from django.db import models from Melodia import melodia_settings import datetime """ The Song model Each instance of a Song represents a single music file. This database model is used for storing the metadata information about a song, and helps in doing sorting etc. """ _default_title = "_UNAVAILABLE_" _default_artist = "_UNAVAILABLE_" _default_album = "_UNAVAILABLE_" _default_release_date = #Function will be called per new song, rather than only being called right now. _default_genre = "_UNAVAILABLE_" _default_bpm = -1 _default_disc_number = -1 _default_disc_total = -1 _default_track_number = -1 _default_track_total = -1 _default_bit_rate = -1 _default_duration = -1 _default_echonest_song_id = "" class Song (models.Model): """ This class defines the fields and functions related to controlling individual music files. """ #Standard user-populated metadata title = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_title) artist = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_artist) album = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_album) release_date = models.DateField(default = _default_release_date) genre = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_genre) bpm = models.IntegerField(default = _default_bpm) disc_number = models.IntegerField(default = _default_disc_number) disc_total = models.IntegerField(default = _default_disc_total) track_number = models.IntegerField(default = _default_track_number) track_total = models.IntegerField(default = _default_track_total) #File metadata bit_rate = models.IntegerField(default = _default_bit_rate) duration = models.IntegerField(default = _default_bit_rate) echonest_song_id = models.CharField(max_length = 64, default = _default_echonest_song_id) url = models.CharField(max_length = 255, primary_key = True) file_hash = melodia_settings.HASH_RESULT_DB_TYPE def populate_metadata(self, use_echonest = False): "Populate the metadata of this song (only if file hash has changed)" #Overload the hash function with whatever Melodia as a whole is using from Melodia.melodia_settings import HASH_FUNCTION as hash #Check if there's a hash entry - if there is, the song may not have changed, #and we can go ahead and return if self.file_hash != None: song_file = open(self.url, 'rb') current_file_hash = hash( if current_file_hash == self.file_hash: #The song data hasn't changed at all, we don't need to do anything return #If we've gotten to here, we do actually need to fully update the metadata if use_echonest: #Code to grab metadata from echonest here pass else: #Grab metadata for the database using what is in the track. from Melodia.resources import add_resource_dir add_resource_dir() import audiotools try: track = track_metadata = track.get_metadata() self.title = track_metadata.track_name or _default_title self.artist = track_metadata.artist_name or _default_artist self.album = track_metadata.album_name or _default_album self.release_date = or 1), 1, 1) self.track_number = track_metadata.track_number or _default_track_number self.track_total = track_metadata.track_total or _default_track_total self.disc_number = track_metadata.album_number or _default_disc_number self.disc_total = track_metadata.album_total or _default_disc_total self.bpm = _default_bpm self.bit_rate = track.bits_per_sample() or _default_bit_rate self.duration = int(track.seconds_length()) or _default_duration self.echonest_song_id = _default_echonest_song_id except audiotools.UnsupportedFile, e: #Couldn't grab the local data - fill in the remaining data for this record, preserving #anything that already exists. self.title = self.title or _default_title self.artist = self.artist or _default_artist self.album = self.album or _default_album self.release_date = self.release_date or _default_release_date() self.bpm = self.bpm or _default_bpm self.bit_rate = self.bit_rate or _default_bitrate self.duration = self.bit_rate or _default_duration self.echonest_song_id = self.echonest_song_id or _default_echonest_song_id def convert(self, output_location, output_format, progress_func = lambda x, y: None): "Convert a song to a new format." #Note that output_format over-rides the format guessed by output_location from Melodia.resources import add_resource_dir add_resource_dir() import audiotools convert_from = convert_from.convert(output_location, output_format, progress_func)