diff --git a/2.10/Source/Main.dfm b/2.10/Source/Main.dfm
index 397f1b6..86c6e20 100644
--- a/2.10/Source/Main.dfm
+++ b/2.10/Source/Main.dfm
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ object MainForm: TMainForm
Left = 160
Top = 28
Width = 4
- Height = 480
+ Height = 494
object ToolBar: TToolBar
Left = 0
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ object MainForm: TMainForm
Left = 0
Top = 28
Width = 160
- Height = 480
+ Height = 494
Align = alLeft
Columns = <
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ object MainForm: TMainForm
Left = 164
Top = 28
Width = 433
- Height = 480
+ Height = 494
Align = alClient
BevelInner = bvLowered
BevelOuter = bvNone
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ object MainForm: TMainForm
object StatusBar: TStatusBar
Left = 0
- Top = 508
+ Top = 522
Width = 597
Height = 19
Panels = <
diff --git a/2.10/Source/Main.pas b/2.10/Source/Main.pas
index f7a3452..dcaa1d9 100644
--- a/2.10/Source/Main.pas
+++ b/2.10/Source/Main.pas
@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ uses
ToolWin, StdCtrls, Classes, Messages, ExtCtrls, ImgList, controlpoint,
Jpeg, SyncObjs, SysUtils, ClipBrd, Graphics, Math, Global, MyTypes,
Registry, RenderThread, Cmap, ExtDlgs, AppEvnts, ShellAPI,
-// IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdHTTP,
-// IdBaseComponent, IdIntercept, IdLogBase, IdLogFile,
- LibXmlParser, LibXmlComps, Xform;
+ LibXmlParser, LibXmlComps, Xform, XFormMan;
PixelCountMax = 32768;
@@ -311,7 +309,7 @@ type
Remainder: TDateTime;
AnimPal: TColorMap;
- VarMenus: array[0..NRVISVAR] of TMenuItem;
+ VarMenus: array of TMenuItem;
procedure LoadXMLFlame(filename, name: string);
procedure DisableFavorites;
@@ -336,6 +334,10 @@ type
procedure RandomBatch;
procedure GetScripts;
function ApplicationOnHelp(Command: Word; Data: Integer; var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean;
+ procedure AppException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
procedure ListXML(FileName: string; sel: integer);
@@ -369,10 +371,14 @@ var
-uses Editor, Options, Regstry, {Gradient,} Render,
+ JclDebug, ExceptForm,
+ Editor, Options, Regstry, Render,
FullScreen, FormRender, Mutate, Adjust, Browser, Save, About, CmapData,
- HtmlHlp, ScriptForm, FormFavorites, {Size,} FormExport, msMultiPartFormData,
- {Sheep,} ImageColoring, RndFlame;
+ HtmlHlp, ScriptForm, FormFavorites, Size, FormExport, msMultiPartFormData,
+ ImageColoring, RndFlame;
{$R *.DFM}
@@ -626,10 +632,10 @@ begin
for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do
cp.xform[i].vars[j] := 0;
- a := random(NRVISVAR);
+ a := random(NRVAR);
until Variations[a];
- b := random(NRVISVAR);
+ b := random(NRVAR);
until Variations[b];
if (a = b) then
@@ -1346,10 +1352,10 @@ end;
function FlameToXML(const cp1: TControlPoint; sheep: boolean; compact: boolean = false): string;
- t, i, j: integer;
+ t, i{, j}: integer;
FileList: TStringList;
- x, y, a, b, cc, d, e, f: double;
- varlist, nick, url, pal, hue: string;
+ x, y{, a, b, cc, d, e, f}: double;
+ {varlist,} nick, url, pal, hue: string;
FileList := TStringList.create;
x := cp1.center[0];
@@ -1380,27 +1386,27 @@ begin
format('vibrancy="%g" ', [cp1.vibrancy]) + hue + url + nick + '>');
{ Write transform parameters }
t := NumXForms(cp1);
- for i := 0 to t - 1 do
- begin
- with cp1.xform[i] do
- begin
- a := c[0][0];
- b := c[1][0];
- cc := c[0][1];
- d := c[1][1];
- e := c[2][0];
- f := c[2][1];
- varlist := '';
- for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do
- begin
- if vars[j] <> 0 then
- begin
- varlist := varlist + varnames[j] + format('="%f" ', [vars[j]]);
