(* Fast Memory Manager 4.64 Description: A fast replacement memory manager for Borland Delphi Win32 applications that scales well under multi-threaded usage, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files. Homepage: http://fastmm.sourceforge.net Advantages: - Fast - Low overhead. FastMM is designed for an average of 5% and maximum of 10% overhead per block. - Supports up to 3GB of user mode address space under Windows 32-bit and 4GB under Windows 64-bit. Add the "$SetPEFlags $20" option (in curly braces) to your .dpr to enable this. - Highly aligned memory blocks. Can be configured for either 8-byte or 16-byte alignment. - Good scaling under multi-threaded applications - Intelligent reallocations. Avoids slow memory move operations through not performing unneccesary downsizes and by having a minimum percentage block size growth factor when an in-place block upsize is not possible. - Resistant to address space fragmentation - No external DLL required when sharing memory between the application and external libraries (provided both use this memory manager) - Optionally reports memory leaks on program shutdown. (This check can be set to be performed only if Delphi is currently running on the machine, so end users won't be bothered by the error message.) - Supports Delphi 4 (or later), C++ Builder 5 (or later), Kylix 3. Usage: Delphi: Place this unit as the very first unit under the "uses" section in your project's .dpr file. When sharing memory between an application and a DLL (e.g. when passing a long string or dynamic array to a DLL function), both the main application and the DLL must be compiled using this memory manager (with the required conditional defines set). There are some conditional defines (inside FastMM4Options.inc) that may be used to tweak the memory manager. To enable support for a user mode address space greater than 2GB you will have to use the EditBin* tool to set the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag in the EXE header. This informs Windows x64 or Windows 32-bit (with the /3GB option set) that the application supports an address space larger than 2GB (up to 4GB). In Delphi 7 and later you can also specify this flag through the compiler directive {$SetPEFlags $20} *The EditBin tool ships with the MS Visual C compiler. C++ Builder 6: Refer to the instructions inside FastMM4BCB.cpp. License: This work is copyright Professional Software Development / Pierre le Riche. It is released under a dual license, and you may choose to use it under either the Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1, available from http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html) or the GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 (LGPL 2.1, available from http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php). If you find FastMM useful or you would like to support further development, a donation would be much appreciated. My banking details are: Country: South Africa Bank: ABSA Bank Ltd Branch: Somerset West Branch Code: 334-712 Account Name: PSD (Distribution) Account No.: 4041827693 Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ My PayPal account is: bof@psd.co.za Contact Details: My contact details are shown below if you would like to get in touch with me. If you use this memory manager I would like to hear from you: please e-mail me your comments - good and bad. Snailmail: PO Box 2514 Somerset West 7129 South Africa E-mail: plr@psd.co.za Support: If you have trouble using FastMM, you are welcome to drop me an e-mail at the address above, or you may post your questions in the BASM newsgroup on the Borland news server (which is where I hang out quite frequently). Disclaimer: FastMM has been tested extensively with both single and multithreaded applications on various hardware platforms, but unfortunately I am not in a position to make any guarantees. Use it at your own risk. Acknowledgements (for version 4): - Eric Grange for his RecyclerMM on which the earlier versions of FastMM were based. RecyclerMM was what inspired me to try and write my own memory manager back in early 2004. - Dennis Christensen for his tireless efforts with the Fastcode project: helping to develop, optimize and debug the growing Fastcode library. - Pierre Y. for his suggestions regarding the extension of the memory leak checking options. - Anders Isaksson and Greg for finding and identifying the "DelphiIsRunning" bug under Delphi 5. - Francois Malan for finding the bug that caused compilation to fail when both the "AssumeMultiThreaded" and "CheckHeapForCorruption" options were set. - Craig Peterson for helping me identify the cache associativity issues that could arise due to medium blocks always being an exact multiple of 256 bytes. Also for various other bug reports and enhancement suggestions. - Jarek Karciarz, Vladimir Ulchenko (Vavan) and Bob Gonder for their help in implementing the BCB support. - Ben Taylor for his suggestion to display the object class of all memory leaks. - Jean Marc Eber and Vincent Mahon (the Memcheck guys) for the call stack trace code and also the method used to catch virtual method calls on freed objects. - Nahan Hyn for the suggestion to be able to enable or disable memory leak reporting through a global variable (the "ManualLeakReportingControl" option.) - Leonel Togniolli for various suggestions with regard to enhancing the bug tracking features of FastMM and other helpful advice. - Joe Bain and Leonel Togniolli for the workaround to QC#10922 affecting compilation under Delphi 2005. - Robert Marquardt for the suggestion to make localisation of FastMM easier by having all string constants together. - Simon Kissel and Fikret Hasovic for their help in implementing Kylix support. - Matthias Thoma, Petr Vones, Robert Rossmair and the rest of the JCL team for their debug info library used in the debug info support DLL and also the code used to check for a valid call site in the "raw" stack trace code. - Andreas Hausladen for the suggestion to use an external DLL to enable the reporting of debug information. - Alexander Tabakov for various good suggestions regarding the debugging facilities of FastMM. - M. Skloff for some useful suggestions and bringing to my attention some compiler warnings. - Martin Aignesberger for the code to use madExcept instead of the JCL library inside the debug info support DLL. - Diederik and Dennis Passmore for the suggestion to be able to register expected leaks. - Dario Tiraboschi and Mark Gebauer for pointing out the problems that occur when range checking and complete boolean evaluation is turned on. - Hanspeter Widmer for his suggestion to have an option to display install and uninstall debug messages and moving options to a separate file. - Arthur Hoornweg for notifying me of the image base being incorrect for borlndmm.dll. - Theo Carr-Brion and Hanspeter Widmer for finding the false alarm error message "Block Header Has Been Corrupted" bug in FullDebugMode. - Danny Heijl for reporting the compiler error in "release" mode. - Omar Zelaya for reporting the BCB support regression bug. - Dan Miser for various good suggestions, e.g. not logging expected leaks to file, enhancements the stack trace and messagebox functionality, etc. - Arjen de Ruijter for fixing the bug in GetMemoryLeakType that caused it to not properly detect expected leaks registered by class when in "FullDebugMode". - Aleksander Oven for reporting the installation problem when trying to use FastMM in an application together with libraries that all use runtime packages. - Kristofer Skaug for reporting the bug that sometimes causes the leak report to be shown, even when all the leaks have been registered as expected leaks. Also for some useful enhancement suggestions. - G�nther Schoch for the "RequireDebuggerPresenceForLeakReporting" option. - Jan Schl�ter for the "ForceMMX" option. - Hallvard Vassbotn for various good enhancement suggestions. - Mark Edington for some good suggestions and bug reports. - Paul Ishenin for reporting the compilation error when the NoMessageBoxes option is set and also the missing call stack entries issue when "raw" stack traces are enabled, as well as for the Russian translation. - Cristian Nicola for reporting the compilation bug when the CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces option was enabled (4.40). - Mathias Rauen (madshi) for improving the support for madExcept in the debug info support DLL. - Roddy Pratt for the BCB5 support code. - Rene Mihula for the Czech translation. - Artur Redzko for the Polish translation. - Bart van der Werf for helping me solve the DLL unload order problem when using the debug mode borlndmm.dll library. - JRG ("The Delphi Guy") for the Spanish translation. - Justus Janssen for Delphi 4 support. - Vadim Lopushansky and Charles Vinal for reporting the Delphi 5 compile error in version 4.50. - Johni Jeferson Capeletto for the Brazilian Portuguese translation. - Kurt Fitzner for reporting the BCb6 compiler error in 4.52. - Michal Niklas for reporting the Kylix compiler error in 4.54. - Thomas Speck and Uwe Queisser for German translations. - Zaenal Mutaqin for the Indonesian translation. - Carlos Macao for the Portuguese translation. - Michael Winter for catching the performance issue when reallocating certain block sizes. - dzmitry[li] for the Belarussian translation. - Marcelo Montenegro for the updated Spanish translation. - Jud Cole for finding and reporting the bug which may trigger a read access violation when upsizing certain small block sizes together with the "UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines" option. - Zdenek Vasku for reporting and fixing the memory manager sharing bug affecting Windows 95/98/Me. - Any other Fastcoders or supporters that I have forgotten, and also everyone that helped with the older versions. Change log: Version 1.00 (28 June 2004): - First version (called PSDMemoryManager). Based on RecyclerMM (free block stack approach) by Eric Grange. Version 2.00 (3 November 2004): - Complete redesign and rewrite from scratch. Name changed to FastMM to reflect this fact. Uses a linked-list approach. Is faster, has less memory overhead, and will now catch most bad pointers on FreeMem calls. Version 3.00 (1 March 2005): - Another rewrite. Reduced the memory overhead by: (a) not having a separate memory area for the linked list of free blocks (uses space inside free blocks themselves) (b) batch managers are allocated as part of chunks (c) block size lookup table size reduced. This should make FastMM more CPU cache friendly. Version 4.00 (7 June 2005): - Yet another rewrite. FastMM4 is in fact three memory managers in one: Small blocks (up to a few KB) are managed through the binning model in the same way as previous versions, medium blocks (from a few KB up to approximately 256K) are allocated in a linked-list fashion, and large blocks are grabbed directly from the system through VirtualAlloc. This 3-layered design allows very fast operation with the most frequently used block sizes (small blocks), while also minimizing fragmentation and imparting significant overhead savings with blocks larger than a few KB. Version 4.01 (8 June 2005): - Added the options "RequireDebugInfoForLeakReporting" and "RequireIDEPresenceForLeakReporting" as suggested by Pierre Y. - Fixed the "DelphiIsRunning" function not working under Delphi 5, and consequently no leak checking. (Reported by Anders Isaksson and Greg.) Version 4.02 (8 June 2005): - Fixed the compilation error when both the "AssumeMultiThreaded" and "CheckHeapForCorruption options were set. (Reported by Francois Malan.) Version 4.03 (9 June 2005): - Added descriptive error messages when FastMM4 cannot be installed because another MM has already been installed or memory has already been allocated. Version 4.04 (13 June 2005): - Added a small fixed offset to the size of medium blocks (previously always exact multiples of 256 bytes). This makes performance problems due to CPU cache associativity limitations much less likely. (Reported by Craig Peterson.) Version 4.05 (17 June 2005): - Added the Align16Bytes option. Disable this option to drop the 16 byte alignment restriction and reduce alignment to 8 bytes for the smallest block sizes. Disabling Align16Bytes should lower memory consumption at the cost of complicating the use of aligned SSE move instructions. (Suggested by Craig Peterson.) - Added a support unit for C++ Builder 6 - Add FastMM4BCB.cpp and FastMM4.pas to your BCB project to use FastMM instead of the RTL MM. Memory leak checking is not supported because (unfortunately) once an MM is installed under BCB you cannot uninstall it... at least not without modifying the RTL code in exit.c or patching the RTL code runtime. (Thanks to Jarek Karciarz, Vladimir Ulchenko and Bob Gonder.) Version 4.06 (22 June 2005): - Displays the class of all leaked objects on the memory leak report and also tries to identify leaked long strings. Previously it only displayed the sizes of all leaked blocks. (Suggested by Ben Taylor.) - Added support for displaying the sizes of medium and large block memory leaks. Previously it only displayed details for small block leaks. Version 4.07 (22 June 2005): - Fixed the detection of the class of leaked objects not working under Windows 98/Me. Version 4.08 (27 June 2005): - Added a BorlndMM.dpr project to allow you to build a borlndmm.dll that uses FastMM4 instead of the default memory manager. You may replace the old DLL in the Delphi \Bin directory to make the IDE use this memory manager instead. Version 4.09 (30 June 2005): - Included a patch fix for the bug affecting replacement borlndmm.dll files with Delphi 2005 (QC#14007). Compile the patch, close Delphi, and run it once to patch your vclide90.bpl. You will now be able to use the replacement borlndmm.dll to speed up the Delphi 2005 IDE as well. Version 4.10 (7 July 2005): - Due to QC#14070 ("Delphi IDE attempts to free memory after the shutdown code of borlndmm.dll has been called"), FastMM cannot be uninstalled safely when used inside a replacement borlndmm.dll for the IDE. Added a conditional define "NeverUninstall" for this purpose. - Added the "FullDebugMode" option to pad all blocks with a header and footer to help you catch memory overwrite bugs in your applications. All blocks returned to freemem are also zeroed out to help catch bugs involving the use of previously freed blocks. Also catches attempts at calling virtual methods of freed objects provided the block in question has not been reused since the object was freed. Displays stack traces on error to aid debugging. - Added the "LogErrorsToFile" option to log all errors to a text file in the same folder as the application. - Added the "ManualLeakReportingControl" option (suggested by Nahan Hyn) to enable control over whether the memory leak report should be done or not via a global variable. Version 4.11 (7 July 2005): - Fixed a compilation error under Delphi 2005 due to QC#10922. (Thanks to Joe Bain and Leonel Togniolli.) - Fixed leaked object classes not displaying in the leak report in "FullDebugMode". Version 4.12 (8 July 2005): - Moved all the string constants to one place to make it easier to do translations into other languages. (Thanks to Robert Marquardt.) - Added support for Kylix. Some functionality is currently missing: No support for detecting the object class on leaks and also no MM sharing. (Thanks to Simon Kissel and Fikret Hasovic). Version 4.13 (11 July 2005): - Added the FastMM_DebugInfo.dll support library to display debug info for stack traces. - Stack traces for the memory leak report is now logged to the log file in "FullDebugMode". Version 4.14 (14 July 2005): - Fixed string leaks not being detected as such in "FullDebugMode". (Thanks to Leonel Togniolli.) - Fixed the compilation error in "FullDebugMode" when "LogErrorsToFile" is not set. (Thanks to Leonel Togniolli.) - Added a "Release" option to allow the grouping of various options and to make it easier to make debug and release builds. (Thanks to Alexander Tabakov.) - Added a "HideMemoryLeakHintMessage" option to not display the hint below the memory leak message. (Thanks to Alexander Tabakov.) - Changed the fill character for "FullDebugMode" from zero to $80 to be able to differentiate between invalid memory accesses using nil pointers to invalid memory accesses using fields of freed objects. FastMM tries to reserve the 64K block starting at $80800000 at startup to ensure that an A/V will occur when this block is accessed. (Thanks to Alexander Tabakov.) - Fixed some compiler warnings. (Thanks to M. Skloff) - Fixed some display bugs in the memory leak report. (Thanks to Leonel Togniolli.) - Added a "LogMemoryLeakDetailToFile" option. Some applications leak a lot of memory and can make the log file grow very large very quickly. - Added the option to use madExcept instead of the JCL Debug library in the debug info support DLL. (Thanks to Martin Aignesberger.) - Added procedures "GetMemoryManagerState" and "GetMemoryMap" to retrieve statistics about the current state of the memory manager and memory pool. (A usage tracker form together with a demo is also available.) Version 4.15 (14 July 2005): - Fixed a false 4GB(!) memory leak reported in some instances. Version 4.16 (15 July 2005): - Added the "CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces" option to catch the use of interfaces of freed objects. This option is not compatible with checking that a freed block has not been modified, so enable this option only when hunting an invalid interface reference. (Only relevant if "FullDebugMode" is set.) - During shutdown FastMM now checks that all free blocks have not been modified since being freed. (Only when "FullDebugMode" is set and "CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces" is disabled.) Version 4.17 (15 July 2005): - Added the AddExpectedMemoryLeaks and RemoveExpectedMemoryLeaks procedures to register/unregister expected leaks, thus preventing the leak report from displaying if only expected leaks occurred. (Thanks to Diederik and Dennis Passmore for the suggestion.) - Fixed the "LogMemoryLeakDetailToFile" not logging memory leak detail to file as it is supposed to. (Thanks to Leonel Togniolli.) Version 4.18 (18 July 2005): - Fixed some issues when range checking or complete boolean evaluation is switched on. (Thanks to Dario Tiraboschi and Mark Gebauer.) - Added the "OutputInstallUninstallDebugString" option to display a message when FastMM is installed or uninstalled. (Thanks to Hanspeter Widmer.) - Moved the options to a separate include file. (Thanks to Hanspeter Widmer.) - Moved message strings to a separate file for easy translation. Version 4.19 (19 July 2005): - Fixed Kylix support that was broken in 4.14. Version 4.20 (20 July 2005): - Fixed a false memory overwrite report at shutdown in "FullDebugMode". If you consistently got a "Block Header Has Been Corrupted" error message during shutdown at address $xxxx0070 then it was probably a false alarm. (Thanks to Theo Carr-Brion and Hanspeter Widmer.} Version 4.21 (27 July 2005): - Minor change to the block header flags to make it possible to immediately tell whether a medium block is being used as a small block pool or not. (Simplifies the leak checking and status reporting code.) - Expanded the functionality around the management of expected memory leaks. - Added the "ClearLogFileOnStartup" option. Deletes the log file during initialization. (Thanks to M. Skloff.) - Changed "OutputInstallUninstallDebugString" to use OutputDebugString instead of MessageBox. (Thanks to Hanspeter Widmer.) Version 4.22 (1 August 2005): - Added a FastAllocMem function that avoids an unnecessary FillChar call with large blocks. - Changed large block resizing behavior to be a bit more conservative. Large blocks will be downsized if the new size is less than half of the old size (the threshold was a quarter previously). Version 4.23 (6 August 2005): - Fixed BCB6 support (Thanks to Omar Zelaya). - Renamed "OutputInstallUninstallDebugString" to "UseOutputDebugString", and added debug string output on memory leak or error detection. Version 4.24 (11 August 2005): - Added the "NoMessageBoxes" option to suppress the display of message boxes, which is useful for services that should not be interrupted. (Thanks to Dan Miser). - Changed the stack trace code to return the line number of the caller and not the line number of the return address. (Thanks to Dan Miser). Version 4.25 (15 August 2005): - Fixed GetMemoryLeakType not detecting expected leaks registered by class when in "FullDebugMode". (Thanks to Arjen de Ruijter). Version 4.26 (18 August 2005): - Added a "UseRuntimePackages" option that allows FastMM to be used in a main application together with DLLs that all use runtime packages. (Thanks to Aleksander Oven.) Version 4.27 (24 August 2005): - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the leak report to be shown even though all leaks were registered as expected leaks. (Thanks to Kristofer Skaug.) Version 4.29 (30 September 2005): - Added the "RequireDebuggerPresenceForLeakReporting" option to only display the leak report if the application is run inside the IDE. (Thanks to G�nther Schoch.) - Added the "ForceMMX" option, which when disabled will check the CPU for MMX compatibility before using MMX. (Thanks to Jan Schl�ter.) - Added the module name to the title of error dialogs to more easily identify which application caused the error. (Thanks to Kristofer Skaug.) - Added an ASCII dump to the "FullDebugMode" memory dumps. (Thanks to Hallvard Vassbotn.) - Added the option "HideExpectedLeaksRegisteredByPointer" to suppress the display and logging of expected memory leaks that were registered by pointer. (Thanks to Dan Miser.) Leaks registered by size or class are often ambiguous, so these expected leaks are always logged to file (in FullDebugMode) and are never hidden from the leak display (only displayed if there is at least one unexpected leak). - Added a procedure "GetRegisteredMemoryLeaks" to return a list of all registered memory leaks. (Thanks to Dan Miser.) - Added the "RawStackTraces" option to perform "raw" stack traces, negating the need for stack frames. This will usually result in more complete stack traces in FullDebugMode error reports, but it is significantly slower. (Thanks to Hallvard Vassbotn, Dan Miser and the JCL team.) Version 4.31 (2 October 2005): - Fixed the crash bug when both "RawStackTraces" and "FullDebugMode" were enabled. (Thanks to Dan Miser and Mark Edington.) Version 4.33 (6 October 2005): - Added a header corruption check to all memory blocks that are identified as leaks in FullDebugMode. This allows better differentiation between memory pool corruption bugs and actual memory leaks. - Fixed the stack overflow bug when using "RawStackTraces". Version 4.35 (6 October 2005): - Fixed a compilation error when the "NoMessageBoxes" option is set. (Thanks to Paul Ishenin.) - Before performing a "raw" stack trace, FastMM now checks whether exception handling is in place. If exception handling is not in place FastMM falls back to stack frame tracing. (Exception handling is required to handle the possible A/Vs when reading invalid call addresses. Exception handling is usually always available except when SysUtils hasn't been initialized yet or after SysUtils has been finalized.) Version 4.37 (8 October 2005): - Fixed the missing call stack trace entry issue when dynamically loading DLLs. (Thanks to Paul Ishenin.) Version 4.39 (12 October 2005): - Restored the performance with "RawStackTraces" enabled back to the level it was in 4.35. - Fixed the stack overflow error when using "RawStackTraces" that I thought I had fixed in 4.31, but unfortunately didn't. (Thanks to Craig Peterson.) Version 4.40 (13 October 2005): - Improved "RawStackTraces" to have less incorrect extra entries. (Thanks to Craig Peterson.) - Added the Russian (by Paul Ishenin) and Afrikaans translations of FastMM4Messages.pas. Version 4.42 (13 October 2005): - Fixed the compilation error when "CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces" is enabled. (Thanks to Cristian Nicola.) Version 4.44 (25 October 2005): - Implemented a FastGetHeapStatus function in analogy with GetHeapStatus. (Suggested by Cristian Nicola.) - Shifted more of the stack trace code over to the support dll to allow third party vendors to make available their own stack tracing and stack trace logging facilities. - Mathias Rauen (madshi) improved the support for madExcept in the debug info support DLL. Thanks! - Added support for BCB5. (Thanks to Roddy Pratt.) - Added the Czech translation by Rene Mihula. - Added the "DetectMMOperationsAfterUninstall" option. This will catch attempts to use the MM after FastMM has been uninstalled, and is useful for debugging. Version 4.46 (26 October 2005): - Renamed FastMM_DebugInfo.dll to FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll and made the dependency on this library a static one. This solves a DLL unload order problem when using FullDebugMode together with the replacement borlndmm.dll. (Thanks to Bart van der Werf.) - Added the Polish translation by Artur Redzko. Version 4.48 (10 November 2005): - Fixed class detection for objects leaked in dynamically loaded DLLs that were relocated. - Fabio Dell'Aria implemented support for EurekaLog in the FullDebugMode support DLL. Thanks! - Added the Spanish translation by JRG ("The Delphi Guy"). Version 4.49 (10 November 2005): - Implemented support for installing replacement AllocMem and leak registration mechanisms for Delphi/BCB versions that support it. - Added support for Delphi 4. (Thanks to Justus Janssen.) Version 4.50 (5 December 2005): - Renamed the ReportMemoryLeaks global variable to ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown to be more consistent with the Delphi 2006 memory manager. - Improved the handling of large blocks. Large blocks can now consist of several consecutive segments allocated through VirtualAlloc. This significantly improves speed when frequently resizing large blocks, since these blocks can now often be upsized in-place. Version 4.52 (7 December 2005): - Fixed the compilation error with Delphi 5. (Thanks to Vadim Lopushansky and Charles Vinal for reporting the error.) Version 4.54 (15 December 2005): - Added the Brazilian Portuguese translation by Johni Jeferson Capeletto. - Fixed the compilation error with BCB6. (Thanks to Kurt Fitzner.) Version 4.56 (20 December 2005): - Fixed the Kylix compilation problem. (Thanks to Michal Niklas.) Version 4.58 (1 February 2006): - Added the German translations by Thomas Speck and Uwe Queisser. - Added the Indonesian translation by Zaenal Mutaqin. - Added the Portuguese translation by Carlos Macao. Version 4.60 (21 February 2006): - Fixed a performance issue due to an unnecessary block move operation when allocating a block in the range 1261-1372 bytes and then reallocating it in the range 1373-1429 bytes twice. (Thanks to Michael Winter.) - Added the Belarussian translation by dzmitry[li]. - Added the updated Spanish translation by Marcelo Montenegro. - Added a new option "EnableSharingWithDefaultMM". This option allows FastMM to be shared with the default MM of Delphi 2006. It is on by default, but MM sharing has to be enabled otherwise it has no effect (refer to the documentation for the "ShareMM" and "AttemptToUseSharedMM" options). Version 4.62 (22 February 2006): - Fixed a possible read access violation in the MoveX16L4 routine when the UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines option is enabled. (Thanks to Jud Cole for some great detective work in finding this bug.) - Improved the downsizing behaviour of medium blocks to better correlate with the reallocation behaviour of small blocks. This change reduces the number of transitions between small and medium block types when reallocating blocks in the 0.7K to 2.6K range. It cuts down on the number of memory move operations and improves performance. Version 4.64 (31 March 2006): - Added the following functions for use with FullDebugMode (and added the exports to the replacement BorlndMM.dll): SetMMLogFileName, GetCurrentAllocationGroup, PushAllocationGroup, PopAllocationGroup and LogAllocatedBlocksToFile. The purpose of these functions are to allow you to identify and log related memory leaks while your application is still running. - Fixed a bug in the memory manager sharing mechanism affecting Windows 95/98/ME. (Thanks to Zdenek Vasku.) *) unit FastMM4; interface {$Include FastMM4Options.inc} {$RANGECHECKS OFF} {$BOOLEVAL OFF} {$OVERFLOWCHECKS OFF} {$OPTIMIZATION ON} {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} {Some features not currently supported under Kylix} {$ifdef Linux} {$undef LogErrorsToFile} {$undef LogMemoryLeakDetailToFile} {$undef ShareMM} {$undef AttemptToUseSharedMM} {$undef RequireIDEPresenceForLeakReporting} {$undef UseOutputDebugString} {$endif} {Do we require debug info for leak checking?} {$ifdef RequireDebugInfoForLeakReporting} {$ifopt D-} {$undef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {$endif} {$endif} {Enable heap checking and leak reporting in full debug mode} {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {$STACKFRAMES ON} {$define CheckHeapForCorruption} {$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces} {$define CheckUseOfFreedBlocksOnShutdown} {$endif} {$else} {Error logging requires FullDebugMode} {$undef LogErrorsToFile} {$undef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces} {$undef RawStackTraces} {$endif} {Only the pascal version supports extended heap corruption checking.} {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {$undef ASMVersion} {$endif} {$ifdef UseRuntimePackages} {$define AssumeMultiThreaded} {$endif} {Delphi versions} {$ifndef BCB} {$ifdef ver120} {$define Delphi4or5} {$endif} {$ifdef ver130} {$define Delphi4or5} {$endif} {$ifdef ver140} {$define Delphi6} {$endif} {$ifdef ver150} {$define Delphi7} {$endif} {$ifdef ver170} {$define Delphi2005} {$endif} {$else} {Cannot uninstall safely under BCB} {$define NeverUninstall} {Disable memory leak reporting} {$undef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {for BCB5, use the Delphi 5 codepath} {$ifdef ver130} {$define Delphi4or5} {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef ver180} {$define BDS2006} {$endif} {$ifndef Delphi4or5} {$ifndef BCB} {$define Delphi6AndUp} {$endif} {$ifndef Delphi6} {$define BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} {$ifndef BCB} {$define Delphi7AndUp} {$endif} {$ifndef BCB} {$ifndef Delphi7} {$ifndef Delphi2005} {$define BDS2006AndUp} {$endif} {$endif} {$endif} {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef Delphi6AndUp} {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} {$endif} {Leak detail logging requires error logging} {$ifndef LogErrorsToFile} {$undef LogMemoryLeakDetailToFile} {$undef ClearLogFileOnStartup} {$endif} {$ifndef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {Manual leak reporting control requires leak reporting to be enabled} {$undef ManualLeakReportingControl} {$endif} {$ifndef EnableMMX} {$undef ForceMMX} {$endif} {-------------------------Public constants-----------------------------} const {The number of small block types} {$ifdef Align16Bytes} NumSmallBlockTypes = 46; {$else} NumSmallBlockTypes = 55; {$endif} {----------------------------Public types------------------------------} type TSmallBlockTypeState = packed record {The internal size of the block type} InternalBlockSize: Cardinal; {Useable block size: The number of non-reserved bytes inside the block.} UseableBlockSize: Cardinal; {The number of allocated blocks} AllocatedBlockCount: Cardinal; {The total address space reserved for this block type (both allocated and free blocks)} ReservedAddressSpace: Cardinal; end; TSmallBlockTypeStates = array[0..NumSmallBlockTypes - 1] of TSmallBlockTypeState; TMemoryManagerState = packed record {Small block type states} SmallBlockTypeStates: TSmallBlockTypeStates; {Medium block stats} AllocatedMediumBlockCount: Cardinal; TotalAllocatedMediumBlockSize: Cardinal; ReservedMediumBlockAddressSpace: Cardinal; {Large block stats} AllocatedLargeBlockCount: Cardinal; TotalAllocatedLargeBlockSize: Cardinal; ReservedLargeBlockAddressSpace: Cardinal; end; {Memory map} TChunkStatus = (csUnallocated, csAllocated, csReserved, csSysAllocated, csSysReserved); TMemoryMap = array[0..65535] of TChunkStatus; {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {List of registered leaks} TRegisteredMemoryLeak = packed record LeakAddress: Pointer; LeakedClass: TClass; LeakSize: Integer; LeakCount: Integer; end; TRegisteredMemoryLeaks = array of TRegisteredMemoryLeak; {$endif} {--------------------------Public variables----------------------------} {$ifdef ManualLeakReportingControl} {Variable is declared in system.pas in newer Delphi versions.} {$ifndef BDS2006AndUp} var ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown: Boolean; {$endif} {$endif} {-------------------------Public procedures----------------------------} {Installation procedures must be exposed for the BCB helper unit FastMM4BCB.cpp} {$ifdef BCB} procedure InitializeMemoryManager; function CheckCanInstallMemoryManager: boolean; procedure InstallMemoryManager; {$endif} {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {The standard memory manager functions} function FastGetMem(ASize: Integer): Pointer; function FastFreeMem(APointer: Pointer): Integer; function FastReallocMem(APointer: Pointer; ANewSize: Integer): Pointer; function FastAllocMem(ASize: Cardinal): Pointer; {$else} {The FullDebugMode memory manager functions} function DebugGetMem(ASize: Integer): Pointer; function DebugFreeMem(APointer: Pointer): Integer; function DebugReallocMem(APointer: Pointer; ANewSize: Integer): Pointer; function DebugAllocMem(ASize: Cardinal): Pointer; {Specify the full path and name for the filename to be used for logging memory errors, etc. If ALogFileName is nil or points to an empty string it will revert to the default log file name.} procedure SetMMLogFileName(ALogFileName: PChar = nil); {Returns the current "allocation group". Whenever a GetMem request is serviced in FullDebugMode, the current "allocation group" is stored in the block header. This may help with debugging. Note that if a block is subsequently reallocated that it keeps its original "allocation group" and "allocation number" (all allocations are also numbered sequentially).