebx + FTx] ftst fstsw ax sahf ja @posx fadd st, st @posx: fmul st, st(1) fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fld qword ptr [ebx + FTy] ftst fstsw ax sahf ja @posy fld1 fadd st, st fdivp st(1), st @posy: fmulp fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--15--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Waves; {$ifndef _ASM_} begin //FPx := FPx + vars[15] * (FTx + c10 * sin(FTy / (sqr(c20) + EPS))); //FPy := FPy + vars[15] * (FTy + c11 * sin(FTx / (sqr(c21) + EPS))); FPx := FPx + vars[15] * (FTx + c10 * sin(FTy * waves_f1)); FPy := FPy + vars[15] * (FTy + c11 * sin(FTx * waves_f2)); {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 15*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld st(1) fmul qword ptr [eax + waves_f1] fsin fmul qword ptr [eax + c10] fadd st, st(1) fmul st, st(3) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fmul qword ptr [eax + waves_f2] fsin fmul qword ptr [eax + c11] faddp fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--16--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Fisheye; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r: double; begin { // r := sqrt(FTx * FTx + FTy * FTy); // a := arctan2(FTx, FTy); // r := 2 * r / (r + 1); r := 2 * Flength / (Flength + 1); FPx := FPx + vars[16] * r * FCosA; FPy := FPy + vars[16] * r * FSinA; } // --Z-- and again, sin & cos are NOT necessary here: r := 2 * vars[16] / (sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)) + 1); // by the way, now we can clearly see that the original author messed X and Y: FPx := FPx + r * FTy; FPy := FPy + r * FTx; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 16*8] fadd st, st fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fld1 faddp fdivp st(3), st fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--17--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Popcorn; {$ifndef _ASM_} var dx, dy: double; // nx, ny: double; begin dx := tan(3 * FTy); if (dx <> dx) then dx := 0.0; // < probably won't work in Delphi dy := tan(3 * FTx); // NAN will raise an exception... if (dy <> dy) then dy := 0.0; // remove for speed? // nx := FTx + c20 * sin(dx); // ny := FTy + c21 * sin(dy); // FPx := FPx + vars[17] * nx; // FPy := FPy + vars[17] * ny; FPx := FPx + vars[17] * (FTx + c20 * sin(dx)); FPy := FPy + vars[17] * (FTy + c21 * sin(dy)); {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 17*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld st(1) fld st fld st faddp faddp fptan fstp st fsin fmul qword ptr [eax + c20] fadd st, st(1) fmul st, st(3) fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fld st fld st faddp faddp fptan fstp st fsin fmul qword ptr [eax + c21] faddp fmulp fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--18--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Exponential; {$ifndef _ASM_} var d: double; sinr, cosr: double; begin SinCos(PI * FTy, sinr, cosr); d := vars[18] * exp(FTx - 1); // --Z-- (e^x)/e = e^(x-1) FPx := FPx + cosr * d; FPy := FPy + sinr * d; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld1 fsubp st(1), st // --Z-- here goes exp(x) code from System.pas FLDL2E FMUL FLD ST(0) FRNDINT FSUB ST(1), ST FXCH ST(1) F2XM1 FLD1 FADD FSCALE FSTP ST(1) // ----- mov edx, [eax + vars] fmul qword ptr [edx + 18*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fldpi fmulp fsincos fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fmulp fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--19--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Power; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r: