{ Apophysis Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Mark Townsend Apophysis Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Ronald Hordijk, Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Piotr Borys, Peter Sdobnov Apophysis "3D hack" Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Peter Sdobnov Apophysis "7X" Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Georg Kiehne Apophysis AV "Phoenix Edition" Copyright (C) 2021 Alice V. Koryagina This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. } unit ImageMaker; interface uses Windows, Graphics, ControlPoint, RenderingCommon, PngImage, Bezier; type TPalette = record logpal : TLogPalette; colors: array[0..255] of TPaletteEntry; end; type TImageMaker = class private FOversample: Integer; FFilterSize: Integer; FFilter: array of array of double; FParameters : String; FBitmap: TBitmap; FAlphaBitmap: TBitmap; AlphaPalette: TPalette; FTransparentImage: TBitmap; comp_max_radius, comp_min_radius : double; num_de_filters_d, num_de_filters : double; de_max_ind, de_count_limit : double; de_cutoff_val : double; de_row_size, de_half_size, de_kernel_index : double; de_filter_coefs, de_filter_widths : array of double; FCP: TControlPoint; FBucketHeight: integer; FBucketWidth: integer; FBuckets: TBucketArray; FOnProgress: TOnProgress; FGetBucket: function(x, y: integer): TBucket of object; FCommentStr: string; // AV: for xml-params embedding function GetBucket(x, y: integer): TBucket; function SafeGetBucket(x, y: integer): TBucket; procedure CreateFilter; procedure InitDE; procedure NormalizeFilter; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function GetImage: TBitmap; procedure GetImageAndDelete(target:tBitmap); function GetTransparentImage: TPNGObject; procedure SetCP(CP: TControlPoint); procedure Init; procedure SetBucketData(const Buckets: pointer; BucketWidth, BucketHeight: integer; bits: integer); function GetFilterSize: Integer; procedure CreateImage(YOffset: integer = 0); procedure SaveImage(FileName: String); procedure GetBucketStats(var Stats: TBucketStats); function EmbedText(CommentStr: String): boolean; //AV property OnProgress: TOnProgress // read FOnProgress write FOnProgress; end; implementation uses Math, SysUtils, JPEG, Global, Types; { TImageMaker } type TRGB = packed Record blue: byte; green: byte; red: byte; end; PByteArray = ^TByteArray; TByteArray = array[0..0] of byte; // PLongintArray = ^TLongintArray; // TLongintArray = array[0..0] of Longint; PRGBArray = ^TRGBArray; TRGBArray = array[0..0] of TRGB; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TImageMaker.Create; var i: integer; begin AlphaPalette.logpal.palVersion := $300; AlphaPalette.logpal.palNumEntries := 256; for i := 0 to 255 do with AlphaPalette.logpal.palPalEntry[i] do begin peRed := i; peGreen := i; peBlue := i; end; FCommentStr := ''; // AV end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// destructor TImageMaker.Destroy; begin if assigned(FBitmap) then FBitmap.Free; if assigned(FAlphaBitmap) then FAlphaBitmap.Free; if assigned(FTransparentImage) then FTransparentImage.Free; inherited; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TImageMaker.CreateFilter; var i, j: integer; fw: integer; adjust: double; ii, jj: double; begin FOversample := fcp.spatial_oversample; fw := Trunc(2.0 * FILTER_CUTOFF * FOversample * fcp.spatial_filter_radius); FFilterSize := fw + 1; // make sure it has same parity as oversample if odd(FFilterSize + FOversample) then inc(FFilterSize); if (fw > 0.0) then adjust := (1.0 * FILTER_CUTOFF * FFilterSize) / fw else adjust := 1.0; setLength(FFilter, FFilterSize, FFilterSize); if fcp.enable_de and false then InitDE; for i := 0 to FFilterSize - 1 do begin for j := 0 to FFilterSize - 1 do begin ii := ((2.0 * i + 1.0)/ FFilterSize - 1.0) * adjust; jj := ((2.0 * j + 1.0)/ FFilterSize - 1.0) * adjust; FFilter[i, j] := exp(-2.0 * (ii * ii + jj * jj)); end; end; Normalizefilter; end; procedure TImageMaker.InitDE; var e, em, ec : double; filtloop : integer; de_filt_sum, de_filt_d, de_filt_h : double; adjloop, sfx : double; dej,dek, filter_coef_idx : integer; sl : integer; begin de_filt_sum := 0; if (fcp.estimator < 0.0) then e := 0 else e := fcp.estimator; if (fcp.estimator_min < 0.0) then em := 0 else em := fcp.estimator_min; if (fcp.estimator_curve < 0.0) then ec := 0 else ec := fcp.estimator_curve; if (e <= 0) then exit; comp_max_radius := e*Foversample + 1; comp_min_radius := em*Foversample + 1; num_de_filters_d := power(comp_max_radius/comp_min_radius, (1.0/ec)); num_de_filters := ceil(num_de_filters_d); if (num_de_filters>100) then begin de_max_ind := ceil(100 + power(num_de_filters - 100, ec)) + 1; de_count_limit := power(de_max_ind - 100, 1.0/ec) + 100; end else begin de_max_ind := num_de_filters; de_count_limit := de_max_ind; end; de_row_size := 2*ceil(comp_max_radius)-1; de_half_size := (de_row_size-1)/2; de_kernel_index := (de_half_size+1)*(2+de_half_size)/2; sl := Trunc(de_max_ind * de_kernel_index); //assert(sl >= 0); if (sl < 0) then sl := 0; setLength(de_filter_coefs, sl); sl := Trunc(de_max_ind); //assert(sl >= 0); if (sl < 0) then sl := 0; setLength(de_filter_widths, sl); de_cutoff_val := 0; for filtloop := 0 to trunc(de_max_ind)-1 do begin if (filtloop < 100) then de_filt_h := (comp_max_radius / power(filtloop+1, ec)) else begin adjloop := power(filtloop - 100, (1/ec))+100; de_filt_h := (comp_max_radius / power(adjloop+1, ec)) end; if (de_filt_h <= comp_min_radius) then begin de_filt_h := comp_min_radius; de_cutoff_val := filtloop; end; de_filter_widths[filtloop] := de_filt_h; for dej := -trunc(de_half_size) to trunc(de_half_size) do for dek := -trunc(de_half_size) to trunc(de_half_size) do begin de_filt_d := sqrt(dej * dej + dek * dek) / de_filt_h; if (de_filt_d <= 1.0) then begin sfx := 1.8 * de_filt_d; de_filt_sum := de_filt_sum + (exp(-2.0*sfx*sfx)*0.7978845608); end; // -X- ^^^ sqrt(2/PI) end; filter_coef_idx := filtloop * trunc(de_kernel_index); for dej := 0 to trunc(de_half_size) do for dek := 0 to dej-1 do begin de_filt_d := sqrt(dej * dej + dek * dek) / de_filt_h; if (de_filt_d>1.0) then begin // -X- TODO fix... if (filter_coef_idx >= 0) and (filter_coef_idx < Trunc(de_max_ind * de_kernel_index)) then de_filter_coefs[filter_coef_idx] := 0 end else begin sfx := 1.8 * de_filt_d; if (filter_coef_idx >= 0) and (filter_coef_idx < Trunc(de_max_ind * de_kernel_index)) then de_filter_coefs[filter_coef_idx] := (exp(-2.0*sfx*sfx)*0.7978845608) / de_filt_sum; end; Inc(filter_coef_idx); end; if (de_cutoff_val > 0) then break; end; if (de_cutoff_val=0) then de_cutoff_val := num_de_filters-1; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TImageMaker.NormalizeFilter; var i, j: integer; t: double; begin t := 0; for i := 0 to FFilterSize - 1 do for j := 0 to FFilterSize - 1 do t := t + FFilter[i, j]; for i := 0 to FFilterSize - 1 do for j := 0 to FFilterSize - 1 do FFilter[i, j] := FFilter[i, j] / t; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TImageMaker.GetFilterSize: Integer; begin Result := FFiltersize; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TImageMaker.GetImage: TBitmap; begin // if ShowTransparency then // Result := GetTransparentImage // else Result := FBitmap; end; procedure TImageMaker.GetImageAndDelete(target:tBitmap); begin assert(false); //target.Assign(FBitmap); //FBitmap.Free; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TImageMaker.Init; begin if not Assigned(FBitmap) then FBitmap := TBitmap.Create; FBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; FBitmap.Width := Fcp.Width; FBitmap.Height := Fcp.Height; if not Assigned(FAlphaBitmap) then FAlphaBitmap := TBitmap.Create; FAlphaBitmap.PixelFormat := pf8bit; FAlphaBitmap.Width := Fcp.Width; FAlphaBitmap.Height := Fcp.Height; CreateFilter; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TImageMaker.SetBucketData(const Buckets: pointer; BucketWidth, BucketHeight: integer; bits: integer); begin FBuckets := TBucketArray(Buckets); FBucketWidth := BucketWidth; FBucketHeight := BucketHeight; FGetBucket := GetBucket; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TImageMaker.SetCP(CP: TControlPoint); begin Fcp := CP; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TImageMaker.CreateImage(YOffset: integer); var gamma: double; i, j: integer; alpha: double; ri, gi, bi: Integer; ai, ia: integer; bgtot, zero_BG: TRGB; ls: double; ii, jj: integer; fp: array[0..3] of double; Row: PRGBArray; AlphaRow: PbyteArray; vib, notvib: Integer; bgi: array[0..2] of Integer; // bucketpos: Integer; filterValue: double; // filterpos: Integer; lsa: array[0..1024] of double; csa: array[0..3] of array[0..256] of double; sample_density: extended; gutter_width: integer; k1, k2: double; area: double; frac, funcval: double; f_select : double; f_select_int, f_coef_idx : integer; arr_filt_width : integer; c : array of double; ss : integer; scf:boolean; scfact : double; acc : integer; avg, fac: double; curvesSet: boolean; GetBucket: function(x, y: integer): TBucket of object; bucket: TBucket; bx, by: integer; label zero_alpha; begin SetLength(c, 4); if fcp.gamma = 0 then gamma := fcp.gamma else gamma := 1 / fcp.gamma; vib := round(fcp.vibrancy * 256.0); notvib := 256 - vib; if fcp.gamma_threshold <> 0 then funcval := power(fcp.gamma_threshold, gamma - 1) { / fcp.gamma_threshold; } else funcval := 0; bgi[0] := round(fcp.background[0]); bgi[1] := round(fcp.background[1]); bgi[2] := round(fcp.background[2]); bgtot.red := bgi[0]; bgtot.green := bgi[1]; bgtot.blue := bgi[2]; zero_BG.red := 0; zero_BG.green := 0; zero_BG.blue := 0; curvesSet := true; for i := 0 to 3 do curvesSet := curvesSet and ( ((fcp.curvePoints[i][0].x = 0) and (fcp.curvePoints[i][0].y = 0)) and ((fcp.curvePoints[i][1].x = 0) and (fcp.curvePoints[i][1].y = 0)) and ((fcp.curvePoints[i][2].x = 1) and (fcp.curvePoints[i][2].y = 1)) and ((fcp.curvePoints[i][3].x = 1) and (fcp.curvePoints[i][3].y = 1)) ); curvesSet := not curvesSet; gutter_width := FBucketwidth - FOversample * fcp.Width; // gutter_width := 2 * ((25 - Foversample) div 2); if(FFilterSize <= gutter_width div 2) then // filter too big when 'post-processing' ? GetBucket := FGetBucket else GetBucket := SafeGetBucket; FBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; sample_density := fcp.actual_density * sqr( power(2, fcp.zoom) ); if sample_density = 0 then sample_density := 0.001; k1 := (fcp.Contrast * BRIGHT_ADJUST * fcp.brightness * 268 * PREFILTER_WHITE) / 256.0; area := FBitmap.Width * FBitmap.Height / (fcp.ppux * fcp.ppuy); k2 := (FOversample * FOversample) / (fcp.Contrast * area * fcp.White_level * sample_density); csa[0][0] := 0; csa[1][0] := 0; csa[2][0] := 0; csa[3][0] := 0; for i := 0 to 1024 do begin if i = 0 then lsa[0] := 0 else lsa[i] := (k1 * log10(1 + fcp.White_level * i * k2)) / (fcp.White_level * i); if i <= 256 then begin csa[0][i] := BezierFunc(i / 256.0, fcp.curvePoints[0], fcp.curveWeights[0]) * 256; csa[1][i] := BezierFunc(i / 256.0, fcp.curvePoints[1], fcp.curveWeights[1]) * 256; csa[2][i] := BezierFunc(i / 256.0, fcp.curvePoints[2], fcp.curveWeights[2]) * 256; csa[3][i] := BezierFunc(i / 256.0, fcp.curvePoints[3], fcp.curveWeights[3]) * 256; end; end; ls := 0; ai := 0; ss := Trunc(floor(FOversample / 2)); scf := (trunc(FOversample) mod 2 = 0); scfact := power(FOversample/(FOversample+1), 2); //bucketpos := 0; by := 0; for i := 0 to fcp.Height - 1 do begin bx := 0; if (i and $3f = 0) and assigned(FOnProgress) then FOnProgress(i / fcp.Height); AlphaRow := PByteArray(FAlphaBitmap.scanline[YOffset + i]); Row := PRGBArray(FBitmap.scanline[YOffset + i]); for j := 0 to fcp.Width - 1 do begin if FFilterSize > 1 then begin fp[0] := 0; fp[1] := 0; fp[2] := 0; fp[3] := 0; for ii := 0 to FFilterSize - 1 do begin for jj := 0 to FFilterSize - 1 do begin filterValue := FFilter[ii, jj]; bucket := GetBucket(bx + jj, by + ii); if bucket.count < 1024 then ls := lsa[Round(bucket.Count)] else ls := (k1 * log10(1 + fcp.White_level * bucket.count * k2)) / (fcp.White_level * bucket.count); fp[0] := fp[0] + filterValue * ls * bucket.Red; fp[1] := fp[1] + filterValue * ls * bucket.Green; fp[2] := fp[2] + filterValue * ls * bucket.Blue; fp[3] := fp[3] + filterValue * ls * bucket.Count; end; end; fp[0] := fp[0] / PREFILTER_WHITE; fp[1] := fp[1] / PREFILTER_WHITE; fp[2] := fp[2] / PREFILTER_WHITE; fp[3] := fcp.white_level * fp[3] / PREFILTER_WHITE; end else begin bucket := GetBucket(bx, by); if bucket.count < 1024 then ls := lsa[Round(bucket.count)] / PREFILTER_WHITE else ls := (k1 * log10(1 + fcp.White_level * bucket.count * k2)) / (fcp.White_level * bucket.count) / PREFILTER_WHITE; fp[0] := ls * bucket.Red; fp[1] := ls * bucket.Green; fp[2] := ls * bucket.Blue; fp[3] := ls * bucket.Count * fcp.white_level; end; if (num_de_filters > 0) and (fp[3] > 0) then begin f_select := 0; for ii := -ss to trunc(ss) + 1 do for jj := -ss to trunc(ss) + 1 do begin bucket := SafeGetBucket(bx + jj, by + ii); f_select := f_select + (bucket.Count / 255.0); end; if (scf) then f_select := f_select * scfact; if (f_select > de_count_limit) then f_select_int := trunc(de_cutoff_val) else if (f_select <= 100) then f_select_int := trunc(ceil(f_select)) - 1 else f_select_int := 100 + trunc(floor(power(f_select - 100, fcp.estimator_curve))); if (f_select_int >= de_cutoff_val) then f_select_int := trunc(de_cutoff_val); f_coef_idx := trunc(f_select_int*de_kernel_index); if (f_select_int >= 0) and (f_select_int < length(de_filter_widths)) then arr_filt_width := trunc(floor(de_filter_widths[length(de_filter_widths) - 1 - f_select_int])) else arr_filt_width := 1; fp[0] := 0; fp[1] := 0; fp[2] := 0; fp[3] := 0; acc := 1; for jj := 0 to arr_filt_width do for ii := 0 to arr_filt_width do begin bucket := SafeGetBucket(bx+ii, by+jj); if (f_coef_idx < 0) or (f_coef_idx >= length(de_filter_coefs)) then continue; if (de_filter_coefs[f_coef_idx]= 0) then begin Inc(f_coef_idx); continue; end; if bucket.count < 1024 then ls := lsa[Round(bucket.Count)] else if bucket.count = 0 then ls := 0 else ls := (k1 * log10(1 + fcp.White_level * bucket.count * k2)) / (fcp.White_level * bucket.count); fp[0] := fp[0] + bucket.Red * ls * de_filter_coefs[f_coef_idx]; fp[1] := fp[1] + bucket.Green * ls * de_filter_coefs[f_coef_idx]; fp[2] := fp[2] + bucket.Blue * ls * de_filter_coefs[f_coef_idx]; fp[3] := fp[3] + bucket.Count * ls * de_filter_coefs[f_coef_idx]; Inc(acc); Inc(f_coef_idx); end; fp[0] := fp[0] * acc / PREFILTER_WHITE; fp[1] := fp[1] * acc / PREFILTER_WHITE; fp[2] := fp[2] * acc / PREFILTER_WHITE; fp[3] := fcp.white_level * acc * fp[3] / PREFILTER_WHITE; end; Inc(bx, FOversample); if fcp.Transparency then begin // -------------------------- Transparency // gamma linearization if (fp[3] > 0.0) then begin if fp[3] <= fcp.gamma_threshold then begin frac := fp[3] / fcp.gamma_threshold; alpha := (1 - frac) * fp[3] * funcval + frac * power(fp[3], gamma); end else alpha := power(fp[3], gamma); ls := vib * alpha / fp[3]; ai := round(alpha * 256); if (ai <= 0) then goto zero_alpha // ignore all if alpha = 0 else if (ai > 255) then ai := 255; //ia := 255 - ai; end else begin zero_alpha: Row[j] := zero_BG; AlphaRow[j] := 0; continue; end; if (notvib > 0) then begin ri := Round(ls * fp[0] + notvib * power(fp[0], gamma)); gi := Round(ls * fp[1] + notvib * power(fp[1], gamma)); bi := Round(ls * fp[2] + notvib * power(fp[2], gamma)); end else begin ri := Round(ls * fp[0]); gi := Round(ls * fp[1]); bi := Round(ls * fp[2]); end; // ignoring BG color in transparent renders.. if (ri >= 0) and (ri <= 256) and (curvesSet) then ri := Round(csa[1][Round(csa[0][ri])]); if (gi >= 0) and (gi <= 256) and (curvesSet) then gi := Round(csa[2][Round(csa[0][gi])]); if (bi >= 0) and (bi <= 256) and (curvesSet) then bi := Round(csa[3][Round(csa[0][bi])]); ri := (ri * 255) div ai; // ai > 0 ! if (ri < 0) then ri := 0 else if (ri > 255) then ri := 255; gi := (gi * 255) div ai; if (gi < 0) then gi := 0 else if (gi > 255) then gi := 255; bi := (bi * 255) div ai; if (bi < 0) then bi := 0 else if (bi > 255) then bi := 255; Row[j].red := ri; Row[j].green := gi; Row[j].blue := bi; AlphaRow[j] := ai; end else begin // ------------------------------------------- No transparency if (fp[3] > 0.0) then begin // gamma linearization if fp[3] <= fcp.gamma_threshold then begin frac := fp[3] / fcp.gamma_threshold; alpha := (1 - frac) * fp[3] * funcval + frac * power(fp[3], gamma); end else alpha := power(fp[3], gamma); ls := vib * alpha / fp[3]; ai := round(alpha * 256); if (ai < 0) then ai := 0 else if (ai > 255) then ai := 255; ia := 255 - ai; end else begin // no intensity so simply set the BG; Row[j] := bgtot; continue; end; if (notvib > 0) then begin ri := Round(ls * fp[0] + notvib * power(fp[0], gamma)); gi := Round(ls * fp[1] + notvib * power(fp[1], gamma)); bi := Round(ls * fp[2] + notvib * power(fp[2], gamma)); end else begin ri := Round(ls * fp[0]); gi := Round(ls * fp[1]); bi := Round(ls * fp[2]); end; if (ri >= 0) and (ri <= 256) and (curvesSet) then ri := Round(csa[1][Round(csa[0][ri])]); if (gi >= 0) and (gi <= 256) and (curvesSet) then gi := Round(csa[2][Round(csa[0][gi])]); if (bi >= 0) and (bi <= 256) and (curvesSet) then bi := Round(csa[3][Round(csa[0][bi])]); ri := ri + (ia * bgi[0]) shr 8; if (ri < 0) then ri := 0 else if (ri > 255) then ri := 255; gi := gi + (ia * bgi[1]) shr 8; if (gi < 0) then gi := 0 else if (gi > 255) then gi := 255; bi := bi + (ia * bgi[2]) shr 8; if (bi < 0) then bi := 0 else if (bi > 255) then bi := 255; Row[j].red := ri; Row[j].green := gi; Row[j].blue := bi; AlphaRow[j] := ai;//? end end; //Inc(bucketpos, gutter_width); //Inc(bucketpos, (FOversample - 