} function GetCurrentAllocationGroup: Cardinal; {Allocation groups work in a stack like fashion. Group numbers are pushed onto and popped off the stack. Note that the stack size is limited, so every push should have a matching pop.} procedure PushAllocationGroup(ANewCurrentAllocationGroup: Cardinal); procedure PopAllocationGroup; {Logs detail about currently allocated memory blocks for the specified range of allocation groups. if ALastAllocationGroupToLog is less than AFirstAllocationGroupToLog or it is zero, then all allocation groups are logged. This routine also checks the memory pool for consistency at the same time.} procedure LogAllocatedBlocksToFile(AFirstAllocationGroupToLog, ALastAllocationGroupToLog: Cardinal); {$endif} {Releases all allocated memory (use with extreme care)} procedure FreeAllMemory; {Returns summarised information about the state of the memory manager. (For backward compatibility.)} function FastGetHeapStatus: THeapStatus; {Returns statistics about the current state of the memory manager} procedure GetMemoryManagerState(var AMemoryManagerState: TMemoryManagerState); {$ifndef LINUX} {Gets the state of every 64K block in the 4GB address space} procedure GetMemoryMap(var AMemoryMap: TMemoryMap); {$endif} {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {Registers expected memory leaks. Returns true on success. The list of leaked blocks is limited, so failure is possible if the list is full.} function RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedPointer: Pointer): boolean; overload; function RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedObjectClass: TClass; ACount: Integer = 1): boolean; overload; function RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedBlockSize: Integer; ACount: Integer = 1): boolean; overload; {Removes expected memory leaks. Returns true on success.} function UnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedPointer: Pointer): boolean; overload; function UnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedObjectClass: TClass; ACount: Integer = 1): boolean; overload; function UnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedBlockSize: Integer; ACount: Integer = 1): boolean; overload; {Returns a list of all expected memory leaks} function GetRegisteredMemoryLeaks: TRegisteredMemoryLeaks; {$endif} implementation uses {$ifndef Linux} Windows, {$else} Libc, {$endif} FastMM4Messages; {Fixed size move procedures} procedure Move12(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); forward; procedure Move20(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); forward; procedure Move28(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); forward; procedure Move36(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); forward; procedure Move44(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); forward; procedure Move52(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); forward; procedure Move60(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); forward; procedure Move68(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); forward; {$ifdef DetectMMOperationsAfterUninstall} {Invalid handlers to catch MM operations after uninstall} function InvalidFreeMem(APointer: Pointer): Integer; forward; function InvalidGetMem(ASize: Integer): Pointer; forward; function InvalidReallocMem(APointer: Pointer; ANewSize: Integer): Pointer; forward; function InvalidAllocMem(ASize: Cardinal): Pointer; forward; function InvalidRegisterAndUnRegisterMemoryLeak(APointer: Pointer): Boolean; forward; {$endif} {-------------------------Private constants----------------------------} const {The size of a medium block pool. This is allocated through VirtualAlloc and is used to serve medium blocks. The size must be a multiple of 16 and at least 4 bytes less than a multiple of 4K (the page size) to prevent a possible read access violation when reading past the end of a memory block in the optimized move routine (MoveX16L4). In Full Debug mode we leave a trailing 256 bytes to be able to safely do a memory dump.} MediumBlockPoolSize = 20 * 64 * 1024{$ifndef FullDebugMode} - 16{$else} - 256{$endif}; {The granularity of small blocks} {$ifdef Align16Bytes} SmallBlockGranularity = 16; {$else} SmallBlockGranularity = 8; {$endif} {The granularity of medium blocks. Newly allocated medium blocks are a multiple of this size plus MediumBlockSizeOffset, to avoid cache line conflicts} MediumBlockGranularity = 256; MediumBlockSizeOffset = 48; {The granularity of large blocks} LargeBlockGranularity = 65536; {The maximum size of a small block. Blocks Larger than this are either medium or large blocks.} MaximumSmallBlockSize = 2608; {The smallest medium block size. (Medium blocks are rounded up to the nearest multiple of MediumBlockGranularity plus MediumBlockSizeOffset)} MinimumMediumBlockSize = 11 * 256 + MediumBlockSizeOffset; {The number of bins reserved for medium blocks} MediumBlockBinsPerGroup = 32; MediumBlockBinGroupCount = 32; MediumBlockBinCount = MediumBlockBinGroupCount * MediumBlockBinsPerGroup; {The maximum size allocatable through medium blocks. Blocks larger than this fall through to VirtualAlloc ( = large blocks).} MaximumMediumBlockSize = MinimumMediumBlockSize + (MediumBlockBinCount - 1) * MediumBlockGranularity; {The target number of small blocks per pool. The actual number of blocks per pool may be much greater for very small sizes and less for larger sizes. The cost of allocating the small block pool is amortized across all the small blocks in the pool, however the blocks may not all end up being used so they may be lying idle.} TargetSmallBlocksPerPool = 48; {The minimum number of small blocks per pool. Any available medium block must have space for roughly this many small blocks (or more) to be useable as a small block pool.} MinimumSmallBlocksPerPool = 12; {The lower and upper limits for the optimal small block pool size} OptimalSmallBlockPoolSizeLowerLimit = 29 * 1024 - MediumBlockGranularity + MediumBlockSizeOffset; OptimalSmallBlockPoolSizeUpperLimit = 64 * 1024 - MediumBlockGranularity + MediumBlockSizeOffset; {The maximum small block pool size. If a free block is this size or larger then it will be split.} MaximumSmallBlockPoolSize = OptimalSmallBlockPoolSizeUpperLimit + MinimumMediumBlockSize; {-------------Block type flags--------------} {The lower 3 bits in the dword header of small blocks (4 bits in medium and large blocks) are used as flags to indicate the state of the block} {Set if the block is not in use} IsFreeBlockFlag = 1; {Set if this is a medium block} IsMediumBlockFlag = 2; {Set if it is a medium block being used as a small block pool. Only valid if IsMediumBlockFlag is set.} IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag = 4; {Set if it is a large block. Only valid if IsMediumBlockFlag is not set.} IsLargeBlockFlag = 4; {Is the medium block preceding this block available? (Only used by medium blocks)} PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag = 8; {Is this large block segmented? I.e. is it actually built up from more than one chunk allocated through VirtualAlloc? (Only used by large blocks.)} LargeBlockIsSegmented = 8; {The flags masks for small blocks} DropSmallFlagsMask = -8; ExtractSmallFlagsMask = 7; {The flags masks for medium and large blocks} DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask = -16; ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask = 15; {-------------Block resizing constants---------------} SmallBlockDownsizeCheckAdder = 64; SmallBlockUpsizeAdder = 32; {When a medium block is reallocated to a size smaller than this, then it must be reallocated to a small block and the data moved. If not, then it is shrunk in place down to MinimumMediumBlockSize. Currently the limit is set at a quarter of the minimum medium block size.} MediumInPlaceDownsizeLimit = MinimumMediumBlockSize div 4; {-------------Memory leak reporting constants---------------} ExpectedMemoryLeaksListSize = 64 * 1024; {-------------FullDebugMode constants---------------} {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {The stack trace depth} StackTraceDepth = 9; {The number of entries in the allocation group stack} AllocationGroupStackSize = 1000; {The number of fake VMT entries - used to track virtual method calls on freed objects. Do not change this value without also updating TFreedObject.GetVirtualMethodIndex} MaxFakeVMTEntries = 200; {The pattern used to fill unused memory} DebugFillByte = $80; DebugFillDWord = $01010101 * Cardinal(DebugFillByte); {The address that is reserved so that accesses to the address of the fill pattern will result in an A/V} DebugReservedAddress = $01010000 * Cardinal(DebugFillByte); {$endif} {-------------Other constants---------------} {Sleep time when a resource (small/medium/large block manager) is in use} InitialSleepTime = 0; {Used when the resource is still in use after the first sleep} AdditionalSleepTime = 10; {Hexadecimal characters} HexTable: array[0..15] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; {Copyright message - not used anywhere in the code} Copyright: string = 'FastMM4 � 2004, 2005, 2006 Pierre le Riche / Professional Software Development'; {-------------------------Private types----------------------------} type {$ifdef Delphi4or5} {Delphi 5 Compatibility} PCardinal = ^Cardinal; PPointer = ^Pointer; {$endif} {Move procedure type} TMoveProc = procedure(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); {Registers structure (for GetCPUID)} TRegisters = record RegEAX, RegEBX, RegECX, RegEDX: Integer; end; {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {Different kinds of memory leaks} TMemoryLeakType = (mltUnexpectedLeak, mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByPointer, mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByClass, mltExpectedLeakRegisteredBySize); {$endif} {---------------Small block structures-------------} {Pointer to the header of a small block pool} PSmallBlockPoolHeader = ^TSmallBlockPoolHeader; {Small block type (Size = 32)} PSmallBlockType = ^TSmallBlockType; TSmallBlockType = packed record {True = Block type is locked} BlockTypeLocked: boolean; {Bitmap indicating which of the first 8 medium block groups contain blocks of a suitable size for a block pool.} AllowedGroupsForBlockPoolBitmap: byte; {The block size for this block type} BlockSize: Word; {The first partially free pool for the given small block type (offset = +4 for typecast compatibility with TSmallBlockPoolHeader). This is a circular buffer.} NextPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; {The offset of the last block that was served sequentially (0ffset = +8 to to be at the same offset as the "FirstFreeBlock" of TSmallBlockPoolHeader} NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress: Pointer; {The last block that can be served sequentially. Offset is at +12 to be at the same address as the "BlocksInUse" field of TSmallBlockPoolHeader} MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress: Pointer; {The pool that is current being used to serve blocks in sequential order} CurrentSequentialFeedPool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; {The previous partially free pool for the small block type (offset = +20 for typecast compatibility with TSmallBlockPoolHeader)} PreviousPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; {The minimum and optimal size of a small block pool for this block type} MinimumBlockPoolSize: Word; OptimalBlockPoolSize: Word; {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines} {The fixed size move procedure used to move data for this block size when it is upsized. When a block is downsized (which usually does not occur that often) the variable size move routine is used.} UpsizeMoveProcedure: TMoveProc; {$else} Reserved1: Cardinal; {$endif} end; {Small block pool (Size = 32 bytes)} TSmallBlockPoolHeader = packed record {BlockType} BlockType: PSmallBlockType; {The next pool that has free blocks of this size. Must be at offset +4 to be typecast compatible with TSmallBlockType} NextPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; {Pointer to the first free block inside this pool. Must be at offset + 8 to be at the same offset as "NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress" of TSmallBlockType} FirstFreeBlock: Pointer; {The number of blocks allocated in this pool. Must be at offset + 12 to be at the same offset as "MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress" of TSmallBlockType} BlocksInUse: Cardinal; {Reserved} Reserved1: Cardinal; {The previous pool that has free blocks of this size. Must be at offset +20 to be compatible with TSmallBlockType} PreviousPartiallyFreePool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; {Reserved} Reserved2: Cardinal; {The pool pointer and flags of the first block} FirstBlockPoolPointerAndFlags: Cardinal; end; {Small block layout: Offset: -4 = Flags + address of the small block pool Offset: BlockSize - 4 = Flags + address of the small block pool for the next small block } {----------------------Medium block structures----------------------} {The medium block pool from which medium blocks are drawn} PMediumBlockPoolHeader = ^TMediumBlockPoolHeader; TMediumBlockPoolHeader = packed record {Points to the previous and next medium block pools. This circular linked list is used to track memory leaks on program shutdown.} PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; NextMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; {Unused dword} Reserved: Cardinal; {The block size and flags of the first medium block in the block pool} FirstMediumBlockSizeAndFlags: Cardinal; end; {Medium block layout: Offset: -8 = Previous Block Size (only if the previous block is free) Offset: -4 = This block size and flags Offset: 0 = User data / Previous Free Block (if this block is free) Offset: 4 = Next Free Block (if this block is free) Offset: BlockSize - 8 = Size of this block (if this block is free) Offset: BlockSize - 4 = Size of the next block and flags {A medium block that is unused} PMediumFreeBlock = ^TMediumFreeBlock; TMediumFreeBlock = packed record PreviousFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; NextFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; end; {-------------------------Large block structures--------------------} {Large block header record (size = 16)} PLargeBlockHeader = ^TLargeBlockHeader; TLargeBlockHeader = packed record {Points to the previous and next large blocks. This circular linked list is used to track memory leaks on program shutdown.} PreviousLargeBlockHeader: PLargeBlockHeader; NextLargeBlockHeader: PLargeBlockHeader; {The user allocated size of the Large block} UserAllocatedSize: Cardinal; {The size of this block plus the flags} BlockSizeAndFlags: Cardinal; end; {-------------------------Expected Memory Leak Structures--------------------} {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {The layout of an expected leak. All fields may not be specified, in which case it may be harder to determine which leaks are expected and which are not.} PExpectedMemoryLeak = ^TExpectedMemoryLeak; PPExpectedMemoryLeak = ^PExpectedMemoryLeak; TExpectedMemoryLeak = packed record {Linked list pointers} PreviousLeak, NextLeak: PExpectedMemoryLeak; {Information about the expected leak} LeakAddress: Pointer; LeakedClass: TClass; LeakSize: Integer; LeakCount: Integer; end; TExpectedMemoryLeaks = packed record {The number of entries used in the expected leaks buffer} EntriesUsed: Integer; {Freed entries} FirstFreeSlot: PExpectedMemoryLeak; {Entries with the address specified} FirstEntryByAddress: PExpectedMemoryLeak; {Entries with no address specified, but with the class specified} FirstEntryByClass: PExpectedMemoryLeak; {Entries with only size specified} FirstEntryBySizeOnly: PExpectedMemoryLeak; {The expected leaks buffer} ExpectedLeaks: packed array[0..(ExpectedMemoryLeaksListSize - 20) div SizeOf(TExpectedMemoryLeak) - 1] of TExpectedMemoryLeak; end; PExpectedMemoryLeaks = ^TExpectedMemoryLeaks; {$endif} {-------------------------Full Debug Mode Structures--------------------} {$ifdef FullDebugMode} PStackTrace = ^TStackTrace; TStackTrace = array[0..StackTraceDepth - 1] of Cardinal; TBlockOperation = (boBlockCheck, boGetMem, boFreeMem, boReallocMem); PFullDebugBlockHeader = ^TFullDebugBlockHeader; TFullDebugBlockHeader = packed record {Space used by the medium block manager for previous/next block management. If a medium block is binned then these two dwords will be modified.} Reserved1: Cardinal; Reserved2: Cardinal; {Is the block currently allocated?} BlockInUse: LongBool; {The allocation group: Can be used in the debugging process to group related memory leaks together} AllocationGroup: Cardinal; {The allocation number: All new allocations are numbered sequentially. This number may be useful in memory leak analysis. If it reaches 4GB it wraps back to 0.} AllocationNumber: Cardinal; {The call stack when the block was allocated} AllocationStackTrace: TStackTrace; {The call stack when the block was freed} FreeStackTrace: TStackTrace; {The user requested size for the block. 0 if this is the first time the block is used.} UserSize: Cardinal; {The object class this block was used for the previous time it was allocated. When a block is freed, the dword that would normally be in the space of the class pointer is copied here, so if it is detected that the block was used after being freed we have an idea what class it is.} PreviouslyUsedByClass: Cardinal; {The sum of all the dwords excluding reserved dwords.} HeaderCheckSum: Cardinal; end; {The last four bytes of the actual allocated block is the inverse of the header checksum} {The class used to catch attempts to execute a virtual method of a freed object} TFreedObject = class public procedure GetVirtualMethodIndex; procedure VirtualMethodError; {$ifdef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces} procedure InterfaceError; {$endif} end; {$endif} {-------------------------Private constants----------------------------} const {$ifndef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} reInvalidPtr = 2; {$endif} {The size of the block header in front of small and medium blocks} BlockHeaderSize = 4; {The size of a small block pool header} SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize = SizeOf(TSmallBlockPoolHeader); {The size of a medium block pool header} MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize = SizeOf(TMediumBlockPoolHeader); {The size of the header in front of Large blocks} LargeBlockHeaderSize = SizeOf(TLargeBlockHeader); {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {We need space for the header. 4 bytes for the trailer and 4 bytes for the trailing block size when then block is free} FullDebugBlockOverhead = SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + 2 * SizeOf(Pointer); {$endif} {-------------------------Private variables----------------------------} var {-----------------Small block management------------------} {The small block types. Sizes include the leading 4-byte overhead. Sizes are picked to limit maximum wastage to about 10% or 256 bytes (whichever is less) where possible.} SmallBlockTypes: packed array[0..NumSmallBlockTypes - 1] of TSmallBlockType =( {8/16 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 16 {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines}; UpsizeMoveProcedure: Move12{$endif}), {$ifndef Align16Bytes} (BlockSize: 24 {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines}; UpsizeMoveProcedure: Move20{$endif}), {$endif} (BlockSize: 32 {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines}; UpsizeMoveProcedure: Move28{$endif}), {$ifndef Align16Bytes} (BlockSize: 40 {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines}; UpsizeMoveProcedure: Move36{$endif}), {$endif} (BlockSize: 48 {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines}; UpsizeMoveProcedure: Move44{$endif}), {$ifndef Align16Bytes} (BlockSize: 56 {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines}; UpsizeMoveProcedure: Move52{$endif}), {$endif} (BlockSize: 64 {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines}; UpsizeMoveProcedure: Move60{$endif}), {$ifndef Align16Bytes} (BlockSize: 72 {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines}; UpsizeMoveProcedure: Move68{$endif}), {$endif} (BlockSize: 80), {$ifndef Align16Bytes} (BlockSize: 88), {$endif} (BlockSize: 96), {$ifndef Align16Bytes} (BlockSize: 104), {$endif} (BlockSize: 112), {$ifndef Align16Bytes} (BlockSize: 120), {$endif} (BlockSize: 128), {$ifndef Align16Bytes} (BlockSize: 136), {$endif} (BlockSize: 144), {$ifndef Align16Bytes} (BlockSize: 152), {$endif} (BlockSize: 160), {16 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 176), (BlockSize: 192), (BlockSize: 208), (BlockSize: 224), (BlockSize: 240), (BlockSize: 256), (BlockSize: 272), (BlockSize: 288), (BlockSize: 304), (BlockSize: 320), {32 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 352), (BlockSize: 384), (BlockSize: 416), (BlockSize: 448), (BlockSize: 480), {48 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 528), (BlockSize: 576), (BlockSize: 624), (BlockSize: 672), {64 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 736), (BlockSize: 800), {80 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 880), (BlockSize: 960), {96 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 1056), (BlockSize: 1152), {112 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 1264), (BlockSize: 1376), {128 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 1504), {144 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 1648), {160 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 1808), {176 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 1984), {192 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 2176), {208 byte jumps} (BlockSize: 2384), {224 byte jumps} (BlockSize: MaximumSmallBlockSize), {The last block size occurs three times. If, during a GetMem call, the requested block size is already locked by another thread then up to two larger block sizes may be used instead. Having the last block size occur three times avoids the need to have a size overflow check.} (BlockSize: MaximumSmallBlockSize), (BlockSize: MaximumSmallBlockSize)); {Size to small block type translation table} AllocSize2SmallBlockTypeIndX4: packed array[0..(MaximumSmallBlockSize - 1) div SmallBlockGranularity] of byte; {-----------------Medium block management------------------} {A dummy medium block pool header: Maintains a circular list of all medium block pools to enable memory leak detection on program shutdown.} MediumBlockPoolsCircularList: TMediumBlockPoolHeader; {Are medium blocks locked?} MediumBlocksLocked: boolean; {The sequential feed medium block pool.} LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock: Pointer; MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft: Cardinal; {The medium block bins are divided into groups of 32 bins. If a bit is set in this group bitmap, then at least one bin in the group has free blocks.} MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap: Cardinal; {The medium block bins: total of 32 * 32 = 1024 bins of a certain minimum size.} MediumBlockBinBitmaps: packed array[0..MediumBlockBinGroupCount - 1] of Cardinal; {The medium block bins. There are 1024 LIFO circular linked lists each holding blocks of a specified minimum size. The sizes vary in size from MinimumMediumBlockSize to MaximumMediumBlockSize. The bins are treated as type TMediumFreeBlock to avoid pointer checks.} MediumBlockBins: packed array[0..MediumBlockBinCount - 1] of TMediumFreeBlock; {-----------------Large block management------------------} {Are large blocks locked?} LargeBlocksLocked: boolean; {A dummy large block header: Maintains a list of all allocated large blocks to enable memory leak detection on program shutdown.} LargeBlocksCircularList: TLargeBlockHeader; {-------------------------Expected Memory Leak Structures--------------------} {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {The expected memory leaks} ExpectedMemoryLeaks: PExpectedMemoryLeaks; ExpectedMemoryLeaksListLocked: Boolean; {$endif} {---------------------Full Debug Mode structures--------------------} {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {The allocation group stack} AllocationGroupStack: array[0..AllocationGroupStackSize - 1] of Cardinal; {The allocation group stack top (it is an index into AllocationGroupStack)} AllocationGroupStackTop: Cardinal; {The last allocation number used} CurrentAllocationNumber: Cardinal; {The current log file name} MMLogFileName: array[0..1023] of char; {The 64K block of reserved memory used to trap invalid memory accesses using fields in a freed object.} ReservedBlock: Pointer; {The virtual method index count - used to get the virtual method index for a virtual method call on a freed object.} VMIndex: Integer; {The fake VMT used to catch virtual method calls on freed objects.} FreedObjectVMT: packed record VMTData: array[vmtSelfPtr .. vmtParent + 3] of byte; VMTMethods: array[4 + vmtParent .. MaxFakeVMTEntries * 4 + vmtParent + 3] of Byte; end; {$ifdef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces} VMTBadInterface: array[0..MaxFakeVMTEntries - 1] of Pointer; {$endif} {$endif} {--------------Other info--------------} {The memory manager that was replaced} OldMemoryManager: {$ifndef BDS2006AndUp}TMemoryManager{$else}TMemoryManagerEx{$endif}; {The replacement memory manager} NewMemoryManager: {$ifndef BDS2006AndUp}TMemoryManager{$else}TMemoryManagerEx{$endif}; {$ifdef DetectMMOperationsAfterUninstall} {Invalid handlers to catch MM operations after uninstall} InvalidMemoryManager: {$ifndef BDS2006AndUp}TMemoryManager{$else}TMemoryManagerEx{$endif} = ( GetMem: InvalidGetMem; FreeMem: InvalidFreeMem; ReallocMem: InvalidReallocMem {$ifdef BDS2006AndUp}; AllocMem: InvalidAllocMem; RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak: InvalidRegisterAndUnRegisterMemoryLeak; UnRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak: InvalidRegisterAndUnRegisterMemoryLeak; {$endif} ); {$endif} {A string uniquely identifying the current process (for sharing the memory manager between DLLs and the main application)} UniqueProcessIDString: String[20] = '????????_PID_FastMM'#0; {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} UniqueProcessIDStringBE: String[23] = '????????_PID_FastMM_BE'#0; {$endif} {$ifdef ShareMM} {$ifndef Linux} {The handle of the MM window} MMWindow: HWND; {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} {The handle of the MM window (for default MM of Delphi 2006 compatibility)} MMWindowBE: HWND; {$endif} {$endif} {$endif} {Has FastMM been installed?} FastMMIsInstalled: Boolean; {Is the MM in place a shared memory manager?} IsMemoryManagerOwner: Boolean; {Must MMX be used for move operations?} {$ifdef EnableMMX} {$ifndef ForceMMX} UseMMX: Boolean; {$endif} {$endif} {----------------Utility Functions------------------} {$ifdef EnableMMX} {$ifndef ForceMMX} {Returns true if the CPUID instruction is supported} function CPUID_Supported: Boolean; asm pushfd pop eax mov edx, eax xor eax, $200000 push eax popfd pushfd pop eax xor eax, edx setnz al end; {Gets the CPUID} function GetCPUID(AInfoRequired: Integer): TRegisters; asm push ebx push esi mov esi, edx {cpuid instruction} {$ifdef Delphi4or5} db $0f, $a2 {$else} cpuid {$endif} {Save registers} mov TRegisters[esi].RegEAX, eax mov TRegisters[esi].RegEBX, ebx mov TRegisters[esi].RegECX, ecx mov TRegisters[esi].RegEDX, edx pop esi pop ebx end; {Returns true if the CPU supports MMX} function MMX_Supported: Boolean; var LReg: TRegisters; begin if CPUID_Supported then begin {Get the CPUID} LReg := GetCPUID(1); {Bit 23 must be set for MMX support} Result := LReg.RegEDX and $800000 <> 0; end else Result := False; end; {$endif} {$endif} {Compare [AAddress], CompareVal: If Equal: [AAddress] := NewVal and result = CompareVal If Unequal: Result := [AAddress]} function LockCmpxchg(CompareVal, NewVal: byte; AAddress: PByte): Byte; asm {On entry: al = CompareVal, dl = NewVal, ecx = AAddress} {$ifndef LINUX} lock cmpxchg [ecx], dl {$else} {Workaround for Kylix compiler bug} db $F0, $0F, $B0, $11 {$endif} end; {$ifndef AsmVersion} {Gets the first set bit and resets it, returning the bit index} function FindFirstSetBit(ACardinal: Cardinal): Cardinal; asm {On entry: eax = ACardinal} bsf eax, eax end; {$endif} {Copies the name of the module followed by the given string to the buffer, returning the pointer following the buffer.} function AppendStringToModuleName(AString, ABuffer: PChar): PChar; var LModuleNameLength: Cardinal; LCopyStart: PChar; begin {Get the name of the application} LModuleNameLength := GetModuleFileName(0, ABuffer, 512); {Replace the last few characters} if LModuleNameLength > 0 then begin {Find the last backslash} LCopyStart := PChar(Cardinal(ABuffer) + LModuleNameLength - 1); LModuleNameLength := 0; while (Cardinal(LCopyStart) >= Cardinal(ABuffer)) and (LCopyStart^ <> '\') do begin Inc(LModuleNameLength); Dec(LCopyStart); end; {Copy the name to the start of the buffer} Inc(LCopyStart); System.Move(LCopyStart^, ABuffer^, LModuleNameLength); Inc(ABuffer, LModuleNameLength); ABuffer^ := ':'; Inc(ABuffer); ABuffer^ := ' '; Inc(ABuffer); end; {Append the string} while AString^ <> #0 do begin ABuffer^ := AString^; Inc(ABuffer); {Next char} Inc(AString); end; ABuffer^ := #0; Result := ABuffer; end; {----------------Faster Move Procedures-------------------} {Fixed size move operations ignore the size parameter. All moves are assumed to be non-overlapping.} procedure Move12(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm mov ecx, [eax] mov [edx], ecx mov ecx, [eax + 4] mov eax, [eax + 8] mov [edx + 4], ecx mov [edx + 8], eax end; procedure Move20(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm mov ecx, [eax] mov [edx], ecx mov ecx, [eax + 4] mov [edx + 4], ecx mov ecx, [eax + 8] mov [edx + 8], ecx mov ecx, [eax + 12] mov eax, [eax + 16] mov [edx + 12], ecx mov [edx + 16], eax end; procedure Move28(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm mov ecx, [eax] mov [edx], ecx mov ecx, [eax + 4] mov [edx + 4], ecx mov ecx, [eax + 8] mov [edx + 8], ecx mov ecx, [eax + 12] mov [edx + 12], ecx mov ecx, [eax + 16] mov [edx + 16], ecx mov ecx, [eax + 20] mov eax, [eax + 24] mov [edx + 20], ecx mov [edx + 24], eax end; procedure Move36(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm fild qword ptr [eax] fild qword ptr [eax + 8] fild qword ptr [eax + 16] fild qword ptr [eax + 24] mov ecx, [eax + 32] mov [edx + 32], ecx fistp qword ptr [edx + 24] fistp qword ptr [edx + 16] fistp qword ptr [edx + 8] fistp qword ptr [edx] end; procedure Move44(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm fild qword ptr [eax] fild qword ptr [eax + 8] fild qword ptr [eax + 16] fild qword ptr [eax + 24] fild qword ptr [eax + 32] mov ecx, [eax + 40] mov [edx + 40], ecx fistp qword ptr [edx + 32] fistp qword ptr [edx + 24] fistp qword ptr [edx + 16] fistp qword ptr [edx + 8] fistp qword ptr [edx] end; procedure Move52(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm fild qword ptr [eax] fild qword ptr [eax + 8] fild qword ptr [eax + 16] fild qword ptr [eax + 24] fild qword ptr [eax + 32] fild qword ptr [eax + 40] mov ecx, [eax + 48] mov [edx + 48], ecx fistp qword ptr [edx + 40] fistp qword ptr [edx + 32] fistp qword ptr [edx + 24] fistp qword ptr [edx + 16] fistp qword ptr [edx + 8] fistp qword ptr [edx] end; procedure Move60(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm fild qword ptr [eax] fild qword ptr [eax + 8] fild qword ptr [eax + 16] fild qword ptr [eax + 24] fild qword ptr [eax + 32] fild qword ptr [eax + 40] fild qword ptr [eax + 48] mov ecx, [eax + 56] mov [edx + 56], ecx fistp qword ptr [edx + 48] fistp qword ptr [edx + 40] fistp qword ptr [edx + 32] fistp qword ptr [edx + 24] fistp qword ptr [edx + 16] fistp qword ptr [edx + 8] fistp qword ptr [edx] end; procedure Move68(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm fild qword ptr [eax] fild qword ptr [eax + 8] fild qword ptr [eax + 16] fild qword ptr [eax + 24] fild qword ptr [eax + 32] fild qword ptr [eax + 40] fild qword ptr [eax + 48] fild qword ptr [eax + 56] mov ecx, [eax + 64] mov [edx + 64], ecx fistp qword ptr [edx + 56] fistp qword ptr [edx + 48] fistp qword ptr [edx + 40] fistp qword ptr [edx + 32] fistp qword ptr [edx + 24] fistp qword ptr [edx + 16] fistp qword ptr [edx + 8] fistp qword ptr [edx] end; {Variable size move procedure: Assumes ACount is 4 less than a multiple of 16. Always moves at least 12 bytes, irrespective of ACount.} procedure MoveX16L4(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm {Make the counter negative based: The last 12 bytes are moved separately} sub ecx, 12 add eax, ecx add edx, ecx {$ifdef EnableMMX} {$ifndef ForceMMX} cmp UseMMX, True jne @FPUMove {$endif} {Make the counter negative based: The last 12 bytes are moved separately} neg ecx jns @MMXMoveLast12 @MMXMoveLoop: {Move a 16 byte block} {$ifdef Delphi4or5} {Delphi 5 compatibility} db $0f, $6f, $04, $01 db $0f, $6f, $4c, $01, $08 db $0f, $7f, $04, $11 db $0f, $7f, $4c, $11, $08 {$else} movq mm0, [eax + ecx] movq mm1, [eax + ecx + 8] movq [edx + ecx], mm0 movq [edx + ecx + 8], mm1 {$endif} {Are there another 16 bytes to move?} add ecx, 16 js @MMXMoveLoop @MMXMoveLast12: {Do the last 12 bytes} {$ifdef Delphi4or5} {Delphi 5 compatibility} db $0f, $6f, $04, $01 {$else} movq mm0, [eax + ecx] {$endif} mov eax, [eax + ecx + 8] {$ifdef Delphi4or5} {Delphi 5 compatibility} db $0f, $7f, $04, $11 {$else} movq [edx + ecx], mm0 {$endif} mov [edx + ecx + 8], eax {Exit MMX state} {$ifdef Delphi4or5} {Delphi 5 compatibility} db $0f, $77 {$else} emms {$endif} {$ifndef ForceMMX} ret {$endif} {$endif} {FPU code is only used if MMX is not forced} {$ifndef ForceMMX} @FPUMove: neg ecx jns @FPUMoveLast12 @FPUMoveLoop: {Move a 16 byte block} fild qword ptr [eax + ecx] fild qword ptr [eax + ecx + 8] fistp qword ptr [edx + ecx + 8] fistp qword ptr [edx + ecx] {Are there another 16 bytes to move?} add ecx, 16 js @FPUMoveLoop @FPUMoveLast12: {Do the last 12 bytes} fild qword ptr [eax + ecx] fistp qword ptr [edx + ecx] mov eax, [eax + ecx + 8] mov [edx + ecx + 8], eax {$endif} end; {Variable size move procedure: Assumes ACount is 4 less than a multiple of 8. Always moves at least 12 bytes, irrespective of ACount.