double; begin r := vars[19] * Math.Power(FLength, FSinA); FPx := FPx + r * FCosA; FPy := FPy + r * FSinA; {$else} // --Z-- x^y = 2^(y*log2(x)) asm fld qword ptr [ebx + FSinA] fld st fld qword ptr [ebx + FLength] fyl2x fld st frndint fsub st(1), st fxch st(1) f2xm1 fld1 fadd fscale fstp st(1) mov edx, [eax + vars] fmul qword ptr [edx + 19*8] fmul st(1), st fmul qword ptr [ebx + FCosA] fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--20--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Cosine; {$ifndef _ASM_} var sinr, cosr: double; e1, e2: double; begin // SinCos(FTx * PI, sinr, cosr); // FPx := FPx + vars[20] * cosr * cosh(FTy); // FPy := FPy - vars[20] * sinr * sinh(FTy); SinCos(FTx * PI, sinr, cosr); if FTy = 0 then begin // sinh(0) = 0, cosh(0) = 1 FPx := FPx + vars[20] * cosr; end else begin // --Z-- sinh() and cosh() both calculate exp(y) and exp(-y) e1 := exp(FTy); e2 := exp(-FTy); FPx := FPx + vars[20] * cosr * (e1 + e2)/2; FPy := FPy - vars[20] * sinr * (e1 - e2)/2; end; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fldpi fmulp fsincos fld qword ptr [eax + cosine_var2] fmul st(2), st fmulp fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] // --Z-- here goes exp(x) modified to compute both exp(x) and exp(-x) FLDL2E FMUL FLD ST(0) FRNDINT FSUB ST(1), ST fld st fchs fld st(2) fchs F2XM1 FLD1 FADD FSCALE FSTP ST(1) fxch st(2) F2XM1 FLD1 FADD FSCALE FST ST(1) // ----- fadd st, st(2) fmulp st(3), st fsubp st(1), st fmulp st(2), st fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] // "add" because: fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] // FPy := FPy + vars[20] * sinr * (e2 - e1)/2; fwait {$endif} end; //--21--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Rings; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r: double; //dx: double; begin //dx := sqr(c20) + EPS; // r := FLength; // r := r + dx - System.Int((r + dx)/(2 * dx)) * 2 * dx - dx + r * (1-dx); // --Z-- ^^^^ heheeeee :-) ^^^^ r := vars[21] * ( 2 * FLength - rings_dx * (System.Int((FLength/rings_dx + 1)/2) * 2 + FLength) ); FPx := FPx + r * FCosA; FPy := FPy + r * FSinA; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FLength] fld qword ptr [eax + rings_dx] fld st(1) fdiv st, st(1) fld1 faddp fld1 fld1 faddp fdivp st(1), st call System.@Int fadd st, st fadd st, st(2) fmulp fsub st, st(1) fsubp st(1), st mov edx, [eax + vars] fmul qword ptr [edx + 21*8] fld st fmul qword ptr [eax + FCosA] fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fmul qword ptr [eax + FSinA] fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--22--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Fan; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, a : double; sinr, cosr: double; //dx, dy, dx2: double; begin //dy := c21; //dx := PI * (sqr(c20) + EPS); //dx2 := dx/2; // if (FAngle+c21 - System.Int((FAngle + c21)/fan_dx) * fan_dx) > fan_dx2 then // if (FAngle + c21)/fan_dx - System.Int((FAngle + c21)/fan_dx) > 0.5 then if System.Frac((FAngle + c21)/fan_dx) > 0.5 then a := FAngle - fan_dx2 else a := FAngle + fan_dx2; SinCos(a, sinr, cosr); r := vars[22] * sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)); FPx := FPx + r * cosr; FPy := FPy + r * sinr; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [ebx + FAngle] fld st fadd qword ptr [ebx + c21] fdiv qword ptr [ebx + fan_dx] // --Z-- here goes Frac() code from System.pas FLD ST(0) SUB ESP,4 FNSTCW [ESP].Word // save FNSTCW [ESP+2].Word // scratch FWAIT OR [ESP+2].Word, $0F00 // trunc toward zero, full precision FLDCW [ESP+2].Word FRNDINT FWAIT FLDCW [ESP].Word ADD ESP,4 FSUB // ----- fadd st, st fld1 // fcompp <-- replaced with FCOMIP // fnstsw ax // shr ah, 1 // jnc @else fcomip st, st(1) fstp st //fwait? ja @else fsub qword ptr [ebx + fan_dx2] jmp @skip @else: fadd qword ptr [ebx + fan_dx2] @skip: fsincos fld qword ptr [ebx + FTx] fmul st, st fld qword ptr [ebx + FTy] fmul st, st faddp fsqrt mov edx, [ebx + vars] fmul qword ptr [edx + 22*8] fmul st(2), st fmulp fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--23--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Eyefish; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r: double; begin r := 2 * vars[23] / (sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)) + 1); FPx := FPx + r * FTx; FPy := FPy + r * FTy; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 23*8] fadd st, st fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st faddp fsqrt fld1 faddp fdivp st(3), st fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--24--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Bubble; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r: double; begin r := vars[24] / ((sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy))/4 + 1); FPx := FPx + r * FTx; FPy := FPy + r * FTy; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fld st(1) fmul st, st fld st(1) fmul st, st fadd fld1 fadd st, st fadd st, st fdivp st(1), st fld1 fadd mov edx, [eax + vars] fdivr qword ptr [edx + 24*8] fmul st(2), st fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--25--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Cylinder; {$ifndef _ASM_} begin FPx := FPx + vars[25] * sin(FTx); FPy := FPy + vars[25] * FTy; {$else} asm mov edx, [eax + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 25*8] fld qword ptr [eax + FTx] fsin fld qword ptr [eax + FTy] fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [eax + FPy] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPy] fmulp fadd qword ptr [eax + FPx] fstp qword ptr [eax + FPx] fwait {$endif} end; //--26--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Noise; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, sinr, cosr: double; begin SinCos(random * 2*pi, sinr, cosr); r := vars[26] * random; FPx := FPx + FTx * r * cosr; FPy := FPy + FTy * r * sinr; {$else} asm mov edx, [ebx + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 26*8] call System.@RandExt fmulp call System.@RandExt fadd st, st fldpi fmulp fsincos fmul st, st(2) fmul qword ptr [ebx + FTx] fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fmulp fmul qword ptr [ebx + FTy] fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--27--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Blur; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, sina, cosa: double; begin SinCos(random * 2*pi, sina, cosa); r := vars[27] * random; FPx := FPx + r * cosa; FPy := FPy + r * sina; {$else} asm mov edx, [ebx + vars] fld qword ptr [edx + 27*8] call System.@RandExt fmulp call System.@RandExt fadd st, st fldpi fmulp fsincos fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fmulp fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--28--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Gaussian; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, sina, cosa: double; begin SinCos(random * 2*pi, sina, cosa); r := vars[28] * (random + random + random + random - 2); FPx := FPx + r * cosa; FPy := FPy + r * sina; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd] fadd qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd+8] fadd qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd+16] fadd qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd+24] fld1 fadd st,st fsubp st(1),st mov edx, [ebx + vars] fmul qword ptr [edx + 28*8] call System.