- end;
- end;
- FileList.Add(Format(' ', [a, cc, b, d, e, f]));
- end;
+ for i := 0 to t - 1 do begin
+ FileList.Add(cp1.xform[i].ToXMLString);
+// with cp1.xform[i] do
+// begin
+// a := c[0][0];
+// b := c[1][0];
+// cc := c[0][1];
+// d := c[1][1];
+// e := c[2][0];
+// f := c[2][1];
+// varlist := '';
+// for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do
+// begin
+// if vars[j] <> 0 then
+// begin
+// varlist := varlist + varnames(j) + format('="%f" ', [vars[j]]);
+// end;
+// end;
+// FileList.Add(Format(' ', [a, cc, b, d, e, f]));
+// end;
{ Write palette data }
if not sheep then begin
@@ -1416,64 +1422,64 @@ begin
-function FlameToXMLSheep(const cp1: TControlPoint): string;
- t, i, j: integer;
- FileList: TStringList;
- x, y, a, b, cc, d, e, f: double;
- varlist, pal, hue: string;
- FileList := TStringList.create;
- x := cp1.center[0];
- y := cp1.center[1];
- pal := ''; hue := '';
- pal := 'palette="' + IntToStr(cp1.cmapindex) + '" ';
-// if cp1.hue_rotation = 0 then cp1.hue_rotation := 1;
- hue := ' hue="' + format('%g', [cp1.hue_rotation]) + '"';
- try
- FileList.Add('');
- { Write transform parameters }
- t := NumXForms(cp1);
- for i := 0 to t - 1 do
- begin
- with cp1.xform[i] do
- begin
- a := c[0][0];
- b := c[1][0];
- cc := c[0][1];
- d := c[1][1];
- e := c[2][0];
- f := c[2][1];
- varlist := '';
- for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do
- begin
- if vars[j] <> 0 then
- begin
- varlist := varlist + varnames[j] + format('="%f" ', [vars[j]]);
- end;
- end;
- FileList.Add(Format(' ', [a, cc, b, d, e, f]));
- end;
- end;
- FileList.Add('');
- result := FileList.text;
- finally
- FileList.free
- end;
+//function FlameToXMLSheep(const cp1: TControlPoint): string;
+// t, i, j: integer;
+// FileList: TStringList;
+// x, y, a, b, cc, d, e, f: double;
+// varlist, pal, hue: string;
+// FileList := TStringList.create;
+// x := cp1.center[0];
+// y := cp1.center[1];
+// pal := ''; hue := '';
+// pal := 'palette="' + IntToStr(cp1.cmapindex) + '" ';
+//// if cp1.hue_rotation = 0 then cp1.hue_rotation := 1;
+// hue := ' hue="' + format('%g', [cp1.hue_rotation]) + '"';
+// try
+// FileList.Add('');
+// { Write transform parameters }
+// t := NumXForms(cp1);
+// for i := 0 to t - 1 do
+// begin
+// with cp1.xform[i] do
+// begin
+// a := c[0][0];
+// b := c[1][0];
+// cc := c[0][1];
+// d := c[1][1];
+// e := c[2][0];
+// f := c[2][1];
+// varlist := '';
+// for j := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do
+// begin
+// if vars[j] <> 0 then
+// begin
+// varlist := varlist + varnames(j) + format('="%f" ', [vars[j]]);
+// end;
+// end;
+// FileList.Add(Format(' ', [a, cc, b, d, e, f]));
+// end;
+// end;
+// FileList.Add('');
+// result := FileList.text;
+// finally
+// FileList.free
+// end;
function RemoveExt(filename: string): string;
@@ -2540,6 +2546,17 @@ procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
dte: string;
+ // Enable raw mode (default mode uses stack frames which aren't always generated by the compiler)
+ Include(JclStackTrackingOptions, stRawMode);
+ // Disable stack tracking in dynamically loaded modules (it makes stack tracking code a bit faster)
+ Include(JclStackTrackingOptions, stStaticModuleList);
+ // Initialize Exception tracking
+ JclStartExceptionTracking;
+ Application.OnException := AppException;
FMouseMoveState := msDrag; // --Z-- was: msZoomWindow;
LimitVibrancy := True;
Favorites := TStringList.Create;
@@ -4093,6 +4110,7 @@ procedure TMainForm.XMLScannerEmptyTag(Sender: TObject; TagName: string;
i: integer;
v: string;
+ d: double;
Tokens: TStringList;