} procedure MoveX8L4(const ASource; var ADest; ACount: Integer); asm {Make the counter negative based: The last 4 bytes are moved separately} sub ecx, 4 add eax, ecx add edx, ecx neg ecx {$ifdef EnableMMX} {$ifndef ForceMMX} cmp UseMMX, True jne @FPUMoveLoop {$endif} @MMXMoveLoop: {Move an 8 byte block} {$ifdef Delphi4or5} {Delphi 5 compatibility} db $0f, $6f, $04, $01 db $0f, $7f, $04, $11 {$else} movq mm0, [eax + ecx] movq [edx + ecx], mm0 {$endif} {Are there another 8 bytes to move?} add ecx, 8 js @MMXMoveLoop {Exit MMX state} {$ifdef Delphi4or5} {Delphi 5 compatibility} db $0f, $77 {$else} emms {$endif} {Do the last 4 bytes} mov eax, [eax + ecx] mov [edx + ecx], eax {$ifndef ForceMMX} ret {$endif} {$endif} {FPU code is only used if MMX is not forced} {$ifndef ForceMMX} @FPUMoveLoop: {Move an 8 byte block} fild qword ptr [eax + ecx] fistp qword ptr [edx + ecx] {Are there another 8 bytes to move?} add ecx, 8 js @FPUMoveLoop {Do the last 4 bytes} mov eax, [eax + ecx] mov [edx + ecx], eax {$endif} end; {----------------Windows Emulation Functions for Kylix Support-----------------} {$ifdef Linux} const {Messagebox constants} MB_OK = 0; MB_ICONERROR = $10; MB_TASKMODAL = $2000; {Virtual memory constants} MEM_COMMIT = $1000; MEM_RELEASE = $8000; MEM_TOP_DOWN = $100000; PAGE_READWRITE = 4; procedure MessageBox(hWnd: Cardinal; AMessageText, AMessageTitle: PChar; uType: Cardinal); stdcall; begin writeln(AMessageText); end; function VirtualAlloc(lpvAddress: Pointer; dwSize, flAllocationType, flProtect: Cardinal): Pointer; stdcall; begin Result := valloc(dwSize); end; function VirtualFree(lpAddress: Pointer; dwSize, dwFreeType: Cardinal): LongBool; stdcall; begin free(lpAddress); Result := True; end; procedure Sleep(dwMilliseconds: Cardinal); stdcall; begin {Convert to microseconds (more or less)} usleep(dwMilliseconds shl 10); end; {$endif} {-----------------Debugging Support Functions and Procedures------------------} {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {The stack trace procedure. The stack trace module is external since it may raise handled access violations that result in the creation of exception objects and the stack trace code is not re-entrant.} procedure GetStackTrace(AReturnAddresses: PCardinal; AMaxDepth, ASkipFrames: Cardinal); external FullDebugModeLibraryName name {$ifdef RawStackTraces}'GetRawStackTrace'{$else}'GetFrameBasedStackTrace'{$endif}; {The exported procedure in the FastMM_FullDebugMode.dll library used to convert the return addresses of a stack trace to a text string.} function LogStackTrace(AReturnAddresses: PCardinal; AMaxDepth: Cardinal; ABuffer: PChar): PChar; external FullDebugModeLibraryName name 'LogStackTrace'; {$endif} {$ifndef Linux} function DelphiIsRunning: boolean; begin Result := FindWindow('TAppBuilder', nil) <> 0; end; {$endif} {Converts a cardinal to string at the buffer location, returning the new buffer position.} function CardinalToStrBuf(ACardinal: Cardinal; ABuffer: PChar): PChar; asm {On entry: eax = ACardinal, edx = ABuffer} push edi mov edi, edx //Pointer to the first character in edi //Calculate leading digit: divide the number by 1e9 add eax, 1 //Increment the number mov edx, $89705F41 //1e9 reciprocal mul edx //Multplying with reciprocal shr eax, 30 //Save fraction bits mov ecx, edx //First digit in bits <31:29> and edx, $1FFFFFFF //Filter fraction part edx<28:0> shr ecx, 29 //Get leading digit into accumulator lea edx, [edx+4*edx] //Calculate ... add edx, eax //... 5*fraction mov eax, ecx //Copy leading digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store digit out to memory //Calculate digit #2 mov eax, edx //Point format such that 1.0 = 2^28 cmp ecx, 1 //Any non-zero digit yet ? sbb edi, -1 //Yes->increment ptr, No->keep old ptr shr eax, 28 //Next digit and edx, $0fffffff //Fraction part edx<27:0> or ecx, eax //Accumulate next digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store digit out to memory //Calculate digit #3 lea eax, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new digit eax<31:27> lea edx, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new fraction edx<26:0> cmp ecx, 1 //Any non-zero digit yet ? sbb edi, -1 //Yes->increment ptr, No->keep old ptr shr eax, 27 //Next digit and edx, $07ffffff //Fraction part or ecx, eax //Accumulate next digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store digit out to memory //Calculate digit #4 lea eax, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new digit eax<31:26> lea edx, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new fraction edx<25:0> cmp ecx, 1 //Any non-zero digit yet ? sbb edi, -1 //Yes->increment ptr, No->keep old ptr shr eax, 26 //Next digit and edx, $03ffffff //Fraction part or ecx, eax //Accumulate next digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store digit out to memory //Calculate digit #5 lea eax, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new digit eax<31:25> lea edx, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new fraction edx<24:0> cmp ecx, 1 //Any non-zero digit yet ? sbb edi, -1 //Yes->increment ptr, No->keep old ptr shr eax, 25 //Next digit and edx, $01ffffff //Fraction part or ecx, eax //Accumulate next digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store digit out to memory //Calculate digit #6 lea eax, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new digit eax<31:24> lea edx, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new fraction edx<23:0> cmp ecx, 1 //Any non-zero digit yet ? sbb edi, -1 //Yes->increment ptr, No->keep old ptr shr eax, 24 //Next digit and edx, $00ffffff //Fraction part or ecx, eax //Accumulate next digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store digit out to memory //Calculate digit #7 lea eax, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new digit eax<31:23> lea edx, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new fraction edx<31:23> cmp ecx, 1 //Any non-zero digit yet ? sbb edi, -1 //Yes->increment ptr, No->keep old ptr shr eax, 23 //Next digit and edx, $007fffff //Fraction part or ecx, eax //Accumulate next digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store digit out to memory //Calculate digit #8 lea eax, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new digit eax<31:22> lea edx, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new fraction edx<22:0> cmp ecx, 1 //Any non-zero digit yet ? sbb edi, -1 //Yes->increment ptr, No->keep old ptr shr eax, 22 //Next digit and edx, $003fffff //Fraction part or ecx, eax //Accumulate next digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store digit out to memory //Calculate digit #9 lea eax, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new digit eax<31:21> lea edx, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new fraction edx<21:0> cmp ecx, 1 //Any non-zero digit yet ? sbb edi, -1 //Yes->increment ptr, No->keep old ptr shr eax, 21 //Next digit and edx, $001fffff //Fraction part or ecx, eax //Accumulate next digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store digit out to memory //Calculate digit #10 lea eax, [edx*4+edx] //5*fraction, new digit eax<31:20> cmp ecx, 1 //Any-non-zero digit yet ? sbb edi, -1 //Yes->increment ptr, No->keep old ptr shr eax, 20 //Next digit or eax, '0' //Convert digit to ASCII mov [edi], al //Store last digit and end marker out to memory {Return a pointer to the next character} lea eax, [edi + 1] {Restore edi} pop edi end; {Converts a cardinal to a hexadecimal string at the buffer location, returning the new buffer position.} function CardinalToHexBuf(ACardinal: integer; ABuffer: PChar): PChar; asm {On entry: eax = ACardinal edx = ABuffer} push ebx push edi {Save ACardinal in ebx} mov ebx, eax {Get a pointer to the first character in edi} mov edi, edx {Get the number in ecx as well} mov ecx, eax {Keep the low nibbles in ebx and the high nibbles in ecx} and ebx, $0f0f0f0f and ecx, $f0f0f0f0 {Swap the bytes into the right order} ror ebx, 16 ror ecx, 20 {Get nibble 7} movzx eax, ch mov dl, ch mov al, byte ptr HexTable[eax] mov [edi], al cmp dl, 1 sbb edi, -1 {Get nibble 6} movzx eax, bh or dl, bh mov al, byte ptr HexTable[eax] mov [edi], al cmp dl, 1 sbb edi, -1 {Get nibble 5} movzx eax, cl or dl, cl mov al, byte ptr HexTable[eax] mov [edi], al cmp dl, 1 sbb edi, -1 {Get nibble 4} movzx eax, bl or dl, bl mov al, byte ptr HexTable[eax] mov [edi], al cmp dl, 1 sbb edi, -1 {Rotate ecx and ebx so we get access to the rest} shr ebx, 16 shr ecx, 16 {Get nibble 3} movzx eax, ch or dl, ch mov al, byte ptr HexTable[eax] mov [edi], al cmp dl, 1 sbb edi, -1 {Get nibble 2} movzx eax, bh or dl, bh mov al, byte ptr HexTable[eax] mov [edi], al cmp dl, 1 sbb edi, -1 {Get nibble 1} movzx eax, cl or dl, cl mov al, byte ptr HexTable[eax] mov [edi], al cmp dl, 1 sbb edi, -1 {Get nibble 0} movzx eax, bl mov al, byte ptr HexTable[eax] mov [edi], al {Return a pointer to the end of the string} lea eax, [edi + 1] {Restore registers} pop edi pop ebx end; {Appends the source text to the destination and returns the new destination position} function AppendStringToBuffer(const ASource, ADestination: PChar; ACount: Cardinal): PChar; begin System.Move(ASource^, ADestination^, ACount); Result := Pointer(Cardinal(ADestination) + ACount); end; {Returns the class for a memory block. Returns nil if it is not a valid class} function GetObjectClass(APointer: Pointer): TClass; {$ifndef Linux} var LMemInfo: TMemoryBasicInformation; function InternalIsValidClass(APossibleClass: Pointer; ADepth: Integer = 0): Boolean; var LParentClass: Pointer; begin {Do we need to recheck the VM?} if (Cardinal(LMemInfo.BaseAddress) > (Cardinal(APossibleClass) + Cardinal(vmtSelfPtr))) or ((Cardinal(LMemInfo.BaseAddress) + LMemInfo.RegionSize) < (Cardinal(APossibleClass) + Cardinal(vmtParent + 3))) then begin {Get the VM status for the pointer} VirtualQuery(Pointer(Cardinal(APossibleClass) + Cardinal(vmtSelfPtr)), LMemInfo, SizeOf(LMemInfo)); end; {Get the result, while checking for recursion} Result := (ADepth < 1000) {The required info must fit inside the region} and ((Cardinal(LMemInfo.BaseAddress) + LMemInfo.RegionSize) > (Cardinal(APossibleClass) + Cardinal(vmtParent + 3))) {Memory must be committed} and (LMemInfo.State = MEM_COMMIT) {Memory must be readable} and (LMemInfo.Protect and (PAGE_READONLY or PAGE_READWRITE or PAGE_EXECUTE or PAGE_EXECUTE_READ or PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE or PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY) <> 0) and (LMemInfo.Protect and PAGE_GUARD = 0) {All class fields must fit inside the block} {The self pointer must be valid} and (PPointer(Cardinal(APossibleClass) + Cardinal(vmtSelfPtr))^ = APossibleClass); {Check the parent class} if Result then begin LParentClass := PPointer(Cardinal(APossibleClass) + Cardinal(vmtParent))^; {The parent must also be a valid class} Result := (LParentClass = nil) or InternalIsValidClass(Pointer(Cardinal(LParentClass) - Cardinal(vmtSelfPtr)), ADepth + 1) end; end; begin {Get the class pointer from the (suspected) object} Result := TClass(PCardinal(APointer)^); {No VM info yet} LMemInfo.RegionSize := 0; {Check the block} if (Cardinal(Result) < 65536) or (not InternalIsValidClass(Result, 0)) then begin Result := nil; end; end; {$else} begin {Not currently supported under Linux} Result := nil; end; {$endif} {Fills a block of memory with the given dword. Always fills a multiple of 4 bytes} procedure FillDWord(var AAddress; AByteCount: integer; ADWordFillValue: Cardinal); asm {On Entry: eax = AAddress edx = AByteCount ecx = ADWordFillValue} add eax, edx neg edx jns @Done @FillLoop: mov [eax + edx], ecx add edx, 4 js @FillLoop @Done: end; {Gets the available size inside a block} function GetAvailableSpaceInBlock(APointer: Pointer): Cardinal; var LBlockHeader: Cardinal; LPSmallBlockPool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; begin LBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - 4)^; if LBlockHeader and (IsMediumBlockFlag or IsLargeBlockFlag) = 0 then begin LPSmallBlockPool := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LBlockHeader and DropSmallFlagsMask); Result := LPSmallBlockPool.BlockType.BlockSize - BlockHeaderSize; end else begin Result := (LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - BlockHeaderSize; if (LBlockHeader and IsMediumBlockFlag) = 0 then Dec(Result, LargeBlockHeaderSize); end; end; {-----------------Small Block Management------------------} {Locks all small block types} procedure LockAllSmallBlockTypes; var LInd: Cardinal; begin {Lock the medium blocks} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} if IsMultiThread then {$endif} begin for LInd := 0 to NumSmallBlockTypes - 1 do begin while LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @SmallBlockTypes[LInd].BlockTypeLocked) <> 0 do begin Sleep(InitialSleepTime); if LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @SmallBlockTypes[LInd].BlockTypeLocked) = 0 then break; Sleep(AdditionalSleepTime); end; end; end; end; {Gets the first and last block pointer for a small block pool} procedure GetFirstAndLastSmallBlockInPool(APSmallBlockPool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; var AFirstPtr, ALastPtr: Pointer); var LBlockSize: Cardinal; begin {Get the pointer to the first block} AFirstPtr := Pointer(Cardinal(APSmallBlockPool) + SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize); {Get a pointer to the last block} if (APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.CurrentSequentialFeedPool <> APSmallBlockPool) or (Cardinal(APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress) > Cardinal(APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress)) then begin {Not the sequential feed - point to the end of the block} LBlockSize := PCardinal(Cardinal(APSmallBlockPool) - 4)^ and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; ALastPtr := Pointer(Cardinal(APSmallBlockPool) + LBlockSize - APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.BlockSize); end else begin {The sequential feed pool - point to before the next sequential feed block} ALastPtr := Pointer(Cardinal(APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress) - 1); end; end; {-----------------Medium Block Management------------------} {Advances to the next medium block. Returns nil if the end of the medium block pool has been reached} function NextMediumBlock(APMediumBlock: Pointer): Pointer; var LBlockSize: Cardinal; begin {Get the size of this block} LBlockSize := PCardinal(Cardinal(APMediumBlock) - 4)^ and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; {Advance the pointer} Result := Pointer(Cardinal(APMediumBlock) + LBlockSize); {Is the next block the end of medium pool marker?} LBlockSize := PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) - 4)^ and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; if LBlockSize = 0 then Result := nil; end; {Gets the first medium block in the medium block pool} function GetFirstMediumBlockInPool(APMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader): Pointer; begin if (MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft = 0) or (Cardinal(LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock) < Cardinal(APMediumBlockPoolHeader)) or (Cardinal(LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock) > Cardinal(APMediumBlockPoolHeader) + MediumBlockPoolSize) then begin Result := Pointer(Cardinal(APMediumBlockPoolHeader) + MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize); end else begin {Is the sequential feed pool empty?} if MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft <> MediumBlockPoolSize - MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize then Result := LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock else Result := nil; end; end; {Locks the medium blocks} procedure LockMediumBlocks; begin {Lock the medium blocks} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} if IsMultiThread then {$endif} begin while LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @MediumBlocksLocked) <> 0 do begin Sleep(InitialSleepTime); if LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @MediumBlocksLocked) = 0 then break; Sleep(AdditionalSleepTime); end; end; end; {$ifndef AsmVersion} {Removes a medium block from the circular linked list of free blocks. Does not change any header flags. Medium blocks should be locked before calling this procedure.} procedure RemoveMediumFreeBlock(APMediumFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock); var LPreviousFreeBlock, LNextFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; LBinNumber, LBinGroupNumber: Cardinal; begin {Get the current previous and next blocks} LNextFreeBlock := APMediumFreeBlock.NextFreeBlock; LPreviousFreeBlock := APMediumFreeBlock.PreviousFreeBlock; {Remove this block from the linked list} LPreviousFreeBlock.NextFreeBlock := LNextFreeBlock; LNextFreeBlock.PreviousFreeBlock := LPreviousFreeBlock; {Is this bin now empty? If the previous and next free block pointers are equal, they must point to the bin.} if LPreviousFreeBlock = LNextFreeBlock then begin {Get the bin number for this block size} LBinNumber := (Cardinal(LNextFreeBlock) - Cardinal(@MediumBlockBins)) div SizeOf(TMediumFreeBlock); LBinGroupNumber := LBinNumber div 32; {Flag this bin as empty} MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber] := MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber] and (not (1 shl (LBinNumber and 31))); {Is the group now entirely empty?} if MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber] = 0 then begin {Flag this group as empty} MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap := MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap and (not (1 shl LBinGroupNumber)); end; end; end; {$else} {Removes a medium block from the circular linked list of free blocks. Does not change any header flags. Medium blocks should be locked before calling this procedure.} procedure RemoveMediumFreeBlock(APMediumFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock); asm {On entry: eax = APMediumFreeBlock} {Get the current previous and next blocks} mov ecx, TMediumFreeBlock[eax].NextFreeBlock mov edx, TMediumFreeBlock[eax].PreviousFreeBlock {Is this bin now empty? If the previous and next free block pointers are equal, they must point to the bin.} cmp ecx, edx {Remove this block from the linked list} mov TMediumFreeBlock[ecx].PreviousFreeBlock, edx mov TMediumFreeBlock[edx].NextFreeBlock, ecx {Is this bin now empty? If the previous and next free block pointers are equal, they must point to the bin.} je @BinIsNowEmpty @Done: ret {Align branch target} nop @BinIsNowEmpty: {Get the bin number for this block size in ecx} sub ecx, offset MediumBlockBins mov edx, ecx shr ecx, 3 {Get the group number in edx} movzx edx, dh {Flag this bin as empty} mov eax, -2 rol eax, cl and dword ptr [MediumBlockBinBitmaps + edx * 4], eax jnz @Done {Flag this group as empty} mov eax, -2 mov ecx, edx rol eax, cl and MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap, eax end; {$endif} {$ifndef AsmVersion} {Inserts a medium block into the appropriate medium block bin.} procedure InsertMediumBlockIntoBin(APMediumFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; AMediumBlockSize: Cardinal); var LBinNumber, LBinGroupNumber: Cardinal; LPBin, LPFirstFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; begin {Get the bin number for this block size. Get the bin that holds blocks of at least this size.} LBinNumber := (AMediumBlockSize - MinimumMediumBlockSize) div MediumBlockGranularity; if LBinNumber >= MediumBlockBinCount then LBinNumber := MediumBlockBinCount - 1; {Get the bin} LPBin := @MediumBlockBins[LBinNumber]; {Bins are LIFO, se we insert this block as the first free block in the bin} LPFirstFreeBlock := LPBin.NextFreeBlock; APMediumFreeBlock.PreviousFreeBlock := LPBin; APMediumFreeBlock.NextFreeBlock := LPFirstFreeBlock; LPFirstFreeBlock.PreviousFreeBlock := APMediumFreeBlock; LPBin.NextFreeBlock := APMediumFreeBlock; {Was this bin empty?} if LPFirstFreeBlock = LPBin then begin {Get the group number} LBinGroupNumber := LBinNumber div 32; {Flag this bin as used} MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber] := MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber] or (1 shl (LBinNumber and 31)); {Flag the group as used} MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap := MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap or (1 shl LBinGroupNumber); end; end; {$else} {Inserts a medium block into the appropriate medium block bin.} procedure InsertMediumBlockIntoBin(APMediumFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; AMediumBlockSize: Cardinal); asm {On entry: eax = APMediumFreeBlock, edx = AMediumBlockSize} {Get the bin number for this block size. Get the bin that holds blocks of at least this size.} sub edx, MinimumMediumBlockSize shr edx, 8 {Validate the bin number} sub edx, MediumBlockBinCount - 1 sbb ecx, ecx and edx, ecx add edx, MediumBlockBinCount - 1 {Get the bin in ecx} lea ecx, [MediumBlockBins + edx * 8] {Bins are LIFO, se we insert this block as the first free block in the bin} mov edx, TMediumFreeBlock[ecx].NextFreeBlock {Was this bin empty?} cmp edx, ecx mov TMediumFreeBlock[eax].PreviousFreeBlock, ecx mov TMediumFreeBlock[eax].NextFreeBlock, edx mov TMediumFreeBlock[edx].PreviousFreeBlock, eax mov TMediumFreeBlock[ecx].NextFreeBlock, eax {Was this bin empty?} je @BinWasEmpty ret {Align branch target} nop nop @BinWasEmpty: {Get the bin number in ecx} sub ecx, offset MediumBlockBins mov edx, ecx shr ecx, 3 {Get the group number in edx} movzx edx, dh {Flag this bin as not empty} mov eax, 1 shl eax, cl or dword ptr [MediumBlockBinBitmaps + edx * 4], eax {Flag the group as not empty} mov eax, 1 mov ecx, edx shl eax, cl or MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap, eax end; {$endif} {$ifndef AsmVersion} {Bins what remains in the current sequential feed medium block pool. Medium blocks must be locked.} procedure BinMediumSequentialFeedRemainder; var LSequentialFeedFreeSize, LNextBlockSizeAndFlags: Cardinal; LPRemainderBlock, LNextMediumBlock: Pointer; begin LSequentialFeedFreeSize := MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft; if LSequentialFeedFreeSize > 0 then begin {Get the block after the open space} LNextMediumBlock := LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock; LNextBlockSizeAndFlags := PCardinal(Cardinal(LNextMediumBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^; {Point to the remainder} LPRemainderBlock := Pointer(Cardinal(LNextMediumBlock) - LSequentialFeedFreeSize); {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {Can the next block be combined with the remainder?} if (LNextBlockSizeAndFlags and IsFreeBlockFlag) <> 0 then begin {Increase the size of this block} Inc(LSequentialFeedFreeSize, LNextBlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask); {Remove the next block as well} if (LNextBlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) >= MinimumMediumBlockSize then RemoveMediumFreeBlock(LNextMediumBlock); end else begin {$endif} {Set the "previous block is free" flag of the next block} PCardinal(Cardinal(LNextMediumBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LNextBlockSizeAndFlags or PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} end; {$endif} {Store the size of the block as well as the flags} PCardinal(Cardinal(LPRemainderBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LSequentialFeedFreeSize or IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag; {Store the trailing size marker} PCardinal(Cardinal(LPRemainderBlock) + LSequentialFeedFreeSize - 8)^ := LSequentialFeedFreeSize; {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {In full debug mode the sequential feed remainder will never be too small to fit a full debug header.} {Clear the user area of the block} FillDWord(Pointer(Cardinal(LPRemainderBlock) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + 4)^, LSequentialFeedFreeSize - FullDebugBlockOverhead - 4, {$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces}DebugFillDWord{$else}Cardinal(@VMTBadInterface){$endif}); {We need to set a valid debug header and footer in the remainder} PFullDebugBlockHeader(LPRemainderBlock).HeaderCheckSum := Cardinal(LPRemainderBlock); PCardinal(Cardinal(LPRemainderBlock) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader))^ := not Cardinal(LPRemainderBlock); {$endif} {Bin this medium block} if LSequentialFeedFreeSize >= MinimumMediumBlockSize then InsertMediumBlockIntoBin(LPRemainderBlock, LSequentialFeedFreeSize); end; end; {$else} {Bins what remains in the current sequential feed medium block pool. Medium blocks must be locked.} procedure BinMediumSequentialFeedRemainder; asm cmp MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft, 0 jne @MustBinMedium {Nothing to bin} ret {Align branch target} nop nop @MustBinMedium: {Get a pointer to the last sequentially allocated medium block} mov eax, LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock {Is the block that was last fed sequentially free?} test byte ptr [eax - 4], IsFreeBlockFlag jnz @LastBlockFedIsFree {Set the "previous block is free" flag in the last block fed} or dword ptr [eax - 4], PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag {Get the remainder in edx} mov edx, MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft {Point eax to the start of the remainder} sub eax, edx @BinTheRemainder: {Status: eax = start of remainder, edx = size of remainder} {Store the size of the block as well as the flags} lea ecx, [edx + IsMediumBlockFlag + IsFreeBlockFlag] mov [eax - 4], ecx {Store the trailing size marker} mov [eax + edx - 8], edx {Bin this medium block} cmp edx, MinimumMediumBlockSize jnb InsertMediumBlockIntoBin ret {Align branch target} nop nop @LastBlockFedIsFree: {Drop the flags} mov edx, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask and edx, [eax - 4] {Free the last block fed} cmp edx, MinimumMediumBlockSize jb @DontRemoveLastFed {Last fed block is free - remove it from its size bin} call RemoveMediumFreeBlock {Re-read eax and edx} mov eax, LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock mov edx, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask and edx, [eax - 4] @DontRemoveLastFed: {Get the number of bytes left in ecx} mov ecx, MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft {Point eax to the start of the remainder} sub eax, ecx {edx = total size of the remainder} add edx, ecx jmp @BinTheRemainder end; {$endif} {Allocates a new sequential feed medium block pool and immediately splits off a block of the requested size. The block size must be a multiple of 16 and medium blocks must be locked.} function AllocNewSequentialFeedMediumPool(AFirstBlockSize: Cardinal): Pointer; var LOldFirstMediumBlockPool: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; LNewPool: Pointer; begin {Bin the current sequential feed remainder} BinMediumSequentialFeedRemainder; {Allocate a new sequential feed block pool} LNewPool := VirtualAlloc(nil, MediumBlockPoolSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if LNewPool <> nil then begin {Insert this block pool into the list of block pools} LOldFirstMediumBlockPool := MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; PMediumBlockPoolHeader(LNewPool).PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader := @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList; MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader := LNewPool; PMediumBlockPoolHeader(LNewPool).NextMediumBlockPoolHeader := LOldFirstMediumBlockPool; LOldFirstMediumBlockPool.PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader := LNewPool; {Store the sequential feed pool trailer} PCardinal(Cardinal(LNewPool) + MediumBlockPoolSize - BlockHeaderSize)^ := IsMediumBlockFlag; {Get the number of bytes still available} MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft := (MediumBlockPoolSize - MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize) - AFirstBlockSize; {Get the result} Result := Pointer(Cardinal(LNewPool) + MediumBlockPoolSize - AFirstBlockSize); LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock := Result; {Store the block header} PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := AFirstBlockSize or IsMediumBlockFlag; end else begin {Out of memory} MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft := 0; Result := nil; end; end; {Frees a medium block pool. Medium blocks must be locked on entry.} procedure FreeMediumBlockPool(AMediumBlockPool: PMediumBlockPoolHeader); var LPPreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader, LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; begin {Remove this medium block pool from the linked list} LPPreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader := AMediumBlockPool.PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader := AMediumBlockPool.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPPreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader.PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPPreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader; {Free the medium block pool} VirtualFree(AMediumBlockPool, 0, MEM_RELEASE); end; {-----------------Large Block Management------------------} {Locks the large blocks} procedure LockLargeBlocks; begin {Lock the large blocks} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} if IsMultiThread then {$endif} begin while LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @LargeBlocksLocked) <> 0 do begin Sleep(InitialSleepTime); if LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @LargeBlocksLocked) = 0 then break; Sleep(AdditionalSleepTime); end; end; end; {Allocates a Large block of at least ASize (actual size may be larger to allow for alignment etc.). ASize must be the actual user requested size. This procedure will pad it to the appropriate page boundary and also add the space required by the header.} function AllocateLargeBlock(ASize: Cardinal): Pointer; var LLargeUsedBlockSize: Cardinal; LOldFirstLargeBlock: PLargeBlockHeader; begin {Pad the block size to include the header and granularity. We also add a 4-byte overhead so a huge block size is a multiple of 16 bytes less 4 (so we can use a single move function for reallocating all block types)} LLargeUsedBlockSize := (ASize + LargeBlockHeaderSize + LargeBlockGranularity - 1 + BlockHeaderSize) and -LargeBlockGranularity; {Get the Large block} Result := VirtualAlloc(nil, LLargeUsedBlockSize, MEM_COMMIT or MEM_TOP_DOWN, PAGE_READWRITE); {Set the Large block fields} if Result <> nil then begin {Set the large block size and flags} PLargeBlockHeader(Result).UserAllocatedSize := ASize; PLargeBlockHeader(Result).BlockSizeAndFlags := LLargeUsedBlockSize or IsLargeBlockFlag; {Insert the large block into the linked list of large blocks} LockLargeBlocks; LOldFirstLargeBlock := LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader; PLargeBlockHeader(Result).PreviousLargeBlockHeader := @LargeBlocksCircularList; LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader := Result; PLargeBlockHeader(Result).NextLargeBlockHeader := LOldFirstLargeBlock; LOldFirstLargeBlock.PreviousLargeBlockHeader := Result; LargeBlocksLocked := False; {Add the size of the header} Inc(Cardinal(Result), LargeBlockHeaderSize); {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {Clear the user area of the block} FillDWord(Pointer(Cardinal(Result) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + 4)^, LLargeUsedBlockSize - LargeBlockHeaderSize - FullDebugBlockOverhead - 4, {$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces}DebugFillDWord{$else}Cardinal(@VMTBadInterface){$endif}); {Set the debug header and footer} PFullDebugBlockHeader(Result).HeaderCheckSum := Cardinal(Result); PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader))^ := not Cardinal(Result); {$endif} end; end; {Frees a large block, returning 0 on success, -1 otherwise} function FreeLargeBlock(APointer: Pointer): Integer; var LPreviousLargeBlockHeader, LNextLargeBlockHeader: PLargeBlockHeader; {$ifndef Linux} LRemainingSize: Cardinal; LCurrentSegment: Pointer; LMemInfo: TMemoryBasicInformation; {$endif} begin {Point to the start of the large block} APointer := Pointer(Cardinal(APointer) - LargeBlockHeaderSize); {Get the previous and next large blocks} LockLargeBlocks; LPreviousLargeBlockHeader := PLargeBlockHeader(APointer).PreviousLargeBlockHeader; LNextLargeBlockHeader := PLargeBlockHeader(APointer).NextLargeBlockHeader; {$ifndef Linux} {Is the large block segmented?} if PLargeBlockHeader(APointer).BlockSizeAndFlags and LargeBlockIsSegmented = 0 then begin {$endif} {Single segment large block: Try to free it} if VirtualFree(APointer, 0, MEM_RELEASE) then Result := 0 else Result := -1; {$ifndef Linux} end else begin {The large block is segmented - free all segments} LCurrentSegment := APointer; LRemainingSize := PLargeBlockHeader(APointer).BlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; Result := 0; while True do begin {Free the current segment} if not VirtualFree(LCurrentSegment, 0, MEM_RELEASE) then begin Result := -1; break; end; {Get the size of the segment that was freed} VirtualQuery(LCurrentSegment, LMemInfo, SizeOf(LMemInfo)); {Done?} if LMemInfo.RegionSize >= LRemainingSize then Break; {Decrement the remaining size} Dec(LRemainingSize, LMemInfo.RegionSize); Inc(Cardinal(LCurrentSegment), LMemInfo.RegionSize); end; end; {$endif} {Success?} if Result = 0 then begin {Remove the large block from the linked list} LNextLargeBlockHeader.PreviousLargeBlockHeader := LPreviousLargeBlockHeader; LPreviousLargeBlockHeader.NextLargeBlockHeader := LNextLargeBlockHeader; end; {Unlock the large blocks} LargeBlocksLocked := False; end; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {Reallocates a large block to at least the requested size. Returns the new pointer, or nil on error} function ReallocateLargeBlock(APointer: Pointer; ANewSize: Cardinal): Pointer; var LOldAvailableSize, LBlockHeader, LOldUserSize, LMinimumUpsize, LNewAllocSize: Cardinal; {$ifndef Linux} LNewSegmentSize: Cardinal; LNextSegmentPointer: Pointer; LMemInfo: TMemoryBasicInformation; {$endif} begin {Get the block header} LBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^; {Large block - size is (16 + 4) less than the allocated size} LOldAvailableSize := (LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - (LargeBlockHeaderSize + BlockHeaderSize); {Is it an upsize or a downsize?