{ Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } unit Mutate; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ControlPoint, Render, ComCtrls, Menus, Buttons, Cmap; type TMutateForm = class(TForm) GroupBox1: TGroupBox; Panel0: TPanel; Panel1: TPanel; Panel2: TPanel; Panel3: TPanel; Panel8: TPanel; Panel4: TPanel; Panel7: TPanel; Panel6: TPanel; Panel5: TPanel; Image1: TImage; Image2: TImage; Image3: TImage; Image4: TImage; Image5: TImage; Image6: TImage; Image7: TImage; Image8: TImage; Image0: TImage; Timer: TTimer; GroupBox2: TGroupBox; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; scrollTime: TScrollBar; cmbTrend: TComboBox; lblTime: TLabel; chkSameNum: TCheckBox; QualityPopup: TPopupMenu; mnuLowQuality: TMenuItem; mnuMediumQuality: TMenuItem; mnuHighQuality: TMenuItem; N3: TMenuItem; mnuResetLocation: TMenuItem; mnuBack: TMenuItem; N1: TMenuItem; mnuMaintainSym: TMenuItem; N2: TMenuItem; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure Image0Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MutantClick(Sender: TObject); procedure sbTimeChange(Sender: TObject); procedure TimerTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure scrollTimeChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cmbTrendChange(Sender: TObject); procedure btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuHighQualityClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuLowQualityClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuMediumQualityClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure chkSameNumClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuResetLocationClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuBackClick(Sender: TObject); procedure mnuMaintainSymClick(Sender: TObject); private name, nick, url: string; bm: TBitmap; PreviewDensity: double; Updating: boolean; cps: array[0..8] of TControlPoint; Mutants: array[0..8] of TControlPoint; Render: TRenderer; Time: double; bstop: boolean; brightness, gamma, vibrancy: double; seed, InitSeed: integer; procedure RandomSet; procedure ShowMain; procedure ShowMutants; procedure Interpolate; public Zoom: Double; Center: array[0..1] of double; cmap: TColorMap; procedure UpdateDisplay; procedure UpdateFlame; end; var MutateForm: TMutateForm; implementation uses Main, Global, Registry, Editor, Adjust, XFormMan; {$R *.DFM} procedure TMutateForm.UpdateFlame; begin MainForm.StopThread; MainForm.UpdateUndo; MainCp.Copy(cps[0]); Transforms := MainCp.TrianglesFromCP(MainTriangles); MainCp.cmap := cmap; MainCp.name := name; MainCp.nick := nick; mainCp.url := url; if mnuResetLocation.checked then begin MainForm.Mainzoom := cps[0].zoom; MainForm.Center[0] := cps[0].Center[0]; MainForm.Center[1] := cps[0].Center[1]; end; MainForm.RedrawTimer.enabled := true; if EditForm.Visible then EditForm.UpdateDisplay; // if AdjustForm.Visible then AdjustForm.UpdateDisplay; end; procedure TMutateForm.UpdateDisplay; begin cps[0].copy(MainCp); AdjustScale(cps[0], Image0.Width, Image0.Height); cps[0].cmap := MainCp.cmap; cmap := MainCp.cmap; name := Maincp.name; nick := maincp.nick; url := maincp.url; zoom := MainCp.zoom; center[0] := MainCp.center[0]; center[1] := MainCp.center[1]; vibrancy := cps[0].vibrancy; gamma := cps[0].gamma; brightness := cps[0].brightness; Interpolate; ShowMain; Application.ProcessMessages; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.ShowMain; begin cps[0].Width := Image0.Width; cps[0].Height := Image0.Height; cps[0].spatial_oversample := defOversample; cps[0].spatial_filter_radius := defFilterRadius; cps[0].sample_density := PreviewDensity; cps[0].brightness := brightness; cps[0].gamma := gamma; cps[0].vibrancy := vibrancy; cps[0].sample_density := PreviewDensity; cps[0].cmap := cmap; cps[0].background := MainCp.background; if mnuResetLocation.checked then begin cps[0].CalcBoundbox; zoom := 0; center[0] := cps[0].center[0]; center[1] := cps[0].Center[1]; end; cps[0].zoom := zoom; cps[0].center[0] := center[0]; cps[0].center[1] := center[1]; Render.Compatibility := compatibility; Render.SetCP(cps[0]); Render.Render; BM.Assign(Render.GetImage); Image0.Picture.Graphic := bm; end; procedure TMutateForm.ShowMutants; var i: integer; begin Updating := true; for i := 1 to 8 do begin mutants[i].Width := Image1.Width; mutants[i].Height := Image1.Height; mutants[i].spatial_filter_radius := defFilterRadius; mutants[i].spatial_oversample := defOversample; mutants[i].sample_density := PreviewDensity; mutants[i].brightness := brightness; mutants[i].gamma := gamma; mutants[i].vibrancy := vibrancy; { mutants[i].zoom := 0; mutants[i].CalcBoundbox; if not mnuResetLocation.checked then begin mutants[i].zoom := MainCp.zoom; mutants[i].CalcBoundbox; mutants[i].center[0] := MainCp.Center[0]; mutants[i].center[1] := MainCp.Center[1]; end; { if mnuResetLocation.checked then begin mutants[i].CalcBoundbox; zoom := 0; center[0] := cps[0].center[0]; center[1] := cps[0].Center[1]; end; } if mnuResetLocation.checked then begin mutants[i].CalcBoundbox; mutants[i].zoom := 0; // center[0] := cps[0].center[0]; // center[1] := cps[0].Center[1]; end else begin mutants[i].zoom := zoom; mutants[i].center[0] := center[0]; mutants[i].center[1] := center[1]; end; Render.Compatibility := compatibility; Render.SetCP(mutants[i]); Render.Render; BM.Assign(Render.GetImage); case i of 1: begin Image1.Picture.Graphic := bm; Image1.Refresh; end; 2: begin Image2.Picture.Graphic := bm; Image2.Refresh; end; 3: begin Image3.Picture.Graphic := bm; Image3.Refresh; end; 4: begin Image4.Picture.Graphic := bm; Image4.Refresh; end; 5: begin Image5.Picture.Graphic := bm; Image5.Refresh; end; 6: begin Image6.Picture.Graphic := bm; Image6.Refresh; end; 7: begin Image7.Picture.Graphic := bm; Image7.Refresh; end; 8: begin Image8.Picture.Graphic := bm; Image8.Refresh; end; end; Updating := false; end; end; procedure TMutateForm.Interpolate; var i, j, k: Integer; begin for i := 1 to 8 do begin if bstop then exit; cps[0].Time := 0; cps[i].Time := 1; Mutants[i].clear; Mutants[i].InterpolateX(cps[0], cps[i], Time / 100); Mutants[i].cmapindex := cps[0].cmapindex; Mutants[i].cmap := cps[0].cmap; Mutants[i].background := MainCp.background; if mnuMaintainSym.Checked then // maintain symmetry begin for j := 0 to transforms - 1 do begin if cps[0].xform[j].Symmetry = 1 then begin mutants[i].xform[j].Symmetry := 1; mutants[i].xform[j].Color := cps[0].xform[j].color; mutants[i].xform[j].Density := cps[0].xform[j].Density; mutants[i].xform[j].c[0][0] := cps[0].xform[j].c[0][0]; mutants[i].xform[j].c[0][1] := cps[0].xform[j].c[0][1]; mutants[i].xform[j].c[1][0] := cps[0].xform[j].c[1][0]; mutants[i].xform[j].c[1][1] := cps[0].xform[j].c[1][1]; mutants[i].xform[j].c[2][0] := cps[0].xform[j].c[2][0]; mutants[i].xform[j].c[2][1] := cps[0].xform[j].c[2][1]; for k := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do mutants[i].xform[j].vars[k] := cps[0].xform[j].vars[k]; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TMutateForm.RandomSet; var i: Integer; begin RandSeed := seed; for i := 1 to 8 do begin cps[i].clear; if chkSameNum.checked then cps[i].RandomCP(transforms, transforms, false) else cps[i].RandomCP(mutantMinTransforms, mutantMaxTransforms, false); cps[i].SetVariation(TVariation(cmbTrend.Items.Objects[cmbTrend.ItemIndex])); end; Interpolate; end; procedure TMutateForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var Registry: TRegistry; begin { Read posution from registry } Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if Registry.OpenKey('Software\' + APP_NAME + '\Forms\Mutate', False) then begin if Registry.ValueExists('Left') then MutateForm.Left := Registry.ReadInteger('Left'); if Registry.ValueExists('Top') then MutateForm.Top := Registry.ReadInteger('Top'); end; Registry.CloseKey; finally Registry.Free; end; Interpolate; ShowMain; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin cmbTrend.Items.clear; cmbTrend.AddItem('Random', Tobject(vRandom)); for i:= 0 to NRVAR -1 do begin cmbTrend.AddItem(varnames(i), Tobject(i)); end; bm := TBitMap.Create; case MutatePrevQual of 0: begin mnuLowQuality.Checked := true; PreviewDensity := prevLowQuality; end; 1: begin mnuMediumQuality.Checked := true; PreviewDensity := prevMediumQuality; end; 2: begin mnuHighQuality.Checked := true; PreviewDensity := prevHighQuality; end; end; Render := TRenderer.Create; for i := 0 to 8 do begin cps[i] := TControlPoint.Create; Mutants[i] := TControlPoint.Create; end; Time := 35; scrollTime.Position := 25; cmbTrend.ItemIndex := 0; InitSeed := random(1234567890); seed := InitSeed; RandomSet; end; procedure TMutateForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin Render.Stop; Render.Free; for i := 0 to 8 do begin cps[i].Free; Mutants[i].Free; end; bm.free; end; procedure TMutateForm.Image0Click(Sender: TObject); begin Render.Stop; mnuBack.Enabled := true; inc(seed); RandomSet; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.MutantClick(Sender: TObject); var i, j: integer; cpt: TControlPoint; begin cpt := TControlPoint.Create; cpt.Copy(cps[0]); bstop := true; if sender = Image1 