{ Flame screensaver Copyright (C) 2002 Ronald Hordijk Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend Apophysis Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Ronald Hordijk, Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } unit Render48MT; interface uses Windows, Forms, Classes, Graphics, Render, RenderMT, ImageMaker, ControlPoint, RenderTypes; type TRenderer48MT = class(TBaseMTRenderer) protected Buckets: TBucket48Array; // ColorMap: TColorMapArray; function GetBits: integer; override; function GetBucketsPtr: pointer; override; procedure AllocateBuckets; override; procedure ClearBuckets; override; // procedure CreateColorMap; override; public procedure AddPointsToBuckets(const points: TPointsArray); override; procedure AddPointsToBucketsAngle(const points: TPointsArray); override; end; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- type TRenderer48MT_MM = class(TRenderer48MT) protected procedure CalcBufferSize; override; public procedure Render; override; end; implementation uses Math, Sysutils; { TRenderer48MT } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TRenderer48MT.GetBits: integer; begin Result := BITS_48; end; function TRenderer48MT.GetBucketsPtr: pointer; begin Result := Buckets; end; procedure TRenderer48MT.AllocateBuckets; begin SetLength(buckets, BucketHeight, BucketWidth); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRenderer48MT.ClearBuckets; var i, j: integer; begin for j := 0 to BucketHeight - 1 do for i := 0 to BucketWidth - 1 do with buckets[j][i] do begin rl := 0; rh := 0; gl := 0; gh := 0; bl := 0; bh := 0; cl := 0; ch := 0; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRenderer48MT.AddPointsToBuckets(const points: TPointsArray); var i: integer; px, py: double; // R: double; // V1, v2, v3: integer; pBucket: PBucket48; MapColor: PColorMapColor; begin for i := SUB_BATCH_SIZE - 1 downto 0 do begin // if FStop then Exit; px := points[i].x - camX0; if (px < 0) or (px > camW) then continue; py := points[i].y - camY0; if (py < 0) or (py > camH) then continue; pBucket := @Buckets[Round(bhs * py)][Round(bws * px)]; MapColor := @ColorMap[Round(points[i].c * 255)]; asm mov edx, [MapColor] mov ecx, [pBucket] mov eax, [edx] add [ecx], eax jnc @skip_r inc word ptr [ecx + 4] @skip_r: mov eax, [edx + 4] add [ecx + 6], eax jnc @skip_g inc word ptr [ecx + 10] @skip_g: mov eax, [edx + 8] add [ecx + 12], eax jnc @skip_b inc word ptr [ecx + 16] @skip_b: inc [ecx + 18] jnc @skip_c inc word ptr [ecx + 22] @skip_c: end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRenderer48MT.AddPointsToBucketsAngle(const points: TPointsArray); var i: integer; px, py: double; pBucket: PBucket48; MapColor: PColorMapColor; begin for i := SUB_BATCH_SIZE - 1 downto 0 do begin // if FStop then Exit; px := points[i].x * cosa + points[i].y * sina + rcX; if (px < 0) or (px > camW) then continue; py := points[i].y * cosa - points[i].x * sina + rcY; if (py < 0) or (py > camH) then continue; pBucket := @Buckets[Round(bhs * py)][Round(bws * px)]; MapColor := @ColorMap[Round(points[i].c * 255)]; asm mov edx, [MapColor] mov ecx, [pBucket] mov eax, [edx] add [ecx], eax jnc @skip_r inc word ptr [ecx + 4] @skip_r: mov eax, [edx + 4] add [ecx + 6], eax jnc @skip_g inc word ptr [ecx + 10] @skip_g: mov eax, [edx + 8] add [ecx + 12], eax jnc @skip_b inc word ptr [ecx + 16] @skip_b: inc [ecx + 18] jnc @skip_c inc word ptr [ecx + 22] @skip_c: end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // { TRenderer48MT_MM } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TRenderer48MT_MM.CalcBufferSize; begin CalcBufferSizeMM; end; procedure TRenderer48MT_MM.Render; begin RenderMM; end; end.