} if Cardinal(ANewSize) > LOldAvailableSize then begin {This pointer is being reallocated to a larger block and therefore it is logical to assume that it may be enlarged again. Since reallocations are expensive, there is a minimum upsize percentage to avoid unnecessary future move operations.} {Add 25% for large block upsizes} LMinimumUpsize := Cardinal(LOldAvailableSize) + (Cardinal(LOldAvailableSize) shr 2); if Cardinal(ANewSize) < LMinimumUpsize then LNewAllocSize := LMinimumUpsize else LNewAllocSize := ANewSize; {$ifndef Linux} {Can another large block segment be allocated directly after this segment, thus negating the need to move the data?} LNextSegmentPointer := Pointer(Cardinal(APointer) - LargeBlockHeaderSize + (LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask)); VirtualQuery(LNextSegmentPointer, LMemInfo, SizeOf(LMemInfo)); if (LMemInfo.State = MEM_FREE) then begin {Round the region size to the previous 64K} LMemInfo.RegionSize := LMemInfo.RegionSize and -LargeBlockGranularity; {Enough space to grow in place?} if (LMemInfo.RegionSize > (ANewSize - LOldAvailableSize)) then begin {There is enough space after the block to extend it - determine by how much} LNewSegmentSize := (LNewAllocSize - LOldAvailableSize + LargeBlockGranularity - 1) and -LargeBlockGranularity; if LNewSegmentSize > LMemInfo.RegionSize then LNewSegmentSize := LMemInfo.RegionSize; if (VirtualAlloc(LNextSegmentPointer, LNewSegmentSize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE) <> nil) and (VirtualAlloc(LNextSegmentPointer, LNewSegmentSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) <> nil) then begin {Update the requested size} PLargeBlockHeader(Cardinal(APointer) - LargeBlockHeaderSize).UserAllocatedSize := ANewSize; PLargeBlockHeader(Cardinal(APointer) - LargeBlockHeaderSize).BlockSizeAndFlags := (PLargeBlockHeader(Cardinal(APointer) - LargeBlockHeaderSize).BlockSizeAndFlags + LNewSegmentSize) or LargeBlockIsSegmented; {Success} Result := APointer; exit; end; end; end; {$endif} {Could not resize in place: Allocate the new block} Result := FastGetMem(LNewAllocSize); if Result <> nil then begin {If its a large block - store the actual user requested size (it may not be if the block that is being reallocated from was previously downsized)} if LNewAllocSize > (MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize) then PLargeBlockHeader(Cardinal(Result) - LargeBlockHeaderSize).UserAllocatedSize := ANewSize; {The user allocated size is stored for large blocks} LOldUserSize := PLargeBlockHeader(Cardinal(APointer) - LargeBlockHeaderSize).UserAllocatedSize; {The number of bytes to move is the old user size.} {$ifdef UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines} MoveX16L4(APointer^, Result^, LOldUserSize); {$else} System.Move(APointer^, Result^, LOldUserSize); {$endif} {Free the old block} FastFreeMem(APointer); end; end else begin {It's a downsize: do we need to reallocate? Only if the new size is less than half the old size} if Cardinal(ANewSize) >= (LOldAvailableSize shr 1) then begin {No need to reallocate} Result := APointer; {Update the requested size} PLargeBlockHeader(Cardinal(APointer) - LargeBlockHeaderSize).UserAllocatedSize := ANewSize; end else begin {The block is less than half the old size, and the current size is greater than the minimum block size allowing a downsize: reallocate} Result := FastGetMem(ANewSize); if Result <> nil then begin {Still a large block? -> Set the user size} if ANewSize > (MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize) then PLargeBlockHeader(Cardinal(APointer) - LargeBlockHeaderSize).UserAllocatedSize := ANewSize; {Move the data across} {$ifdef UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines} {$ifdef Align16Bytes} MoveX16L4(APointer^, Result^, ANewSize); {$else} MoveX8L4(APointer^, Result^, ANewSize); {$endif} {$else} System.Move(APointer^, Result^, ANewSize); {$endif} {Free the old block} FastFreeMem(APointer); end; end; end; end; {$endif} {---------------------Replacement Memory Manager Interface---------------------} {$ifndef ASMVersion} {Replacement for SysGetMem (pascal version)} function FastGetMem(ASize: Integer): Pointer; var LMediumBlock{$ifndef FullDebugMode}, LNextFreeBlock, LSecondSplit{$endif}: PMediumFreeBlock; LNextMediumBlockHeader: PCardinal; LBlockSize, LAvailableBlockSize{$ifndef FullDebugMode}, LSecondSplitSize{$endif}: Cardinal; LPSmallBlockType: PSmallBlockType; LPSmallBlockPool, LPNewFirstPool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; LBinNumber: Cardinal; LNewFirstFreeBlock: Pointer; LPMediumBin: PMediumFreeBlock; LSequentialFeedFreeSize: Cardinal; {$ifndef FullDebugMode}LBinGroupsMasked, {$endif}LBinGroupMasked, LBinGroupNumber: Cardinal; begin {Is it a small block? -> Take the header size into account when determining the required block size} if Cardinal(ASize) <= (MaximumSmallBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize) then begin {-------------------------Allocate a small block---------------------------} {Get the block type from the size} LPSmallBlockType := PSmallBlockType(AllocSize2SmallBlockTypeIndX4[ (Cardinal(ASize) + (BlockHeaderSize - 1)) div SmallBlockGranularity] * 8 + Cardinal(@SmallBlockTypes)); {Lock the block type} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} if IsMultiThread then {$endif} begin while True do begin {Try to lock the small block type} if LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked) = 0 then break; {Try the next block type} Inc(Cardinal(LPSmallBlockType), SizeOf(TSmallBlockType)); if LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked) = 0 then break; {Try up to two sizes past the requested size} Inc(Cardinal(LPSmallBlockType), SizeOf(TSmallBlockType)); if LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked) = 0 then break; {All three sizes locked - given up and sleep} Dec(Cardinal(LPSmallBlockType), 2 * SizeOf(TSmallBlockType)); {Both this block type and the next is in use: sleep} Sleep(InitialSleepTime); {Try the lock again} if LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked) = 0 then break; {Sleep longer} Sleep(AdditionalSleepTime); end; end; {Get the first pool with free blocks} LPSmallBlockPool := LPSmallBlockType.NextPartiallyFreePool; {Is the pool valid?} if Cardinal(LPSmallBlockPool) <> Cardinal(LPSmallBlockType) then begin {Get the first free offset} Result := LPSmallBlockPool.FirstFreeBlock; {Get the new first free block} LNewFirstFreeBlock := PPointer(Cardinal(Result) - 4)^; {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {The block should be free} if (Cardinal(LNewFirstFreeBlock) and ExtractSmallFlagsMask) <> IsFreeBlockFlag then {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} {$endif} LNewFirstFreeBlock := Pointer(Cardinal(LNewFirstFreeBlock) and DropSmallFlagsMask); {Increment the number of used blocks} Inc(LPSmallBlockPool.BlocksInUse); {Set the new first free block} LPSmallBlockPool.FirstFreeBlock := LNewFirstFreeBlock; {Is the pool now full?} if LNewFirstFreeBlock = nil then begin {Pool is full - remove it from the partially free list} LPNewFirstPool := LPSmallBlockPool.NextPartiallyFreePool; LPSmallBlockType.NextPartiallyFreePool := LPNewFirstPool; LPNewFirstPool.PreviousPartiallyFreePool := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LPSmallBlockType); end; end else begin {Try to feed a small block sequentially} Result := LPSmallBlockType.NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress; {Can another block fit?} if Cardinal(Result) <= Cardinal(LPSmallBlockType.MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress) then begin {Get the sequential feed block pool} LPSmallBlockPool := LPSmallBlockType.CurrentSequentialFeedPool; {Increment the number of used blocks in the sequential feed pool} Inc(LPSmallBlockPool.BlocksInUse); {Store the next sequential feed block address} LPSmallBlockType.NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress := Pointer(Cardinal(Result) + LPSmallBlockType.BlockSize); end else begin {Need to allocate a pool: Lock the medium blocks} LockMediumBlocks; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {Are there any available blocks of a suitable size?} LBinGroupsMasked := MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap and ($ffffff00 or LPSmallBlockType.AllowedGroupsForBlockPoolBitmap); if LBinGroupsMasked <> 0 then begin {Get the bin group with free blocks} LBinGroupNumber := FindFirstSetBit(LBinGroupsMasked); {Get the bin in the group with free blocks} LBinNumber := FindFirstSetBit(MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber]) + LBinGroupNumber * 32; LPMediumBin := @MediumBlockBins[LBinNumber]; {Get the first block in the bin} LMediumBlock := LPMediumBin.NextFreeBlock; {Remove the first block from the linked list (LIFO)} LNextFreeBlock := LMediumBlock.NextFreeBlock; LPMediumBin.NextFreeBlock := LNextFreeBlock; LNextFreeBlock.PreviousFreeBlock := LPMediumBin; {Is this bin now empty?} if LNextFreeBlock = LPMediumBin then begin {Flag this bin as empty} MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber] := MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber] and (not (1 shl (LBinNumber and 31))); {Is the group now entirely empty?} if MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber] = 0 then begin {Flag this group as empty} MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap := MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap and (not (1 shl LBinGroupNumber)); end; end; {Get the size of the available medium block} LBlockSize := PCardinal(Cardinal(LMediumBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {Check that this block is actually free and the next and previous blocks are both in use.} if ((PCardinal(Cardinal(LMediumBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) <> (IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag)) or ((PCardinal(Cardinal(LMediumBlock) + (PCardinal(Cardinal(LMediumBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and IsFreeBlockFlag) <> 0) then begin {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} end; {$endif} {Should the block be split?} if LBlockSize >= MaximumSmallBlockPoolSize then begin {Get the size of the second split} LSecondSplitSize := LBlockSize - LPSmallBlockType.OptimalBlockPoolSize; {Adjust the block size} LBlockSize := LPSmallBlockType.OptimalBlockPoolSize; {Split the block in two} LSecondSplit := PMediumFreeBlock(Cardinal(LMediumBlock) + LBlockSize); PCardinal(Cardinal(LSecondSplit) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LSecondSplitSize or (IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag); {Store the size of the second split as the second last dword} PCardinal(Cardinal(LSecondSplit) + LSecondSplitSize - 8)^ := LSecondSplitSize; {Put the remainder in a bin (it will be big enough)} InsertMediumBlockIntoBin(LSecondSplit, LSecondSplitSize); end else begin {Mark this block as used in the block following it} LNextMediumBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(LMediumBlock) + LBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize); LNextMediumBlockHeader^ := LNextMediumBlockHeader^ and (not PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag); end; end else begin {$endif} {Check the sequential feed medium block pool for space} LSequentialFeedFreeSize := MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft; if LSequentialFeedFreeSize >= LPSmallBlockType.MinimumBlockPoolSize then begin {Enough sequential feed space: Will the remainder be usable?} if LSequentialFeedFreeSize >= (LPSmallBlockType.OptimalBlockPoolSize + MinimumMediumBlockSize) then begin LBlockSize := LPSmallBlockType.OptimalBlockPoolSize; end else LBlockSize := LSequentialFeedFreeSize; {Get the block} LMediumBlock := Pointer(Cardinal(LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock) - LBlockSize); {Update the sequential feed parameters} LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock := LMediumBlock; MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft := LSequentialFeedFreeSize - LBlockSize; end else begin {Need to allocate a new sequential feed medium block pool: use the optimal size for this small block pool} LBlockSize := LPSmallBlockType.OptimalBlockPoolSize; {Allocate the medium block pool} LMediumBlock := AllocNewSequentialFeedMediumPool(LBlockSize); if LMediumBlock = nil then begin {Out of memory} {Unlock the medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; {Unlock the block type} LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked := False; {Failed} Result := nil; {done} exit; end; end; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} end; {$endif} {Mark this block as in use} {Set the size and flags for this block} PCardinal(Cardinal(LMediumBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LBlockSize or IsMediumBlockFlag or IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag; {Unlock medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; {Set up the block pool} LPSmallBlockPool := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LMediumBlock); LPSmallBlockPool.BlockType := LPSmallBlockType; LPSmallBlockPool.FirstFreeBlock := nil; LPSmallBlockPool.BlocksInUse := 1; {Set it up for sequential block serving} LPSmallBlockType.CurrentSequentialFeedPool := LPSmallBlockPool; Result := Pointer(Cardinal(LPSmallBlockPool) + SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize); LPSmallBlockType.NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress := Pointer(Cardinal(Result) + LPSmallBlockType.BlockSize); LPSmallBlockType.MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress := Pointer(Cardinal(LPSmallBlockPool) + LBlockSize - LPSmallBlockType.BlockSize); end; {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {Clear the user area of the block} FillDWord(Pointer(Cardinal(Result) + (SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + 4))^, LPSmallBlockType.BlockSize - FullDebugBlockOverhead - 4, {$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces}DebugFillDWord{$else}Cardinal(@VMTBadInterface){$endif}); {Block was fed sequentially - we need to set a valid debug header} PFullDebugBlockHeader(Result).HeaderCheckSum := Cardinal(Result); PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader))^ := not Cardinal(Result); {$endif} end; {Unlock the block type} LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked := False; {Set the block header} PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := Cardinal(LPSmallBlockPool); end else begin {Medium block or Large block?} if Cardinal(ASize) <= (MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize) then begin {------------------------Allocate a medium block--------------------------} {Get the block size and bin number for this block size. Block sizes are rounded up to the next bin size.} LBlockSize := ((Cardinal(ASize) + (MediumBlockGranularity - 1 + BlockHeaderSize - MediumBlockSizeOffset)) and -MediumBlockGranularity) + MediumBlockSizeOffset; {Get the bin number} LBinNumber := (LBlockSize - MinimumMediumBlockSize) div MediumBlockGranularity; {Lock the medium blocks} LockMediumBlocks; {Calculate the bin group} LBinGroupNumber := LBinNumber div 32; {Is there a suitable block inside this group?} LBinGroupMasked := MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber] and -(1 shl (LBinNumber and 31)); if LBinGroupMasked <> 0 then begin {Get the actual bin number} LBinNumber := FindFirstSetBit(LBinGroupMasked) + LBinGroupNumber * 32; end else begin {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {Try all groups greater than this group} LBinGroupsMasked := MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap and -(2 shl LBinGroupNumber); if LBinGroupsMasked <> 0 then begin {There is a suitable group with space: get the bin number} LBinGroupNumber := FindFirstSetBit(LBinGroupsMasked); {Get the bin in the group with free blocks} LBinNumber := FindFirstSetBit(MediumBlockBinBitmaps[LBinGroupNumber]) + LBinGroupNumber * 32; end else begin {$endif} {There are no bins with a suitable block: Sequentially feed the required block} LSequentialFeedFreeSize := MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft; if LSequentialFeedFreeSize >= LBlockSize then begin {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {In full debug mode a medium block must have enough bytes to fit all the debug info, so we must make sure there are no tiny medium blocks at the start of the pool.} if LSequentialFeedFreeSize - LBlockSize < (FullDebugBlockOverhead + BlockHeaderSize) then LBlockSize := LSequentialFeedFreeSize; {$endif} {Block can be fed sequentially} Result := Pointer(Cardinal(LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock) - LBlockSize); {Store the last sequentially fed block} LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock := Result; {Store the remaining bytes} MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft := LSequentialFeedFreeSize - LBlockSize; {Set the flags for the block} PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LBlockSize or IsMediumBlockFlag; end else begin {Need to allocate a new sequential feed block} Result := AllocNewSequentialFeedMediumPool(LBlockSize); end; {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {Block was fed sequentially - we need to set a valid debug header} if Result <> nil then begin PFullDebugBlockHeader(Result).HeaderCheckSum := Cardinal(Result); PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader))^ := not Cardinal(Result); {Clear the user area of the block} FillDWord(Pointer(Cardinal(Result) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + 4)^, LBlockSize - FullDebugBlockOverhead - 4, {$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces}DebugFillDWord{$else}Cardinal(@VMTBadInterface){$endif}); end; {$endif} {Done} MediumBlocksLocked := False; exit; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} end; {$endif} end; {If we get here we have a valid LBinGroupNumber and LBinNumber: Use the first block in the bin, splitting it if necessary} {Get a pointer to the bin} LPMediumBin := @MediumBlockBins[LBinNumber]; {Get the result} Result := LPMediumBin.NextFreeBlock; {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {Check that this block is actually free and the next and previous blocks are both in use (except in full debug mode).} if ((PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and {$ifndef FullDebugMode}ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask{$else}(IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag){$endif}) <> (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsMediumBlockFlag)) {$ifndef FullDebugMode} or ((PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) + (PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and (ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask - IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag)) <> (IsMediumBlockFlag or PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag)) {$endif} then begin {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} end; {$endif} {Remove the block from the bin containing it} RemoveMediumFreeBlock(Result); {Get the block size} LAvailableBlockSize := PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {Is it an exact fit or not?} LSecondSplitSize := LAvailableBlockSize - LBlockSize; if LSecondSplitSize <> 0 then begin {Split the block in two} LSecondSplit := PMediumFreeBlock(Cardinal(Result) + LBlockSize); {Set the size of the second split} PCardinal(Cardinal(LSecondSplit) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LSecondSplitSize or (IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag); {Store the size of the second split as the second last dword} PCardinal(Cardinal(LSecondSplit) + LSecondSplitSize - 8)^ := LSecondSplitSize; {Put the remainder in a bin if it is big enough} if LSecondSplitSize >= MinimumMediumBlockSize then InsertMediumBlockIntoBin(LSecondSplit, LSecondSplitSize); end else begin {$else} {In full debug mode blocks are never split or coalesced} LBlockSize := LAvailableBlockSize; {$endif} {Mark this block as used in the block following it} LNextMediumBlockHeader := Pointer(Cardinal(Result) + LBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize); {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {The next block must be in use} if (LNextMediumBlockHeader^ and (ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask - IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag)) <> (IsMediumBlockFlag or PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag) then {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} {$endif} {$endif} LNextMediumBlockHeader^ := LNextMediumBlockHeader^ and (not PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag); {$ifndef FullDebugMode} end; {Set the size and flags for this block} PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LBlockSize or IsMediumBlockFlag; {$else} {In full debug mode blocks are never split or coalesced} Dec(PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) - BlockHeaderSize)^, IsFreeBlockFlag); {$endif} {Unlock the medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; end else begin {Allocate a Large block} if ASize > 0 then Result := AllocateLargeBlock(ASize) else Result := nil; end; end; end; {$else} {Replacement for SysGetMem (asm version)} function FastGetMem(ASize: Integer): Pointer; asm {On entry: eax = ASize} {Since most allocations are for small blocks, determine the small block type index so long} lea edx, [eax + BlockHeaderSize - 1] {$ifdef Align16Bytes} shr edx, 4 {$else} shr edx, 3 {$endif} {Is it a small block?} cmp eax, (MaximumSmallBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize) {Save ebx} push ebx {Get the IsMultiThread variable so long} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} mov cl, IsMultiThread {$endif} {Is it a small block?} ja @NotASmallBlock {Do we need to lock the block type?} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} test cl, cl {$endif} {Get the small block type in ebx} movzx eax, byte ptr [AllocSize2SmallBlockTypeIndX4 + edx] lea ebx, [SmallBlockTypes + eax * 8] {Do we need to lock the block type?} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} jnz @LockBlockTypeLoop {$else} jmp @LockBlockTypeLoop {Align branch target} nop nop {$endif} @GotLockOnSmallBlockType: {Find the next free block: Get the first pool with free blocks in edx} mov edx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].NextPartiallyFreePool {Get the first free block (or the next sequential feed address if edx = ebx)} mov eax, TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].FirstFreeBlock {Get the drop flags mask in ecx so long} mov ecx, DropSmallFlagsMask {Is there a pool with free blocks?} cmp edx, ebx je @TrySmallSequentialFeed {Increment the number of used blocks} add TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].BlocksInUse, 1 {Get the new first free block} and ecx, [eax - 4] {Set the new first free block} mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].FirstFreeBlock, ecx {Set the block header} mov [eax - 4], edx {Is the chunk now full?} jz @RemoveSmallPool {Unlock the block type} mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockTypeLocked, False {Restore ebx} pop ebx {All done} ret {Align branch target} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} nop nop {$endif} nop @TrySmallSequentialFeed: {Try to feed a small block sequentially: Get the sequential feed block pool} mov edx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].CurrentSequentialFeedPool {Get the next sequential feed address so long} movzx ecx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockSize add ecx, eax {Can another block fit?} cmp eax, TSmallBlockType[ebx].MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress {Can another block fit?} ja @AllocateSmallBlockPool {Increment the number of used blocks in the sequential feed pool} add TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].BlocksInUse, 1 {Store the next sequential feed block address} mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress, ecx {Unlock the block type} mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockTypeLocked, False {Set the block header} mov [eax - 4], edx {Restore ebx} pop ebx {All done} ret {Align branch target} nop nop nop @RemoveSmallPool: {Pool is full - remove it from the partially free list} mov ecx, TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].NextPartiallyFreePool mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[ecx].PreviousPartiallyFreePool, ebx mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].NextPartiallyFreePool, ecx {Unlock the block type} mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockTypeLocked, False {Restore ebx} pop ebx {All done} ret {Align branch target} nop nop @LockBlockTypeLoop: mov eax, $100 {Attempt to grab the block type} lock cmpxchg TSmallBlockType([ebx]).BlockTypeLocked, ah je @GotLockOnSmallBlockType {Try the next size} add ebx, Type(TSmallBlockType) mov eax, $100 lock cmpxchg TSmallBlockType([ebx]).BlockTypeLocked, ah je @GotLockOnSmallBlockType {Try the next size (up to two sizes larger)} add ebx, Type(TSmallBlockType) mov eax, $100 lock cmpxchg TSmallBlockType([ebx]).BlockTypeLocked, ah je @GotLockOnSmallBlockType {Block type and two sizes larger are all locked - give up and sleep} sub ebx, 2 * Type(TSmallBlockType) {Couldn't grab the block type - sleep and try again} push InitialSleepTime call Sleep {Try again} mov eax, $100 {Attempt to grab the block type} lock cmpxchg TSmallBlockType([ebx]).BlockTypeLocked, ah je @GotLockOnSmallBlockType {Couldn't grab the block type - sleep and try again} push AdditionalSleepTime call Sleep {Try again} jmp @LockBlockTypeLoop {Align branch target} nop nop nop @AllocateSmallBlockPool: {save additional registers} push esi push edi {Do we need to lock the medium blocks?} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} cmp IsMultiThread, False je @MediumBlocksLockedForPool {$endif} @LockMediumBlocksForPool: mov eax, $100 {Attempt to lock the medium blocks} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @MediumBlocksLockedForPool {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push InitialSleepTime call Sleep {Try again} mov eax, $100 {Attempt to grab the block type} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @MediumBlocksLockedForPool {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push AdditionalSleepTime call Sleep {Try again} jmp @LockMediumBlocksForPool {Align branch target} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} nop nop nop {$endif} @MediumBlocksLockedForPool: {Are there any available blocks of a suitable size?} movsx esi, TSmallBlockType[ebx].AllowedGroupsForBlockPoolBitmap and esi, MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap jz @NoSuitableMediumBlocks {Get the bin group number with free blocks in eax} bsf eax, esi {Get the bin number in ecx} lea esi, [eax * 8] mov ecx, dword ptr [MediumBlockBinBitmaps + eax * 4] bsf ecx, ecx lea ecx, [ecx + esi * 4] {Get a pointer to the bin in edi} lea edi, [MediumBlockBins + ecx * 8] {Get the free block in esi} mov esi, TMediumFreeBlock[edi].NextFreeBlock {Remove the first block from the linked list (LIFO)} mov edx, TMediumFreeBlock[esi].NextFreeBlock mov TMediumFreeBlock[edi].NextFreeBlock, edx mov TMediumFreeBlock[edx].PreviousFreeBlock, edi {Is this bin now empty?} cmp edi, edx jne @MediumBinNotEmpty {eax = bin group number, ecx = bin number, edi = @bin, esi = free block, ebx = block type} {Flag this bin as empty} mov edx, -2 rol edx, cl and dword ptr [MediumBlockBinBitmaps + eax * 4], edx jnz @MediumBinNotEmpty {Flag the group as empty} btr MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap, eax @MediumBinNotEmpty: {esi = free block, ebx = block type} {Get the size of the available medium block in edi} mov edi, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask and edi, [esi - 4] cmp edi, MaximumSmallBlockPoolSize jb @UseWholeBlock {Split the block: get the size of the second part, new block size is the optimal size} mov edx, edi movzx edi, TSmallBlockType[ebx].OptimalBlockPoolSize sub edx, edi {Split the block in two} lea eax, [esi + edi] lea ecx, [edx + IsMediumBlockFlag + IsFreeBlockFlag] mov [eax - 4], ecx {Store the size of the second split as the second last dword} mov [eax + edx - 8], edx {Put the remainder in a bin (it will be big enough)} call InsertMediumBlockIntoBin jmp @GotMediumBlock {Align branch target} @NoSuitableMediumBlocks: {Check the sequential feed medium block pool for space} movzx ecx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].MinimumBlockPoolSize mov edi, MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft cmp edi, ecx jb @AllocateNewSequentialFeed {Get the address of the last block that was fed} mov esi, LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock {Enough sequential feed space: Will the remainder be usable?} movzx ecx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].OptimalBlockPoolSize lea edx, [ecx + MinimumMediumBlockSize] cmp edi, edx jb @NotMuchSpace mov edi, ecx @NotMuchSpace: sub esi, edi {Update the sequential feed parameters} sub MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft, edi mov LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock, esi {Get the block pointer} jmp @GotMediumBlock {Align branch target} @AllocateNewSequentialFeed: {Need to allocate a new sequential feed medium block pool: use the optimal size for this small block pool} movzx eax, TSmallBlockType[ebx].OptimalBlockPoolSize mov edi, eax {Allocate the medium block pool} call AllocNewSequentialFeedMediumPool mov esi, eax test eax, eax jnz @GotMediumBlock mov MediumBlocksLocked, al mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockTypeLocked, al pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret {Align branch target} @UseWholeBlock: {esi = free block, ebx = block type, edi = block size} {Mark this block as used in the block following it} and byte ptr [esi + edi - 4], not PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag @GotMediumBlock: {esi = free block, ebx = block type, edi = block size} {Set the size and flags for this block} lea ecx, [edi + IsMediumBlockFlag + IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag] mov [esi - 4], ecx {Unlock medium blocks} xor eax, eax mov MediumBlocksLocked, al {Set up the block pool} mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[esi].BlockType, ebx mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[esi].FirstFreeBlock, eax mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[esi].BlocksInUse, 1 {Set it up for sequential block serving} mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].CurrentSequentialFeedPool, esi {Return the pointer to the first block} lea eax, [esi + SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize] movzx ecx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockSize lea edx, [eax + ecx] mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress, edx add edi, esi sub edi, ecx mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress, edi {Unlock the small block type} mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockTypeLocked, False {Set the small block header} mov [eax - 4], esi {Restore registers} pop edi pop esi pop ebx {Done} ret {-------------------Medium block allocation-------------------} {Align branch target} nop @LockMediumBlocks: mov eax, $100 {Attempt to lock the medium blocks} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @MediumBlocksLocked {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push InitialSleepTime call Sleep {Try again} mov eax, $100 {Attempt to lock the medium blocks} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @MediumBlocksLocked {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push AdditionalSleepTime call Sleep {Try again} jmp @LockMediumBlocks {Align branch target} nop nop @NotASmallBlock: cmp eax, (MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize) ja @IsALargeBlockRequest {Get the bin size for this block size. Block sizes are rounded up to the next bin size.} lea ebx, [eax + MediumBlockGranularity - 1 + BlockHeaderSize - MediumBlockSizeOffset] and ebx, -MediumBlockGranularity add ebx, MediumBlockSizeOffset {Do we need to lock the medium blocks?} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} test cl, cl jnz @LockMediumBlocks {$else} jmp @LockMediumBlocks {Align branch target} {$endif} @MediumBlocksLocked: {Get the bin number in ecx and the group number in edx} lea edx, [ebx - MinimumMediumBlockSize] mov ecx, edx shr edx, 8 + 5 shr ecx, 8 {Is there a suitable block inside this group?} mov eax, -1 shl eax, cl and eax, dword ptr [MediumBlockBinBitmaps + edx * 4] jz @GroupIsEmpty {Get the actual bin number} and ecx, -32 bsf eax, eax or ecx, eax jmp @GotBinAndGroup {Align branch target} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} nop nop {$endif} @GroupIsEmpty: {Try all groups greater than this group} mov eax, -2 mov ecx, edx shl eax, cl and eax, MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap jz @TrySequentialFeedMedium {There is a suitable group with space: get the bin number} bsf edx, eax {Get the bin in the group with free blocks} mov eax, dword ptr [MediumBlockBinBitmaps + edx * 4] bsf ecx, eax mov eax, edx shl eax, 5 or ecx, eax jmp @GotBinAndGroup {Align branch target} nop @TrySequentialFeedMedium: mov ecx, MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft {Block can be fed sequentially?} sub ecx, ebx jc @AllocateNewSequentialFeedForMedium {Get the block address} mov eax, LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock sub eax, ebx mov LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock, eax {Store the remaining bytes} mov MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft, ecx {Set the flags for the block} or ebx, IsMediumBlockFlag mov [eax - 4], ebx jmp @MediumBlockGetDone {Align branch target} @AllocateNewSequentialFeedForMedium: mov eax, ebx call AllocNewSequentialFeedMediumPool @MediumBlockGetDone: mov MediumBlocksLocked, False pop ebx ret {Align branch target} @GotBinAndGroup: {ebx = block size, ecx = bin number, edx = group number} push esi push edi {Get a pointer to the bin in edi} lea edi, [MediumBlockBins + ecx * 8] {Get the free block in esi} mov esi, TMediumFreeBlock[edi].NextFreeBlock {Remove the first block from the linked list (LIFO)} mov eax, TMediumFreeBlock[esi].NextFreeBlock mov TMediumFreeBlock[edi].NextFreeBlock, eax mov TMediumFreeBlock[eax].PreviousFreeBlock, edi {Is this bin now empty?