1) * FBucketWidth); Inc(by, FOversample); end; FBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; if assigned(FOnProgress) then FOnProgress(1); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TImageMaker.SaveImage(FileName: String); var i,row: integer; PngObject: TPngObject; rowbm, rowpng: PByteArray; JPEGImage: TJPEGImage; PNGerror: boolean; label BMPhack; begin if UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FileName)) = '.PNG' then begin pngError := false; PngObject := TPngObject.Create; try PngObject.Assign(FBitmap); if fcp.Transparency then // PNGTransparency <> 0 begin PngObject.CreateAlpha; for i:= 0 to FAlphaBitmap.Height - 1 do begin rowbm := PByteArray(FAlphaBitmap.scanline[i]); rowpng := PByteArray(PngObject.AlphaScanline[i]); for row := 0 to FAlphaBitmap.Width -1 do begin rowpng[row] := rowbm[row]; end; end; end; //else Exception.CreateFmt('Unexpected value of PNGTransparency [%d]', [PNGTransparency]) if FCommentStr <> '' then PngObject.AddtEXt('ApoFlame', AnsiString(FCommentStr)); // AV PngObject.SaveToFile(FileName); except pngError := true; end; PngObject.Free; if pngError then begin FileName := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.bmp'); goto BMPHack; end; end else if UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FileName)) = '.JPG' then begin JPEGImage := TJPEGImage.Create; JPEGImage.Assign(FBitmap); JPEGImage.CompressionQuality := JPEGQuality; JPEGImage.SaveToFile(FileName); JPEGImage.Free; // with TLinearBitmap.Create do // try // Assign(Renderer.GetImage); // JPEGLoader.Default.Quality := JPEGQuality; // SaveToFile(RenderForm.FileName); // finally // Free; // end; end else begin // bitmap BMPHack: FBitmap.SaveToFile(FileName); if fcp.Transparency then begin FAlphaBitmap.Palette := CreatePalette(AlphaPalette.logpal); FileName := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '_alpha.bmp'); FAlphaBitmap.SaveToFile(FileName); end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TImageMaker.EmbedText(CommentStr: String): boolean; //AV begin FCommentStr := CommentStr; Result := false; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TImageMaker.GetTransparentImage: TPngObject; var x, y: integer; i, row: integer; rowbm, rowpng: PByteArray; begin Result := TPngObject.Create; Result.Assign(FBitmap); if ((fcp <> nil) and fcp.Transparency) then begin Result.CreateAlpha; for i:= 0 to FAlphaBitmap.Height - 1 do begin rowbm := PByteArray(FAlphaBitmap.scanline[i]); rowpng := PByteArray(Result.AlphaScanline[i]); for row := 0 to FAlphaBitmap.Width - 1 do begin rowpng[row] := rowbm[row]; end; end; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TImageMaker.GetBucket(x, y: integer): TBucket; begin with FBuckets[y][x] do begin Result.Red := Red; Result.Green := Green; Result.Blue := Blue; Result.Count := Count; end; end; function TImageMaker.SafeGetBucket(x, y: integer): TBucket; begin if x < 0 then x := 0 else if x >= FBucketWidth then x := FBucketWidth-1; if y < 0 then y := 0 else if y >= FBucketHeight then y := FBucketHeight-1; Result := FGetBucket(x, y); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TImageMaker.GetBucketStats(var Stats: TBucketStats); var bucketpos: integer; x, y: integer; b: TBucket; begin with Stats do begin MaxR := 0; MaxG := 0; MaxB := 0; MaxA := 0; TotalA := 0; for y := 0 to FBucketHeight - 1 do for x := 0 to FBucketWidth - 1 do begin b := FGetBucket(x, y); MaxR := max(MaxR, b.Red); MaxG := max(MaxG, b.Green); MaxB := max(MaxB, b.Blue); MaxA := max(MaxA, b.Count); TotalA := TotalA + b.Count end; end; end; end.