From 3675a21bf6ca6995957364d35c1c735b1e0d801f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zueuk <zueuk>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 09:41:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] added try..except to variation preview

 2.10/Source/Editor.pas | 7 +++----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/2.10/Source/Editor.pas b/2.10/Source/Editor.pas
index fb6e63d..7797f29 100644
--- a/2.10/Source/Editor.pas
+++ b/2.10/Source/Editor.pas
@@ -1073,20 +1073,19 @@ begin
         assert(trkVarPreviewDensity.position > 0);
-        //for i := 0 to Transforms-1 do cp.xform[i].prepare;
         n := trkVarPreviewRange.position * trkVarPreviewDensity.position * 5;
         d1 := trkVarPreviewDensity.position * 5;
         tc := GetTriangleColor(SelectedTriangle);
         for ax := -n to n do
           for ay := -n to n do
-          begin
+          try
             tx := ax / d1;
             ty := ay / d1;
-            //cp.xform[random(Transforms)].nextpoint(tx,ty,d);
             for i := 1 to trkVarPreviewDepth.position do
               cp.xform[SelectedTriangle].NextPoint(tx, ty, d); // d used as dummy var
             a := toscreen(tx,-ty);
-            Pixels[a.x, a.Y] := {Pixels[a.x, a.Y] xor} tc;//$ffffff;
+            Pixels[a.x, a.Y] := {Pixels[a.x, a.Y] xor} tc;
+          except