
273 lines
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The :class:`Song` model is by far the most complicated and involved model.
Each instance is a single music file. This model is used to store metadata
about the song.
from django.db import models
from Melodia import melodia_settings
from archive import Archive
import datetime
import os.path
_default_string = "_UNAVAILABLE_"
_default_date =
_default_int = -1
_default_rating = 0
_default_rating_bad = 1
_default_rating_ok = 2
_default_rating_decent = 3
_default_rating_good = 4
_default_rating_excellent = 5
_default_rating_choices = (
(_default_rating, 'Default'),
(_default_rating_bad, 'Bad'),
(_default_rating_ok, 'OK'),
(_default_rating_decent, 'Decent'),
(_default_rating_good, 'Good'),
(_default_rating_excellent, 'Excellent'),
class Song (models.Model):
.. data:: title
Title tag of this song
.. data:: artist
Artist tag of this song.
.. data:: album_artist
Album artist tag of this song. Can be used to group albums where
individual songs were made by different people.
.. data:: album
Album tag of this song.
.. data:: year
Integer representing the year this song was made.
.. data:: genre
Genre tag of this song. This is a general :class:`models.CharField`
field, and is not limited to a specific set of genres.
.. data:: bpm
Beats per minute of this song (integer).
.. data:: disc_number
Disc number this song came from
.. data:: disc_total
Total number of discs in the album this song is from
.. data:: track_number
Track number in the album this song is from
.. data:: track_total
Total number of tracks in the album this song is from
.. data:: comment
Comment tag of this song
.. data:: bit_rate
Integer representing the bit rate of this song
.. data:: duration
Duration (in seconds, floating-point value) of this song
.. data:: add_date
Date (not time) this song was added to the DB. Should **not** be
modified outside of this class' methods.
.. data:: url
URL for where this file is located on disk.
.. data:: file_hash
The hash string for this file - used to quickly check if the file has
been modified.
.. data:: file_size
Size of the file in bytes.
.. data:: play_count
How many times this file has been played through (defined as greater
than 50% of the song heard before skipping)
.. data:: skip_count
How many times this file has been skipped (defined as less than 50% of
the song heard before skipping)
.. data:: rating
Rating for this song. Ratings are as follows in order of increasing favoredness
on a 1--5 scale --
========= ======== ================
Rating: Value: Class field:
========= ======== ================
========= ======== ================
.. todo::
Change defaults to allow for ``None`` instead
Change private functions to public as need be
#Standard song metadata
title = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_string)
artist = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_string)
album_artist = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_string)
album = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_string)
year = models.IntegerField(default = _default_string)
genre = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_string)
bpm = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int)
disc_number = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int)
disc_total = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int)
track_number = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int)
track_total = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int)
comment = models.CharField(default = _default_string, max_length=512)
#File metadata
bit_rate = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int)
duration = models.FloatField(default = _default_int)
add_date = models.DateField(default = _default_date)
url = models.CharField(max_length = 255)
file_hash = melodia_settings.HASH_RESULT_DB_TYPE
file_size = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int)
#Melodia metadata
play_count = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int)
skip_count = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int)
rating = models.IntegerField(default = _default_int, choices = _default_rating_choices)
#Link back to the archive this comes from
parent_archive = models.ForeignKey(Archive)
#Set a static reference to the rating options
RATING_DEFAULT = _default_rating
RATING_BAD = _default_rating_bad
RATING_OK = _default_rating_ok
RATING_DECENT = _default_rating_decent
RATING_GOOD = _default_rating_good
RATING_EXCELLENT = _default_rating_excellent
class Meta:
app_label = 'archiver'
def _get_full_url(self):
"Combine this song's URL with the URL of its parent"
return os.path.join(parent_archive.root_folder, self.url)
def _file_not_changed(self):
"Make sure the hash for this file is valid - return True if it has not changed."
#Overload the hash function with whatever Melodia as a whole is using
from Melodia.melodia_settings import HASH_FUNCTION as hash
#Check if there's a hash entry - if there is, the song may not have changed,
#and we can go ahead and return
if self.file_hash != None:
song_file = open(self._get_full_url, 'rb')
current_file_hash = hash(
if current_file_hash == self.file_hash:
#The song data hasn't changed at all, we don't need to do anything
return True
return False
def _grab_file_info(self):
"Populate file-based metadata about this song."
import os
#Overload the hash function with whatever Melodia as a whole is using
from Melodia.melodia_settings import HASH_FUNCTION as hash
file_handle = open(self._get_full_url, 'rb')
self.file_hash = hash(
self.file_size = os.stat(self._get_full_url).st_size
def _grab_metadata_local(self):
"Populate this song's metadata using what is locally available"
#Use mutagen to get the song metadata
import mutagen
#Use mutagen to scan local metadata - don't update anything else (i.e. play_count)
track = mutagen.File(self._get_full_url)
track_easy = mutagen.File(self._get_full_url, easy=True)
self.title = track_easy['title'][0] or _default_string
self.artist = track_easy['artist'][0] or _default_string
self.album_artist = track_easy['albumartist'][0] or _default_string
self.album = track_easy['album'][0] or _default_string
self.year = int(track_easy['date'][0][0:4]) or _default_int
self.genre = track_easy["genre"][0] or _default_string
self.disc_number = int(track_easy['discnumber'][0].split('/')[0]) or _default_int
self.disc_total = int(track_easy['discnumber'][0].split('/')[-1]) or _default_int
self.track_number = int(track_easy['track_number'][0].split('/')[0]) or _default_int
self.track_total = int(track_easy['track_number'][0].split('/')[-1]) or _default_int
self.comment = track_easy['comment'][0] or _default_string
self.bit_rate = or _default_int
self.duration = or _default_int
#Couldn't grab the local data
return False
def populate_metadata(self):
Populate the metadata of this song (only if file hash has changed), and save the result.
if self._file_not_changed():
#If we've gotten to here, we do actually need to fully update the metadata
if use_echonest:
def convert(self, output_location, output_format):
Convert a song to a new format.
:param output_location: String URL of where the resulting file should be stored
:param output_format: Output format of the resulting file
.. todo::
Actually write the code to convert files, or abandon if necessary
pass #Need to get pydub code in place