@RandExt mov edx, [ebx + gauss_N] fst qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd + edx*8] inc edx and edx,$03 mov [eax + gauss_N], edx fadd st, st fldpi fmulp fsincos fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPx] fmulp fadd qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FPy] fwait {$endif} end; //--29--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.PreBlur; {$ifndef _ASM_} var r, sina, cosa: double; begin SinCos(random * 2*pi, sina, cosa); r := vars[29] * (gauss_rnd[0] + gauss_rnd[1] + gauss_rnd[2] + gauss_rnd[3] - 2); gauss_rnd[gauss_N] := random; gauss_N := (gauss_N+1) and $3; FTx := FTx + r * cosa; FTy := FTy + r * sina; {$else} asm fld qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd] fadd qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd+8] fadd qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd+16] fadd qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd+24] fld1 fadd st,st fsubp st(1),st mov edx, [ebx + vars] fmul qword ptr [edx + 29*8] call System.@RandExt mov edx, [ebx + gauss_N] fst qword ptr [ebx + gauss_rnd + edx*8] inc edx and edx,$03 mov [eax + gauss_N], edx fadd st, st fldpi fmulp fsincos fmul st, st(2) fadd qword ptr [ebx + FTx] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FTx] fmulp fadd qword ptr [ebx + FTy] fstp qword ptr [ebx + FTy] fwait {$endif} end; //***************************************************************************// (* procedure TXForm.NextPoint(var px, py, pc: double); var i: Integer; begin // first compute the color coord // --Z-- no, first let's optimize this huge expression ;) // pc := (pc + color) * 0.5 * (1 - symmetry) + symmetry * pc; // ---> = pc*(1 + symmetry)/2 + color*(1 - symmetry)/2; // ^^^^^^const^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^const^^^^^^^^ pc := pc * colorC1 + colorC2; // heh! :-) FTx := c00 * px + c10 * py + c20; FTy := c01 * px + c11 * py + c21; Fpx := 0; Fpy := 0; for i := 0 to FNrFunctions - 1 do FCalcFunctionList[i]; px := FPx; py := FPy; end; *) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.NextPoint(var CPpoint: TCPpoint); var i: Integer; begin // first compute the color coord // CPpoint.c := (CPpoint.c + color) * 0.5 * (1 - symmetry) + symmetry * CPpoint.c; CPpoint.c := CPpoint.c * colorC1 + colorC2; FTx := c00 * CPpoint.x + c10 * CPpoint.y + c20; FTy := c01 * CPpoint.x + c11 * CPpoint.y + c21; Fpx := 0; Fpy := 0; for i:= 0 to FNrFunctions-1 do FCalcFunctionList[i]; CPpoint.x := FPx; CPpoint.y := FPy; end; procedure TXForm.NextPointTo(var CPpoint, ToPoint: TCPpoint); var i: Integer; begin ToPoint.c := CPpoint.c * colorC1 + colorC2; FTx := c00 * CPpoint.x + c10 * CPpoint.y + c20; FTy := c01 * CPpoint.x + c11 * CPpoint.y + c21; Fpx := 0; Fpy := 0; for i:= 0 to FNrFunctions-1 do FCalcFunctionList[i]; ToPoint.x := FPx; ToPoint.y := FPy; end; { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.NextPoint(var px, py, pz, pc: double); var i: Integer; tpx, tpy: double; begin // first compute the color coord pc := (pc + color) * 0.5 * (1 - symmetry) + symmetry * pc; case Orientationtype of 1: begin tpx := px; tpy := pz; end; 2: begin tpx := py; tpy := pz; end; else tpx := px; tpy := py; end; FTx := c00 * tpx + c10 * tpy + c20; FTy := c01 * tpx + c11 * tpy + c21; (* if CalculateAngle then begin if (FTx < -EPS) or (FTx > EPS) or (FTy < -EPS) or (FTy > EPS) then FAngle := arctan2(FTx, FTy) else FAngle := 0.0; end; if CalculateSinCos