} cmp edi, eax jne @MediumBinNotEmptyForMedium {eax = bin group number, ecx = bin number, edi = @bin, esi = free block, ebx = block size} {Flag this bin as empty} mov eax, -2 rol eax, cl and dword ptr [MediumBlockBinBitmaps + edx * 4], eax jnz @MediumBinNotEmptyForMedium {Flag the group as empty} btr MediumBlockBinGroupBitmap, edx @MediumBinNotEmptyForMedium: {esi = free block, ebx = block size} {Get the size of the available medium block in edi} mov edi, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask and edi, [esi - 4] {Get the size of the second split in edx} mov edx, edi sub edx, ebx jz @UseWholeBlockForMedium {Split the block in two} lea eax, [esi + ebx] lea ecx, [edx + IsMediumBlockFlag + IsFreeBlockFlag] mov [eax - 4], ecx {Store the size of the second split as the second last dword} mov [eax + edx - 8], edx {Put the remainder in a bin} cmp edx, MinimumMediumBlockSize jb @GotMediumBlockForMedium call InsertMediumBlockIntoBin jmp @GotMediumBlockForMedium {Align branch target} nop nop nop @UseWholeBlockForMedium: {Mark this block as used in the block following it} and byte ptr [esi + edi - 4], not PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag @GotMediumBlockForMedium: {Set the size and flags for this block} lea ecx, [ebx + IsMediumBlockFlag] mov [esi - 4], ecx {Unlock medium blocks} mov MediumBlocksLocked, False mov eax, esi pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret {-------------------Large block allocation-------------------} {Align branch target} @IsALargeBlockRequest: pop ebx test eax, eax jns AllocateLargeBlock xor eax, eax end; {$endif} {$ifndef ASMVersion} {Replacement for SysFreeMem (pascal version)} function FastFreeMem(APointer: Pointer): Integer; var LNextMediumBlock{$ifndef FullDebugMode}, LPreviousMediumBlock{$endif}: PMediumFreeBlock; LNextMediumBlockSizeAndFlags: Cardinal; LBlockSize{$ifndef FullDebugMode}, LPreviousMediumBlockSize{$endif}: Cardinal; LPSmallBlockPool{$ifndef FullDebugMode}, LPPreviousPool, LPNextPool{$endif}, LPOldFirstPool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader; LPSmallBlockType: PSmallBlockType; LOldFirstFreeBlock: Pointer; LBlockHeader: Cardinal; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} LPPreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader, LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; {$endif} begin {Get the small block header: Is it actually a small block?} LBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^; {Is it a small block that is in use?} if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsMediumBlockFlag or IsLargeBlockFlag) = 0 then begin {Get a pointer to the block pool} LPSmallBlockPool := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LBlockHeader); {Get the block type} LPSmallBlockType := LPSmallBlockPool.BlockType; {Lock the block type} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} if IsMultiThread then {$endif} begin while (LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked) <> 0) do begin Sleep(InitialSleepTime); if LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked) = 0 then break; Sleep(AdditionalSleepTime); end; end; {Get the old first free block} LOldFirstFreeBlock := LPSmallBlockPool.FirstFreeBlock; {Was the pool manager previously full?} if LOldFirstFreeBlock = nil then begin {Insert this as the first partially free pool for the block size} LPOldFirstPool := LPSmallBlockType.NextPartiallyFreePool; LPSmallBlockPool.NextPartiallyFreePool := LPOldFirstPool; LPOldFirstPool.PreviousPartiallyFreePool := LPSmallBlockPool; LPSmallBlockPool.PreviousPartiallyFreePool := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LPSmallBlockType); LPSmallBlockType.NextPartiallyFreePool := LPSmallBlockPool; end; {Store the old first free block} PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := Cardinal(LOldFirstFreeBlock) or IsFreeBlockFlag; {Store this as the new first free block} LPSmallBlockPool.FirstFreeBlock := APointer; {Decrement the number of allocated blocks} Dec(LPSmallBlockPool.BlocksInUse); {Small block pools are never freed in full debug mode. This increases the likehood of success in catching objects still being used after being destroyed.} {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {Is the entire pool now free? -> Free it.} if LPSmallBlockPool.BlocksInUse = 0 then begin {Get the previous and next chunk managers} LPPreviousPool := LPSmallBlockPool.PreviousPartiallyFreePool; LPNextPool := LPSmallBlockPool.NextPartiallyFreePool; {Remove this manager} LPPreviousPool.NextPartiallyFreePool := LPNextPool; LPNextPool.PreviousPartiallyFreePool := LPPreviousPool; {Is this the sequential feed pool? If so, stop sequential feeding} if (LPSmallBlockType.CurrentSequentialFeedPool = LPSmallBlockPool) then LPSmallBlockType.MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress := nil; {Unlock this block type} LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked := False; {No longer a small block pool in use (the flag must be reset in the pascal version, since IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag = IsLargeBlockFlag)} PCardinal(Cardinal(LPSmallBlockPool) - 4)^ := PCardinal(Cardinal(LPSmallBlockPool) - 4)^ and (not IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag); {Release this pool} FastFreeMem(LPSmallBlockPool); end else begin {$endif} {Unlock this block type} LPSmallBlockType.BlockTypeLocked := False; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} end; {$endif} {No error} Result := 0; end else begin {Is this a medium block or a large block?} if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsLargeBlockFlag) = 0 then begin {Get the medium block size} LBlockSize := LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; {Lock the medium blocks} LockMediumBlocks; {Can we combine this block with the next free block?} LNextMediumBlock := PMediumFreeBlock(Cardinal(APointer) + LBlockSize); LNextMediumBlockSizeAndFlags := PCardinal(Cardinal(LNextMediumBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {Check that this block was flagged as in use in the next block} if (LNextMediumBlockSizeAndFlags and PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag) <> 0 then {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} {$endif} if (LNextMediumBlockSizeAndFlags and IsFreeBlockFlag) <> 0 then begin {Increase the size of this block} Inc(LBlockSize, LNextMediumBlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask); {Remove the next block as well} if LNextMediumBlockSizeAndFlags >= MinimumMediumBlockSize then RemoveMediumFreeBlock(LNextMediumBlock); end else begin {$endif} {Reset the "previous in use" flag of the next block} PCardinal(Cardinal(LNextMediumBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LNextMediumBlockSizeAndFlags or PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} end; {Can we combine this block with the previous free block? We need to re-read the flags since it could have changed before we could lock the medium blocks.} if (PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag) <> 0 then begin {Get the size of the free block just before this one} LPreviousMediumBlockSize := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - 8)^; {Get the start of the previous block} LPreviousMediumBlock := PMediumFreeBlock(Cardinal(APointer) - LPreviousMediumBlockSize); {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {Check that the previous block is actually free} if (PCardinal(Cardinal(LPreviousMediumBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) <> (IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag) then {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} {$endif} {Set the new block size} Inc(LBlockSize, LPreviousMediumBlockSize); {This is the new current block} APointer := LPreviousMediumBlock; {Remove the previous block from the linked list} if LPreviousMediumBlockSize >= MinimumMediumBlockSize then RemoveMediumFreeBlock(LPreviousMediumBlock); end; {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {Check that the previous block is currently flagged as in use} if (PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag) <> 0 then {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} {$endif} {Is the entire medium block pool free, and there are other free blocks that can fit the largest possible medium block? -> free it. (Except in full debug mode where medium pools are never freed.)} if (LBlockSize <> (MediumBlockPoolSize - MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize)) then begin {Store the size of the block as well as the flags} PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LBlockSize or (IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag); {$else} {Mark the block as free} Inc(PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^, IsFreeBlockFlag); {$endif} {Store the trailing size marker} PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) + LBlockSize - 8)^ := LBlockSize; {Insert this block back into the bins: Size check not required here, since medium blocks that are in use are not allowed to be shrunk smaller than MinimumMediumBlockSize} InsertMediumBlockIntoBin(APointer, LBlockSize); {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {Check that this block is actually free and the next and previous blocks are both in use.} if ((PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) <> (IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag)) or ((PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) + (PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and IsFreeBlockFlag) <> 0) then begin {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} end; {$endif} {$endif} {Unlock medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; {All OK} Result := 0; {$ifndef FullDebugMode} end else begin {Should this become the new sequential feed?} if MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft <> MediumBlockPoolSize - MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize then begin {Bin the current sequential feed} BinMediumSequentialFeedRemainder; {Set this medium pool up as the new sequential feed pool: Store the sequential feed pool trailer} PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) + LBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize)^ := IsMediumBlockFlag; {Store the number of bytes available in the sequential feed chunk} MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft := MediumBlockPoolSize - MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize; {Set the last sequentially fed block} LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock := Pointer(Cardinal(APointer) + LBlockSize); {Unlock medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; {Success} Result := 0; end else begin {Remove this medium block pool from the linked list} Dec(Cardinal(APointer), MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize); LPPreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader := PMediumBlockPoolHeader(APointer).PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader := PMediumBlockPoolHeader(APointer).NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPPreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader.PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPPreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader; {Unlock medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; {Free the medium block pool} if VirtualFree(APointer, 0, MEM_RELEASE) then Result := 0 else Result := -1; end; end; {$endif} end else begin {Validate: Is this actually a Large block, or is it an attempt to free an already freed small block?} if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsMediumBlockFlag) = 0 then Result := FreeLargeBlock(APointer) else Result := -1; end; end; end; {$else} {Replacement for SysFreeMem (pascal version)} function FastFreeMem(APointer: Pointer): Integer; asm {Get the block header in edx} mov edx, [eax - 4] {Is it a small block in use?} test dl, IsFreeBlockFlag + IsMediumBlockFlag + IsLargeBlockFlag {Save the pointer in ecx} mov ecx, eax {Save ebx} push ebx {Get the IsMultiThread variable in bl} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} mov bl, IsMultiThread {$endif} {Is it a small block that is in use?} jnz @NotSmallBlockInUse {Do we need to lock the block type?} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} test bl, bl {$endif} {Get the small block type in ebx} mov ebx, TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].BlockType {Do we need to lock the block type?} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} jnz @LockBlockTypeLoop {$else} jmp @LockBlockTypeLoop {Align branch target} nop {$endif} @GotLockOnSmallBlockType: {Current state: edx = @SmallBlockPoolHeader, ecx = APointer, ebx = @SmallBlockType} {Decrement the number of blocks in use} sub TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].BlocksInUse, 1 {Get the old first free block} mov eax, TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].FirstFreeBlock {Is the pool now empty?} jz @PoolIsNowEmpty {Was the pool full?} test eax, eax {Store this as the new first free block} mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].FirstFreeBlock, ecx {Store the previous first free block as the block header} lea eax, [eax + IsFreeBlockFlag] mov [ecx - 4], eax {Insert the pool back into the linked list if it was full} jz @SmallPoolWasFull {All ok} xor eax, eax {Unlock the block type} mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockTypeLocked, al {Restore registers} pop ebx {Done} ret {Align branch target} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} nop {$endif} @SmallPoolWasFull: {Insert this as the first partially free pool for the block size} mov ecx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].NextPartiallyFreePool mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].PreviousPartiallyFreePool, ebx mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].NextPartiallyFreePool, ecx mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[ecx].PreviousPartiallyFreePool, edx mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].NextPartiallyFreePool, edx {Unlock the block type} mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockTypeLocked, False {All ok} xor eax, eax {Restore registers} pop ebx {Done} ret {Align branch target} nop nop @PoolIsNowEmpty: {Was this pool actually in the linked list of pools with space? If not, it can only be the sequential feed pool (it is the only pool that may contain only one block, i.e. other blocks have not been split off yet)} test eax, eax jz @IsSequentialFeedPool {Pool is now empty: Remove it from the linked list and free it} mov eax, TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].PreviousPartiallyFreePool mov ecx, TSmallBlockPoolHeader[edx].NextPartiallyFreePool {Remove this manager} mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[eax].NextPartiallyFreePool, ecx mov TSmallBlockPoolHeader[ecx].PreviousPartiallyFreePool, eax {Zero out eax} xor eax, eax {Is this the sequential feed pool? If so, stop sequential feeding} cmp TSmallBlockType[ebx].CurrentSequentialFeedPool, edx jne @NotSequentialFeedPool @IsSequentialFeedPool: mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress, eax @NotSequentialFeedPool: {Unlock the block type} mov TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockTypeLocked, al {Release this pool} mov eax, edx mov edx, [edx - 4] {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} mov bl, IsMultiThread {$endif} jmp @FreeMediumBlock {Align branch target} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} nop nop {$endif} nop @LockBlockTypeLoop: mov eax, $100 {Attempt to grab the block type} lock cmpxchg TSmallBlockType([ebx]).BlockTypeLocked, ah je @GotLockOnSmallBlockType {Couldn't grab the block type - sleep and try again} push ecx push edx push InitialSleepTime call Sleep pop edx pop ecx {Try again} mov eax, $100 {Attempt to grab the block type} lock cmpxchg TSmallBlockType([ebx]).BlockTypeLocked, ah je @GotLockOnSmallBlockType {Couldn't grab the block type - sleep and try again} push ecx push edx push AdditionalSleepTime call Sleep pop edx pop ecx {Try again} jmp @LockBlockTypeLoop {Align branch target} nop nop {---------------------Medium blocks------------------------------} @LockMediumBlocks: mov eax, $100 {Attempt to lock the medium blocks} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @MediumBlocksLocked {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push InitialSleepTime call Sleep {Try again} mov eax, $100 {Attempt to lock the medium blocks} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @MediumBlocksLocked {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push AdditionalSleepTime call Sleep {Try again} jmp @LockMediumBlocks {Align branch target} nop nop @NotSmallBlockInUse: {Not a small block in use: is it a medium or large block?} test dl, IsFreeBlockFlag + IsLargeBlockFlag jnz @NotASmallOrMediumBlock @FreeMediumBlock: {Drop the flags} and edx, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask {Free the large block pointed to by eax, header in edx, bl = IsMultiThread} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} {Do we need to lock the medium blocks?} test bl, bl {$endif} {Block size in ebx} mov ebx, edx {Save registers} push esi {Pointer in esi} mov esi, eax {Do we need to lock the medium blocks?} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} jnz @LockMediumBlocks {$else} jmp @LockMediumBlocks {Align branch target} nop {$endif} @MediumBlocksLocked: {Can we combine this block with the next free block?} test dword ptr [esi + ebx - 4], IsFreeBlockFlag {Get the next block size and flags in ecx} mov ecx, [esi + ebx - 4] jnz @NextBlockIsFree {Set the "PreviousIsFree" flag in the next block} or ecx, PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag mov [esi + ebx - 4], ecx @NextBlockChecked: {Can we combine this block with the previous free block? We need to re-read the flags since it could have changed before we could lock the medium blocks.} test byte ptr [esi - 4], PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag jnz @PreviousBlockIsFree @PreviousBlockChecked: {Is the entire medium block pool free, and there are other free blocks that can fit the largest possible medium block -> free it.} cmp ebx, (MediumBlockPoolSize - MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize) je @EntireMediumPoolFree @BinFreeMediumBlock: {Store the size of the block as well as the flags} lea eax, [ebx + IsMediumBlockFlag + IsFreeBlockFlag] mov [esi - 4], eax {Store the trailing size marker} mov [esi + ebx - 8], ebx {Insert this block back into the bins: Size check not required here, since medium blocks that are in use are not allowed to be shrunk smaller than MinimumMediumBlockSize} mov eax, esi mov edx, ebx {Insert into bin} call InsertMediumBlockIntoBin {Unlock medium blocks} mov MediumBlocksLocked, False; {All OK} xor eax, eax {Restore registers} pop esi pop ebx {Return} ret {Align branch target} {$ifdef AssumeMultiThreaded} nop {$endif} nop @NextBlockIsFree: {Get the next block address in eax} lea eax, [esi + ebx] {Increase the size of this block} and ecx, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask add ebx, ecx {Was the block binned?} cmp ecx, MinimumMediumBlockSize jb @NextBlockChecked call RemoveMediumFreeBlock jmp @NextBlockChecked {Align branch target} nop @PreviousBlockIsFree: {Get the size of the free block just before this one} mov ecx, [esi - 8] {Include the previous block} sub esi, ecx {Set the new block size} add ebx, ecx {Remove the previous block from the linked list} cmp ecx, MinimumMediumBlockSize jb @PreviousBlockChecked mov eax, esi call RemoveMediumFreeBlock jmp @PreviousBlockChecked {Align branch target} @EntireMediumPoolFree: {Should we make this the new sequential feed medium block pool? If the current sequential feed pool is not entirely free, we make this the new sequential feed pool.} cmp MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft, MediumBlockPoolSize - MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize jne @MakeEmptyMediumPoolSequentialFeed {Point esi to the medium block pool header} sub esi, MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize {Remove this medium block pool from the linked list} mov eax, TMediumBlockPoolHeader[esi].PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader mov edx, TMediumBlockPoolHeader[esi].NextMediumBlockPoolHeader mov TMediumBlockPoolHeader[eax].NextMediumBlockPoolHeader, edx mov TMediumBlockPoolHeader[edx].PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader, eax {Unlock medium blocks} mov MediumBlocksLocked, False; {Free the medium block pool} push MEM_RELEASE push 0 push esi call VirtualFree {VirtualFree returns >0 if all is ok} cmp eax, 1 {Return 0 on all ok} sbb eax, eax {Restore registers} pop esi pop ebx ret {Align branch target} nop nop nop @MakeEmptyMediumPoolSequentialFeed: {Get a pointer to the end-marker block} lea ebx, [esi + MediumBlockPoolSize - MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize] {Bin the current sequential feed pool} call BinMediumSequentialFeedRemainder {Set this medium pool up as the new sequential feed pool: Store the sequential feed pool trailer} mov dword ptr [ebx - BlockHeaderSize], IsMediumBlockFlag {Store the number of bytes available in the sequential feed chunk} mov MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft, MediumBlockPoolSize - MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize {Set the last sequentially fed block} mov LastSequentiallyFedMediumBlock, ebx {Unlock medium blocks} mov MediumBlocksLocked, False; {Success} xor eax, eax {Restore registers} pop esi pop ebx ret {Align branch target} nop nop @NotASmallOrMediumBlock: {Restore ebx} pop ebx {Is it in fact a large block?} test dl, IsFreeBlockFlag + IsMediumBlockFlag jz FreeLargeBlock {Attempt to free an already free block} mov eax, -1 end; {$endif} {$ifndef FullDebugMode} {$ifndef ASMVersion} {Replacement for SysReallocMem (pascal version)} function FastReallocMem(APointer: Pointer; ANewSize: Integer): Pointer; var LBlockHeader, LBlockFlags, LOldAvailableSize, LNewAllocSize, LNextBlockSizeAndFlags, LNextBlockSize, LNewAvailableSize, LMinimumUpsize, LSecondSPlitSize, LNewBlockSize: Cardinal; LPSmallBlockType: PSmallBlockType; LPNextBlock, LPNextBlockHeader: Pointer; {Upsizes a large block in-place. The following variables are assumed correct: LBlockFlags, LOldAvailableSize, LPNextBlock, LNextBlockSizeAndFlags, LNextBlockSize, LNewAvailableSize. Medium blocks must be locked on entry if required.} procedure MediumBlockInPlaceUpsize; begin {Remove the next block} if LNextBlockSizeAndFlags >= MinimumMediumBlockSize then RemoveMediumFreeBlock(LPNextBlock); {Add 25% for medium block in-place upsizes} LMinimumUpsize := LOldAvailableSize + (LOldAvailableSize shr 2); if Cardinal(ANewSize) < LMinimumUpsize then LNewAllocSize := LMinimumUpsize else LNewAllocSize := ANewSize; {Round up to the nearest block size granularity} LNewBlockSize := ((LNewAllocSize + (BlockHeaderSize + MediumBlockGranularity - 1 - MediumBlockSizeOffset)) and -MediumBlockGranularity) + MediumBlockSizeOffset; {Calculate the size of the second split} LSecondSplitSize := LNewAvailableSize + BlockHeaderSize - LNewBlockSize; {Does it fit?} if Integer(LSecondSplitSize) <= 0 then begin {The block size is the full available size plus header} LNewBlockSize := LNewAvailableSize + BlockHeaderSize; {Grab the whole block: Mark it as used in the block following it} LPNextBlockHeader := Pointer(Cardinal(APointer) + LNewAvailableSize); PCardinal(LPNextBlockHeader)^ := PCardinal(LPNextBlockHeader)^ and (not PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag); end else begin {Split the block in two} LPNextBlock := PMediumFreeBlock(Cardinal(APointer) + LNewBlockSize); {Set the size of the second split} PCardinal(Cardinal(LPNextBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LSecondSplitSize or (IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag); {Store the size of the second split as the second last dword} PCardinal(Cardinal(LPNextBlock) + LSecondSplitSize - 8)^ := LSecondSplitSize; {Put the remainder in a bin if it is big enough} if LSecondSplitSize >= MinimumMediumBlockSize then InsertMediumBlockIntoBin(LPNextBlock, LSecondSplitSize); end; {Set the size and flags for this block} PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LNewBlockSize or LBlockFlags; end; {In-place downsize of a medium block. On entry ANewSize must be less than half of LOldAvailableSize.} procedure MediumBlockInPlaceDownsize; begin {Round up to the next medium block size} LNewBlockSize := ((ANewSize + (BlockHeaderSize + MediumBlockGranularity - 1 - MediumBlockSizeOffset)) and -MediumBlockGranularity) + MediumBlockSizeOffset; {Get the size of the second split} LSecondSplitSize := (LOldAvailableSize + BlockHeaderSize) - LNewBlockSize; {Lock the medium blocks} LockMediumBlocks; {Set the new size} PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := (PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) or LNewBlockSize; {Is the next block in use?} LPNextBlock := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) + LOldAvailableSize + BlockHeaderSize); LNextBlockSizeAndFlags := PCardinal(Cardinal(LPNextBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^; if LNextBlockSizeAndFlags and IsFreeBlockFlag = 0 then begin {The next block is in use: flag its previous block as free} PCardinal(Cardinal(LPNextBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LNextBlockSizeAndFlags or PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag; end else begin {The next block is free: combine it} LNextBlockSizeAndFlags := LNextBlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; Inc(LSecondSplitSize, LNextBlockSizeAndFlags); if LNextBlockSizeAndFlags >= MinimumMediumBlockSize then RemoveMediumFreeBlock(LPNextBlock); end; {Set the split} LPNextBlock := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) + LNewBlockSize); {Store the free part's header} PCardinal(Cardinal(LPNextBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^ := LSecondSplitSize or (IsMediumBlockFlag or IsFreeBlockFlag); {Store the trailing size field} PCardinal(Cardinal(LPNextBlock) + LSecondSplitSize - 8)^ := LSecondSplitSize; {Bin this free block} if LSecondSplitSize >= MinimumMediumBlockSize then InsertMediumBlockIntoBin(LPNextBlock, LSecondSplitSize); {Unlock the medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; end; begin {Get the block header: Is it actually a small block?} LBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^; {Is it a small block that is in use?} if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsMediumBlockFlag or IsLargeBlockFlag) = 0 then begin {-----------------------------------Small block-------------------------------------} {The block header is a pointer to the block pool: Get the block type} LPSmallBlockType := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LBlockHeader).BlockType; {Get the available size inside blocks of this type.} LOldAvailableSize := LPSmallBlockType.BlockSize - BlockHeaderSize; {Is it an upsize or a downsize?} if LOldAvailableSize >= Cardinal(ANewSize) then begin {It's a downsize. Do we need to allocate a smaller block? Only if the new block size is less than a quarter of the available size less SmallBlockDownsizeCheckAdder bytes} if (Cardinal(ANewSize) * 4 + SmallBlockDownsizeCheckAdder) >= LOldAvailableSize then begin {In-place downsize - return the pointer} Result := APointer; exit; end else begin {Allocate a smaller block} Result := FastGetMem(ANewSize); {Allocated OK?} if Result <> nil then begin {Move the data across} {$ifdef UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines} {$ifdef Align16Bytes} MoveX16L4(APointer^, Result^, ANewSize); {$else} MoveX8L4(APointer^, Result^, ANewSize); {$endif} {$else} System.Move(APointer^, Result^, ANewSize); {$endif} {Free the old pointer} FastFreeMem(APointer); end; end; end else begin {This pointer is being reallocated to a larger block and therefore it is logical to assume that it may be enlarged again. Since reallocations are expensive, there is a minimum upsize percentage to avoid unnecessary future move operations.} {Must grow with at least 100% + x bytes} LNewAllocSize := LOldAvailableSize * 2 + SmallBlockUpsizeAdder; {Still not large enough?} if LNewAllocSize < Cardinal(ANewSize) then LNewAllocSize := ANewSize; {Allocate the new block} Result := FastGetMem(LNewAllocSize); {Allocated OK?} if Result <> nil then begin {Do we need to store the requested size? Only large blocks store the requested size.} if LNewAllocSize > (MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize) then PLargeBlockHeader(Cardinal(Result) - LargeBlockHeaderSize).UserAllocatedSize := ANewSize; {Move the data across} {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines} LPSmallBlockType.UpsizeMoveProcedure(APointer^, Result^, LOldAvailableSize); {$else} System.Move(APointer^, Result^, LOldAvailableSize); {$endif} {Free the old pointer} FastFreeMem(APointer); end; end; end else begin {Is this a medium block or a large block?} if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsLargeBlockFlag) = 0 then begin {-------------------------------Medium block--------------------------------------} {What is the available size in the block being reallocated?} LOldAvailableSize := (LBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask); {Get a pointer to the next block} LPNextBlock := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) + LOldAvailableSize); {Subtract the block header size from the old available size} Dec(LOldAvailableSize, BlockHeaderSize); {Is it an upsize or a downsize?} if Cardinal(ANewSize) > LOldAvailableSize then begin {Can we do an in-place upsize?} LNextBlockSizeAndFlags := PCardinal(Cardinal(LPNextBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^; {Is the next block free?} if LNextBlockSizeAndFlags and IsFreeBlockFlag <> 0 then begin LNextBlockSize := LNextBlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; {The available size including the next block} LNewAvailableSize := LOldAvailableSize + LNextBlockSize; {Can the block fit?} if Cardinal(ANewSize) <= LNewAvailableSize then begin {The next block is free and there is enough space to grow this block in place.} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} if IsMultiThread then begin {$endif} {Multi-threaded application - lock medium blocks and re-read the information on the blocks.} LockMediumBlocks; {Re-read the info for this block} LBlockFlags := PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) - BlockHeaderSize)^ and ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; {Re-read the info for the next block} LNextBlockSizeAndFlags := PCardinal(Cardinal(LPNextBlock) - BlockHeaderSize)^; {Recalculate the next block size} LNextBlockSize := LNextBlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; {The available size including the next block} LNewAvailableSize := LOldAvailableSize + LNextBlockSize; {Is the next block still free and the size still sufficient?} if (LNextBlockSizeAndFlags and IsFreeBlockFlag <> 0) and (Cardinal(ANewSize) <= LNewAvailableSize) then begin {Upsize the block in-place} MediumBlockInPlaceUpsize; {Unlock the medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; {Return the result} Result := APointer; {Done} exit; end; {Couldn't use the block: Unlock the medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} end else begin {Extract the block flags} LBlockFlags := ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask and LBlockHeader; {Upsize the block in-place} MediumBlockInPlaceUpsize; {Return the result} Result := APointer; {Done} exit; end; {$endif} end; end; {Couldn't upsize in place. Grab a new block and move the data across: If we have to reallocate and move medium blocks, we grow by at least 25%} LMinimumUpsize := LOldAvailableSize + (LOldAvailableSize shr 2); if Cardinal(ANewSize) < LMinimumUpsize then LNewAllocSize := LMinimumUpsize else LNewAllocSize := ANewSize; {Allocate the new block} Result := FastGetMem(LNewAllocSize); if Result <> nil then begin {If its a Large block - store the actual user requested size} if LNewAllocSize > (MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize) then PLargeBlockHeader(Cardinal(Result) - LargeBlockHeaderSize).UserAllocatedSize := ANewSize; {Move the data across} {$ifdef UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines} MoveX16L4(APointer^, Result^, LOldAvailableSize); {$else} System.Move(APointer^, Result^, LOldAvailableSize); {$endif} {Free the old block} FastFreeMem(APointer); end; end else begin {Must be less than half the current size or we don't bother resizing.} if Cardinal(ANewSize * 2) >= LOldAvailableSize then begin Result := APointer; end else begin {In-place downsize? Balance the cost of moving the data vs. the cost of fragmenting the memory pool. Medium blocks in use may never be smaller than MinimumMediumBlockSize.} if ANewSize >= (MinimumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize) then begin MediumBlockInPlaceDownsize; Result := APointer; end else begin {The requested size is less than the minimum medium block size. If the requested size is less than the threshold value (currently a quarter of the minimum medium block size), move the data to a small block, otherwise shrink the medium block to the minimum allowable medium block size.} if Cardinal(ANewSize) >= MediumInPlaceDownsizeLimit then begin {The request is for a size smaller than the minimum medium block size, but not small enough to justify moving data: Reduce the block size to the minimum medium block size} ANewSize := MinimumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize; {Is it already at the minimum medium block size?} if LOldAvailableSize > Cardinal(ANewSize) then MediumBlockInPlaceDownsize; Result := APointer; end else begin {Allocate the new block} Result := FastGetMem(ANewSize); if Result <> nil then begin {Move the data across} {$ifdef UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines} {$ifdef Align16Bytes} MoveX16L4(APointer^, Result^, ANewSize); {$else} MoveX8L4(APointer^, Result^, ANewSize); {$endif} {$else} System.Move(APointer^, Result^, ANewSize); {$endif} {Free the old block} FastFreeMem(APointer); end; end; end; end; end; end else begin {Is this a valid large block?