then begin cps[0].Time := 0; cps[1].Time := 1; cps[0].Interpolatex(cps[0], cps[1], Time / 100); end else if sender = Image2 then begin cps[0].Time := 0; cps[2].Time := 1; cps[0].Interpolatex(cps[0], cps[2], Time / 100); end else if sender = Image3 then begin cps[0].Time := 0; cps[3].Time := 1; cps[0].InterpolateX(cps[0], cps[3], Time / 100); end else if sender = Image4 then begin cps[0].Time := 0; cps[4].Time := 1; cps[0].Interpolatex(cps[0], cps[4], Time / 100); end else if sender = Image5 then begin cps[0].Time := 0; cps[5].Time := 1; cps[0].Interpolatex(cps[0], cps[5], Time / 100); end else if sender = Image6 then begin cps[0].Time := 0; cps[6].Time := 1; cps[0].Interpolatex(cps[0], cps[6], Time / 100); end else if sender = Image7 then begin cps[0].Time := 0; cps[7].Time := 1; cps[0].Interpolatex(cps[0], cps[7], Time / 100); end else if sender = Image8 then begin cps[0].Time := 0; cps[8].Time := 1; cps[0].Interpolatex(cps[0], cps[8], Time / 100); end; if mnuMaintainSym.Checked then // maintain symmetry begin for i := 0 to transforms - 1 do begin if cpt.xform[i].Symmetry = 1 then begin cps[0].xform[i].Symmetry := 1; cps[0].xform[i].Color := cpt.xform[i].color; cps[0].xform[i].Density := cpt.xform[i].Density; cps[0].xform[i].c[0][0] := cpt.xform[i].c[0][0]; cps[0].xform[i].c[0][1] := cpt.xform[i].c[0][1]; cps[0].xform[i].c[1][0] := cpt.xform[i].c[1][0]; cps[0].xform[i].c[1][1] := cpt.xform[i].c[1][1]; cps[0].xform[i].c[2][0] := cpt.xform[i].c[2][0]; cps[0].xform[i].c[2][1] := cpt.xform[i].c[2][1]; for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do cps[0].xform[i].vars[j] := cpt.xform[i].vars[j]; end; end; end; bstop := false; ShowMain; Interpolate; ShowMutants; UpdateFlame; cpt.free; end; procedure TMutateForm.sbTimeChange(Sender: TObject); begin bstop := true; Render.Stop; Time := scrollTime.Position; bstop := false; Interpolate; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.TimerTimer(Sender: TObject); begin Timer.Enabled := false; if (Time <> scrollTime.Position) and (not updating) then begin Time := scrollTime.Position; Interpolate; ShowMutants; end; end; procedure TMutateForm.scrollTimeChange(Sender: TObject); begin Timer.Enabled := true; lblTime.Caption := FloatToStr(scrollTime.Position / 100); end; procedure TMutateForm.cmbTrendChange(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to 8 do begin cps[i].SetVariation(TVariation(cmbTrend.Items.Objects[cmbTrend.ItemIndex])); end; Interpolate; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin ModalResult := mrCancel; end; procedure TMutateForm.mnuHighQualityClick(Sender: TObject); begin mnuHighQuality.Checked := True; PreviewDensity := prevHighQuality; MutatePrevQual := 2; ShowMain; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.mnuLowQualityClick(Sender: TObject); begin mnuLowQuality.Checked := True; PreviewDensity := prevLowQuality; MutatePrevQual := 0; ShowMain; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.mnuMediumQualityClick(Sender: TObject); begin mnuMediumQuality.Checked := True; PreviewDensity := prevMediumQuality; MutatePrevQual := 1; ShowMain; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); var Registry: TRegistry; begin { Write position to registry } Registry := TRegistry.Create; try Registry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if Registry.OpenKey('\Software\' + APP_NAME + '\Forms\Mutate', True) then begin Registry.WriteInteger('Top', MutateForm.Top); Registry.WriteInteger('Left', MutateForm.Left); end; finally Registry.Free; end; end; procedure TMutateForm.chkSameNumClick(Sender: TObject); begin RandomSet; Interpolate; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.mnuResetLocationClick(Sender: TObject); begin mnuResetLocation.Checked := not mnuResetLocation.Checked; if not mnuResetLocation.checked then begin cps[0].width := MainCp.width; cps[0].height := MainCp.height; cps[0].pixels_per_unit := MainCp.pixels_per_unit; AdjustScale(cps[0], Image0.width, Image0.Height); cps[0].zoom := MainCp.zoom; cps[0].center[0] := MainCp.center[0]; cps[0].center[1] := MainCp.center[1]; zoom := cps[0].zoom; center[0] := cps[0].center[0]; center[1] := cps[0].center[1]; end; ShowMain; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.mnuBackClick(Sender: TObject); begin Render.Stop; if seed > InitSeed then dec(seed); if seed = InitSeed then mnuBack.enabled := false; RandomSet; ShowMutants; end; procedure TMutateForm.mnuMaintainSymClick(Sender: TObject); begin mnuMaintainSym.Checked := not mnuMaintainSym.Checked; Interpolate; ShowMutants; end; end.