then begin Flength := sqrt(sqr(FTx) + sqr(FTy)); if FLength = 0 then begin FSinA := 0; FCosA := 1; end else begin FSinA := FTx/FLength; FCosA := FTy/FLength; end; end; // if CalculateLength then begin // FLength := sqrt(FTx * FTx + FTy * FTy); // end; *) Fpx := 0; Fpy := 0; for i:= 0 to FNrFunctions-1 do FFunctionList[i]; case Orientationtype of 1: begin px := FPx; pz := FPy; end; 2: begin py := FPx; pz := FPy; end; else px := FPx; py := FPy; end; end; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.NextPoint2C(var p: T2CPoint); var i: Integer; begin // first compute the color coord // pc1 := (pc1 + color) * 0.5 * (1 - symmetry) + symmetry * pc1; // pc2 := (pc2 + color) * 0.5 * (1 - symmetry) + symmetry * pc2; p.c1 := p.c1 * colorC1 + colorC2; p.c2 := p.c2 * colorC1 + colorC2; FTx := c00 * p.x + c10 * p.y + c20; FTy := c01 * p.x + c11 * p.y + c21; Fpx := 0; Fpy := 0; for i:= 0 to FNrFunctions-1 do FCalcFunctionList[i]; p.x := FPx; p.y := FPy; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.NextPointXY(var px, py: double); var i: integer; begin FTx := c00 * px + c10 * py + c20; FTy := c01 * px + c11 * py + c21; Fpx := 0; Fpy := 0; for i:= 0 to FNrFunctions-1 do FCalcFunctionList[i]; px := FPx; py := FPy; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TXForm.Mul33(const M1, M2: TMatrix): TMatrix; begin result[0, 0] := M1[0][0] * M2[0][0] + M1[0][1] * M2[1][0] + M1[0][2] * M2[2][0]; result[0, 1] := M1[0][0] * M2[0][1] + M1[0][1] * M2[1][1] + M1[0][2] * M2[2][1]; result[0, 2] := M1[0][0] * M2[0][2] + M1[0][1] * M2[1][2] + M1[0][2] * M2[2][2]; result[1, 0] := M1[1][0] * M2[0][0] + M1[1][1] * M2[1][0] + M1[1][2] * M2[2][0]; result[1, 1] := M1[1][0] * M2[0][1] + M1[1][1] * M2[1][1] + M1[1][2] * M2[2][1]; result[1, 2] := M1[1][0] * M2[0][2] + M1[1][1] * M2[1][2] + M1[1][2] * M2[2][2]; result[2, 0] := M1[2][0] * M2[0][0] + M1[2][1] * M2[1][0] + M1[2][2] * M2[2][0]; result[2, 0] := M1[2][0] * M2[0][1] + M1[2][1] * M2[1][1] + M1[2][2] * M2[2][1]; result[2, 0] := M1[2][0] * M2[0][2] + M1[2][1] * M2[1][2] + M1[2][2] * M2[2][2]; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TXForm.Identity: TMatrix; var i, j: integer; begin for i := 0 to 2 do for j := 0 to 2 do Result[i, j] := 0; Result[0][0] := 1; Result[1][1] := 1; Result[2][2] := 1; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Rotate(const degrees: double); var r: double; Matrix, M1: TMatrix; begin r := degrees * pi / 180; M1 := Identity; M1[0, 0] := cos(r); M1[0, 1] := -sin(r); M1[1, 0] := sin(r); M1[1, 1] := cos(r); Matrix := Identity; Matrix[0][0] := c[0, 0]; Matrix[0][1] := c[0, 1]; Matrix[1][0] := c[1, 0]; Matrix[1][1] := c[1, 1]; Matrix[0][2] := c[2, 0]; Matrix[1][2] := c[2, 1]; Matrix := Mul33(Matrix, M1); c[0, 0] := Matrix[0][0]; c[0, 1] := Matrix[0][1]; c[1, 0] := Matrix[1][0]; c[1, 1] := Matrix[1][1]; c[2, 0] := Matrix[0][2]; c[2, 1] := Matrix[1][2]; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Translate(const x, y: double); var Matrix, M1: TMatrix; begin M1 := Identity; M1[0, 2] := x; M1[1, 2] := y; Matrix := Identity; Matrix[0][0] := c[0, 0]; Matrix[0][1] := c[0, 1]; Matrix[1][0] := c[1, 0]; Matrix[1][1] := c[1, 1]; Matrix[0][2] := c[2, 0]; Matrix[1][2] := c[2, 1]; Matrix := Mul33(Matrix, M1); c[0, 0] := Matrix[0][0]; c[0, 1] := Matrix[0][1]; c[1, 0] := Matrix[1][0]; c[1, 1] := Matrix[1][1]; c[2, 0] := Matrix[0][2]; c[2, 1] := Matrix[1][2]; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Multiply(const a, b, c, d: double); var Matrix, M1: TMatrix; begin M1 := Identity; M1[0, 0] := a; M1[0, 1] := b; M1[1, 0] := c; M1[1, 1] := d; Matrix := Identity; Matrix[0][0] := Self.c[0, 0]; Matrix[0][1] := Self.c[0, 1]; Matrix[1][0] := Self.c[1, 0]; Matrix[1][1] := Self.c[1, 1]; Matrix[0][2] := Self.c[2, 0]; Matrix[1][2] := Self.c[2, 1]; Matrix := Mul33(Matrix, M1); Self.c[0, 0] := Matrix[0][0]; Self.c[0, 1] := Matrix[0][1]; Self.c[1, 0] := Matrix[1][0]; Self.c[1, 1] := Matrix[1][1]; Self.c[2, 0] := Matrix[0][2]; Self.c[2, 1] := Matrix[1][2]; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Scale(const s: double); var Matrix, M1: TMatrix; begin M1 := Identity; M1[0, 0] := s; M1[1, 1] := s; Matrix := Identity; Matrix[0][0] := c[0, 0]; Matrix[0][1] := c[0, 1]; Matrix[1][0] := c[1, 0]; Matrix[1][1] := c[1, 1]; Matrix[0][2] := c[2, 0]; Matrix[1][2] := c[2, 1]; Matrix := Mul33(Matrix, M1); c[0, 0] := Matrix[0][0]; c[0, 1] := Matrix[0][1]; c[1, 0] := Matrix[1][0]; c[1, 1] := Matrix[1][1]; c[2, 0] := Matrix[0][2]; c[2, 1] := Matrix[1][2]; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// destructor TXForm.Destroy; var i: integer; begin // if assigned(Script) then // Script.Free; for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do FRegVariations[i].Free; inherited; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.BuildFunctionlist; begin SetLength(FFunctionList, NrVar + Length(FRegVariations)); //fixed FFunctionList[0] := Linear; FFunctionList[1] := Sinusoidal; FFunctionList[2] := Spherical; FFunctionList[3] := Swirl; FFunctionList[4] := Horseshoe; FFunctionList[5] := Polar; FFunctionList[6] := FoldedHandkerchief; FFunctionList[7] := Heart; FFunctionList[8] := Disc; FFunctionList[9] := Spiral; FFunctionList[10] := Hyperbolic; FFunctionList[11] := Square; FFunctionList[12] := Ex; FFunctionList[13] := Julia; FFunctionList[14] := Bent; FFunctionList[15] := Waves; FFunctionList[16] := Fisheye; FFunctionList[17] := Popcorn; FFunctionList[18] := Exponential; FFunctionList[19] := Power; FFunctionList[20] := Cosine; FFunctionList[21] := Rings; FFunctionList[22] := Fan; FFunctionList[23] := Eyefish; FFunctionList[24] := Bubble; FFunctionList[25] := Cylinder; FFunctionList[26] := Noise; FFunctionList[27] := Blur; FFunctionList[28] := Gaussian; FFunctionList[29] := PreBlur; //registered // for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do // FFunctionList[NRLOCVAR + i] := FRegVariations[i].CalcFunction; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.AddRegVariations; var i: integer; begin SetLength(FRegVariations, GetNrRegisteredVariations); for i := 0 to GetNrRegisteredVariations - 1 do begin FRegVariations[i] := GetRegisteredVariation(i).GetInstance; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.Assign(XForm: TXForm); var i,j: integer; Name: string; Value: double; begin if Not assigned(XForm) then Exit; for i := 0 to High(vars) do vars[i] := XForm.vars[i]; c := Xform.c; p := Xform.p; weight := XForm.weight; color := XForm.color; color2 := XForm.color2; color_speed := XForm.color_speed; Orientationtype := XForm.Orientationtype; postXswap := Xform.postXswap; for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do begin for j := 0 to FRegVariations[i].GetNrVariables - 1 do begin Name := FRegVariations[i].GetVariableNameAt(j); XForm.FRegVariations[i].GetVariable(Name, Value); FRegVariations[i].SetVariable(Name, Value); end; end; for i := 0 to High(modWeights) do modWeights[i] := xform.modWeights[i]; opacity := xform.opacity; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TXForm.ToXMLString: string; var i, j: integer; Name: string; Value: double; numChaos: integer; begin result := Format(' <xform weight="%g" color="%g" ', [weight, color]); if