{ Flame screensaver Copyright (C) 2002 Ronald Hordijk Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend Apophysis Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Ronald Hordijk, Piotr Boris, Peter Sdobnov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } unit ControlPoint; interface uses Classes, Windows, Cmap, XForm, XFormMan; const NXFORMS = 100; SUB_BATCH_SIZE = 10000; PROP_TABLE_SIZE = 1024; PREFILTER_WHITE = (1 shl 26); FILTER_CUTOFF = 1.8; BRIGHT_ADJUST = 2.3; FUSE = 15; // ---- MyTypes ---- type TCoefsArray= array[0..2, 0..1] of double; pCoefsArray= ^TCoefsArray; TTriangle = record x: array[0..2] of double; y: array[0..2] of double; { color: integer; locked, visible: boolean; pCoefs: pCoefsArray; pXform: ^TXform; } end; TTriangles = array[-1..NXFORMS] of TTriangle; TSPoint = record x: double; y: double; end; TMapPalette = record Red: array[0..255] of byte; Green: array[0..255] of byte; Blue: array[0..255] of byte; end; TColorMaps = record Identifier: string; UGRFile: string; end; pPixArray = ^TPixArray; TPixArray = array[0..1279, 0..1023, 0..3] of integer; pPreviewPixArray = ^TPreviewPixArray; TPreviewPixArray = array[0..159, 0..119, 0..3] of integer; TFileType = (ftIfs, ftFla, ftXML); // ----- type //? PLongintArray = ^TLongintArray; TLongintArray = array[0..8192] of Longint; type TVariation = (vLinear, vSinusoidal, vSpherical, vSwirl, vHorseshoe, vPolar, vHandkerchief, vHeart, vDisc, vSpiral, vHyperbolic, vSquare, vEx, vJulia, vBent, vWaves, vFisheye, vPopcorn, vExponential, vPower, vCosine, vRings, vFan, vRandom); type TPointsArray = array of TCPpoint; TPointsXYArray = array of TXYpoint; P2Cpoint = ^T2Cpoint; T2CPointsArray = array of T2Cpoint; TControlPoint = class public xform: array[0..NXFORMS] of TXForm; finalXform: TXForm; finalXformEnabled: boolean; useFinalXform: boolean; variation: TVariation; cmap: TColorMap; cmapindex: integer; time: double; brightness: double; // 1.0 = normal contrast: double; // 1.0 = normal gamma: double; Width: integer; Height: integer; spatial_oversample: integer; name, nick, url: string; center: array[0..1] of double; // camera center vibrancy: double; // blend between color algs (0=old,1=new) hue_rotation: double; // applies to cmap, 0-1 background: array[0..3] of Integer; // Changed to integers so no conversion needed - mt zoom: double; // effects ppu and sample density pixels_per_unit: double; // and scale spatial_filter_radius: double; // variance of gaussian sample_density: extended; // samples per pixel (not bucket) (* in order to motion blur more accurately we compute the logs of the sample density many times and average the results. we interplate only this many times. *) nbatches: integer; // this much color resolution. but making it too high induces clipping white_level: integer; cmap_inter: integer; // if this is true, then color map interpolates one entry // at a time with a bright edge symmetry: integer; pulse: array[0..1, 0..1] of double; // [i][0]=magnitute [i][1]=frequency */ wiggle: array[0..1, 0..1] of double; // frequency is /minute, assuming 30 frames/s */ estimator, estimator_min, estimator_curve: double; // density estimator. jitters: integer; gamma_tresholds: double; PropTable: array of TXForm;//Integer; FAngle: Double; FTwoColorDimensions: Boolean; private function getppux: double; function getppuy: double; public procedure SaveToStringlist(sl: TStringlist); procedure SaveToFile(Filename: string); procedure ParseString(aString: string); procedure ParseStringList(sl: TStringlist); procedure RandomCP(min: integer = 2; max: integer = NXFORMS; calc: boolean = true); procedure RandomCP1; procedure CalcBoundbox; function BlowsUp(NrPoints: integer): boolean; procedure SetVariation(vari: TVariation); procedure Clear; class function interpolate(cp1, cp2: TControlPoint; Time: double): TControlPoint; /// just for now procedure InterpolateX(cp1, cp2: TControlPoint; Tm: double); // procedure Iterate_Old(NrPoints: integer; var Points: TPointsArray); procedure IterateXY(NrPoints: integer; var Points: TPointsXYArray); procedure IterateXYC(NrPoints: integer; var Points: TPointsArray); procedure IterateXYCC(NrPoints: integer; var Points: T2CPointsArray); procedure Prepare; // procedure Testiterate(NrPoints: integer; var Points: TPointsArray); function Clone: TControlPoint; procedure Copy(cp1: TControlPoint); function HasNewVariants: boolean; function HasFinalXForm: boolean; // CP-specific functions moved from unit Main function NumXForms: integer; function TrianglesFromCP(var Triangles: TTriangles): integer; procedure GetFromTriangles(const Triangles: TTriangles; const t: integer); procedure EqualizeWeights; procedure NormalizeWeights; procedure RandomizeWeights; procedure ComputeWeights(Triangles: TTriangles; t: integer); procedure AdjustScale(w, h: integer); constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ZoomtoRect(R: TRect); procedure ZoomOuttoRect(R: TRect); procedure ZoomIn(Factor: double); procedure MoveRect(R: TRect); procedure Rotate(Angle: double); property ppux: double read getppux; property ppuy: double read getppuy; end; function add_symmetry_to_control_point(var cp: TControlPoint; sym: integer): integer; function CalcUPRMagn(const cp: TControlPoint): double; procedure FillVarDisturb; implementation uses SysUtils, math, global; var var_distrib: array of integer; mixed_var_distrib: array of integer; { TControlPoint } function sign(n: double): double; begin if n < 0 then Result := -1 else if n > 0 then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end; constructor TControlPoint.Create; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to NXFORMS do begin xform[i] := TXForm.Create; end; pulse[0][0] := 0; pulse[0][1] := 60; pulse[1][0] := 0; pulse[1][1] := 60; wiggle[0][0] := 0; wiggle[0][1] := 60; wiggle[1][0] := 0; wiggle[1][1] := 60; background[0] := 0; background[1] := 0; background[2] := 0; center[0] := 0; center[1] := 0; pixels_per_unit := 50; width := 100; Height := 100; spatial_oversample := 1; spatial_filter_radius := 0.5; FAngle := 0; gamma := 1; vibrancy := 1; contrast := 1; brightness := 1; sample_density := 50; zoom := 0; nbatches := 1; white_level := 200; FTwoColorDimensions := False; finalXformEnabled := false; end; destructor TControlPoint.