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'with Transform do' 'begin' 'end;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'with Flame do ' 'begin' ' // 3D-rotation' ' Pitch := ; // around X-axis' ' Yaw := ; // around Z-axis' ' Roll := ; // around Y-axis' ' Z := ; // camera height' ' Perspective := ;' 'end;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'for i:=0 to N do' 'begin' 'end;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'if () then begin' ' // instructions' 'end else begin' '' 'end;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'case () of' ' : ; // n1: action1;' ' : ; // n2: action2;' 'else // action' 'end;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'while () do begin' ' // instructions' 'end;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'try' 'except' 'end;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'repeat' ' // instructions' 'until ();') end item Code.Strings = ( 'function Fn(): variant;' 'begin' ' Result := ;' 'end;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'procedure Pr();' 'begin' 'end;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'if not ' 'InputQuery('#39' '#39', '#39' '#39', )' 'then Exit;') end item Code.Strings = ( 'if () then' ' // action' 'else if () then ' ' // action' 'else ;') end item Caption = 'Task Dialog' Code.Strings = ( 'try' 'tdlg := TTaskDialog.Create(nil);' 'tdlg.Title := '#39'User'#39#39's Dialog'#39';' 'tdlg.Caption := '#39'Apophysis'#39'; ' 'tdlg.Flags := [tfUseHiconMain]; ' 'tdlg.CustomMainIcon := Apophysis.Icon; ' '// tdlg.CustomMainIcon := Screen.ActiveForm.Icon; ' + ' ' 'tdlg.Text := '#39'A question for the user: '#39';' 'tdlg.RadioButtons.Add.Caption := '#39'First variant'#39'; ' + ' ' 'tdlg.RadioButtons.Add.Caption := '#39'Second variant'#39';' 'tdlg.CommonButtons := [tcbOK, tcbCancel]; ' 'tdlg.Execute;' 'if tdlg.ModalResult = mrCancel then ' 'begin' '{ instructions for the Cancel button } ' 'end else { instructions for the OK button } ' ' case tdlg.RadioButton.ID of ' ' 0: begin' ' { instructions for the 1-st variant } ' ' end; ' ' 1: begin' ' { instructions for the 2-nd variant } ' ' end;' ' end; // end case' 'tdlg.Free;' 'except' 'MessageDlg('#39'This dialog type is not supported.'#39', mtError, 4, 0);' 'exit;' 'end; ') end item Caption = 'Dialog with Links' Code.Strings = ( 'try' 'tdlg := TTaskDialog.Create(nil);' 'tdlg.Title := '#39'User'#39#39's Dialog'#39';' 'tdlg.Caption := '#39'Apophysis'#39'; ' 'tdlg.Flags := [tfUseCommandLinks, tfExpandFooterArea];' 'tdlg.MainIcon := tdiInformation; ' '// tdlg.MainIcon := tdiShield;' 'tdlg.ExpandedText := '#39'Additional text'#39'; ' 'tdlg.ExpandButtonCaption := '#39'More...'#39'; ' 'tdlg.Text := '#39'Text message or a question'#39';' 'btn := tdlg.Buttons.Add;' 'btn.Caption := '#39'1'#39';' 'btn.CommandLinkHint:= '#39'First variant'#39';' 'btn := tdlg.Buttons.Add;' 'btn.Caption := '#39'2'#39';' 'btn.CommandLinkHint:= '#39'Another variant'#39';' 'tdlg.CommonButtons := [tcbCancel]; ' 'tdlg.Execute;' 'case tdlg.ModalResult of ' ' 100: begin' ' { instructions for the 1-st button } ' ' end; ' ' 101: begin' ' { instructions for the 2-nd button } ' ' end;' ' mrCancel: begin' ' { instructions for the Cancel button } ' + ' ' ' end;' 'end;' 'tdlg.Free;' 'except' 'MessageDlg('#39'This dialog type is not supported.'#39', mtError, 4, 0);' 'exit;' 'end; ') end> CodeBlockColor = clWhite CodeBlockColorTo = clMoneyGreen CodeBlockSelectColor = clSkyBlue CodeBlockSelectColorTo = clHotLight CodeBlockCaptionColor = 8238973 CodeBorderColor = clHighlight CodeBorderSelectColor = clBlue CodeBorderWidth = 2 CodeIndent = 1 DragMode = dmAutomatic Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] IntegralHeight = True ItemHeight = 48 ItemStyle = isVariableHeight ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False PopupMenu = CodeBlockPopup ShowHint = False TabOrder = 0 UseStyler = True Version = '' OnContextPopup = ScrCodeList1ContextPopup OnDragDrop = ScrCodeList1DragDrop OnDragOver = ScrCodeList1DragOver OnBlockDblClick = ScrCodeList1BlockDblClick OnBlockRightClick = ScrCodeList1BlockRightClick end end object MainOpenDialog: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = 'asc' Filter = 'Apophysis Script Files 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Caption = 'Find and replace' ImageIndex = 39 OnClick = FindReplaceClick end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object CommentOut: TMenuItem Caption = 'Comment out the selection by...' object N5: TMenuItem Caption = '{ ... }' OnClick = SurroundByClick end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '(* ... *)' OnClick = SurroundByClick end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '// ...' OnClick = SurroundByClick end end object SurroundBlock: TMenuItem Caption = 'Surround the selection by...' object BeginEnd1: TMenuItem Caption = 'begin ... end' OnClick = SurroundByClick end object TryExcept1: TMenuItem Caption = 'try ... except' OnClick = SurroundByClick end end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object ShowCodeHints: TMenuItem AutoCheck = True Caption = 'Show hints for code blocks' OnClick = ShowCodeHintsClick end object AddFromClipboard: TMenuItem Caption = 'Add code blocks from clipboard' OnClick = AddFromClipboardClick end object N8: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object CollapseBlocks: TMenuItem Caption = 'Collapse all blocks of code' OnClick = CollapseBlocksClick end object ExpandBlocks: TMenuItem Caption = 'Expand all blocks of code' OnClick = ExpandBlocksClick end end object Scripter: TatPascalScripter SourceCode.Strings = ( '') SaveCompiledCode = False OnCompileError = ScripterCompileError OnRuntimeError = ScripterRuntimeError ShortBooleanEval = True LibOptions.SearchPath.Strings = ( '$(APPDIR)\Scripts' '$(APPDIR)' '$(CURDIR)') LibOptions.SourceFileExt = '.asc' LibOptions.CompiledFileExt = '.pcu' LibOptions.FormFileExt = '.afm' LibOptions.UseScriptFiles = True CallExecHookEvent = False Left = 480 Top = 200 end object OpenDialog: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = 'flame' Filter = 'Flame files (*.flame)|*.flame|Apophysis 1.0 parameters (*.apo;*.' + 'fla)|*.apo;*.fla|All files (*.*)|*.*' Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 283 Top = 173 end object SaveDialog: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'flame' Filter = 'Flame files (*.flame)|*.flame' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing] Left = 278 Top = 111 end object Styler: TScrPascalMemoStyler AutoBlockEnd = True BlockStart = 'begin,try,case,class,record' BlockEnd = 'end' LineComment = '//' MultiCommentLeft = '{' MultiCommentRight = '}' CommentStyle.TextColor = clNavy CommentStyle.BkColor = clWhite CommentStyle.Style = [fsItalic] NumberStyle.TextColor = clFuchsia NumberStyle.BkColor = clWhite NumberStyle.Style = [fsBold] HighlightStyle.TextColor = clWhite HighlightStyle.BkColor = 3487231 HighlightStyle.Style = [fsBold] AllStyles = < item KeyWords.Strings = ( 'absolute' 'abstract' 'and' 'array' 'as' 'asm' 'assembler' 'automated' 'begin' 'break' 'case' 'cdecl' 'class' 'class' 'const' 'constructor' 'continue' 'default' 'deprecated' 'destructor' 'dispid' 'dispinterface' 'div' 'do' 'downto' 'dynamic' 'else' 'end' 'except' 'exports' 'external' 'far' 'file' 'finalise' 'finally' 'for' 'forward' 'function' 'if' 'implementation' 'in' 'inherited' 'initialise' 'inline' 'interface' 'is' 'label' 'library' 'message' 'mod' 'near' 'nil' 'not' 'object' 'of' 'or' 'out' 'overload' 'override' 'packed' 'pascal' 'platform' 'private' 'procedure' 'program' 'program' 'property' 'protected' 'public' 'published' 'raise' 'record' 'register' 'reintroduce' 'repeat' 'resourcestring' 'safecall' 'set' 'shl' 'shr' 'stdcall' 'step' 'stored' 'string' 'then' 'threadvar' 'to' 'try' 'type' 'unit' 'until' 'uses' 'var' 'virtual' 'while' 'with' 'xor') Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clGreen Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsBold] BGColor = clWhite StyleType = stKeyword BracketStart = #0 BracketEnd = #0 Info = 'Pascal Standard Default' end item Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] BGColor = clWhite StyleType = stBracket BracketStart = #39 BracketEnd = #39 Info = 'Simple Quote' end item Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlue Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] BGColor = clWhite StyleType = stBracket BracketStart = '"' BracketEnd = '"' Info = 'Double Quote' end item Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clRed Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [] BGColor = clWhite StyleType = stSymbol BracketStart = #0 BracketEnd = #0 Symbols = ' ,;:.