} if LBlockHeader and (IsFreeBlockFlag or IsMediumBlockFlag) = 0 then begin {-----------------------Large block------------------------------} Result := ReallocateLargeBlock(APointer, ANewSize); end else begin {-----------------------Invalid block------------------------------} {Bad pointer: probable attempt to reallocate a free memory block.} Result := nil; end; end; end; end; {$else} {Replacement for SysReallocMem (asm version)} function FastReallocMem(APointer: Pointer; ANewSize: Integer): Pointer; asm {On entry: eax = APointer; edx = ANewSize} {Get the block header: Is it actually a small block?} mov ecx, [eax - 4] {Is it a small block?} test cl, IsFreeBlockFlag + IsMediumBlockFlag + IsLargeBlockFlag {Save ebx} push ebx {Save esi} push esi {Save the original pointer in esi} mov esi, eax {Is it a small block?} jnz @NotASmallBlock {-----------------------------------Small block-------------------------------------} {Get the block type in ebx} mov ebx, TSmallBlockPoolHeader[ecx].BlockType {Get the available size inside blocks of this type.} movzx ecx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockSize sub ecx, 4 {Is it an upsize or a downsize?} cmp ecx, edx jb @SmallUpsize {It's a downsize. Do we need to allocate a smaller block? Only if the new size is less than a quarter of the available size less SmallBlockDownsizeCheckAdder bytes} lea ebx, [edx * 4 + SmallBlockDownsizeCheckAdder] cmp ebx, ecx jb @NotSmallInPlaceDownsize {In-place downsize - return the original pointer} pop esi pop ebx ret {Align branch target} nop @NotSmallInPlaceDownsize: {Save the requested size} mov ebx, edx {Allocate a smaller block} mov eax, edx call FastGetMem {Allocated OK?} test eax, eax jz @SmallDownsizeDone {Move data across: count in ecx} mov ecx, ebx {Destination in edx} mov edx, eax {Save the result in ebx} mov ebx, eax {Original pointer in eax} mov eax, esi {Move the data across} {$ifdef UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines} {$ifdef Align16Bytes} call MoveX16L4 {$else} call MoveX8L4 {$endif} {$else} call System.Move {$endif} {Free the original pointer} mov eax, esi call FastFreeMem {Return the pointer} mov eax, ebx @SmallDownsizeDone: pop esi pop ebx ret {Align branch target} nop nop @SmallUpsize: {State: esi = APointer, edx = ANewSize, ecx = Current Block Size, ebx = Current Block Type} {This pointer is being reallocated to a larger block and therefore it is logical to assume that it may be enlarged again. Since reallocations are expensive, there is a minimum upsize percentage to avoid unnecessary future move operations.} {Small blocks always grow with at least 100% + SmallBlockUpsizeAdder bytes} lea ecx, [ecx + ecx + SmallBlockUpsizeAdder] {save edi} push edi {Save the requested size in edi} mov edi, edx {New allocated size is the maximum of the requested size and the minimum upsize} xor eax, eax sub ecx, edx adc eax, -1 and eax, ecx add eax, edx {Allocate the new block} call FastGetMem {Allocated OK?} test eax, eax jz @SmallUpsizeDone {Do we need to store the requested size? Only large blocks store the requested size.} cmp edi, MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize jbe @NotSmallUpsizeToLargeBlock {Store the user requested size} mov [eax - 8], edi @NotSmallUpsizeToLargeBlock: {Get the size to move across} movzx ecx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].BlockSize sub ecx, BlockHeaderSize {Move to the new block} mov edx, eax {Save the result in edi} mov edi, eax {Move from the old block} mov eax, esi {Move the data across} {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines} call TSmallBlockType[ebx].UpsizeMoveProcedure {$else} call System.Move {$endif} {Free the old pointer} mov eax, esi call FastFreeMem {Done} mov eax, edi @SmallUpsizeDone: pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret {Align branch target} nop @NotASmallBlock: {Is this a medium block or a large block?} test cl, IsFreeBlockFlag + IsLargeBlockFlag jnz @PossibleLargeBlock {-------------------------------Medium block--------------------------------------} {Status: ecx = Current Block Size + Flags, eax/esi = APointer, edx = Requested Size} mov ebx, ecx {Drop the flags from the header} and ecx, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask {Save edi} push edi {Get a pointer to the next block in edi} lea edi, [eax + ecx] {Subtract the block header size from the old available size} sub ecx, BlockHeaderSize {Get the complete flags in ebx} and ebx, ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask {Is it an upsize or a downsize?} cmp edx, ecx {Save ebp} push ebp {Is it an upsize or a downsize?} ja @MediumBlockUpsize {Status: ecx = Current Block Size - 4, bl = Current Block Flags, edi = @Next Block, eax/esi = APointer, edx = Requested Size} {Must be less than half the current size or we don't bother resizing.} lea ebp, [edx + edx] cmp ebp, ecx jb @MediumMustDownsize @MediumNoResize: {Restore registers} pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx {Return} ret {Align branch target} nop nop nop @MediumMustDownsize: {In-place downsize? Balance the cost of moving the data vs. the cost of fragmenting the memory pool. Medium blocks in use may never be smaller than MinimumMediumBlockSize.} cmp edx, MinimumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize jae @MediumBlockInPlaceDownsize {The requested size is less than the minimum medium block size. If the requested size is less than the threshold value (currently a quarter of the minimum medium block size), move the data to a small block, otherwise shrink the medium block to the minimum allowable medium block size.} cmp edx, MediumInPlaceDownsizeLimit jb @MediumDownsizeRealloc {The request is for a size smaller than the minimum medium block size, but not small enough to justify moving data: Reduce the block size to the minimum medium block size} mov edx, MinimumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize {Is it already at the minimum medium block size?} cmp ecx, edx jna @MediumNoResize @MediumBlockInPlaceDownsize: {Round up to the next medium block size} lea ebp, [edx + BlockHeaderSize + MediumBlockGranularity - 1 - MediumBlockSizeOffset] and ebp, -MediumBlockGranularity; add ebp, MediumBlockSizeOffset {Get the size of the second split} add ecx, BlockHeaderSize sub ecx, ebp {Lock the medium blocks} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} cmp IsMultiThread, False je @DoMediumInPlaceDownsize {$endif} {We have to re-read the flags} @DoMediumLockForDownsize: {Lock the medium blocks} mov eax, $100 {Attempt to lock the medium blocks} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @MediumDownsizeRereadFlags {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push ecx push InitialSleepTime call Sleep pop ecx {Try again} mov eax, $100 {Attempt to grab the block type} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @MediumDownsizeRereadFlags {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push ecx push AdditionalSleepTime call Sleep pop ecx {Try again} jmp @DoMediumLockForDownsize {Align branch target} {$ifdef AssumeMultiThreaded} nop {$endif} @MediumDownsizeRereadFlags: mov ebx, ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask and ebx, [esi - 4] @DoMediumInPlaceDownsize: {Set the new size} or ebx, ebp mov [esi - 4], ebx {Get the second split size in ebx} mov ebx, ecx {Is the next block in use?} mov edx, [edi - 4] test dl, IsFreeBlockFlag jnz @MediumDownsizeNextBlockFree {The next block is in use: flag its previous block as free} or edx, PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag mov [edi - 4], edx jmp @MediumDownsizeDoSplit {Align branch target} nop @MediumDownsizeNextBlockFree: {The next block is free: combine it} mov eax, edi and edx, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask add ebx, edx add edi, edx cmp edx, MinimumMediumBlockSize jb @MediumDownsizeDoSplit call RemoveMediumFreeBlock @MediumDownsizeDoSplit: {Store the trailing size field} mov [edi - 8], ebx {Store the free part's header} lea eax, [ebx + IsMediumBlockFlag + IsFreeBlockFlag]; mov [esi + ebp - 4], eax {Bin this free block} cmp ebx, MinimumMediumBlockSize jb @MediumBlockDownsizeDone lea eax, [esi + ebp] mov edx, ebx call InsertMediumBlockIntoBin @MediumBlockDownsizeDone: {Unlock the medium blocks} mov MediumBlocksLocked, False {Result = old pointer} mov eax, esi {Restore registers} pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx {Return} ret {Align branch target} @MediumDownsizeRealloc: {Save the requested size} mov edi, edx mov eax, edx {Allocate the new block} call FastGetMem test eax, eax jz @MediumBlockDownsizeExit {Save the result} mov ebp, eax mov edx, eax mov eax, esi mov ecx, edi {Move the data across} {$ifdef UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines} {$ifdef Align16Bytes} call MoveX16L4 {$else} call MoveX8L4 {$endif} {$else} call System.Move {$endif} mov eax, esi call FastFreeMem {Return the result} mov eax, ebp @MediumBlockDownsizeExit: pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret {Align branch target} @MediumBlockUpsize: {Status: ecx = Current Block Size - 4, bl = Current Block Flags, edi = @Next Block, eax/esi = APointer, edx = Requested Size} {Can we do an in-place upsize?} mov eax, [edi - 4] test al, IsFreeBlockFlag jz @CannotUpsizeMediumBlockInPlace {Get the total available size including the next block} and eax, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask {ebp = total available size including the next block (excluding the header)} lea ebp, [eax + ecx] {Can the block fit?} cmp edx, ebp ja @CannotUpsizeMediumBlockInPlace {The next block is free and there is enough space to grow this block in place.} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} cmp IsMultiThread, False je @DoMediumInPlaceUpsize {$endif} @DoMediumLockForUpsize: {Lock the medium blocks} mov eax, $100 {Attempt to lock the medium blocks} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @RecheckMediumInPlaceUpsize {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push ecx push edx push InitialSleepTime call Sleep pop edx pop ecx {Try again} mov eax, $100 {Attempt to grab the block type} lock cmpxchg MediumBlocksLocked, ah je @RecheckMediumInPlaceUpsize {Couldn't lock the medium blocks - sleep and try again} push ecx push edx push AdditionalSleepTime call Sleep pop edx pop ecx {Try again} jmp @DoMediumLockForUpsize {Align branch target} {$ifdef AssumeMultiThreaded} nop {$endif} @RecheckMediumInPlaceUpsize: {Re-read the info for this block} mov ebx, ExtractMediumAndLargeFlagsMask and ebx, [esi - 4] {Re-read the info for the next block} mov eax, [edi - 4] {Next block still free?} test al, IsFreeBlockFlag jz @NextMediumBlockChanged {Recalculate the next block size} and eax, DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask {The available size including the next block} lea ebp, [eax + ecx] {Can the block still fit?} cmp edx, ebp ja @NextMediumBlockChanged @DoMediumInPlaceUpsize: {Is the next block binnable?} cmp eax, MinimumMediumBlockSize {Remove the next block} jb @MediumInPlaceNoNextRemove mov eax, edi push ecx push edx call RemoveMediumFreeBlock pop edx pop ecx @MediumInPlaceNoNextRemove: {Medium blocks grow a minimum of 25% in in-place upsizes} mov eax, ecx shr eax, 2 add eax, ecx {Get the maximum of the requested size and the minimum growth size} xor edi, edi sub eax, edx adc edi, -1 and eax, edi {Round up to the nearest block size granularity} lea eax, [eax + edx + BlockHeaderSize + MediumBlockGranularity - 1 - MediumBlockSizeOffset] and eax, -MediumBlockGranularity add eax, MediumBlockSizeOffset {Calculate the size of the second split} lea edx, [ebp + BlockHeaderSize] sub edx, eax {Does it fit?} ja @MediumInPlaceUpsizeSplit {Grab the whole block: Mark it as used in the block following it} and dword ptr [esi + ebp], not PreviousMediumBlockIsFreeFlag {The block size is the full available size plus header} add ebp, 4 {Upsize done} jmp @MediumUpsizeInPlaceDone {Align branch target} nop nop @MediumInPlaceUpsizeSplit: {Store the size of the second split as the second last dword} mov [esi + ebp - 4], edx {Set the second split header} lea edi, [edx + IsMediumBlockFlag + IsFreeBlockFlag] mov [esi + eax - 4], edi mov ebp, eax cmp edx, MinimumMediumBlockSize jb @MediumUpsizeInPlaceDone add eax, esi call InsertMediumBlockIntoBin @MediumUpsizeInPlaceDone: {Set the size and flags for this block} or ebp, ebx mov [esi - 4], ebp {Unlock the medium blocks} mov MediumBlocksLocked, False {Result = old pointer} mov eax, esi @MediumBlockResizeDone2: {Restore registers} pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx {Return} ret {Align branch target for "@CannotUpsizeMediumBlockInPlace"} nop nop @NextMediumBlockChanged: {The next medium block changed while the medium blocks were being locked} mov MediumBlocksLocked, False @CannotUpsizeMediumBlockInPlace: {Couldn't upsize in place. Grab a new block and move the data across: If we have to reallocate and move medium blocks, we grow by at least 25%} mov eax, ecx shr eax, 2 add eax, ecx {Get the maximum of the requested size and the minimum growth size} xor edi, edi sub eax, edx adc edi, -1 and eax, edi add eax, edx {Save the size to allocate} mov ebp, eax {Save the size to move across} mov edi, ecx {Get the block} push edx call FastGetMem pop edx {Success?} test eax, eax jz @MediumBlockResizeDone2 {If it's a Large block - store the actual user requested size} cmp ebp, MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize jbe @MediumUpsizeNotLarge mov [eax - 8], edx @MediumUpsizeNotLarge: {Save the result} mov ebp, eax {Move the data across} mov edx, eax mov eax, esi mov ecx, edi {$ifdef UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines} call MoveX16L4 {$else} call System.Move {$endif} {Free the old block} mov eax, esi call FastFreeMem {Restore the result} mov eax, ebp {Restore registers} pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx {Return} ret {Align branch target} nop @PossibleLargeBlock: {-----------------------Large block------------------------------} {Restore registers} pop esi pop ebx {Is this a valid large block?} test cl, IsFreeBlockFlag + IsMediumBlockFlag jz ReallocateLargeBlock {-----------------------Invalid block------------------------------} xor eax, eax end; {$endif} {$endif} {Allocates a block and fills it with zeroes} {$ifndef ASMVersion} function FastAllocMem(ASize: Cardinal): Pointer; begin Result := FastGetMem(ASize); {Large blocks are already zero filled} if (Result <> nil) and (ASize <= (MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize)) then FillChar(Result^, ASize, 0); end; {$else} function FastAllocMem(ASize: Cardinal): Pointer; asm push ebx {Get the size rounded down to the previous multiple of 4 into ebx} lea ebx, [eax - 1] and ebx, -4 {Get the block} call FastGetMem {Could a block be allocated? ecx = 0 if yes, $ffffffff if no} cmp eax, 1 sbb ecx, ecx {Point edx to the last dword} lea edx, [eax + ebx] {ebx = $ffffffff if no block could be allocated, otherwise size rounded down to previous multiple of 4} or ebx, ecx {Large blocks are already zero filled} cmp ebx, MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize jae @Done {Make the counter negative based} neg ebx {Load zero into st(0)} fldz {Clear groups of 8 bytes. Block sizes are always four less than a multiple of 8, with a minimum of 12 bytes} @FillLoop: fst qword ptr [edx + ebx] add ebx, 8 js @FillLoop {Clear the last four bytes} mov [edx], ecx {Clear st(0)} ffree st(0) @Done: pop ebx end; {$endif} {-----------------Post Uninstall GetMem/FreeMem/ReallocMem-------------------} {$ifdef DetectMMOperationsAfterUninstall} function InvalidGetMem(ASize: Integer): Pointer; {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} var LErrorMessageTitle: array[0..1023] of char; {$endif} begin {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(InvalidGetMemMsg); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} AppendStringToModuleName(InvalidOperationTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, InvalidGetMemMsg, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} Result := nil; end; function InvalidFreeMem(APointer: Pointer): Integer; {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} var LErrorMessageTitle: array[0..1023] of char; {$endif} begin {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(InvalidFreeMemMsg); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} AppendStringToModuleName(InvalidOperationTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, InvalidFreeMemMsg, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} Result := -1; end; function InvalidReallocMem(APointer: Pointer; ANewSize: Integer): Pointer; {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} var LErrorMessageTitle: array[0..1023] of char; {$endif} begin {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(InvalidReallocMemMsg); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} AppendStringToModuleName(InvalidOperationTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, InvalidReallocMemMsg, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} Result := nil; end; function InvalidAllocMem(ASize: Cardinal): Pointer; {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} var LErrorMessageTitle: array[0..1023] of char; {$endif} begin {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(InvalidAllocMemMsg); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} AppendStringToModuleName(InvalidOperationTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, InvalidAllocMemMsg, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} Result := nil; end; function InvalidRegisterAndUnRegisterMemoryLeak(APointer: Pointer): Boolean; begin Result := False; end; {$endif} {-----------------Full Debug Mode Memory Manager Interface--------------------} {$ifdef FullDebugMode} procedure DeleteEventLog; begin {Delete the file} DeleteFile(MMLogFileName); end; procedure AppendEventLog(ABuffer: Pointer; ACount: Cardinal); var LFileHandle, LBytesWritten: Cardinal; LEventHeader: array[0..1023] of char; LMsgPtr: PChar; LSystemTime: TSystemTime; begin {Append the file} LFileHandle := CreateFile(MMLogFileName, GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if LFileHandle <> 0 then begin {Seek to the end of the file} SetFilePointer(LFileHandle, 0, nil, FILE_END); {Set the separator} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(CRLF, @LEventHeader[0], length(CRLF)); LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(EventSeparator, LMsgPtr, length(EventSeparator)); {Set the date & time} GetLocalTime(LSystemTime); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LSystemTime.wYear, LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := '/'; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LSystemTime.wMonth, LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := '/'; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LSystemTime.wDay, LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := ' '; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LSystemTime.wHour, LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := ':'; Inc(LMsgPtr); if LSystemTime.wMinute < 10 then begin LMsgPtr^ := '0'; Inc(LMsgPtr); end; LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LSystemTime.wMinute, LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := ':'; Inc(LMsgPtr); if LSystemTime.wSecond < 10 then begin LMsgPtr^ := '0'; Inc(LMsgPtr); end; LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LSystemTime.WSecond, LMsgPtr); {Write the header} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(EventSeparator, LMsgPtr, length(EventSeparator)); LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(CRLF, LMsgPtr, length(CRLF)); WriteFile(LFileHandle, LEventHeader[0], Cardinal(LMsgPtr) - Cardinal(@LEventHeader[0]), LBytesWritten, nil); {Write the data} WriteFile(LFileHandle, ABuffer^, ACount, LBytesWritten, nil); {Close the file} CloseHandle(LFileHandle); end; end; {Sets the default log filename} procedure SetDefaultMMLogFileName; var LModuleNameLength: Cardinal; begin {Get the name of the application} LModuleNameLength := GetModuleFileName(0, @MMLogFileName[0], length(MMLogFileName) - 100); {Replace the last few characters} if LModuleNameLength > 0 then begin {Change the filename} System.Move(LogFileExtension, MMLogFileName[LModuleNameLength - 4], Length(LogFileExtension)); end; end; {Specify the full path and name for the filename to be used for logging memory errors, etc. If ALogFileName is nil or points to an empty string it will revert to the default log file name.} procedure SetMMLogFileName(ALogFileName: PChar = nil); var i: integer; begin if (ALogFileName <> nil) and (ALogFileName^ <> #0) then begin for i := 0 to length(MMLogFileName) - 2 do begin MMLogFileName[i] := ALogFileName^; if MMlogFileName[i] = #0 then break; Inc(ALogFileName); end; end else SetDefaultMMLogFileName; end; {Returns the current "allocation group". Whenever a GetMem request is serviced in FullDebugMode, the current "allocation group" is stored in the block header. This may help with debugging. Note that if a block is subsequently reallocated that it keeps its original "allocation group" and "allocation number" (all allocations are also numbered sequentially).} function GetCurrentAllocationGroup: Cardinal; begin Result := AllocationGroupStack[AllocationGroupStackTop]; end; {Allocation groups work in a stack like fashion. Group numbers are pushed onto and popped off the stack. Note that the stack size is limited, so every push should have a matching pop.} procedure PushAllocationGroup(ANewCurrentAllocationGroup: Cardinal); begin if AllocationGroupStackTop < AllocationGroupStackSize - 1 then begin Inc(AllocationGroupStackTop); AllocationGroupStack[AllocationGroupStackTop] := ANewCurrentAllocationGroup; end else begin {Raise a runtime error if the stack overflows} {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} end; end; procedure PopAllocationGroup; begin if AllocationGroupStackTop > 0 then begin Dec(AllocationGroupStackTop); end else begin {Raise a runtime error if the stack underflows} {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} end; end; {Sums all the dwords starting at the given address.} function SumCardinals(AStartValue: Cardinal; APointer: PCardinal; ACount: Cardinal): Cardinal; asm {On entry: eax = AStartValue, edx = APointer; ecx = ACount} add edx, ecx neg ecx @AddLoop: add eax, [edx + ecx] add edx, 4 js @AddLoop end; {Sums all the dwords starting at the given address for the fill pattern. Returns true if they are all valid} function CheckFillPattern(APointer: PCardinal; ACount: Cardinal): boolean; asm {On entry: eax = APointer; edx = ACount} add eax, edx neg edx @CheckLoop: cmp dword ptr [eax + edx], DebugFillDWord jne @Done add edx, 4 js @CheckLoop @Done: sete al end; {Calculates the checksum for the debug header. Adds all dwords in the debug header to the start address of the block.} function CalculateHeaderCheckSum(APointer: PFullDebugBlockHeader): Cardinal; begin Result := SumCardinals(Cardinal(APointer), PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) + 8), SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) - 8 - 4); end; procedure UpdateHeaderAndFooterCheckSums(APointer: PFullDebugBlockHeader); var LHeaderCheckSum: Cardinal; begin LHeaderCheckSum := CalculateHeaderCheckSum(APointer); APointer.HeaderCheckSum := LHeaderCheckSum; PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + APointer.UserSize)^ := not LHeaderCheckSum; end; function LogCurrentStackTrace(ASkipFrames: Cardinal; ABuffer: PChar): PChar; var LCurrentStackTrace: TStackTrace; begin {Get the current call stack} GetStackTrace(@LCurrentStackTrace[0], StackTraceDepth, ASkipFrames); {List it} Result := AppendStringToBuffer(CurrentStackTraceMsg, ABuffer, length(CurrentStackTraceMsg)); Result := LogStackTrace(@LCurrentStackTrace, StackTraceDepth, Result); end; function LogMemoryDump(APointer: PFullDebugBlockHeader; ABuffer: PChar): PChar; var LByteNum, LVal: Cardinal; LDataPtr: PByte; begin Result := AppendStringToBuffer(MemoryDumpMsg, ABuffer, Length(MemoryDumpMsg)); Result := CardinalToHexBuf(Cardinal(APointer) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader), Result); Result^ := ':'; Inc(Result); {Add the bytes} LDataPtr := PByte(Cardinal(APointer) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); for LByteNum := 0 to 255 do begin if LByteNum and 31 = 0 then begin Result^ := #13; Inc(Result); Result^ := #10; Inc(Result); end else begin Result^ := ' '; Inc(Result); end; {Set the hex data} LVal := LDataPtr^; Result^ := HexTable[LVal shr 4]; Inc(Result); Result^ := HexTable[LVal and $f]; Inc(Result); {Next byte} Inc(LDataPtr); end; {Dump ASCII} LDataPtr := PByte(Cardinal(APointer) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); for LByteNum := 0 to 255 do begin if LByteNum and 31 = 0 then begin Result^ := #13; Inc(Result); Result^ := #10; Inc(Result); end else begin Result^ := ' '; Inc(Result); Result^ := ' '; Inc(Result); end; {Set the hex data} LVal := LDataPtr^; if LVal < 32 then Result^ := '.' else Result^ := Char(LVal); Inc(Result); {Next byte} Inc(LDataPtr); end; end; procedure LogBlockError(APointer: PFullDebugBlockHeader; AOperation: TBlockOperation; LHeaderValid, LFooterValid: Boolean); var LMsgPtr: PChar; LErrorMessage: array[0..32767] of char; {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} LErrorMessageTitle: array[0..1023] of char; {$endif} LClass: TClass; LClassName: ShortString; begin {Display the error header and the operation type.} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(ErrorMsgHeader, @LErrorMessage[0], Length(ErrorMsgHeader)); case AOperation of boGetMem: LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(GetMemMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(GetMemMsg)); boFreeMem: LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(FreeMemMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(FreeMemMsg)); boReallocMem: LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(ReallocMemMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(ReallocMemMsg)); boBlockCheck: LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(BlockCheckMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(BlockCheckMsg)); end; LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(OperationMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(OperationMsg)); {Is the header still intact?} if LHeaderValid then begin {Is the footer still valid?} if LFooterValid then begin {A freed block has been modified, or a double free has occurred} if AOperation <= boGetMem then LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(FreeModifiedErrorMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(FreeModifiedErrorMsg)) else LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(DoubleFreeErrorMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(DoubleFreeErrorMsg)); end else begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(BlockFooterCorruptedMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(BlockFooterCorruptedMsg)) end; {Set the block size message} if AOperation <= boGetMem then LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(PreviousBlockSizeMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(PreviousBlockSizeMsg)) else LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(CurrentBlockSizeMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(CurrentBlockSizeMsg)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(APointer.UserSize, LMsgPtr); {The header is still intact - display info about the this/previous allocation} if APointer.AllocationStackTrace[0] <> 0 then begin if AOperation <= boGetMem then LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(StackTraceAtPrevAllocMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(StackTraceAtPrevAllocMsg)) else LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(StackTraceAtAllocMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(StackTraceAtAllocMsg)); LMsgPtr := LogStackTrace(@APointer.AllocationStackTrace, StackTraceDepth, LMsgPtr); end; {Get the class this block was used for previously} LClass := GetObjectClass(@APointer.PreviouslyUsedByClass); if (LClass <> nil) and (Cardinal(LClass) <> Cardinal(@FreedObjectVMT.VMTMethods[0])) then begin LClassName := LClass.ClassName; LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(PreviousObjectClassMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(PreviousObjectClassMsg)); LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(@LClassName[1], LMsgPtr, Length(LClassName)); end; {Get the current class for this block} if (AOperation > boGetMem) and (not LFooterValid) then begin LClass := GetObjectClass(Pointer(Cardinal(APointer) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader))); if (LClass <> nil) and (Cardinal(LClass) <> Cardinal(@FreedObjectVMT.VMTMethods[0])) then LClassName := LClass.ClassName else LClassName := UnknownClassNameMsg; LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(CurrentObjectClassMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(CurrentObjectClassMsg)); LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(@LClassName[1], LMsgPtr, Length(LClassName)); {Log the allocation group} if APointer.AllocationGroup > 0 then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(CurrentAllocationGroupMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(CurrentAllocationGroupMsg)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(APointer.AllocationGroup, LMsgPtr); end; {Log the allocation number} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(CurrentAllocationNumberMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(CurrentAllocationNumberMsg)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(APointer.AllocationNumber, LMsgPtr); end else begin {Log the allocation group} if APointer.AllocationGroup > 0 then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(PreviousAllocationGroupMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(PreviousAllocationGroupMsg)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(APointer.AllocationGroup, LMsgPtr); end; {Log the allocation number} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(PreviousAllocationNumberMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(PreviousAllocationNumberMsg)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(APointer.AllocationNumber, LMsgPtr); end; {Get the call stack for the previous free} if APointer.FreeStackTrace[0] <> 0 then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(StackTraceAtFreeMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(StackTraceAtFreeMsg)); LMsgPtr := LogStackTrace(@APointer.FreeStackTrace, StackTraceDepth, LMsgPtr); end; end else begin {Header has been corrupted} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(BlockHeaderCorruptedMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(BlockHeaderCorruptedMsg)); end; {Add the current stack trace} LMsgPtr := LogCurrentStackTrace(3 + ord(AOperation <> boGetMem) + ord(AOperation = boReallocMem), LMsgPtr); {Add the memory dump} LMsgPtr := LogMemoryDump(APointer, LMsgPtr); {Trailing CRLF} LMsgPtr^ := #13; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := #10; Inc(LMsgPtr); {Trailing #0} LMsgPtr^ := #0; {$ifdef LogErrorsToFile} {Log the error} AppendEventLog(@LErrorMessage[0], Cardinal(LMsgPtr) - Cardinal(@LErrorMessage[0])); {$endif} {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(LErrorMessage); {$endif} {Show the message} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} AppendStringToModuleName(BlockErrorMsgTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, LErrorMessage, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} end; {Logs the stack traces for a memory leak to file} procedure LogMemoryLeakOrAllocatedBlock(APointer: PFullDebugBlockHeader; IsALeak: Boolean); var LHeaderValid: boolean; LMsgPtr: PChar; LErrorMessage: array[0..32767] of char; LClass: TClass; LClassName: ShortString; begin {Display the error header and the operation type.} if IsALeak then LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(LeakLogHeader, @LErrorMessage[0], Length(LeakLogHeader)) else LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(BlockScanLogHeader, @LErrorMessage[0], Length(BlockScanLogHeader)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(GetAvailableSpaceInBlock(APointer) - FullDebugBlockOverhead, LMsgPtr); {Is the debug info surrounding the block valid?} LHeaderValid := CalculateHeaderCheckSum(APointer) = APointer.HeaderCheckSum; {Is the header still intact?