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to NXFORMS do xform[i].Free; inherited; end; procedure TControlPoint.Prepare; var i, n: Integer; propsum: double; LoopValue: double; j: integer; TotValue: double; begin SetLength(PropTable, PROP_TABLE_SIZE); totValue := 0; n := NumXforms; assert(n > 0); finalXform := xform[n]; finalXform.Prepare; useFinalXform := FinalXformEnabled and HasFinalXform; for i := 0 to n - 1 do begin xform[i].Prepare; totValue := totValue + xform[i].density; end; LoopValue := 0; for i := 0 to PROP_TABLE_SIZE-1 do begin propsum := 0; j := -1; repeat inc(j); propsum := propsum + xform[j].density; until (propsum > LoopValue) or (j = n - 1); PropTable[i] := xform[j]; LoopValue := LoopValue + TotValue / PROP_TABLE_SIZE; end; end; (* procedure TControlPoint.Iterate_Old(NrPoints: integer; var Points: TPointsArray); var i: Integer; px, py, pc: double; dx, dy, tx, ty: double; nx, ny: double; r: double; s, v, a: double; n0, n1, m0, m1: double; begin px := 2 * random - 1; py := 2 * random - 1; pc := random; PreparePropTable; for i := -FUSE to NrPoints - 1 do begin //with xform[PropTable[Random(1024)]] do begin with PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)]^ do begin // first compute the color coord s := symmetry; pc := (pc + color) * 0.5 * (1 - s) + s * pc; try // then apply the affine part of the function tx := c[0][0] * px + c[1][0] * py + c[2][0]; ty := c[0][1] * px + c[1][1] * py + c[2][1]; px := 0; py := 0; // then add in proportional amounts of each of the variations if vars[0] > 0 then begin // linear px := px + vars[0] * tx; py := py + vars[0] * ty; end; if vars[1] > 0 then begin // sinusoidal px := px + vars[1] * sin(tx); py := py + vars[1] * sin(ty); end; if vars[2] > 0 then begin // complex r := tx * tx + ty * ty + 1E-6; px := px + vars[2] * tx / r; py := py + vars[2] * ty / r; end; if vars[3] > 0 then begin // swirl r := tx * tx + ty * ty; px := px + vars[3] * (sin(r) * tx - cos(r) * ty); py := py + vars[3] * (cos(r) * tx + sin(r) * ty); end; if vars[4] > 0 then begin // swirl if (tx < -EPS) or (tx > EPS) or (ty < -EPS) or (ty > EPS) then a := arctan2(tx, ty) else a := 0; px := px + vars[4] * (sin(a) * tx - cos(a) * ty); py := py + vars[4] * (cos(a) * tx + sin(a) * ty); end; if vars[5] > 0 then begin // polar if (tx < -EPS) or (tx > EPS) or (ty < -EPS) or (ty > EPS) then a := arctan2(tx, ty) / PI else a := 0; r := sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty) - 1; px := px + vars[5] * a; py := py + vars[5] * r; end; if vars[6] > 0 then begin // bent {Draves' latest code 1.7 seems to have dropped "Bent" in favour of "Folded Handkerchief" but I'll keep it for "classic" flames and compatibility with old parameters } nx := tx; ny := ty; if (nx < 0) and (nx > -1E100) then nx := nx * 2; if ny < 0 then ny := ny / 2; px := px + vars[6] * nx; py := py + vars[6] * ny; end; if vars[7] > 0 then begin // Hart shaped box // Heart if (tx < -EPS) or (tx > EPS) or (ty < -EPS) or (ty > EPS) then a := arctan2(tx, ty) else a := 0; r := sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); px := px + vars[7] * (sin(a * r) * r); py := py - vars[7] * (cos(a * r) * r); end; if vars[8] > 0 then begin // The world in a sphere // Disc if (tx < -EPS) or (tx > EPS) or (ty < -EPS) or (ty > EPS) then a := arctan2(tx, ty) else a := 0; r := sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); px := px + vars[8] * (sin(r) * (a)); py := py + vars[8] * (cos(r) * (a)); end; if vars[9] > 0 then begin // Test // Spiral if (tx < -EPS) or (tx > EPS) or (ty < -EPS) or (ty > EPS) then a := arctan2(tx, ty) else a := 0; r := power(tx * tx + ty * ty, 0.5) + 1E-6; px := px + vars[9] * ((cos(a) + sin(r)) / r); py := py + vars[9] * ((sin(a) - cos(r)) / r); end; if vars[10] > 0 then begin // Test //* hyperbolic */ if (tx < -EPS) or (tx > EPS) or (ty < -EPS) or (ty > EPS) then a := arctan2(tx, ty) else a := 0; r := power(tx * tx + ty * ty, 0.25) + 1E-6; px := px + vars[10] * (sin(a) / r); py := py - vars[10] * (cos(a) * r); end; v := vars[11]; if (v > 0.0) then begin //* square */ Draves' version if (tx < -EPS) or (tx > EPS) or (ty < -EPS) or (ty > EPS) then a := arctan2(tx, ty) else a := 0.0; r := sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); px := px + v * sin(a) * cos(r); py := py + v * cos(a) * sin(r); end; v := vars[12]; if (v > 0.0) then begin //* ex */ if (tx < -EPS) or (tx > EPS) or (ty < -EPS) or (ty > EPS) then a := arctan2(tx, ty) else a := 0.0; r := sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); n0 := sin(a + r); n1 := cos(a - r); m0 := n0 * n0 * n0 * r; m1 := n1 * n1 * n1 * r; px := px + v * (m0 + m1); py := py + v * (m0 - m1); end; if vars[13] > 0 then begin // Folded hankercief if (tx < -EPS) or (tx > EPS) or (ty < -EPS) or (ty > EPS) then a := arctan2(tx, ty) else a := 0; r := sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); px := px + vars[13] * (sin(a + r) * r); py := py - vars[13] * (cos(a - r) * r); end; if vars[14] > 0 then begin // bent { repeat bent, just so there's something here } nx := tx; ny := ty; if (nx < 0) and (nx > -1E100) then nx := nx * 2; if ny < 0 then ny := ny / 2; px := px + vars[14] * nx; py := py + vars[14] * ny; end; if vars[15] <> 0 then begin { Waves } dx := c[2][0]; dy := c[2][1]; nx := tx + c[1][0] * sin(ty / ((dx * dx) + EPS)); ny := ty + c[1][1] * sin(tx / ((dy * dy) + EPS)); px := px + vars[15] * nx; py := py + vars[15] * ny; end; if vars[16] <> 0 then begin { fisheye } r := sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); a := arctan2(tx, ty); r := 2 * r / (r + 1); nx := r * cos(a); ny := r * sin(a); px := px + vars[16] * nx; py := py + vars[16] * ny; end; if vars[17] <> 0 then begin { Popcorn - mine from Apophysis 2.0 beta 17} nx := tx + c[1][0] * sin(ty + tan(3 * ty) + EPS); ny := ty + c[1][1] * sin(tx + tan(3 * tx) + EPS); px := px + vars[17] * nx; py := py + vars[17] * ny; end; except on EMathError do begin // raise Exception.Create('Iteration blows up'); exit; end; end; end; // store points if i >= 0 then begin Points[i].x := px; Points[i].y := py; Points[i].c := pc; end end; end; *) procedure TControlPoint.IterateXY(NrPoints: integer; var Points: TPointsXYArray); var i: Integer; px, py: double; pPoint: PXYPoint; begin px := 2 * random - 1; py := 2 * random - 1; try for i := 0 to FUSE do PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPointXY(px,py); pPoint := @Points[0]; if UseFinalXform then for i := 0 to NrPoints - 1 do begin PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPointXY(px,py); pPoint^.X := px; pPoint^.Y := py; finalXform.NextPointXY(pPoint^.X, pPoint^.y); Inc(pPoint); end else for i := 0 to NrPoints - 1 do begin PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPointXY(px,py); pPoint.X := px; pPoint.Y := py; Inc(pPoint); end except on EMathError do begin exit; end; end; end; procedure TControlPoint.IterateXYC(NrPoints: integer; var Points: TPointsArray); var i: Integer; p: TCPPoint; pPoint: PCPPoint; begin {$if false} p.x := 2 * random - 1; p.y := 2 * random - 1; p.c := random; {$else} asm fld1 call System.