Tokens := TStringList.Create;
@@ -4121,7 +4139,7 @@ begin
for i := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do
Parsecp.xform[nxform].vars[i] := 0;
- v := Attributes.Value(varnames[i]);
+ v := Attributes.Value(varnames(i));
if v <> '' then
Parsecp.xform[nxform].vars[i] := StrToFloat(v);
@@ -4143,6 +4161,15 @@ begin
for i := 0 to Tokens.Count - 1 do
Parsecp.xform[nxform].vars[i] := StrToFloat(Tokens[i]);
+ for i := 0 to GetNrVariableNames - 1 do begin
+ v := Attributes.Value(GetVariableNameAt(i));
+ if v <> '' then begin
+ d := StrToFloat(v);
+ Parsecp.xform[nxform].SetVariable(GetVariableNameAt(i), d);
+ end;
+ end;
if TagName = 'color' then
@@ -4451,11 +4478,15 @@ end;
procedure TMainForm.FillVariantMenu;
i: integer;
+ s: string;
NewMenuItem : TMenuItem;
- for i := 0 to NRVISVAR - 1 do begin
+ SetLength(VarMenus, NrVar);
+ for i := 0 to NRVAR - 1 do begin
NewMenuItem := TMenuItem.Create(self);
- NewMenuItem.Caption := uppercase(varnames[i][0]) + copy(varnames[i], 2, length(varnames[i])-1);
+ s := varnames(i);
+ NewMenuItem.Caption := uppercase(s[1]) + copy(s, 2, length(s)-1);
NewMenuItem.OnClick := VariantMenuClick;
NewMenuItem.Enabled := True;
NewMenuItem.Name := 'var' + intTostr(i);
@@ -4573,5 +4604,22 @@ begin
+procedure TMainForm.AppException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
+ frmException: TfrmException;
+ frmException := TfrmException.Create(nil);
+ JclLastExceptStackListToStrings(frmException.Memo1.Lines, False, True, True, False);
+ frmException.Memo1.Lines.Insert(0,e.Message);
+ frmException.Memo1.Lines.Insert(1,'');
+ frmException.ShowModal;
diff --git a/2.10/Source/exceptform.dfm b/2.10/Source/exceptform.dfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b06ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.10/Source/exceptform.dfm
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+object frmException: TfrmException
+ Left = 475
+ Top = 337
+ Width = 611
+ Height = 453
+ Caption = 'An exception occured'
+ Color = clBtnFace
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -11
+ Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = []
+ OldCreateOrder = False
+ DesignSize = (
+ 603
+ 419)
+ PixelsPerInch = 96
+ TextHeight = 13
+ object Label1: TLabel
+ Left = 148
+ Top = 380
+ Width = 263
+ Height = 13
+ Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akBottom]
+ Caption = 'Please mail this message to Ronald.Hordijk@gmail.com'
+ end
+ object Button1: TButton
+ Left = 16
+ Top = 376
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akBottom]
+ Caption = 'Exit'
+ TabOrder = 0
+ OnClick = Button1Click
+ end
+ object Memo1: TMemo
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 8
+ Width = 585
+ Height = 353
+ Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
+ TabOrder = 1
+ end
diff --git a/2.10/Source/exceptform.pas b/2.10/Source/exceptform.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e5e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2.10/Source/exceptform.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+unit exceptform;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Dialogs, StdCtrls;
+ TfrmException = class(TForm)
+ Button1: TButton;
+ Memo1: TMemo;
+ Label1: TLabel;
+ procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ { Private declarations }
+ public
+ procedure AddLine(s: string);
+ end;
+ frmException: TfrmException;
+{$R *.dfm}
+{ TForm1 }
+procedure TfrmException.AddLine(s: string);
+ Memo1.Lines.Add(s);
+procedure TfrmException.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
+ Halt;
+ frmException := TfrmException.Create(nil);
+ frmException.Free;