""" This file contains settings specifically for Melodia. The reason this was created is to control settings specifically for Melodia, as opposed to Django at large. """ #Format of this variable is a Django choices field SUPPORTED_AUDIO_FILETYPES = ( ('MP3', 'MPEG Layer 3'), ('OGG', 'Ogg Vorbis Audio'), ) #Use a list comprehension to grab the file extensions from our supported types SUPPORTED_AUDIO_EXTENSIONS = [ filetype[0] for filetype in SUPPORTED_AUDIO_FILETYPES ] #Note that you can change this to any function you want, any #time hashing is used by Melodia, this function is referenced import django.db.models.fields HASH_FUNCTION = hash HASH_RESULT_DB_TYPE = django.db.models.fields.IntegerField(default = -1)