} if LHeaderValid then begin {The header is still intact - display info about this/previous allocation} if APointer.AllocationStackTrace[0] <> 0 then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(StackTraceAtAllocMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(StackTraceAtAllocMsg)); LMsgPtr := LogStackTrace(@APointer.AllocationStackTrace, StackTraceDepth, LMsgPtr); end; {Get the current class for this block} LClass := GetObjectClass(Pointer(Cardinal(APointer) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader))); if (LClass <> nil) and (Cardinal(LClass) <> Cardinal(@FreedObjectVMT.VMTMethods[0])) then LClassName := LClass.ClassName else LClassName := UnknownClassNameMsg; LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(CurrentObjectClassMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(CurrentObjectClassMsg)); LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(@LClassName[1], LMsgPtr, Length(LClassName)); {Log the allocation group} if APointer.AllocationGroup > 0 then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(CurrentAllocationGroupMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(CurrentAllocationGroupMsg)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(APointer.AllocationGroup, LMsgPtr); end; {Log the allocation number} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(CurrentAllocationNumberMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(CurrentAllocationNumberMsg)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(APointer.AllocationNumber, LMsgPtr); end else begin {Header has been corrupted} LMsgPtr^ := '.'; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := ' '; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(BlockHeaderCorruptedMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(BlockHeaderCorruptedMsg)); end; {Add the memory dump} LMsgPtr := LogMemoryDump(APointer, LMsgPtr); {Trailing CRLF} LMsgPtr^ := #13; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := #10; Inc(LMsgPtr); {Trailing #0} LMsgPtr^ := #0; {Log the error} AppendEventLog(@LErrorMessage[0], Cardinal(LMsgPtr) - Cardinal(@LErrorMessage[0])); end; {Checks that a free block is unmodified} function CheckFreeBlockUnmodified(APBlock: PFullDebugBlockHeader; ABlockSize: Cardinal; AOperation: TBlockOperation): Boolean; var LHeaderCheckSum: Cardinal; LHeaderValid, LFooterValid{$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces}, LBlockUnmodified{$endif}: boolean; begin LHeaderCheckSum := CalculateHeaderCheckSum(APBlock); LHeaderValid := LHeaderCheckSum = PFullDebugBlockHeader(APBlock).HeaderCheckSum; {Is the footer itself still in place} LFooterValid := LHeaderValid and (PCardinal(Cardinal(APBlock) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + PFullDebugBlockHeader(APBlock).UserSize)^ = (not LHeaderCheckSum)); {$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces} if LFooterValid then begin {Clear the old footer} PCardinal(Cardinal(APBlock) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + PFullDebugBlockHeader(APBlock).UserSize)^ := DebugFillDWord; {Check that all the filler bytes are valid inside the block, except for the four byte "dummy" class header} LBlockUnmodified := CheckFillPattern(PCardinal(Cardinal(APBlock) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + 4), ABlockSize - (BlockHeaderSize + FullDebugBlockOverhead)); {Reset the old footer} PCardinal(Cardinal(APBlock) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + PFullDebugBlockHeader(APBlock).UserSize)^ := not LHeaderCheckSum; end else LBlockUnmodified := False; {$endif} if (not LHeaderValid) or (not LFooterValid){$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces}or (not LBlockUnmodified){$endif} then begin LogBlockError(APBlock, AOperation, LHeaderValid, LFooterValid); Result := False; end else Result := True; end; function DebugGetMem(ASize: Integer): Pointer; begin {We need extra space for (a) The debug header, (b) the block debug trailer and (c) the trailing block size pointer for free blocks} Result := FastGetMem(ASize + FullDebugBlockOverhead); if Result <> nil then begin if CheckFreeBlockUnmodified(Result, GetAvailableSpaceInBlock(Result) + 4, boGetMem) then begin {Set the allocation call stack} GetStackTrace(@PFullDebugBlockHeader(Result).AllocationStackTrace, StackTraceDepth, 1); {Block is now in use} PFullDebugBlockHeader(Result).BlockInUse := True; {Set the group number} PFullDebugBlockHeader(Result).AllocationGroup := AllocationGroupStack[AllocationGroupStackTop]; {Set the allocation number} Inc(CurrentAllocationNumber); PFullDebugBlockHeader(Result).AllocationNumber := CurrentAllocationNumber; {Clear the previous block trailer} PCardinal(Cardinal(Result) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + PFullDebugBlockHeader(Result).UserSize)^ := DebugFillDWord; {Set the user size for the block} PFullDebugBlockHeader(Result).UserSize := ASize; {Set the checksums} UpdateHeaderAndFooterCheckSums(Result); {Return the start of the actual block} Result := Pointer(Cardinal(Result) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); end else begin Result := nil; end; end; end; function CheckBlockBeforeFreeOrRealloc(APointer: PFullDebugBlockHeader; AOperation: TBlockOperation): boolean; var LHeaderValid, LFooterValid: boolean; begin {Is the debug info surrounding the block valid?} LHeaderValid := CalculateHeaderCheckSum(APointer) = APointer.HeaderCheckSum; LFooterValid := LHeaderValid and (APointer.HeaderCheckSum = (not PCardinal(Cardinal(APointer) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader) + PFullDebugBlockHeader(APointer).UserSize)^)); if LHeaderValid and LFooterValid and APointer.BlockInUse then begin Result := True; end else begin {Log the error} LogBlockError(APointer, AOperation, LHeaderValid, LFooterValid); {Return an error} Result := False; end; end; function DebugFreeMem(APointer: Pointer): Integer; var LActualBlock: PFullDebugBlockHeader; begin {Get a pointer to the start of the actual block} LActualBlock := PFullDebugBlockHeader(Cardinal(APointer) - SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); {Is the debug info surrounding the block valid?} if CheckBlockBeforeFreeOrRealloc(LActualBlock, boFreeMem) then begin {Get the class the block was used for} LActualBlock.PreviouslyUsedByClass := PCardinal(APointer)^; {Set the free call stack} GetStackTrace(@LActualBlock.FreeStackTrace, StackTraceDepth, 1); {Block is now free} LActualBlock.BlockInUse := False; {Clear the user area of the block} FillDWord(APointer^, LActualBlock.UserSize, {$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces}DebugFillDWord{$else}Cardinal(@VMTBadInterface){$endif}); {Set a pointer to the dummy VMT} PCardinal(APointer)^ := Cardinal(@FreedObjectVMT.VMTMethods[0]); {Recalculate the checksums} UpdateHeaderAndFooterCheckSums(LActualBlock); {Free the actual block} Result := FastFreeMem(LActualBlock); end else begin Result := -1; end; end; {In debug mode we never do an in-place resize, data is always moved. This increases the likelihood of catching memory overwrite bugs.} function DebugReallocMem(APointer: Pointer; ANewSize: Integer): Pointer; var LMoveSize, LBlockSpace: Cardinal; LActualBlock, LNewActualBlock: PFullDebugBlockHeader; begin {Get a pointer to the start of the actual block} LActualBlock := PFullDebugBlockHeader(Cardinal(APointer) - SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); {Is the debug info surrounding the block valid?} if CheckBlockBeforeFreeOrRealloc(LActualBlock, boReallocMem) then begin {Get the current block size} LBlockSpace := GetAvailableSpaceInBlock(LActualBlock); {Can the block fit? We need space for the debug overhead and the block header of the next block} if LBlockSpace < (Cardinal(ANewSize) + FullDebugBlockOverhead) then begin {Get a new block of the requested size} Result := DebugGetMem(ANewSize); if Result <> nil then begin {How many bytes to move?} LMoveSize := LActualBlock.UserSize; if LMoveSize > Cardinal(ANewSize) then LMoveSize := ANewSize; {Move the data across} System.Move(APointer^, Result^, LMoveSize); {Keep the old group and allocation numbers} LNewActualBlock := PFullDebugBlockHeader(Cardinal(Result) - SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); LNewActualBlock.AllocationGroup := LActualBlock.AllocationGroup; LNewActualBlock.AllocationNumber := LActualBlock.AllocationNumber; {This was not a new allocation number - decrement the allocation number that was incremented in the DebugGetMem call} Dec(CurrentAllocationNumber); {Recalculate the header and footer checksums} UpdateHeaderAndFooterCheckSums(LNewActualBlock); {Free the old block} DebugFreeMem(APointer); end else begin Result := nil; end; end else begin {Clear all data after the new end of the block up to the old end of the block, including the trailer} FillDWord(Pointer(Cardinal(APointer) + Cardinal(ANewSize) + 4)^, Integer(LActualBlock.UserSize) - ANewSize, {$ifndef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces}DebugFillDWord{$else}Cardinal(@VMTBadInterface){$endif}); {Update the user size} LActualBlock.UserSize := ANewSize; {Set the new checksums} UpdateHeaderAndFooterCheckSums(LActualBlock); {Return the old pointer} Result := APointer; end; end else begin Result := nil; end; end; {Allocates a block and fills it with zeroes} function DebugAllocMem(ASize: Cardinal): Pointer; begin Result := DebugGetMem(ASize); {Large blocks are already zero filled} if (Result <> nil) and (ASize <= (MaximumMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize)) then FillChar(Result^, ASize, 0); end; {Logs detail about currently allocated memory blocks for the specified range of allocation groups. if ALastAllocationGroupToLog is less than AFirstAllocationGroupToLog or it is zero, then all allocation groups are logged. This routine also checks the memory pool for consistency at the same time.} procedure LogAllocatedBlocksToFile(AFirstAllocationGroupToLog, ALastAllocationGroupToLog: Cardinal); var LPLargeBlock: PLargeBlockHeader; LPMediumBlock: Pointer; LPMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; LMediumBlockHeader: Cardinal; {Checks the small block pool for allocated blocks} procedure ScanSmallBlockPool(APSmallBlockPool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader); var LCurPtr, LEndPtr: Pointer; begin {Get the first and last pointer for the pool} GetFirstAndLastSmallBlockInPool(APSmallBlockPool, LCurPtr, LEndPtr); {Step through all blocks} while Cardinal(LCurPtr) <= Cardinal(LEndPtr) do begin {Is this block in use? If so, is the debug info intact?} if ((PCardinal(Cardinal(LCurPtr) - 4)^ and IsFreeBlockFlag) = 0) then begin if CheckBlockBeforeFreeOrRealloc(LCurPtr, boBlockCheck) and (PFullDebugBlockHeader(LCurPtr).AllocationGroup >= AFirstAllocationGroupToLog) and (PFullDebugBlockHeader(LCurPtr).AllocationGroup <= ALastAllocationGroupToLog) then begin LogMemoryLeakOrAllocatedBlock(LCurPtr, False); end; end else begin {Check that the block has not been modified since being freed} CheckFreeBlockUnmodified(LCurPtr, APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.BlockSize, boBlockCheck); end; {Next block} Inc(Cardinal(LCurPtr), APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.BlockSize); end; end; begin {Validate input} if (ALastAllocationGroupToLog = 0) or (ALastAllocationGroupToLog < AFirstAllocationGroupToLog) then begin {Bad input: log all groups} AFirstAllocationGroupToLog := 0; ALastAllocationGroupToLog := $ffffffff; end; {Step through all the medium block pools} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; while LPMediumBlockPoolHeader <> @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList do begin LPMediumBlock := GetFirstMediumBlockInPool(LPMediumBlockPoolHeader); while LPMediumBlock <> nil do begin LMediumBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(LPMediumBlock) - 4)^; {Is the block in use?} if LMediumBlockHeader and IsFreeBlockFlag = 0 then begin {Block is in use: Is it a medium block or small block pool?} if (LMediumBlockHeader and IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag) <> 0 then begin {Get all the leaks for the small block pool} ScanSmallBlockPool(LPMediumBlock); end else begin if CheckBlockBeforeFreeOrRealloc(LPMediumBlock, boBlockCheck) and (PFullDebugBlockHeader(LPMediumBlock).AllocationGroup >= AFirstAllocationGroupToLog) and (PFullDebugBlockHeader(LPMediumBlock).AllocationGroup <= ALastAllocationGroupToLog) then begin LogMemoryLeakOrAllocatedBlock(LPMediumBlock, False); end; end; end else begin {Check that the block has not been modified since being freed} CheckFreeBlockUnmodified(LPMediumBlock, LMediumBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask, boBlockCheck); end; {Next medium block} LPMediumBlock := NextMediumBlock(LPMediumBlock); end; {Get the next medium block pool} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPMediumBlockPoolHeader.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; end; {Scan large blocks} LPLargeBlock := LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader; while (LPLargeBlock <> @LargeBlocksCircularList) do begin if CheckBlockBeforeFreeOrRealloc(Pointer(Cardinal(LPLargeBlock) + LargeBlockHeaderSize), boBlockCheck) and (PFullDebugBlockHeader(Cardinal(LPLargeBlock) + LargeBlockHeaderSize).AllocationGroup >= AFirstAllocationGroupToLog) and (PFullDebugBlockHeader(Cardinal(LPLargeBlock) + LargeBlockHeaderSize).AllocationGroup <= ALastAllocationGroupToLog) then begin LogMemoryLeakOrAllocatedBlock(Pointer(Cardinal(LPLargeBlock) + LargeBlockHeaderSize), False); end; {Get the next large block} LPLargeBlock := LPLargeBlock.NextLargeBlockHeader; end; end; {-----------------------Invalid Virtual Method Calls-------------------------} { TFreedObject } {Used to determine the index of the virtual method call on the freed object. Do not change this without updating MaxFakeVMTEntries. Currently 200.} procedure TFreedObject.GetVirtualMethodIndex; asm Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); 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Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); Inc(VMIndex); jmp TFreedObject.VirtualMethodError end; procedure TFreedObject.VirtualMethodError; var LVMOffset: Integer; LMsgPtr: PChar; LErrorMessage: array[0..32767] of char; {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} LErrorMessageTitle: array[0..1023] of char; {$endif} LClass: TClass; LClassName: ShortString; LActualBlock: PFullDebugBlockHeader; begin {Get the offset of the virtual method} LVMOffset := (MaxFakeVMTEntries - VMIndex) * 4 + vmtParent + 4; {Reset the index for the next error} VMIndex := 0; {Get the address of the actual block} LActualBlock := PFullDebugBlockHeader(Cardinal(Self) - SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); {Display the error header} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(VirtualMethodErrorHeader, @LErrorMessage[0], Length(VirtualMethodErrorHeader)); {Is the debug info surrounding the block valid?} if CalculateHeaderCheckSum(LActualBlock) = LActualBlock.HeaderCheckSum then begin {Get the class this block was used for previously} LClass := GetObjectClass(@LActualBlock.PreviouslyUsedByClass); if (LClass <> nil) and (Cardinal(LClass) <> Cardinal(@FreedObjectVMT.VMTMethods[0])) then begin LClassName := LClass.ClassName; LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(FreedObjectClassMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(FreedObjectClassMsg)); LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(@LClassName[1], LMsgPtr, Length(LClassName)); end; {Get the virtual method name} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(VirtualMethodName, LMsgPtr, Length(VirtualMethodName)); if LVMOffset < 0 then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(StandardVirtualMethodNames[LVMOffset div 4], LMsgPtr, Length(StandardVirtualMethodNames[LVMOffset div 4])); end else begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(VirtualMethodOffset, LMsgPtr, Length(VirtualMethodOffset)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LVMOffset, LMsgPtr); end; {Virtual method address} if (LClass <> nil) and (Cardinal(LClass) <> Cardinal(@FreedObjectVMT.VMTMethods[0])) then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(VirtualMethodAddress, LMsgPtr, Length(VirtualMethodAddress)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToHexBuf(PCardinal(Integer(LClass) + LVMOffset)^, LMsgPtr); end; {Log the allocation group} if LActualBlock.AllocationGroup > 0 then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(PreviousAllocationGroupMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(PreviousAllocationGroupMsg)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LActualBlock.AllocationGroup, LMsgPtr); end; {Log the allocation number} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(PreviousAllocationNumberMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(PreviousAllocationNumberMsg)); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LActualBlock.AllocationNumber, LMsgPtr); {The header is still intact - display info about the this/previous allocation} if LActualBlock.AllocationStackTrace[0] <> 0 then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(StackTraceAtObjectAllocMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(StackTraceAtObjectAllocMsg)); LMsgPtr := LogStackTrace(@LActualBlock.AllocationStackTrace, StackTraceDepth, LMsgPtr); end; {Get the call stack for the previous free} if LActualBlock.FreeStackTrace[0] <> 0 then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(StackTraceAtObjectFreeMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(StackTraceAtObjectFreeMsg)); LMsgPtr := LogStackTrace(@LActualBlock.FreeStackTrace, StackTraceDepth, LMsgPtr); end; end else begin {Header has been corrupted} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(BlockHeaderCorruptedNoHistoryMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(BlockHeaderCorruptedNoHistoryMsg)); end; {Add the current stack trace} LMsgPtr := LogCurrentStackTrace(2, LMsgPtr); {Add the pointer address} LMsgPtr := LogMemoryDump(LActualBlock, LMsgPtr); {Trailing CRLF} LMsgPtr^ := #13; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := #10; Inc(LMsgPtr); {Trailing #0} LMsgPtr^ := #0; {$ifdef LogErrorsToFile} {Log the error} AppendEventLog(@LErrorMessage[0], Cardinal(LMsgPtr) - Cardinal(@LErrorMessage[0])); {$endif} {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(LErrorMessage); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} {Show the message} AppendStringToModuleName(BlockErrorMsgTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, LErrorMessage, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} {Raise an access violation} RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, 0, 0, nil); end; {$ifdef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces} procedure TFreedObject.InterfaceError; var LMsgPtr: PChar; {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} LErrorMessageTitle: array[0..1023] of char; {$endif} LErrorMessage: array[0..4000] of char; begin {Display the error header} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(InterfaceErrorHeader, @LErrorMessage[0], Length(InterfaceErrorHeader)); {Add the current stack trace} LMsgPtr := LogCurrentStackTrace(2, LMsgPtr); {Trailing CRLF} LMsgPtr^ := #13; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := #10; Inc(LMsgPtr); {Trailing #0} LMsgPtr^ := #0; {$ifdef LogErrorsToFile} {Log the error} AppendEventLog(@LErrorMessage[0], Cardinal(LMsgPtr) - Cardinal(@LErrorMessage[0])); {$endif} {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(LErrorMessage); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} {Show the message} AppendStringToModuleName(BlockErrorMsgTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, LErrorMessage, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} {Raise an access violation} RaiseException(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, 0, 0, nil); end; {$endif} {$endif} {----------------------------Memory Leak Checking-----------------------------} {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {Adds a leak to the specified list} function UpdateExpectedLeakList(APLeakList: PPExpectedMemoryLeak; APNewEntry: PExpectedMemoryLeak; AExactSizeMatch: Boolean = True): boolean; var LPInsertAfter, LPNewEntry: PExpectedMemoryLeak; begin {Default to error} Result := False; {Find the insertion spot} LPInsertAfter := APLeakList^; while (LPInsertAfter <> nil) do begin {Too big?} if (LPInsertAfter.LeakSize > APNewEntry.LeakSize) then begin LPInsertAfter := LPInsertAfter.PreviousLeak; break; end; {Find a matching entry. If an exact size match is not required and the leak is larger than the current entry, use it if the expected size of the next entry is too large.} if (Cardinal(LPInsertAfter.LeakAddress) = Cardinal(APNewEntry.LeakAddress)) and (Cardinal(LPInsertAfter.LeakedClass) = Cardinal(APNewEntry.LeakedClass)) and ((LPInsertAfter.LeakSize = APNewEntry.LeakSize) or ((not AExactSizeMatch) and (LPInsertAfter.LeakSize < APNewEntry.LeakSize) and ((LPInsertAfter.NextLeak = nil) or (LPInsertAfter.NextLeak.LeakSize > APNewEntry.LeakSize)) )) then begin if Integer(LPInsertAfter.LeakCount + APNewEntry.LeakCount) >= 0 then begin Inc(LPInsertAfter.LeakCount, APNewEntry.LeakCount); {Is the count now 0?} if LPInsertAfter.LeakCount = 0 then begin {Delete the entry} if LPInsertAfter.NextLeak <> nil then LPInsertAfter.NextLeak.PreviousLeak := LPInsertAfter.PreviousLeak; if LPInsertAfter.PreviousLeak <> nil then LPInsertAfter.PreviousLeak.NextLeak := LPInsertAfter.NextLeak else APLeakList^ := LPInsertAfter.NextLeak; {Insert it as the first free slot} LPInsertAfter.NextLeak := ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstFreeSlot; ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstFreeSlot := LPInsertAfter; end; Result := True; end; exit; end; {Next entry} if LPInsertAfter.NextLeak <> nil then LPInsertAfter := LPInsertAfter.NextLeak else break; end; if APNewEntry.LeakCount > 0 then begin {Get a position for the entry} LPNewEntry := ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstFreeSlot; if LPNewEntry <> nil then begin ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstFreeSlot := LPNewEntry.NextLeak; end else begin if (ExpectedMemoryLeaks.EntriesUsed < length(ExpectedMemoryLeaks.ExpectedLeaks)) then begin LPNewEntry := @ExpectedMemoryLeaks.ExpectedLeaks[ExpectedMemoryLeaks.EntriesUsed]; Inc(ExpectedMemoryLeaks.EntriesUsed); end else begin {No more space} exit; end; end; {Set the entry} LPNewEntry^ := APNewEntry^; {Insert it into the list} LPNewEntry.PreviousLeak := LPInsertAfter; if LPInsertAfter <> nil then begin LPNewEntry.NextLeak := LPInsertAfter.NextLeak; LPInsertAfter.NextLeak := LPNewEntry; end else begin LPNewEntry.NextLeak := APLeakList^; APLeakList^ := LPNewEntry; end; Result := True; end; end; {Locks the expected leaks. Returns false if the list could not be allocated.} function LockExpectedMemoryLeaksList: Boolean; begin {Lock the expected leaks list} {$ifndef AssumeMultiThreaded} if IsMultiThread then {$endif} begin while LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @ExpectedMemoryLeaksListLocked) <> 0 do begin Sleep(InitialSleepTime); if LockCmpxchg(0, 1, @ExpectedMemoryLeaksListLocked) = 0 then break; Sleep(AdditionalSleepTime); end; end; {Allocate the list if it does not exist} if ExpectedMemoryLeaks = nil then ExpectedMemoryLeaks := VirtualAlloc(nil, ExpectedMemoryLeaksListSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); {Done} Result := ExpectedMemoryLeaks <> nil; end; {Registers expected memory leaks. Returns true on success. The list of leaked blocks is limited, so failure is possible if the list is full.} function RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedPointer: Pointer): boolean; overload; var LNewEntry: TExpectedMemoryLeak; begin {Fill out the structure} {$ifndef FullDebugMode} LNewEntry.LeakAddress := ALeakedPointer; {$else} LNewEntry.LeakAddress := Pointer(Cardinal(ALeakedPointer) - SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); {$endif} LNewEntry.LeakedClass := nil; LNewEntry.LeakSize := 0; LNewEntry.LeakCount := 1; {Add it to the correct list} Result := LockExpectedMemoryLeaksList and UpdateExpectedLeakList(@ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryByAddress, @LNewEntry); ExpectedMemoryLeaksListLocked := False; end; function RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedObjectClass: TClass; ACount: Integer = 1): boolean; overload; var LNewEntry: TExpectedMemoryLeak; begin {Fill out the structure} LNewEntry.LeakAddress := nil; LNewEntry.LeakedClass := ALeakedObjectClass; LNewEntry.LeakSize := ALeakedObjectClass.InstanceSize; LNewEntry.LeakCount := ACount; {Add it to the correct list} Result := LockExpectedMemoryLeaksList and UpdateExpectedLeakList(@ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryByClass, @LNewEntry); ExpectedMemoryLeaksListLocked := False; end; function RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedBlockSize: Integer; ACount: Integer = 1): boolean; overload; var LNewEntry: TExpectedMemoryLeak; begin {Fill out the structure} LNewEntry.LeakAddress := nil; LNewEntry.LeakedClass := nil; LNewEntry.LeakSize := ALeakedBlockSize; LNewEntry.LeakCount := ACount; {Add it to the correct list} Result := LockExpectedMemoryLeaksList and UpdateExpectedLeakList(@ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryBySizeOnly, @LNewEntry); ExpectedMemoryLeaksListLocked := False; end; function UnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedPointer: Pointer): boolean; overload; var LNewEntry: TExpectedMemoryLeak; begin {Fill out the structure} {$ifndef FullDebugMode} LNewEntry.LeakAddress := ALeakedPointer; {$else} LNewEntry.LeakAddress := Pointer(Cardinal(ALeakedPointer) - SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); {$endif} LNewEntry.LeakedClass := nil; LNewEntry.LeakSize := 0; LNewEntry.LeakCount := -1; {Remove it from the list} Result := LockExpectedMemoryLeaksList and UpdateExpectedLeakList(@ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryByAddress, @LNewEntry); ExpectedMemoryLeaksListLocked := False; end; function UnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedObjectClass: TClass; ACount: Integer = 1): boolean; overload; begin Result := RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedObjectClass, - ACount); end; function UnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedBlockSize: Integer; ACount: Integer = 1): boolean; overload; begin Result := RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak(ALeakedBlockSize, - ACount); end; {Returns a list of all expected memory leaks} function GetRegisteredMemoryLeaks: TRegisteredMemoryLeaks; procedure AddEntries(AEntry: PExpectedMemoryLeak); var LInd: integer; begin while AEntry <> nil do begin LInd := length(Result); SetLength(Result, LInd + 1); {Add the entry} {$ifndef FullDebugMode} Result[LInd].LeakAddress := AEntry.LeakAddress; {$else} Result[LInd].LeakAddress := Pointer(Cardinal(AEntry.LeakAddress) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); {$endif} Result[LInd].LeakedClass := AEntry.LeakedClass; Result[LInd].LeakSize := AEntry.LeakSize; Result[LInd].LeakCount := AEntry.LeakCount; {Next entry} AEntry := AEntry.NextLeak; end; end; begin SetLength(Result, 0); if (ExpectedMemoryLeaks <> nil) and LockExpectedMemoryLeaksList then begin {Add all entries} AddEntries(ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryByAddress); AddEntries(ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryByClass); AddEntries(ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryBySizeOnly); {Unlock the list} ExpectedMemoryLeaksListLocked := False; end; end; {$endif} {Checks blocks for modification after free and also for memory leaks} procedure CheckBlocksOnShutdown(ACheckForLeakedBlocks: Boolean); {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} type {Leaked class type} TLeakedClass = packed record ClassPointer: TClass; NumLeaks: Cardinal; end; TLeakedClasses = array[0..255] of TLeakedClass; PLeakedClasses = ^TLeakedClasses; {Leak statistics for a small block type} TSmallBlockLeaks = array[0..NumSmallBlockTypes - 1] of TLeakedClasses; {A leaked medium or large block} TMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks = array[0..4095] of Cardinal; {$endif} var {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {The leaked classes for small blocks} LSmallBlockLeaks: TSmallBlockLeaks; LLeakType: TMemoryLeakType; LMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks: TMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks; LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks: Integer; LPLargeBlock: PLargeBlockHeader; LLeakMessage: array[0..32767] of char; {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} LMessageTitleBuffer: array[0..1023] of char; {$endif} LMsgPtr: PChar; LClassName: ShortString; LExpectedLeaksOnly, LSmallLeakHeaderAdded, LBlockSizeHeaderAdded: Boolean; LBlockTypeInd, LMediumBlockSize, LLargeBlockSize, LClassInd, LPreviousBlockSize, LThisBlockSize, LBlockInd: Cardinal; {$endif} LPMediumBlock: Pointer; LPMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; LMediumBlockHeader: Cardinal; {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {Tries to account for a memory leak. Returns true if the leak is expected and removes the leak from the list} function GetMemoryLeakType(AAddress: Pointer; ASpaceInsideBlock: Cardinal): TMemoryLeakType; var LLeak: TExpectedMemoryLeak; begin {Default to not found} Result := mltUnexpectedLeak; if ExpectedMemoryLeaks <> nil then begin {Check by pointer address} LLeak.LeakAddress := AAddress; LLeak.LeakedClass := nil; LLeak.LeakSize := 0; LLeak.LeakCount := -1; if UpdateExpectedLeakList(@ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryByAddress, @LLeak, False) then begin Result := mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByPointer; exit; end; {Check by class} LLeak.LeakAddress := nil; {$ifdef FullDebugMode} LLeak.LeakedClass := TClass(PCardinal(Cardinal(AAddress)+ SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader))^); {$else} LLeak.LeakedClass := TClass(PCardinal(AAddress)^); {$endif} LLeak.LeakSize := ASpaceInsideBlock; if UpdateExpectedLeakList(@ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryByClass, @LLeak, False) then begin Result := mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByClass; exit; end; {Check by size: the block must be large enough to hold the leak} LLeak.LeakedClass := nil; if UpdateExpectedLeakList(@ExpectedMemoryLeaks.FirstEntryBySizeOnly, @LLeak, False) then Result := mltExpectedLeakRegisteredBySize; end; end; {Checks the small block pool for leaks.} procedure CheckSmallBlockPoolForLeaks(APSmallBlockPool: PSmallBlockPoolHeader); var LLeakedClass: TClass; LSmallBlockLeakType: TMemoryLeakType; LCharInd, LClassIndex, LStringLength: Integer; LPStr: PChar; LPossibleString: boolean; LCurPtr, LEndPtr, LDataPtr: Pointer; LBlockTypeIndex: Cardinal; LPLeakedClasses: PLeakedClasses; LSmallBlockSize: Cardinal; begin {Get the useable size inside a block} LSmallBlockSize := APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.BlockSize - BlockHeaderSize; {$ifdef FullDebugMode} Dec(LSmallBlockSize, FullDebugBlockOverhead); {$endif} {Get the block type index} LBlockTypeIndex := (Cardinal(APSmallBlockPool.BlockType) - Cardinal(@SmallBlockTypes[0])) div SizeOf(TSmallBlockType); LPLeakedClasses := @LSmallBlockLeaks[LBlockTypeIndex]; {Get the first and last pointer for the pool} GetFirstAndLastSmallBlockInPool(APSmallBlockPool, LCurPtr, LEndPtr); {Step through all blocks} while Cardinal(LCurPtr) <= Cardinal(LEndPtr) do begin {Is this block in use? If so, is the debug info intact?} if ((PCardinal(Cardinal(LCurPtr) - 4)^ and IsFreeBlockFlag) = 0) then begin {$ifdef FullDebugMode} if CheckBlockBeforeFreeOrRealloc(LCurPtr, boBlockCheck) then {$endif} begin {Get the leak type} LSmallBlockLeakType := GetMemoryLeakType(LCurPtr, LSmallBlockSize); {$ifdef LogMemoryLeakDetailToFile} {$ifdef HideExpectedLeaksRegisteredByPointer} if LSmallBlockLeakType <> mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByPointer then {$endif} LogMemoryLeakOrAllocatedBlock(LCurPtr, True); {$endif} {Only expected leaks?} LExpectedLeaksOnly := LExpectedLeaksOnly and (LSmallBlockLeakType <> mltUnexpectedLeak); {$ifdef HideExpectedLeaksRegisteredByPointer} if LSmallBlockLeakType <> mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByPointer then {$endif} begin {Get a pointer to the user data} {$ifndef FullDebugMode} LDataPtr := LCurPtr; {$else} LDataPtr := Pointer(Cardinal(LCurPtr) + SizeOf(TFullDebugBlockHeader)); {$endif} {Default to an unknown block} LClassIndex := 0; {Get the class contained by the block} LLeakedClass := GetObjectClass(LDataPtr); {Not a class? -> is it perhaps a string?} if LLeakedClass = nil then begin {Reference count < 256} if (PCardinal(LDataPtr)^ < 256) then begin LStringLength := PCardinal(Cardinal(LDataPtr) + 4)^; {Does the string fit?} if (LStringLength > 0) and (LStringLength < (APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.BlockSize - (8 + 1 + 4 {$ifdef FullDebugMode} + FullDebugBlockOverhead{$endif}))) then begin {Check that all characters are in range #32..#127} LPStr := PChar(Cardinal(LDataPtr) + 8); LPossibleString := True; for LCharInd := 1 to LStringLength do begin LPossibleString := LPossibleString and (LPStr^ >= #32) and (LPStr^ < #128); Inc(LPStr); end; {Must have a trailing #0} if LPossibleString and (LPStr^ = #0) then begin LClassIndex := 1; end; end; end; end else begin LClassIndex := 2; while LClassIndex <= High(TLeakedClasses) do begin if (LPLeakedClasses[LClassIndex].ClassPointer = LLeakedClass) or (LPLeakedClasses[LClassIndex].ClassPointer = nil) then begin break; end; Inc(LClassIndex); end; if LClassIndex <= High(TLeakedClasses) then LPLeakedClasses[LClassIndex].ClassPointer := LLeakedClass else LClassIndex := 0; end; {Add to the number of leaks for the class} Inc(LPLeakedClasses[LClassIndex].NumLeaks); end; end; end else begin {$ifdef CheckUseOfFreedBlocksOnShutdown} {Check that the block has not been modified since being freed} CheckFreeBlockUnmodified(LCurPtr, APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.BlockSize, boBlockCheck); {$endif} end; {Next block} Inc(Cardinal(LCurPtr), APSmallBlockPool.BlockType.BlockSize); end; end; {$endif} begin {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {Clear the leak arrays} FillChar(LSmallBlockLeaks, SizeOf(LSmallBlockLeaks), 0); FillChar(LMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks, SizeOf(LMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks), 0); {Step through all the medium block pools} LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks := 0; {No unexpected leaks so far} LExpectedLeaksOnly := True; {$endif} {Step through all the medium block pools} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; while LPMediumBlockPoolHeader <> @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList do begin LPMediumBlock := GetFirstMediumBlockInPool(LPMediumBlockPoolHeader); while LPMediumBlock <> nil do begin LMediumBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(LPMediumBlock) - 4)^; {Is the block in use?} if LMediumBlockHeader and IsFreeBlockFlag = 0 then begin {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} if ACheckForLeakedBlocks then begin if (LMediumBlockHeader and IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag) <> 0 then begin {Get all the leaks for the small block pool} CheckSmallBlockPoolForLeaks(LPMediumBlock); end else begin if (LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks < length(LMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks)) {$ifdef FullDebugMode} and CheckBlockBeforeFreeOrRealloc(LPMediumBlock, boBlockCheck) {$endif} then begin LMediumBlockSize := (LMediumBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - BlockHeaderSize; {$ifdef FullDebugMode} Dec(LMediumBlockSize, FullDebugBlockOverhead); {$endif} {Get the leak type} LLeakType := GetMemoryLeakType(LPMediumBlock, LMediumBlockSize); {Is it an expected leak?