@RandExt fadd st, st fsub st, st(1) fstp qword ptr [p.x] call System.@RandExt fadd st, st fsubrp st(1), st fstp qword ptr [p.y] call System.@RandExt fstp qword ptr [p.c] end; {$ifend} try for i := 0 to FUSE do PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPoint(p); pPoint := @Points[0]; if UseFinalXform then for i := 0 to NrPoints - 1 do begin PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPoint(p); finalXform.NextPointTo(p, pPoint^); Inc(pPoint); end else for i := 0 to NrPoints - 1 do begin PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPoint(p); pPoint^.x := p.x; pPoint^.y := p.y; pPoint^.c := p.c; Inc(pPoint); end except on EMathError do begin exit; end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { procedure TControlPoint.Testiterate(NrPoints: integer; var Points: TPointsArray); var i: Integer; px, py, pc, pt: double; CurrentPoint: PCPPoint; begin PreparePropTable; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do xform[i].prepare; for i := 0 to NrPoints - 1 do begin px := 4 * (-1 + 2 * random); py := 4 * (-1 + 2 * random); pc := 0.1 + 0.5 * sqrt(sqr(px/4)+ sqr(py/4)) ; if abs(px)< 0.02 then pc := 1 ; if abs(py)< 0.02 then pc := 1 ; if abs(frac(px))< 0.01 then pc := 1 ; if abs(frac(py))< 0.01 then pc := 1 ; if abs(sqrt(sqr(px/4)+ sqr(py/4)) - 0.9) < 0.02 then pc := 0; try PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPoint(px,py,pt); except on EMathError do begin exit; end; end; // store points if i >= 0 then begin CurrentPoint := @Points[i]; CurrentPoint.X := px; CurrentPoint.Y := py; CurrentPoint.C := pc; end end; end; } procedure TControlPoint.IterateXYCC(NrPoints: integer; var Points: T2CPointsArray); var i: Integer; //px, py, pc1, pc2: double; p: T2CPoint; CurrentPoint: P2Cpoint; begin p.x := 2 * random - 1; p.y := 2 * random - 1; p.c1 := random; p.c2 := random; try for i := 0 to FUSE do PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPoint2C(p);//px, py, pc1, pc2); CurrentPoint := @Points[0]; if UseFinalXform then for i := 0 to NrPoints - 1 do begin PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPoint2C(p);//px, py, pc1, pc2); CurrentPoint.X := p.x; CurrentPoint.Y := p.y; CurrentPoint.C1 := p.c1; CurrentPoint.C2 := p.c2; finalXform.NextPoint2C(CurrentPoint^); Inc(CurrentPoint); end else for i := 0 to NrPoints - 1 do begin PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPoint2C(p); CurrentPoint.X := p.x; CurrentPoint.Y := p.y; CurrentPoint.C1 := p.c1; CurrentPoint.C2 := p.c2; Inc(CurrentPoint); end except on EMathError do begin exit; end; end; end; function TControlPoint.BlowsUp(NrPoints: integer): boolean; var i, n: Integer; px, py: double; minx, maxx, miny, maxy: double; Points: TPointsXYArray; CurrentPoint: PXYPoint; begin Result := false; n := min(SUB_BATCH_SIZE, NrPoints); SetLength(Points, n); px := 2 * random - 1; py := 2 * random - 1; Prepare; try for i := 0 to FUSE do PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPointXY(px,py); CurrentPoint := @Points[0]; for i := 0 to n-1 do begin PropTable[Random(PROP_TABLE_SIZE)].NextPointXY(px,py); CurrentPoint.X := px; CurrentPoint.Y := py; Inc(CurrentPoint); // random CPs don't use finalXform... end; except on EMathError do begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; // It is possible that the transformation will grow very large but remain below the overflow line minx := 1E10; maxx := -1E10; miny := 1E10; maxy := -1E10; for i := 0 to n-1 do begin minx := min(minx, Points[i].x); maxx := max(maxx, Points[i].x); miny := min(miny, Points[i].y); maxy := max(maxy, Points[i].y); end; if ((Maxx - MinX) > 1000) or ((Maxy - Miny) > 1000) then Result := True; end; procedure TControlPoint.ParseString(aString: string); var ParseValues: TStringList; ParsePos: integer; CurrentToken: string; CurrentXForm: integer; i: integer; OldDecimalSperator: Char; v: double; begin ParseValues := TStringList.Create; ParseValues.CommaText := AString; OldDecimalSperator := DecimalSeparator; DecimalSeparator := '.'; CurrentXForm := 0; ParsePos := 0; while (ParsePos < ParseValues.Count) do begin CurrentToken := ParseValues[ParsePos]; if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'xform') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); CurrentXForm := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'finalxformenabled') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); finalxformenabled := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]) <> 0; end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'time') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); time := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'brightness') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); brightness := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]) / BRIGHT_ADJUST; end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'zoom') = 0 then begin // mt Inc(ParsePos); // mt zoom := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); // mt end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'angle') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); FAngle := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'contrast') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); contrast := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'gamma') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); gamma := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'vibrancy') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); vibrancy := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'hue_rotation') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); hue_rotation := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'zoom') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); zoom := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'imagesize') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); Width := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); Height := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'image_size') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); Width := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); Height := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'center') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); center[0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); center[1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'background') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); // Trap conversion errors for older parameters try background[0] := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); except on EConvertError do background[0] := 