from django.db import models from song import Song """ This is the archive model for the archiving backend of Melodia. It's purpose is to control the high-level functionality of managing multiple archives of music. It is different from a playlist both conceptually and practically - an archive describes a group of files, while a playlist describes a group of songs. In this way, you back up archives of music - you don't back up the songs in a playlist. Additionally, you may want to re-organize your music to use a cleaner directory structure - a playlist doesn't care about this. """ class Archive (models.Model): import datetime """ The archive model itself, and all functions used to interact with it. The archive is built up from a grouping of songs, and the functions that are used to interact with many songs at a single time. The archive for example allows you to re-organize a specific set of music files into a cleaner directory structure. The archive is given a folder to use as its root directory - it finds all music files under there, and takes control of them from there. """ name = models.CharField(max_length = 64) #Note that we're not using FilePathField since this is actually a folder root_folder = models.CharField(max_length = 255) #And a reference to the songs in this archive songs = models.ManyToManyField(Song) #Backup settings backup_location = models.CharField(max_length = 255, default = "/dev/null") backup_frequency = models.IntegerField(default = 604800) #1 week in seconds last_backup = models.DateTimeField(default = #Note that this by default will be the time the archive was instantiated def _scan_filesystem(self): "Scan the archive's root filesystem and add any new songs without adding metadata, delete songs that exist no more" #This method is implemented since the other scan methods all need to use the same code #DRY FTW import re, os from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from Melodia.melodia_settings import SUPPORTED_AUDIO_EXTENSIONS from Melodia.melodia_settings import HASH_FUNCTION as hash _regex = '|'.join(( '.*' + ext + '$' for ext in SUPPORTED_AUDIO_EXTENSIONS)) regex = re.compile(_regex, re.IGNORECASE) #Remove songs in the database if they exist no longer # -Do this first since we don't need to re-check songs that were just added for song in self.songs.all(): if not os.path.isfile(song.url): song.delete() continue #Add new songs for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.root_folder): #For each filename for filename in filenames: #If the filename is a supported audio extension if re.match(regex, filename): #Make sure that `filename` is in the database try: self.songs.get(url = filename) except ObjectDoesNotExist, e: #Song needs to be added to database full_url = os.path.join(dirname, filename) new_song = Song(url = full_url) self.songs.add(new_song) def _update_song_metadata(self, use_echonest = False, progress_callback = lambda x, y: None): """Scan every song in this archive (database only) and make sure all songs are correct The progress_callback function is called with the current song being operated on first, and the total songs second.""" #This method operates only on the songs that are in the database - if you need to make #sure that new songs are added, use the _scan_filesystem() method in addition total_songs = self.songs.count() current_song = 0 for song in self.songs.all(): current_song += 1 song.populate_metadata(use_echonest = use_echonest) progress_callback(current_song, total_songs) def _needs_backup(self): "Check if the current archive is due for a backup" import datetime prev_backup_time = self.last_backup current_time = delta = current_time - prev_backup_time if delta > datetime.timedelta(seconds = self.backup_frequency): return True else: return False def quick_scan(self): "Scan this archive's root folder and make sure that all songs are in the database." #This is a quick scan - only validate whether or not songs should exist in the database self._scan_filesystem() def scan(self): "Scan this archive's root folder and make sure any local metadata are correct." #This is a longer scan - validate whether songs should exist, and use local data to update #the database self._scan_filesystem() self._update_song_metadata() def deep_scan(self): "Scan this archive's root folder and make sure that all songs are in the database, and use EchoNest to update metadata as necessary" #This is a very long scan - validate whether songs should exist, and use Echonest to make sure #that metadata is as accurate as possible. self._scan_filesystem() self._update_song_metadata(use_echonest = True) def run_backup(self, force_backup = False): "Backup the current archive" if force_backup or self._needs_backup(): import subprocess['rsync', '-av', self.root_folder, self.backup_location]) def reorganize(self, format_string, progress_function = lambda x, y: None, song_status_function = lambda x, y: None, dry_run = False): """Reorganize a music archive using a specified format string. Recognized escape characters: %a - Artist Name %A - Album Name %d - Disc Number %e - Number of discs %f - Current Filename (no extension) %g - Current Filename (with extension) %n - Track Number %o - Number of tracks on disc %y - Album year Note that all organization takes place relative to the archive's root folder. The progress_function is called with the current song number as its first argument, and total songs as its second. The song_status_function is called with the current song url as its first argument, and new url as its second.""" import os, shutil, errno for song in self.songs.all(): _current_filename = os.path.basename(song.url) _current_filename_no_extension = os.path.splitext(_current_filename)[0] _release_year = song.release_date.year new_location = format_string.replace("%a", song.artist)\ .replace("%A", song.album)\ .replace("%d", song.disc_number)\ .replace("%e", song.disc_total)\ .replace("%f", _current_filename)\ .replace("%g", _current_filename_no_extension)\ .replace("%n", song.track_number)\ .replace("%o", song.track_total)\ .replace("%y", _release_year) new_url = os.path.join(self.root_folder, new_location) song_status_function(song.url, new_url) if not dry_run: new_folder = os.path.dirname(new_url) try: #`mkdir -p` functionality if not os.path.isdir(new_folder): os.makedirs(new_folder) #Safely copy the file - don't 'move' it, but do a full 'copy' 'rm' #This way if the process is ever interrupted, we have an unaltered copy #of the file. shutil.copyfile(song.url, new_url) shutil.copystat(song.url, new_url) #Notify the database about the new URL old_url = song.url song.url = new_url #Actually remove the file since all references to the original location have been removed os.remove(old_url) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(new_folder): #This is safe to skip - makedirs() is complaining about a folder already existing pass else: raise except IOError as exc: #shutil error - likely that folders weren't specified correctly raise