color_speed <> 0 then result := result + format('symmetry="%g" ', [color_speed]); if opacity <> 1 then Result := Result + Format('opacity="%g" ', [opacity]); for i := 0 to nrvar - 1 do begin if vars[i] <> 0 then Result := Result + varnames(i) + format('="%g" ', [vars[i]]); end; Result := Result + Format('coefs="%g %g %g %g %g %g" ', [c[0,0], c[0,1], c[1,0], c[1,1], c[2,0], c[2,1]]); if (p[0,0]<>1) or (p[0,1]<>0) or(p[1,0]<>0) or (p[1,1]<>1) or (p[2,0]<>0) or (p[2,1]<>0) then Result := Result + Format('post="%g %g %g %g %g %g" ', [p[0,0], p[0,1], p[1,0], p[1,1], p[2,0], p[2,1]]); for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do begin if vars[i+NRLOCVAR] <> 0 then for j := 0 to FRegVariations[i].GetNrVariables - 1 do begin Name := FRegVariations[i].GetVariableNameAt(j); // FRegVariations[i].GetVariable(Name,Value); // Result := Result + Format('%s="%g" ', [name, value]); Result := Result + Format('%s="%s" ', [name, FRegVariations[i].GetVariableStr(Name)]); end; end; numChaos := -1; for i := NXFORMS-1 downto 0 do if modWeights[i] <> 1 then begin numChaos := i; break; end; if numChaos >= 0 then begin Result := Result + 'chaos="'; for i := 0 to numChaos do Result := Result + Format('%g ', [modWeights[i]]); Result := Result + '" '; end; Result := Result + '/>'; end; function TXForm.FinalToXMLString(IsEnabled: boolean): string; var i, j: integer; Name: string; Value: double; begin // result := Format(' <finalxform enabled="%d" color="%g" symmetry="%g" ', // [ifthen(IsEnabled, 1, 0), color, symmetry]); result := Format(' <finalxform color="%g" ', [color]); if color_speed <> 0 then result := result + format('symmetry="%g" ', [color_speed]); for i := 0 to nrvar - 1 do begin if vars[i] <> 0 then Result := Result + varnames(i) + format('="%g" ', [vars[i]]); end; Result := Result + Format('coefs="%g %g %g %g %g %g" ', [c[0,0], c[0,1], c[1,0], c[1,1], c[2,0], c[2,1]]); if (p[0,0]<>1) or (p[0,1]<>0) or(p[1,0]<>0) or (p[1,1]<>1) or (p[2,0]<>0) or (p[2,1]<>0) then Result := Result + Format('post="%g %g %g %g %g %g" ', [p[0,0], p[0,1], p[1,0], p[1,1], p[2,0], p[2,1]]); for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do begin if vars[i+NRLOCVAR] <> 0 then for j := 0 to FRegVariations[i].GetNrVariables - 1 do begin Name := FRegVariations[i].GetVariableNameAt(j); // FRegVariations[i].GetVariable(Name,Value); // Result := Result + Format('%s="%g" ', [name, value]); Result := Result + Format('%s="%s" ', [name, FRegVariations[i].GetVariableStr(Name)]); end; end; Result := Result + '/>'; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TXForm.GetVariable(const name: string; var Value: double); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do if FRegVariations[i].GetVariable(name, value) then break; end; procedure TXForm.SetVariable(const name: string; var Value: double); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do if FRegVariations[i].SetVariable(name, value) then break; end; procedure TXForm.ResetVariable(const name: string); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do if FRegVariations[i].ResetVariable(name) then break; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TXForm.GetVariableStr(const name: string): string; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do begin Result := FRegVariations[i].GetVariableStr(name); if Result <> '' then break; end; end; procedure TXForm.SetVariableStr(const name: string; var Value: string); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to High(FRegVariations) do begin if FRegVariations[i].SetVariableStr(name, value) then break; end; end; end.