0; end; Inc(ParsePos); try background[1] := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); except on EConvertError do background[1] := 0; end; Inc(ParsePos); try background[2] := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); except on EConvertError do background[2] := 0; end; end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'pulse') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); pulse[0, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); pulse[0, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); pulse[1, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); pulse[1, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'wiggle') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); wiggle[0, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); wiggle[0, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); wiggle[1, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); wiggle[1, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'pixels_per_unit') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); pixels_per_unit := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'spatial_filter_radius') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); spatial_filter_radius := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'spatial_oversample') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); spatial_oversample := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'sample_density') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); sample_density := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'nbatches') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); nbatches := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'white_level') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); white_level := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'cmap') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); cmapindex := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'cmap_inter') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); cmap_inter := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'palette') = 0 then begin // Inc(ParsePos); // cmapindex := StrToInt(ParseValues[ParsePos]); OutputDebugString(Pchar('NYI import Palette')); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'density') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].Density := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'color') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].color := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'symmetry') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].symmetry := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'coefs') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].c[0, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].c[0, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].c[1, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].c[1, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].c[2, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].c[2, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'post') = 0 then begin Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].p[0, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].p[0, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].p[1, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].p[1, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].p[2, 0] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].p[2, 1] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'vars') = 0 then begin for i := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin xform[CurrentXForm].vars[i] := 0; end; i := 0; while true do begin if (ParsePos + 1) >= ParseValues.Count then break; if ParseValues[ParsePos + 1][1] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'] then break; Inc(ParsePos); xform[CurrentXForm].vars[i] := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); Inc(i); end; end else if AnsiCompareText(CurrentToken, 'variables') = 0 then begin v := 0; for i:= 0 to GetNrVariableNames-1 do begin xform[CurrentXForm].SetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(i), v); end; i := 0; while true do begin if (ParsePos + 1) >= ParseValues.Count then break; if ParseValues[ParsePos + 1][1] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'] then break; Inc(ParsePos); v := StrToFloat(ParseValues[ParsePos]); xform[CurrentXForm].SetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(i), v); Inc(i); end; end else begin OutputDebugString(Pchar('Unknown Token: ' + CurrentToken)); end; Inc(ParsePos); end; GetCmap(cmapindex, hue_rotation, Cmap); ParseValues.Free; DecimalSeparator := OldDecimalSperator; end; procedure TControlPoint.SetVariation(vari: TVariation); var i, j, v: integer; rv: integer; VarPossible: boolean; begin FillVarDisturb; VarPossible := false; for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin VarPossible := VarPossible or Variations[j]; end; if VarPossible then begin repeat rv := var_distrib[random(Length(var_distrib))]; until Variations[rv]; end else begin rv := 0; end; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do begin for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin xform[i].vars[j] := 0; end; if vari = vRandom then begin if rv < 0 then begin if VarPossible then begin repeat v := Mixed_var_distrib[random(Length(mixed_var_distrib))]; until Variations[v]; // Use only Variations set in options end else begin v := 0; end; xform[i].vars[v] := 1 end else xform[i].vars[rv] := 1; end else xform[i].vars[integer(vari)] := 1; end; end; procedure TControlPoint.RandomCP(min: integer = 2; max: integer = NXFORMS; calc: boolean = true); var nrXforms: integer; i, j: integer; v, rv: integer; VarPossible: boolean; begin //hue_rotation := random; hue_rotation := 1; cmapindex := RANDOMCMAP; GetCmap(cmapindex, hue_rotation, cmap); time := 0.0; //nrXforms := xform_distrib[random(13)]; nrXforms := random(Max - (Min - 1)) + Min; FillVarDisturb; VarPossible := false; for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin VarPossible := VarPossible or Variations[j]; end; if VarPossible then begin repeat rv := var_distrib[random(Length(var_distrib))]; until Variations[rv]; end else begin rv := 0; end; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do begin xform[i].density := 0; end; for i := 0 to nrXforms - 1 do begin xform[i].density := 1.0 / nrXforms; xform[i].color := i / (nrXforms - 1); xform[i].c[0][0] := 2 * random - 1; xform[i].c[0][1] := 2 * random - 1; xform[i].c[1][0] := 2 * random - 1; xform[i].c[1][1] := 2 * random - 1; xform[i].c[2][0] := 4 * random - 2; xform[i].c[2][1] := 