} LExpectedLeaksOnly := LExpectedLeaksOnly and (LLeakType <> mltUnexpectedLeak); {$ifdef LogMemoryLeakDetailToFile} {$ifdef HideExpectedLeaksRegisteredByPointer} if LLeakType <> mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByPointer then {$endif} LogMemoryLeakOrAllocatedBlock(LPMediumBlock, True); {$endif} {$ifdef HideExpectedLeaksRegisteredByPointer} if LLeakType <> mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByPointer then {$endif} begin {Add the leak to the list} LMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks[LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks] := LMediumBlockSize; Inc(LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks); end; end; end; end; {$endif} end else begin {$ifdef CheckUseOfFreedBlocksOnShutdown} {Check that the block has not been modified since being freed} CheckFreeBlockUnmodified(LPMediumBlock, LMediumBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask, boBlockCheck); {$endif} end; {Next medium block} LPMediumBlock := NextMediumBlock(LPMediumBlock); end; {Get the next medium block pool} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPMediumBlockPoolHeader.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; end; {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} if ACheckForLeakedBlocks then begin {Get all leaked large blocks} LPLargeBlock := LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader; while (LPLargeBlock <> @LargeBlocksCircularList) do begin if (LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks < length(LMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks)) {$ifdef FullDebugMode} and CheckBlockBeforeFreeOrRealloc(Pointer(Cardinal(LPLargeBlock) + LargeBlockHeaderSize), boBlockCheck) {$endif} then begin LLargeBlockSize := (LPLargeBlock.BlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask) - BlockHeaderSize - LargeBlockHeaderSize; {$ifdef FullDebugMode} Dec(LLargeBlockSize, FullDebugBlockOverhead); {$endif} {Get the leak type} LLeakType := GetMemoryLeakType(Pointer(Cardinal(LPLargeBlock) + LargeBlockHeaderSize), LLargeBlockSize); {Is it an expected leak?} LExpectedLeaksOnly := LExpectedLeaksOnly and (LLeakType <> mltUnexpectedLeak); {$ifdef LogMemoryLeakDetailToFile} {$ifdef HideExpectedLeaksRegisteredByPointer} if LLeakType <> mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByPointer then {$endif} LogMemoryLeakOrAllocatedBlock(Pointer(Cardinal(LPLargeBlock) + LargeBlockHeaderSize), True); {$endif} {$ifdef HideExpectedLeaksRegisteredByPointer} if LLeakType <> mltExpectedLeakRegisteredByPointer then {$endif} begin {Add the leak} LMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks[LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks] := LLargeBlockSize; Inc(LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks); end; end; {Get the next large block} LPLargeBlock := LPLargeBlock.NextLargeBlockHeader; end; {Display the leak message if required} if not LExpectedLeaksOnly then begin {Small leak header has not been added} LSmallLeakHeaderAdded := False; LPreviousBlockSize := 0; {Set up the leak message header so long} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(LeakMessageHeader, @LLeakMessage[0], length(LeakMessageHeader)); {Step through all the small block types} for LBlockTypeInd := 0 to NumSmallBlockTypes - 1 do begin LThisBlockSize := SmallBlockTypes[LBlockTypeInd].BlockSize - BlockHeaderSize; {$ifdef FullDebugMode} Dec(LThisBlockSize, FullDebugBlockOverhead); if Integer(LThisBlockSize) < 0 then LThisBlockSize := 0; {$endif} LBlockSizeHeaderAdded := False; {Any leaks?} for LClassInd := high(LSmallBlockLeaks[LBlockTypeInd]) downto 0 do begin {Is there still space in the message buffer? Reserve space for the message footer.} if LMsgPtr > @LLeakMessage[high(LLeakMessage) - 2048] then break; {Check the count} if LSmallBlockLeaks[LBlockTypeInd][LClassInd].NumLeaks > 0 then begin {Need to add the header?} if not LSmallLeakHeaderAdded then begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(SmallLeakDetail, LMsgPtr, Length(SmallLeakDetail)); LSmallLeakHeaderAdded := True; end; {Need to add the size header?} if not LBlockSizeHeaderAdded then begin LMsgPtr^ := #13; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := #10; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LPreviousBlockSize + 1, LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := ' '; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := '-'; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := ' '; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LThisBlockSize, LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(BytesMessage, LMsgPtr, Length(BytesMessage)); LBlockSizeHeaderAdded := True; end else begin LMsgPtr^ := ','; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := ' '; Inc(LMsgPtr); end; {Show the count} case LClassInd of {Unknown} 0: begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(UnknownClassNameMsg, LMsgPtr, Length(UnknownClassNameMsg)); end; {Strings} 1: begin LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(StringBlockMessage, LMsgPtr, Length(StringBlockMessage)); end; {Classes} else begin LClassName := LSmallBlockLeaks[LBlockTypeInd][LClassInd].ClassPointer.ClassName; LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(@LClassName[1], LMsgPtr, Length(LClassName)); end; end; {Add the count} LMsgPtr^ := ' '; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := 'x'; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := ' '; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LSmallBlockLeaks[LBlockTypeInd][LClassInd].NumLeaks, LMsgPtr); end; end; LPreviousBlockSize := LThisBlockSize; end; {Add the medium/large block leak message} if LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks > 0 then begin {Any non-small leaks?} if LSmallLeakHeaderAdded then begin LMsgPtr^ := #13; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := #10; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := #13; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := #10; Inc(LMsgPtr); end; {Add the medium/large block leak message} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(LargeLeakDetail, LMsgPtr, Length(LargeLeakDetail)); {List all the blocks} for LBlockInd := 0 to LNumMediumAndLargeLeaks - 1 do begin if LBlockInd <> 0 then begin LMsgPtr^ := ','; Inc(LMsgPtr); LMsgPtr^ := ' '; Inc(LMsgPtr); end; LMsgPtr := CardinalToStrBuf(LMediumAndLargeBlockLeaks[LBlockInd], LMsgPtr); {Is there still space in the message buffer? Reserve space for the message footer.} if LMsgPtr > @LLeakMessage[high(LLeakMessage) - 2048] then break; end; end; {$ifdef LogErrorsToFile} {Set the message footer} LMsgPtr := AppendStringToBuffer(LeakMessageFooter, LMsgPtr, Length(LeakMessageFooter)); {Append the message to the memory errors file} AppendEventLog(@LLeakMessage[0], Cardinal(LMsgPtr) - Cardinal(@LLeakMessage[1])); {$else} {Set the message footer} AppendStringToBuffer(LeakMessageFooter, LMsgPtr, Length(LeakMessageFooter)); {$endif} {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(LLeakMessage); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} {Show the message} AppendStringToModuleName(LeakMessageTitle, LMessageTitleBuffer); MessageBox(0, LLeakMessage, LMessageTitleBuffer, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} end; end; {$endif} end; {Returns statistics about the current state of the memory manager} procedure GetMemoryManagerState(var AMemoryManagerState: TMemoryManagerState); var LPMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPMediumBlock: Pointer; LInd: Integer; LBlockTypeIndex, LMediumBlockSize, LMediumBlockHeader, LLargeBlockSize: Cardinal; LPLargeBlock: PLargeBlockHeader; begin {Clear the structure} FillChar(AMemoryManagerState, SizeOf(AMemoryManagerState), 0); {Set the small block size stats} for LInd := 0 to NumSmallBlockTypes - 1 do begin AMemoryManagerState.SmallBlockTypeStates[LInd].InternalBlockSize := SmallBlockTypes[LInd].BlockSize; AMemoryManagerState.SmallBlockTypeStates[LInd].UseableBlockSize := SmallBlockTypes[LInd].BlockSize - BlockHeaderSize{$ifdef FullDebugMode} - FullDebugBlockOverhead{$endif}; if Integer(AMemoryManagerState.SmallBlockTypeStates[LInd].UseableBlockSize) < 0 then AMemoryManagerState.SmallBlockTypeStates[LInd].UseableBlockSize := 0; end; {Lock all small block types} LockAllSmallBlockTypes; {Lock the medium blocks} LockMediumBlocks; {Step through all the medium block pools} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; while LPMediumBlockPoolHeader <> @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList do begin {Add to the medium block used space} Inc(AMemoryManagerState.ReservedMediumBlockAddressSpace, MediumBlockPoolSize); LPMediumBlock := GetFirstMediumBlockInPool(LPMediumBlockPoolHeader); while LPMediumBlock <> nil do begin LMediumBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(LPMediumBlock) - 4)^; {Is the block in use?} if LMediumBlockHeader and IsFreeBlockFlag = 0 then begin {Get the block size} LMediumBlockSize := LMediumBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; if (LMediumBlockHeader and IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag) <> 0 then begin {Get the block type index} LBlockTypeIndex := (Cardinal(PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LPMediumBlock).BlockType) - Cardinal(@SmallBlockTypes[0])) div SizeOf(TSmallBlockType); {Subtract from medium block usage} Dec(AMemoryManagerState.ReservedMediumBlockAddressSpace, LMediumBlockSize); {Add it to the reserved space for the block size} Inc(AMemoryManagerState.SmallBlockTypeStates[LBlockTypeIndex].ReservedAddressSpace, LMediumBlockSize); {Add the usage for the pool} Inc(AMemoryManagerState.SmallBlockTypeStates[LBlockTypeIndex].AllocatedBlockCount, PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LPMediumBlock).BlocksInUse); end else begin {$ifdef FullDebugMode} Dec(LMediumBlockSize, FullDebugBlockOverhead); {$endif} Inc(AMemoryManagerState.AllocatedMediumBlockCount); Inc(AMemoryManagerState.TotalAllocatedMediumBlockSize, LMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize); end; end; {Next medium block} LPMediumBlock := NextMediumBlock(LPMediumBlock); end; {Get the next medium block pool} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPMediumBlockPoolHeader.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; end; {Unlock medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; {Unlock all the small block types} for LInd := 0 to NumSmallBlockTypes - 1 do SmallBlockTypes[LInd].BlockTypeLocked := False; {Step through all the large blocks} LockLargeBlocks; LPLargeBlock := LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader; while (LPLargeBlock <> @LargeBlocksCircularList) do begin LLargeBlockSize := LPLargeBlock.BlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; Inc(AMemoryManagerState.AllocatedLargeBlockCount); Inc(AMemoryManagerState.ReservedLargeBlockAddressSpace, LLargeBlockSize); Inc(AMemoryManagerState.TotalAllocatedLargeBlockSize, LPLargeBlock.UserAllocatedSize); {Get the next large block} LPLargeBlock := LPLargeBlock.NextLargeBlockHeader; end; LargeBlocksLocked := False; end; {$ifndef Linux} {Gets the state of every 64K block in the 4GB address space} procedure GetMemoryMap(var AMemoryMap: TMemoryMap); var LPMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPLargeBlock: PLargeBlockHeader; LLargeBlockSize, LChunkIndex, LInd: Cardinal; LMBI: TMemoryBasicInformation; begin {Clear the map} FillChar(AMemoryMap, SizeOf(AMemoryMap), ord(csUnallocated)); {Step through all the medium block pools} LockMediumBlocks; LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; while LPMediumBlockPoolHeader <> @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList do begin {Add to the medium block used space} LChunkIndex := Cardinal(LPMediumBlockPoolHeader) shr 16; for LInd := 0 to (MediumBlockPoolSize - 1) shr 16 do AMemoryMap[LChunkIndex + LInd] := csAllocated; {Get the next medium block pool} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPMediumBlockPoolHeader.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; end; MediumBlocksLocked := False; {Step through all the large blocks} LockLargeBlocks; LPLargeBlock := LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader; while (LPLargeBlock <> @LargeBlocksCircularList) do begin LChunkIndex := Cardinal(LPLargeBlock) shr 16; LLargeBlockSize := LPLargeBlock.BlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; for LInd := 0 to (LLargeBlockSize - 1) shr 16 do AMemoryMap[LChunkIndex + LInd] := csAllocated; {Get the next large block} LPLargeBlock := LPLargeBlock.NextLargeBlockHeader; end; LargeBlocksLocked := False; {Fill in the rest of the map} for LInd := 0 to 65535 do begin {If the chunk is not allocated by this MM, what is its status?} if AMemoryMap[LInd] = csUnallocated then begin {Get all the reserved memory blocks and windows allocated memory blocks, etc.} VirtualQuery(Pointer(LInd * 65536), LMBI, SizeOf(LMBI)); if LMBI.State = MEM_COMMIT then AMemoryMap[LInd] := csSysAllocated else if LMBI.State = MEM_RESERVE then AMemoryMap[LInd] := csSysReserved; end; end; end; {$endif} {Returns summarised information about the state of the memory manager. (For backward compatibility.)} function FastGetHeapStatus: THeapStatus; var LPMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPMediumBlock: Pointer; LBlockTypeIndex, LMediumBlockSize, LMediumBlockHeader, LLargeBlockSize, LSmallBlockUsage, LSmallBlockOverhead: Cardinal; LInd: Integer; LPLargeBlock: PLargeBlockHeader; begin {Clear the structure} FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); {Lock all small block types} LockAllSmallBlockTypes; {Lock the medium blocks} LockMediumBlocks; {Step through all the medium block pools} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; while LPMediumBlockPoolHeader <> @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList do begin {Add to the total and committed address space} Inc(Result.TotalAddrSpace, ((MediumBlockPoolSize + $ffff) and $ffff0000)); Inc(Result.TotalCommitted, ((MediumBlockPoolSize + $ffff) and $ffff0000)); {Add the medium block pool overhead} Inc(Result.Overhead, (((MediumBlockPoolSize + $ffff) and $ffff0000) - MediumBlockPoolSize + MediumBlockPoolHeaderSize)); {Get the first medium block in the pool} LPMediumBlock := GetFirstMediumBlockInPool(LPMediumBlockPoolHeader); while LPMediumBlock <> nil do begin {Get the block header} LMediumBlockHeader := PCardinal(Cardinal(LPMediumBlock) - 4)^; {Get the block size} LMediumBlockSize := LMediumBlockHeader and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; {Is the block in use?} if LMediumBlockHeader and IsFreeBlockFlag = 0 then begin if (LMediumBlockHeader and IsSmallBlockPoolInUseFlag) <> 0 then begin {Get the block type index} LBlockTypeIndex := (Cardinal(PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LPMediumBlock).BlockType) - Cardinal(@SmallBlockTypes[0])) div SizeOf(TSmallBlockType); {Get the usage in the block} LSmallBlockUsage := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LPMediumBlock).BlocksInUse * SmallBlockTypes[LBlockTypeIndex].BlockSize; {Get the total overhead for all the small blocks} LSmallBlockOverhead := PSmallBlockPoolHeader(LPMediumBlock).BlocksInUse * (BlockHeaderSize{$ifdef FullDebugMode} + FullDebugBlockOverhead{$endif}); {Add to the totals} Inc(Result.FreeSmall, LMediumBlockSize - LSmallBlockUsage - BlockHeaderSize); Inc(Result.Overhead, LSmallBlockOverhead + BlockHeaderSize); Inc(Result.TotalAllocated, LSmallBlockUsage - LSmallBlockOverhead); end else begin {$ifdef FullDebugMode} Dec(LMediumBlockSize, FullDebugBlockOverhead); Inc(Result.Overhead, FullDebugBlockOverhead); {$endif} {Add to the result} Inc(Result.TotalAllocated, LMediumBlockSize - BlockHeaderSize); Inc(Result.Overhead, BlockHeaderSize); end; end else begin {The medium block is free} Inc(Result.FreeBig, LMediumBlockSize); end; {Next medium block} LPMediumBlock := NextMediumBlock(LPMediumBlock); end; {Get the next medium block pool} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPMediumBlockPoolHeader.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; end; {Add the sequential feed unused space} Inc(Result.Unused, MediumSequentialFeedBytesLeft); {Unlock the medium blocks} MediumBlocksLocked := False; {Unlock all the small block types} for LInd := 0 to NumSmallBlockTypes - 1 do SmallBlockTypes[LInd].BlockTypeLocked := False; {Step through all the large blocks} LockLargeBlocks; LPLargeBlock := LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader; while (LPLargeBlock <> @LargeBlocksCircularList) do begin LLargeBlockSize := LPLargeBlock.BlockSizeAndFlags and DropMediumAndLargeFlagsMask; Inc(Result.TotalAddrSpace, LLargeBlockSize); Inc(Result.TotalCommitted, LLargeBlockSize); Inc(Result.TotalAllocated, LPLargeBlock.UserAllocatedSize {$ifdef FullDebugMode} - FullDebugBlockOverhead{$endif}); Inc(Result.Overhead, LLargeBlockSize - LPLargeBlock.UserAllocatedSize {$ifdef FullDebugMode} + FullDebugBlockOverhead{$endif}); {Get the next large block} LPLargeBlock := LPLargeBlock.NextLargeBlockHeader; end; LargeBlocksLocked := False; {Set the total number of free bytes} Result.TotalFree := Result.FreeSmall + Result.FreeBig + Result.Unused; end; {Frees all allocated memory.} procedure FreeAllMemory; var LPMediumBlockPoolHeader, LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader: PMediumBlockPoolHeader; LPMediumFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; LPLargeBlock, LPNextLargeBlock: PLargeBlockHeader; LInd: integer; begin {Free all block pools} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; while LPMediumBlockPoolHeader <> @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList do begin {Get the next medium block pool so long} LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPMediumBlockPoolHeader.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader; {Free this pool} VirtualFree(LPMediumBlockPoolHeader, 0, MEM_RELEASE); {Next pool} LPMediumBlockPoolHeader := LPNextMediumBlockPoolHeader; end; {Clear all small block types} for LInd := 0 to high(SmallBlockTypes) do begin SmallBlockTypes[Lind].PreviousPartiallyFreePool := @SmallBlockTypes[Lind]; SmallBlockTypes[Lind].NextPartiallyFreePool := @SmallBlockTypes[Lind]; SmallBlockTypes[Lind].NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress := pointer(1); SmallBlockTypes[Lind].MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress := nil; end; {Clear all medium block pools} MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader := @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList; MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader := @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList; {All medium bins are empty} for LInd := 0 to high(MediumBlockBins) do begin LPMediumFreeBlock := @MediumBlockBins[LInd]; LPMediumFreeBlock.PreviousFreeBlock := LPMediumFreeBlock; LPMediumFreeBlock.NextFreeBlock := LPMediumFreeBlock; end; {Free all large blocks} LPLargeBlock := LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader; while LPLargeBlock <> @LargeBlocksCircularList do begin {Get the next large block} LPNextLargeBlock := LPLargeBlock.NextLargeBlockHeader; {Free this large block} VirtualFree(LPLargeBlock, 0, MEM_RELEASE); {Next large block} LPLargeBlock := LPNextLargeBlock; end; {There are no large blocks allocated} LargeBlocksCircularList.PreviousLargeBlockHeader := @LargeBlocksCircularList; LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader := @LargeBlocksCircularList; end; {----------------------------Memory Manager Setup-----------------------------} {Checks that no other memory manager has been installed after the RTL MM and that there are currently no live pointers allocated through the RTL MM.} function CheckCanInstallMemoryManager: boolean; {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} var LErrorMessageTitle: array[0..1023] of char; {$endif} begin {Default to error} Result := False; {Is FastMM already installed?} if FastMMIsInstalled then begin {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(AlreadyInstalledMsg); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} AppendStringToModuleName(AlreadyInstalledTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, AlreadyInstalledMsg, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} exit; end; {Has another MM been set, or has the Borland MM been used? If so, this file is not the first unit in the uses clause of the project's .dpr file.} if IsMemoryManagerSet then begin {When using runtime packages, another library may already have installed FastMM: Silently ignore the installation request.} {$ifndef UseRuntimePackages} {Another memory manager has been set.} {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(OtherMMInstalledMsg); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} AppendStringToModuleName(OtherMMInstalledTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, OtherMMInstalledMsg, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} {$endif} exit; end; {$ifndef Linux} if (GetHeapStatus.TotalAllocated <> 0) then begin {Memory has been already been allocated with the RTL MM} {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} OutputDebugString(MemoryAllocatedMsg); {$endif} {$ifndef NoMessageBoxes} AppendStringToModuleName(MemoryAllocatedTitle, LErrorMessageTitle); MessageBox(0, MemoryAllocatedMsg, LErrorMessageTitle, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR or MB_TASKMODAL); {$endif} exit; end; {$endif} {All OK} Result := True; end; {Initializes the lookup tables for the memory manager} procedure InitializeMemoryManager; var i, LSizeInd, LMinimumPoolSize, LOptimalPoolSize, LGroupNumber, LBlocksPerPool, LPreviousBlockSize: Cardinal; LPMediumFreeBlock: PMediumFreeBlock; begin {$ifdef EnableMMX} {$ifndef ForceMMX} UseMMX := MMX_Supported; {$endif} {$endif} {Initialize the memory manager} {-------------Set up the small block types-------------} LPreviousBlockSize := 0; for i := 0 to high(SmallBlockTypes) do begin {Set the move procedure} {$ifdef UseCustomFixedSizeMoveRoutines} {The upsize move procedure may move chunks in 16 bytes even with 8-byte alignment, since the new size will always be at least 8 bytes bigger than the old size.} if not Assigned(SmallBlockTypes[i].UpsizeMoveProcedure) then {$ifdef UseCustomVariableSizeMoveRoutines} SmallBlockTypes[i].UpsizeMoveProcedure := MoveX16L4; {$else} SmallBlockTypes[i].UpsizeMoveProcedure := @System.Move; {$endif} {$endif} {Set the first "available pool" to the block type itself, so that the allocation routines know that there are currently no pools with free blocks of this size.} SmallBlockTypes[i].PreviousPartiallyFreePool := @SmallBlockTypes[i]; SmallBlockTypes[i].NextPartiallyFreePool := @SmallBlockTypes[i]; {Set the block size to block type index translation table} for LSizeInd := (LPreviousBlockSize div SmallBlockGranularity) to ((SmallBlockTypes[i].BlockSize - 1) div SmallBlockGranularity) do AllocSize2SmallBlockTypeIndX4[LSizeInd] := i * 4; {Cannot sequential feed yet: Ensure that the next address is greater than the maximum address} SmallBlockTypes[i].MaxSequentialFeedBlockAddress := pointer(0); SmallBlockTypes[i].NextSequentialFeedBlockAddress := pointer(1); {Get the mask to use for finding a medium block suitable for a block pool} LMinimumPoolSize := ((SmallBlockTypes[i].BlockSize * MinimumSmallBlocksPerPool + SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize + MediumBlockGranularity - 1 - MediumBlockSizeOffset) and -MediumBlockGranularity) + MediumBlockSizeOffset; if LMinimumPoolSize < MinimumMediumBlockSize then LMinimumPoolSize := MinimumMediumBlockSize; {Get the closest group number for the minimum pool size} LGroupNumber := (LMinimumPoolSize - MinimumMediumBlockSize + MediumBlockBinsPerGroup * MediumBlockGranularity div 2) div (MediumBlockBinsPerGroup * MediumBlockGranularity); {Too large?} if LGroupNumber > 7 then LGroupNumber := 7; {Set the bitmap} SmallBlockTypes[i].AllowedGroupsForBlockPoolBitmap := Byte(-(1 shl LGroupNumber)); {Set the minimum pool size} SmallBlockTypes[i].MinimumBlockPoolSize := MinimumMediumBlockSize + LGroupNumber * (MediumBlockBinsPerGroup * MediumBlockGranularity); {Get the optimal block pool size} LOptimalPoolSize := ((SmallBlockTypes[i].BlockSize * TargetSmallBlocksPerPool + SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize + MediumBlockGranularity - 1 - MediumBlockSizeOffset) and -MediumBlockGranularity) + MediumBlockSizeOffset; {Limit the optimal pool size to within range} if LOptimalPoolSize < OptimalSmallBlockPoolSizeLowerLimit then LOptimalPoolSize := OptimalSmallBlockPoolSizeLowerLimit; if LOptimalPoolSize > OptimalSmallBlockPoolSizeUpperLimit then LOptimalPoolSize := OptimalSmallBlockPoolSizeUpperLimit; {How many blocks will fit in the adjusted optimal size?} LBlocksPerPool := (LOptimalPoolSize - SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize) div SmallBlockTypes[i].BlockSize; {Recalculate the optimal pool size to minimize wastage due to a partial last block.} SmallBlockTypes[i].OptimalBlockPoolSize := ((LBlocksPerPool * SmallBlockTypes[i].BlockSize + SmallBlockPoolHeaderSize + MediumBlockGranularity - 1 - MediumBlockSizeOffset) and -MediumBlockGranularity) + MediumBlockSizeOffset; {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {Debug checks} if (SmallBlockTypes[i].OptimalBlockPoolSize < MinimumMediumBlockSize) or (SmallBlockTypes[i].BlockSize div SmallBlockGranularity * SmallBlockGranularity <> SmallBlockTypes[i].BlockSize) then begin {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} end; {$endif} {Set the previous small block size} LPreviousBlockSize := SmallBlockTypes[i].BlockSize; end; {-------------------Set up the medium blocks-------------------} {$ifdef CheckHeapForCorruption} {Check that there are no gaps between where the small blocks end and the medium blocks start} if (((MaximumSmallBlockSize - 3) + (MediumBlockGranularity - 1 + BlockHeaderSize - MediumBlockSizeOffset)) and -MediumBlockGranularity) + MediumBlockSizeOffset < MinimumMediumBlockSize then begin {$ifdef BCB6OrDelphi7AndUp} System.Error(reInvalidPtr); {$else} System.RunError(reInvalidPtr); {$endif} end; {$endif} {There are currently no medium block pools} MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.PreviousMediumBlockPoolHeader := @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList; MediumBlockPoolsCircularList.NextMediumBlockPoolHeader := @MediumBlockPoolsCircularList; {All medium bins are empty} for i := 0 to high(MediumBlockBins) do begin LPMediumFreeBlock := @MediumBlockBins[i]; LPMediumFreeBlock.PreviousFreeBlock := LPMediumFreeBlock; LPMediumFreeBlock.NextFreeBlock := LPMediumFreeBlock; end; {------------------Set up the large blocks---------------------} LargeBlocksCircularList.PreviousLargeBlockHeader := @LargeBlocksCircularList; LargeBlocksCircularList.NextLargeBlockHeader := @LargeBlocksCircularList; {------------------Set up the debugging structures---------------------} {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {Set up the fake VMT} {Copy the basic info from the TFreedObject class} System.Move(Pointer(Integer(TFreedObject) + vmtSelfPtr + 4)^, FreedObjectVMT.VMTData[vmtSelfPtr + 4], vmtParent - vmtSelfPtr); PCardinal(@FreedObjectVMT.VMTData[vmtSelfPtr])^ := Cardinal(@FreedObjectVMT.VMTMethods[0]); {Set up the virtual method table} for i := 0 to MaxFakeVMTEntries - 1 do begin PCardinal(@FreedObjectVMT.VMTMethods[low(FreedObjectVMT.VMTMethods) + Integer(i * 4)])^ := Cardinal(@TFreedObject.GetVirtualMethodIndex) + i * 6; {$ifdef CatchUseOfFreedInterfaces} VMTBadInterface[i] := @TFreedObject.InterfaceError; {$endif} end; {Set up the default log file name} SetDefaultMMLogFileName; {$endif} end; {Installs the memory manager (InitializeMemoryManager should be called first)} procedure InstallMemoryManager; {$ifndef Linux} var i, LCurrentProcessID: Cardinal; {$endif} begin if not FastMMIsInstalled then begin {$ifndef Linux} {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {Try to reserve the 64K block} ReservedBlock := VirtualAlloc(Pointer(DebugReservedAddress), 65536, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); {$endif} {Build a string identifying the current process} LCurrentProcessID := GetCurrentProcessId; for i := 0 to 7 do begin UniqueProcessIDString[8 - i] := HexTable[((LCurrentProcessID shr (i * 4)) and $F)]; {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} UniqueProcessIDStringBE[8 - i] := UniqueProcessIDString[8 - i]; {$endif} end; {$endif} {$ifdef AttemptToUseSharedMM} {Is the replacement memory manager already installed for this process?} MMWindow := FindWindow('STATIC', PChar(@UniqueProcessIDString[1])); {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} MMWindowBE := FindWindow('STATIC', PChar(@UniqueProcessIDStringBE[1])); {$endif} if (MMWindow = 0) {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} and (MMWindowBE = 0) {$endif} then begin {$endif} {$ifdef ShareMM} {Share the MM with other DLLs? - if this DLL is unloaded, then dependent DLLs will cause a crash.} {$ifndef ShareMMIfLibrary} if not IsLibrary then {$endif} begin {No memory manager installed yet - create the invisible window} MMWindow := CreateWindow('STATIC', PChar(@UniqueProcessIDString[1]), WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, hInstance, nil); {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} MMWindowBE := CreateWindow('STATIC', PChar(@UniqueProcessIDStringBE[1]), WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, hInstance, nil); {$endif} {The window data is a pointer to this memory manager} if MMWindow <> 0 then SetWindowLong(MMWindow, GWL_USERDATA, Integer(@NewMemoryManager)); {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} if MMWindowBE <> 0 then SetWindowLong(MMWindowBE, GWL_USERDATA, Integer(@NewMemoryManager)); {$endif} end; {$endif} {We will be using this memory manager} {$ifndef FullDebugMode} NewMemoryManager.GetMem := FastGetMem; NewMemoryManager.FreeMem := FastFreeMem; NewMemoryManager.ReallocMem := FastReallocMem; {$else} NewMemoryManager.GetMem := DebugGetMem; NewMemoryManager.FreeMem := DebugFreeMem; NewMemoryManager.ReallocMem := DebugReallocMem; {$endif} {$ifdef BDS2006AndUp} {$ifndef FullDebugMode} NewMemoryManager.AllocMem := FastAllocMem; {$else} NewMemoryManager.AllocMem := DebugAllocMem; {$endif} NewMemoryManager.RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak := RegisterExpectedMemoryLeak; NewMemoryManager.UnRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak := UnRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak; {$endif} {Owns the MMWindow} IsMemoryManagerOwner := True; {$ifdef AttemptToUseSharedMM} end else begin {Get the address of the shared memory manager} {$ifndef BDS2006AndUp} {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} if MMWindow <> 0 then begin {$endif} NewMemoryManager := PMemoryManager(GetWindowLong(MMWindow, GWL_USERDATA))^; {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} end else begin NewMemoryManager := PMemoryManager(GetWindowLong(MMWindowBE, GWL_USERDATA))^; end; {$endif} {$else} {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} if MMWindow <> 0 then begin {$endif} NewMemoryManager := PMemoryManagerEx(GetWindowLong(MMWindow, GWL_USERDATA))^; {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} end else begin NewMemoryManager := PMemoryManagerEx(GetWindowLong(MMWindowBE, GWL_USERDATA))^; end; {$endif} {$endif} {The MMWindow is owned by the main program (not this DLL)} IsMemoryManagerOwner := False; end; {$endif} {Save the old memory manager} GetMemoryManager(OldMemoryManager); {Replace the memory manager with either this one or the shared one.} SetMemoryManager(NewMemoryManager); {FastMM is now installed} FastMMIsInstalled := True; {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} if IsMemoryManagerOwner then OutputDebugString(FastMMInstallMsg) else OutputDebugString(FastMMInstallSharedMsg); {$endif} end; end; procedure UninstallMemoryManager; begin {Is this the owner of the shared MM window?} if IsMemoryManagerOwner then begin {$ifdef ShareMM} {Destroy the window} if MMWindow <> 0 then begin DestroyWindow(MMWindow); MMWindow := 0; end; {$ifdef EnableSharingWithDefaultMM} if MMWindowBE <> 0 then begin DestroyWindow(MMWindowBE); MMWindowBE := 0; end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef FullDebugMode} {Release the reserved block} if ReservedBlock <> nil then begin VirtualFree(ReservedBlock, 0, MEM_RELEASE); ReservedBlock := nil; end; {$endif} end; {$ifndef DetectMMOperationsAfterUninstall} {Restore the old memory manager} SetMemoryManager(OldMemoryManager); {$else} {Set the invalid memory manager: no more MM operations allowed} SetMemoryManager(InvalidMemoryManager); {$endif} {Memory manager has been uninstalled} FastMMIsInstalled := False; {$ifdef UseOutputDebugString} if IsMemoryManagerOwner then OutputDebugString(FastMMuninstallMsg) else OutputDebugString(FastMMUninstallSharedMsg); {$endif} end; initialization {$ifndef BCB} {Initialize all the lookup tables, etc. for the memory manager} InitializeMemoryManager; {Has another MM been set, or has the Borland MM been used? If so, this file is not the first unit in the uses clause of the project's .dpr file.} if CheckCanInstallMemoryManager then begin {$ifdef ClearLogFileOnStartup} DeleteEventLog; {$endif} InstallMemoryManager; end; {$endif} finalization {Restore the old memory manager if FastMM has been installed} if FastMMIsInstalled then begin {$ifndef NeverUninstall} {Uninstall FastMM} UninstallMemoryManager; {$endif} {Do we own the memory manager, or are we just sharing it?} if IsMemoryManagerOwner then begin {$ifdef CheckUseOfFreedBlocksOnShutdown} CheckBlocksOnShutdown( {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} True {$ifdef RequireIDEPresenceForLeakReporting} and DelphiIsRunning {$endif} {$ifdef RequireDebuggerPresenceForLeakReporting} and (DebugHook <> 0) {$endif} {$ifdef ManualLeakReportingControl} and ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown {$endif} {$else} False {$endif} ); {$else} {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} if True {$ifdef RequireIDEPresenceForLeakReporting} and DelphiIsRunning {$endif} {$ifdef RequireDebuggerPresenceForLeakReporting} and (DebugHook <> 0) {$endif} {$ifdef ManualLeakReportingControl} and ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown {$endif} then CheckBlocksOnShutdown(True); {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {Free the expected memory leaks list} if ExpectedMemoryLeaks <> nil then begin VirtualFree(ExpectedMemoryLeaks, 0, MEM_RELEASE); ExpectedMemoryLeaks := nil; end; {$endif} {$ifndef NeverUninstall} {Clean up: Free all memory. If this is a .DLL that owns its own MM, then it is necessary to prevent the main application from running out of address space.} FreeAllMemory; {$endif} end; end; end.