4 * random - 2; for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin xform[i].vars[j] := 0; end; for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin xform[i].vars[j] := 0; end; if rv < 0 then begin if VarPossible then begin repeat v := Mixed_var_distrib[random(Length(mixed_var_distrib))]; until Variations[v]; // use only variations set in options end else begin v := 0; end; xform[i].vars[v] := 1 end else xform[i].vars[rv] := 1; end; if calc then CalcBoundbox; end; procedure TControlPoint.RandomCP1; var i, j: Integer; begin RandomCP; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do begin for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin xform[i].vars[j] := 0; end; xform[i].vars[0] := 1; end; CalcBoundbox; end; procedure TControlPoint.CalcBoundbox; var Points: TPointsXYArray; i, j: integer; deltax, minx, maxx: double; cntminx, cntmaxx: integer; deltay, miny, maxy: double; cntminy, cntmaxy: integer; LimitOutSidePoints: integer; begin {$IFDEF TESTVARIANT} center[0] := 0; center[1] := 0; pixels_per_unit := 0.7 * Min(width / (6), Height / (6)); Exit; {$ENDIF} // RandSeed := 1234567; try SetLength(Points, SUB_BATCH_SIZE); { case compatibility of 0: iterate_Old(SUB_BATCH_SIZE, points); 1: iterateXYC(SUB_BATCH_SIZE, points); end; } Prepare; IterateXY(SUB_BATCH_SIZE, points); LimitOutSidePoints := Round(0.05 * SUB_BATCH_SIZE); minx := 1E99; maxx := -1E99; miny := 1E99; maxy := -1E99; for i := 0 to SUB_BATCH_SIZE - 1 do begin minx := min(minx, Points[i].x); maxx := max(maxx, Points[i].x); miny := min(miny, Points[i].y); maxy := max(maxy, Points[i].y); end; deltax := (maxx - minx) * 0.25; maxx := (maxx + minx) / 2; minx := maxx; deltay := (maxy - miny) * 0.25; maxy := (maxy + miny) / 2; miny := maxy; for j := 0 to 10 do begin cntminx := 0; cntmaxx := 0; cntminy := 0; cntmaxy := 0; for i := 0 to SUB_BATCH_SIZE - 1 do begin if (Points[i].x < minx) then Inc(cntminx); if (Points[i].x > maxx) then Inc(cntmaxx); if (Points[i].y < miny) then Inc(cntminy); if (Points[i].y > maxy) then Inc(cntmaxy); end; if (cntMinx < LimitOutSidePoints) then begin minx := minx + deltax; end else begin minx := minx - deltax; end; if (cntMaxx < LimitOutSidePoints) then begin maxx := maxx - deltax; end else begin maxx := maxx + deltax; end; deltax := deltax / 2; if (cntMiny < LimitOutSidePoints) then begin miny := miny + deltay; end else begin miny := miny - deltay; end; if (cntMaxy < LimitOutSidePoints) then begin maxy := maxy - deltay; end else begin maxy := maxy + deltay; end; deltay := deltay / 2; end; if ((maxx - minx) > 1000) or ((maxy - miny) > 1000) then raise EMathError.Create('Flame area too large'); center[0] := (minx + maxx) / 2; center[1] := (miny + maxy) / 2; if ((maxx - minx) > 0.001) and ((maxy - miny) > 0.001) then pixels_per_unit := 0.65 * Min(width / (maxx - minx), Height / (maxy - miny)) else pixels_per_unit := 10; except on E: EMathError do begin// default center[0] := 0; center[1] := 0; pixels_per_unit := 10; end; end; end; function CalcUPRMagn(const cp: TControlPoint): double; var Points: TPointsXYArray; i, j: integer; deltax, minx, maxx: double; cntminx, cntmaxx: integer; deltay, miny, maxy: double; cntminy, cntmaxy: integer; LimitOutSidePoints: integer; xLength, yLength: double; begin try SetLength(Points, SUB_BATCH_SIZE); cp.iterateXY(SUB_BATCH_SIZE, Points); LimitOutSidePoints := Round(0.05 * SUB_BATCH_SIZE); minx := 1E99; maxx := -1E99; miny := 1E99; maxy := -1E99; for i := 0 to SUB_BATCH_SIZE - 1 do begin minx := min(minx, Points[i].x); maxx := max(maxx, Points[i].x); miny := min(miny, Points[i].y); maxy := max(maxy, Points[i].y); end; deltax := (maxx - minx) * 0.25; maxx := (maxx + minx) / 2; minx := maxx; deltay := (maxy - miny) * 0.25; maxy := (maxy + miny) / 2; miny := maxy; for j := 0 to 10 do begin cntminx := 0; cntmaxx := 0; cntminy := 0; cntmaxy := 0; for i := 0 to SUB_BATCH_SIZE - 1 do begin if (Points[i].x < minx) then Inc(cntminx); if (Points[i].x > maxx) then Inc(cntmaxx); if (Points[i].y < miny) then Inc(cntminy); if (Points[i].y > maxy) then Inc(cntmaxy); end; if (cntMinx < LimitOutSidePoints) then begin minx := minx + deltax; end else begin minx := minx - deltax; end; if (cntMaxx < LimitOutSidePoints) then begin maxx := maxx - deltax; end else begin maxx := maxx + deltax; end; deltax := deltax / 2; if (cntMiny < LimitOutSidePoints) then begin miny := miny + deltay; end else begin miny := miny - deltay; end; if (cntMaxy < LimitOutSidePoints) then begin maxy := maxy - deltay; end else begin maxy := maxy + deltay; end; deltay := deltay / 2; end; if ((maxx - minx) > 1000) or ((maxy - miny) > 1000) then raise EMathError.Create('Flame area too large'); cp.center[0] := (minx + maxx) / 2; cp.center[1] := (miny + maxy) / 2; if ((maxx - minx) > 0.001) and ((maxy - miny) > 0.001) then cp.pixels_per_unit := 0.7 * Min(cp.width / (maxx - minx), cp.height / (maxy - miny)) else cp.pixels_per_unit := 10; // Calculate magn for UPRs xLength := maxx - minx; yLength := maxy - miny; if xLength >= yLength then begin result := 1 / xLength * 2; end else begin result := 1 / yLength * 2; end; except on E: EMathError do begin// default cp.center[0] := 0; cp.center[1] := 0; cp.pixels_per_unit := 10; raise Exception.Create('CalcUPRMagn: ' +e.Message); end; end; end; class function TControlPoint.Interpolate(cp1, cp2: TControlPoint; Time: double): TControlPoint; var c0, c1: double; i, j: integer; r, s, t: array[0..2] of double; // totvar: double; {z,rhtime: double;} v1, v2: double; begin if (cp2.time - cp1.time) > 1E-6 then begin c0 := (cp2.time - time) / (cp2.time - cp1.time); c1 := 1 - c0; end else begin c0 := 1; c1 := 0; end; Result := TControlPoint.Create; Result.time := Time; if cp1.cmap_inter = 0 then for i := 0 to 255 do begin r[0] := cp1.cmap[i][0] / 255; r[1] := cp1.cmap[i][1] / 255; r[2] := cp1.cmap[i][2] / 255; rgb2hsv(r, s); r[0] := cp2.cmap[i][0] / 255; r[1] := cp2.cmap[i][1] / 255; r[2] := cp2.cmap[i][2] / 255; rgb2hsv(r, t); t[0] := c0 * s[0] + c1 * t[0]; t[1] := c0 * s[1] + c1 * t[1]; t[2] := c0 * s[2] + c1 * t[2]; hsv2rgb(t, r); Result.cmap[i][0] := Round(255 * r[0]); Result.cmap[i][1] := Round(255 * r[1]); Result.cmap[i][2] := Round(255 * r[2]); end; Result.cmapindex := -1; Result.brightness := c0 * cp1.brightness + c1 * cp2.brightness; Result.contrast := c0 * cp1.contrast + c1 * cp2.contrast; Result.gamma := c0 * cp1.gamma + c1 * cp2.gamma; Result.vibrancy := c0 * cp1.vibrancy + c1 * cp2.vibrancy; Result.width := cp1.width; Result.height := cp1.height; Result.spatial_oversample := Round(c0 * cp1.spatial_oversample + c1 * cp2.spatial_oversample); Result.center[0] := c0 * cp1.center[0] + c1 * cp2.center[0]; Result.center[1] := c0 * cp1.center[1] + c1 * cp2.center[1]; Result.pixels_per_unit := c0 * cp1.pixels_per_unit + c1 * cp2.pixels_per_unit; { Apophysis doesn't interpolate background color - mt } // Result.background[0] := c0 * cp1.background[0] + c1 * cp2.background[0]; // Result.background[1] := c0 * cp1.background[1] + c1 * cp2.background[1]; // Result.background[2] := c0 * cp1.background[2] + c1 * cp2.background[2]; Result.spatial_filter_radius := c0 * cp1.spatial_filter_radius + c1 * cp2.spatial_filter_radius; Result.sample_density := c0 * cp1.sample_density + c1 * cp2.sample_density; Result.zoom := c0 * cp1.zoom + c1 * cp2.zoom; Result.nbatches := Round(c0 * cp1.nbatches + c1 * cp2.nbatches); Result.white_level := Round(c0 * cp1.white_level + c1 * cp2.white_level); for i := 0 to 3 do begin Result.pulse[i div 2][i mod 2] := c0 * cp1.pulse[i div 2][i mod 2] + c1 * cp2.pulse[i div 2][i mod 2]; Result.wiggle[i div 2][i mod 2] := c0 * cp1.wiggle[i div 2][i mod 2] + c1 * cp2.wiggle[i div 2][i mod 2]; end; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do begin Result.xform[i].density := c0 * cp1.xform[i].density + c1 * cp2.xform[i].density; Result.xform[i].color := c0 * cp1.xform[i].color + c1 * cp2.xform[i].color; // for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do // Result.xform[i].vars[j] := c0 * cp1.xform[i].vars[j] + c1 * cp2.xform[i].vars[j]; for j := 0 to NrVar-1 do begin Result.xform[i].vars[j] := c0 * cp1.xform[i].vars[j] + c1 * cp2.xform[i].vars[j]; end; for j:= 0 to GetNrVariableNames-1 do begin cp1.xform[i].GetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(j), v1); cp2.xform[i].GetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(j), v2); v1 := c0 * v1 + c1 * v2; Result.xform[i].SetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(j), v1); end; (* totvar := 0; for j := 0 to NVARS - 1 do begin totvar := totvar + Result.xform[i].vars[j]; end; for j := 0 to NVARS - 1 do begin if totVar <> 0 then Result.xform[i].vars[j] := Result.xform[i].vars[j] / totvar; end; *) // interpol matrix for j := 0 to 2 do begin Result.xform[i].c[j, 0] := c0 * cp1.xform[i].c[j, 0] + c1 * cp2.xform[i].c[j, 0]; Result.xform[i].c[j, 1] := c0 * cp1.xform[i].c[j, 1] + c1 * cp2.xform[i].c[j, 1]; end; { Remainder commented out; rhtime := time * 2 * PI / (60.0 * 30.0); // pulse z := 1; for j := 0 to 1 do begin z := z + Result.pulse[j, 0] * sin(Result.pulse[j, 1] * rhtime) end; for j := 0 to 2 do begin Result.xform[i].c[j][0] := Result.xform[i].c[j][0] * z; Result.xform[i].c[j][1] := Result.xform[i].c[j][1] * z; end; // wiggle for j := 0 to 1 do begin z := Result.wiggle[j,1] * rhtime; Result.xform[i].c[0][0] := Result.xform[i].c[0][0] + Result.wiggle[j,0] * cos(z); Result.xform[i].c[1][0] := Result.xform[i].c[1][0] + Result.wiggle[j,0] * -sin(z); Result.xform[i].c[0][1] := Result.xform[i].c[0][1] + Result.wiggle[j,0] * sin(z); Result.xform[i].c[1][1] := Result.xform[i].c[1][1] + Result.wiggle[j,0] * cos(z); end; } end; end; procedure TControlPoint.InterpolateX(cp1, cp2: TControlPoint; Tm: double); var result: TControlPoint; c0, c1: double; i, j: integer; r, s, t: array[0..2] of double; v1, v2: double; // totvar: double; {z,rhtime: double;} begin if (cp2.time - cp1.time) > 1E-6 then begin c0 := (cp2.time - tm) / (cp2.time - cp1.time); c1 := 1 - c0; end else begin c0 := 1; c1 := 0; end; Result := TControlPoint.Create; Result.time := Tm; if cp1.cmap_inter = 0 then for i := 0 to 255 do begin r[0] := cp1.cmap[i][0] / 255; r[1] := cp1.cmap[i][1] / 255; r[2] := cp1.cmap[i][2] / 255; rgb2hsv(r, s); r[0] := cp2.cmap[i][0] / 255; r[1] := cp2.cmap[i][1] / 255; r[2] := cp2.cmap[i][2] / 255; rgb2hsv(r, t); t[0] := c0 * s[0] + c1 * t[0]; t[1] := c0 * s[1] + c1 * t[1]; t[2] := c0 * s[2] + c1 * t[2]; hsv2rgb(t, r); Result.cmap[i][0] := Round(255 * r[0]); Result.cmap[i][1] := Round(255 * r[1]); Result.cmap[i][2] := Round(255 * r[2]); end; Result.cmapindex := -1; Result.brightness := c0 * cp1.brightness + c1 * cp2.brightness; Result.contrast := c0 * cp1.contrast + c1 * cp2.contrast; Result.gamma := c0 * cp1.gamma + c1 * cp2.gamma; Result.vibrancy := c0 * cp1.vibrancy + c1 * cp2.vibrancy; Result.width := cp1.width; Result.height := cp1.height; Result.spatial_oversample := Round(c0 * cp1.spatial_oversample + c1 * cp2.spatial_oversample); Result.center[0] := c0 * cp1.center[0] + c1 * cp2.center[0]; Result.center[1] := c0 * cp1.center[1] + c1 * cp2.center[1]; Result.pixels_per_unit := c0 * cp1.pixels_per_unit + c1 * cp2.pixels_per_unit; // Result.background[0] := c0 * cp1.background[0] + c1 * cp2.background[0]; // Result.background[1] := c0 * cp1.background[1] + c1 * cp2.background[1]; // Result.background[2] := c0 * cp1.background[2] + c1 * cp2.background[2]; Result.spatial_filter_radius := c0 * cp1.spatial_filter_radius + c1 * cp2.spatial_filter_radius; Result.sample_density := c0 * cp1.sample_density + c1 * cp2.sample_density; Result.zoom := c0 * cp1.zoom + c1 * cp2.zoom; Result.nbatches := Round(c0 * cp1.nbatches + c1 * cp2.nbatches); Result.white_level := Round(c0 * cp1.white_level + c1 * cp2.white_level); for i := 0 to 3 do begin Result.pulse[i div 2][i mod 2] := c0 * cp1.pulse[i div 2][i mod 2] + c1 * cp2.pulse[i div 2][i mod 2]; Result.wiggle[i div 2][i mod 2] := c0 * cp1.wiggle[i div 2][i mod 2] + c1 * cp2.wiggle[i div 2][i mod 2]; end; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do begin Result.xform[i].density := c0 * cp1.xform[i].density + c1 * cp2.xform[i].density; Result.xform[i].color := c0 * cp1.xform[i].color + c1 * cp2.xform[i].color; Result.xform[i].symmetry := c0 * cp1.xform[i].symmetry + c1 * cp2.xform[i].symmetry; // for j := 0 to NrVar - 1 do // Result.xform[i].vars[j] := c0 * cp1.xform[i].vars[j] + c1 * cp2.xform[i].vars[j]; for j := 0 to NrVar-1 do Result.xform[i].vars[j] := c0 * cp1.xform[i].vars[j] + c1 * cp2.xform[i].vars[j]; for j:= 0 to GetNrVariableNames-1 do begin cp1.xform[i].GetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(j), v1); cp2.xform[i].GetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(j), v2); v1 := c0 * v1 + c1 * v2; Result.xform[i].SetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(j), v1); end; (* totvar := 0; for j := 0 to NVARS - 1 do begin totvar := totvar + Result.xform[i].vars[j]; end; for j := 0 to NVARS - 1 do begin if totVar <> 0 then Result.xform[i].vars[j] := Result.xform[i].vars[j] / totvar; end; *) // interpol matrix for j := 0 to 2 do begin Result.xform[i].c[j, 0] := c0 * cp1.xform[i].c[j, 0] + c1 * cp2.xform[i].c[j, 0]; Result.xform[i].c[j, 1] := c0 * cp1.xform[i].c[j, 1] + c1 * cp2.xform[i].c[j, 1]; end; end; Copy(Result); cmap := Result.cmap; result.free; end; procedure TControlPoint.SaveToFile(Filename: string); var sl: TStringlist; begin sl := TStringlist.Create; SaveToStringlist(sl); sl.SaveToFile(filename); sl.Free; end; procedure TControlPoint.SaveToStringlist(sl: TStringlist); var i, j, k: Integer; s: string; OldDecimalSperator: Char; v: double; begin OldDecimalSperator := DecimalSeparator; DecimalSeparator := '.'; sl.add(format('time %f', [time])); if cmapindex >= 0 then sl.add(format('cmap %d', [cmapindex])); sl.add(format('zoom %g', [zoom])); // mt sl.add(format('angle %g', [FAngle])); sl.add(format('image_size %d %d center %g %g pixels_per_unit %f', [Width, Height, center[0], center[1], pixels_per_unit])); sl.add(format('spatial_oversample %d spatial_filter_radius %f', [spatial_oversample, spatial_filter_radius])); sl.add(format('sample_density %f', [sample_density])); // sl.add(format('nbatches %d white_level %d background %f %f %f', - changed to integers - mt sl.add(format('nbatches %d white_level %d background %d %d %d', [nbatches, white_level, background[0], background[1], background[2]])); sl.add(format('brightness %f gamma %f vibrancy %f hue_rotation %f cmap_inter %d', [brightness * BRIGHT_ADJUST, gamma, vibrancy, hue_rotation, cmap_inter])); sl.add(format('finalxformenabled %d', [ifthen(finalxformenabled, 1, 0)])); for i := 0 to NXFORMS do with xform[i] do begin //if density = 0 then continue; - FinalXform has weight=0 sl.add(format('xform %d density %g color %g symmetry %g', [i, density, color, symmetry])); s := 'vars'; for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin s := format('%s %g', [s, vars[j]]); end; sl.add(s); s := 'variables'; for j:= 0 to GetNrVariableNames-1 do begin GetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(j), v); s := format('%s %g', [s, v]); end; sl.add(s); sl.Add(format('coefs %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f', [c[0][0], c[0][1], c[1][0], c[1][1], c[2][0], c[2][1]])); sl.Add(format('post %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f', [p[0][0], p[0][1], p[1][0], p[1][1], p[2][0], p[2][1]])); end; DecimalSeparator := OldDecimalSperator; end; function TControlPoint.Clone: TControlPoint; var i: integer; sl: TStringList; begin sl := TStringList.Create; SaveToStringlist(sl); Result := TControlPoint.Create; Result.ParseStringlist(sl); Result.Fangle := FAngle; Result.cmap := cmap; Result.name := name; Result.nick := nick; Result.url := url; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do Result.xform[i].assign(xform[i]); sl.Free; end; procedure TControlPoint.Copy(cp1: TControlPoint); var i: integer; sl: TStringList; begin Clear; sl := TStringList.Create; // --Z-- this is quite a weird and unoptimal way to copy things: cp1.SaveToStringlist(sl); ParseStringlist(sl); Fangle := cp1.FAngle; cmap := cp1.cmap; name := cp1.name; nick := cp1.nick; url := cp1.url; for i := 0 to NXFORMS do // was: NXFORMS-1 xform[i].assign(cp1.xform[i]); finalXformEnabled := cp1.finalXformEnabled; sl.Free; end; procedure TControlPoint.ParseStringList(sl: TStringlist); var s: string; i: integer; begin finalXformEnabled := false; for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin s := s + sl[i] + ' '; end; ParseString(s); end; procedure TControlPoint.Clear; var i, j: Integer; begin symmetry := 0; for i := 0 to NXFORMS do begin xform[i].Clear; { xform[i].density := 0; xform[i].symmetry := 0; xform[i].color := 0; xform[i].vars[0] := 1; for j := 1 to NRVAR - 1 do begin xform[i].vars[j] := 0; end; } end; zoom := 0; end; function TControlPoint.HasFinalXForm: boolean; var i: integer; begin with xform[NumXForms] do begin Result := (c[0,0]<>1) or (c[0,1]<>0) or(c[1,0]<>0) or (c[1,1]<>1) or (c[2,0]<>0) or (c[2,1]<>0) or (p[0,0]<>1) or (p[0,1]<>0) or(p[1,0]<>0) or (p[1,1]<>1) or (p[2,0]<>0) or (p[2,1]<>0) or (symmetry <> 1) or (vars[0] <> 1); if Result = false then for i := 1 to NRVAR-1 do Result := Result or (vars[i] <> 0); end; end; function add_symmetry_to_control_point(var cp: TControlPoint; sym: integer): integer; const sym_distrib: array[0..14] of integer = ( -4, -3, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, -1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 ); var i, j, k: integer; a: double; begin result := 0; if (0 = sym) then if (random(1) <> 0) then sym := sym_distrib[random(14)] else if (random(32) <> 0) then // not correct sym := random(13) - 6 else sym := random(51) - 25; if (1 = sym) or (0 = sym) then begin result := 0; exit; end; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do if (cp.xform[i].density = 0.0) then break; if (i = NXFORMS) then begin result := 0; exit; end; cp.symmetry := sym; if (sym < 0) then begin cp.xform[i].density := 1.0; cp.xform[i].symmetry := 1; cp.xform[i].vars[0] := 1.0; for j := 1 to NRVAR - 1 do cp.xform[i].vars[j] := 0; cp.xform[i].color := 1.0; cp.xform[i].c[0][0] := -1.0; cp.xform[i].c[0][1] := 0.0; cp.xform[i].c[1][0] := 0.0; cp.xform[i].c[1][1] := 1.0; cp.xform[i].c[2][0] := 0.0; cp.xform[i].c[2][1] := 0.0; inc(i); inc(result); sym := -sym; end; a := 2 * PI / sym; // for (k = 1; (k < sym)&&(i < NXFORMS); k + + ) { k := 1; // while (k < sym) and (i < NXFORMS) do while (k < sym) and (i < SymmetryNVars) do begin cp.xform[i].density := 1.0; cp.xform[i].vars[0] := 1.0; cp.xform[i].symmetry := 1; for j := 1 to NRVAR - 1 do cp.xform[i].vars[j] := 0; if sym < 3 then cp.xform[i].color := 0 else cp.xform[i].color := (k - 1) / (sym - 2); if cp.xform[i].color > 1 then begin // ShowMessage('Color value larger than 1'); repeat cp.xform[i].color := cp.xform[i].color - 1 until cp.xform[i].color <= 1; end; cp.xform[i].c[0][0] := cos(k * a); cp.xform[i].c[0][1] := sin(k * a); cp.xform[i].c[1][0] := -cp.xform[i].c[0][1]; cp.xform[i].c[1][1] := cp.xform[i].c[0][0]; cp.xform[i].c[2][0] := 0.0; cp.xform[i].c[2][1] := 0.0; inc(i); inc(result); inc(k); end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControlPoint.HasNewVariants: boolean; var i,v: integer; begin Result := false; // flam3 will be updated anyway :-) { for i:= 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do begin if xform[i].density = 0 then break; for v := NRLOCVAR to NrVar - 1 do result := Result or (xform[i].vars[v] > 0); if result then break; end; } end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControlPoint.ZoomtoRect(R: TRect); var scale: double; ppux, ppuy: double; dx,dy: double; begin scale := power(2, zoom); ppux := pixels_per_unit * scale; ppuy := pixels_per_unit * scale; dx := ((r.Left + r.Right)/2 - Width/2)/ppux ; dy := ((r.Top + r.Bottom)/2 - Height/2)/ppuy; center[0] := center[0] + cos(FAngle) * dx - sin(FAngle) * dy; center[1] := center[1] + sin(FAngle) * dx + cos(FAngle) * dy ; Scale := Scale * Min( Width/(abs(r.Right - r.Left) + 1), Height/(abs(r.Bottom - r.Top) + 1)) ; Zoom := Log2(Scale); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControlPoint.ZoomOuttoRect(R: TRect); var scale: double; ppux, ppuy: double; dx,dy: double; begin scale := power(2, zoom); ppux := pixels_per_unit * scale; ppuy := pixels_per_unit * scale; dx := ((r.Left + r.Right)/2 - Width/2)/ppux ; dy := ((r.Top + r.Bottom)/2 - Height/2)/ppuy; center[0] := center[0] + cos(FAngle) * dx - sin(FAngle) * dy; center[1] := center[1] + sin(FAngle) * dx + cos(FAngle) * dy ; Scale := Scale / Min( Width/(abs(r.Right - r.Left) + 1), Height/(abs(r.Bottom - r.Top) + 1)) ; Zoom := Log2(Scale); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControlPoint.ZoomIn(Factor: double); var scale: double; begin scale := power(2, zoom); Scale := Scale / Factor; Zoom := Log2(Scale); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControlPoint.MoveRect(R: TRect); var scale: double; ppux, ppuy: double; dx,dy: double; begin scale := power(2, zoom); ppux := pixels_per_unit * scale; ppuy := pixels_per_unit * scale; dx := (r.Left - r.Right)/ppux; dy := (r.Top - r.Bottom)/ppuy; center[0] := center[0] + cos(FAngle) * dx - sin(FAngle) * dy; center[1] := center[1] + sin(FAngle) * dx + cos(FAngle) * dy ; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControlPoint.Rotate(Angle: double); begin FAngle := FAngle + Angle; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControlPoint.getppux: double; begin result := pixels_per_unit * power(2, zoom) end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControlPoint.getppuy: double; begin result := pixels_per_unit * power(2, zoom) end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var vdfilled: boolean = False; procedure FillVarDisturb; const startvar_distrib: array[0..26] of integer = (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7); startmixed_var_distrib: array[0..16] of integer = (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7); var i: integer; begin if vdfilled then Exit; setlength(var_distrib, NRVAR + 19); setlength(mixed_var_distrib, NRVAR + 9); for i := 0 to High(startvar_distrib) do var_distrib[i] := startvar_distrib[i]; for i := High(startvar_distrib) + 1 to high(var_distrib) do var_distrib[i] := 8 + i - High(startvar_distrib) - 1; for i := 0 to High(startmixed_var_distrib) do mixed_var_distrib[i] := startmixed_var_distrib[i]; for i := High(startmixed_var_distrib) + 1 to high(mixed_var_distrib) do mixed_var_distrib[i] := 8 + i - High(startmixed_var_distrib) - 1; vdfilled := true; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // --Z-- cp-specific functions moved here from MainForm // function TControlPoint.NumXForms: integer; var i: integer; begin //... Result := NXFORMS; for i := 0 to NXFORMS - 1 do begin if xform[i].density = 0 then begin Result := i; Break; end; end; end; function TControlPoint.TrianglesFromCP(var Triangles: TTriangles): integer; { Sets up the triangles from the IFS code } var i, j: integer; temp_x, temp_y, xset, yset: double; left, top, bottom, right: double; begin top := 0; bottom := 0; right := 0; left := 0; Result := NumXForms; if ReferenceMode > 0 then begin for i := 0 to Result-1 do begin xset := 1.0; yset := 1.0; for j := 0 to 5 do with xform[i] do begin temp_x := xset * c[0][0] + yset * c[1][0] + c[2][0]; temp_y := xset * c[0][1] + yset * c[1][1] + c[2][1]; xset := temp_x; yset := temp_y; end; if (i = 0) then begin left := xset; right := xset; top := yset; bottom := yset; end else begin if (xset < left) then left := xset; if (xset > right) then right := xset; if (yset > top) then top := yset; if (yset < bottom) then bottom := yset; end; end; if ReferenceMode = 1 then begin Triangles[-1].x[0] := right-left; Triangles[-1].y[0] := 0; Triangles[-1].x[1] := 0; Triangles[-1].y[1] := 0; Triangles[-1].x[2] := 0; Triangles[-1].y[2] := -(top-bottom); end else begin Triangles[-1].x[0] := right; Triangles[-1].y[0] := -bottom; Triangles[-1].x[1] := left; Triangles[-1].y[1] := -bottom; Triangles[-1].x[2] := left; Triangles[-1].y[2] := -top; end; end else begin Triangles[-1].x[0] := 1; Triangles[-1].y[0] := 0; // "x" Triangles[-1].x[1] := 0; Triangles[-1].y[1] := 0; // "0" Triangles[-1].x[2] := 0; Triangles[-1].y[2] := -1; // "y" end; for j := 0 to Result do begin for i := 0 to 2 do with xform[j] do begin Triangles[j].x[i] := Triangles[-1].x[i] * c[0][0] + Triangles[-1].y[i] * c[1][0] + c[2][0]; Triangles[j].y[i] := Triangles[-1].x[i] * c[0][1] + Triangles[-1].y[i] * c[1][1] + c[2][1]; end; end; EnableFinalXform := FinalXformEnabled; // I don't like this... :-/ for j := -1 to Result do // was: Result-1 for i := 0 to 2 do Triangles[j].y[i] := -Triangles[j].y[i]; end; procedure TControlPoint.EqualizeWeights; var t, i: integer; begin t := NumXForms; for i := 0 to t - 1 do xform[i].density := 0.5; end; procedure TControlPoint.NormalizeWeights; var i: integer; td: double; begin td := 0.0; for i := 0 to NumXForms - 1 do td := td + xform[i].Density; if (td < 0.001) then EqualizeWeights else for i := 0 to NumXForms - 1 do xform[i].Density := xform[i].Density / td; end; procedure TControlPoint.RandomizeWeights; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to Transforms - 1 do xform[i].Density := Random; end; procedure TControlPoint.ComputeWeights(Triangles: TTriangles; t: integer); // Caclulate transform weight from triangle areas var i: integer; total_area: double; begin total_area := 0; for i := 0 to t - 1 do begin xform[i].Density := triangle_area(Triangles[i]); total_area := total_area + xform[i].Density; end; for i := 0 to t - 1 do begin xform[i].Density := xform[i].Density / total_area; end; //? cp1.NormalizeWeights; end; procedure TControlPoint.GetFromTriangles(const Triangles: TTriangles; const t: integer); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to t do begin solve3(Triangles[-1].x[0], -Triangles[-1].y[0], Triangles[i].x[0], Triangles[-1].x[1], -Triangles[-1].y[1], Triangles[i].x[1], Triangles[-1].x[2], -Triangles[-1].y[2], Triangles[i].x[2], xform[i].c[0][0], xform[i].c[1][0], xform[i].c[2][0]); solve3(Triangles[-1].x[0], -Triangles[-1].y[0], -Triangles[i].y[0], Triangles[-1].x[1], -Triangles[-1].y[1], -Triangles[i].y[1], Triangles[-1].x[2], -Triangles[-1].y[2], -Triangles[i].y[2], xform[i].c[0][1], xform[i].c[1][1], xform[i].c[2][1]); end; FinalXformEnabled := EnableFinalXform; end; procedure TControlPoint.AdjustScale(w, h: integer); begin // if width >= height then pixels_per_unit := pixels_per_unit * w/width; // else // pixels_per_unit := pixels_per_unit * h/height; width := w; height := h; end; end.