(){}[]=+-*/^%<>#'#13#10 Info = 'Symbols Delimiters' end item CommentLeft = '(*' CommentRight = '*)' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clNavy Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Courier New' Font.Style = [fsItalic] BGColor = clWhite StyleType = stComment BracketStart = #0 BracketEnd = #0 end> AutoCompletion.Strings = ( 'procedure ShowMessage(TextMessage: string)' 'function MessageDlg(Msg: string, DlgType, Buttons, 0): integer' 'function MessageBox(0, Prompt, Caption, DlgStyle: integer): inte' + 'ger' 'function InputBox(Caption, Prompt, Value: variant): variant' 'function InputQuery(Caption, Prompt, var Value: variant): boolea' + 'n' 'procedure Interpret(script: string)' 'procedure RotateFlame(Degrees: double)' 'procedure RotateReference(Degrees: double)' 'procedure StoreFlame(index: integer)' 'procedure GetFlame(FlameNumber: integer)' 'procedure LoadFlame(FlameNumber: integer)' 'var UpdateFlame: boolean' 'var ActiveTransform: integer' 'procedure SetActiveTransform(index: integer)' 'var SelectedTransform: integer' 'function Transforms: integer' 'function FileCount: integer' 'procedure AddTransform' 'procedure DeleteTransform' 'function DeleteFile(filename: string): boolean' 'procedure CopyTransform' 'procedure Clear' 'procedure Preview' 'procedure Render' 'procedure Beep' 'procedure MessageBeep(sound_type: integer)' 'procedure Print(data: variant)' 'procedure AddSymmetry(symmetry_type: integer)' 'procedure Morph(Flame1_Num: integer, Flame2_Num: integer, Speed:' + ' double, interp_type: integer = 3)' 'procedure SetRenderBounds' 'procedure SetFlameFile(FlameFile_name: string)' 'procedure ListFile(FlameFile_name: string)' 'procedure SaveFlame(FlameFile_name: string)' 'function GetFileName: string' 'procedure ShowStatus(TextMessage: string)' 'procedure RandomFlame(randomness_type: integer)' 'procedure RandomGradient' 'procedure PresetGradient(gradient_number: integer)' 'procedure SaveGradient(Title: string, FileName: string)' 'procedure SetVariation(var_index)' 'const ProgramVersionString' 'function VariationIndex(var_name: string): integer' 'function VariationName(var_index: integer): string' 'function VariableIndex(param_name: string): integer' 'function VariableName(param_index: integer): string' 'procedure CalculateScale' 'procedure CalculateBounds' 'procedure CalculateColors' 'procedure CalculateWeights' 'procedure CalculateColorSpeed' 'procedure RandomizeColorSpeed' 'procedure RandomizeColors' 'procedure RandomizeWeights' 'procedure NormalizeWeights' 'procedure EqualizeWeights' 'procedure NormalizeVars' 'function GetSaveFileName: string' 'function ExtractFilePath(full_filename: string): string' 'function ExtractFileName(full_filename: string): string' 'function ExtractFileExt(filename: string): string' 'function CopyFile(Source: string, Destination: string, keep_exis' + 'ting: boolean = false): boolean' 'function RenameFile(Source: string, Destination: string): boolea' + 'n' 'procedure DeleteFile(full_filename: string)' 'function FileExists(full_filename: string): boolean' 'var CurrentFile: readonly' 'function CreateDir(folder_name: string)' 'class TStringList' 'constructor Create' 'function Copy(source: string, start_pos, length: integer): strin' + 'g' 'class Renderer' 'property Filename: string' 'property Width: integer' 'property Height: integer' 'property MaxMemory: integer' 'property EmbedParameters: boolean' 'class Flame' 'property Gamma: double' 'property GammaThreshold: double' 'property Brightness: double' 'property Vibrancy: double' 'property Contrast: double' 'property Time: double' 'property Zoom: double' 'property Width: integer' 'property Height: integer' 'property PreviewWidth: integer' 'property PreviewHeight: integer'#9' ' 'property Angle: double' 'property Pitch: double' 'property Yaw: double' 'property Roll: double' 'property Perspective: double' 'property SampleDensity: double' 'property Quality: double' 'property Oversample: double' 'property FilterRadius: double' 'property Scale: double' 'property Hue: double' 'property Gradient[][]: integer' 'property Background[]: integer' 'property Name: string' 'property Batches: integer' 'property FinalXformEnabled: boolean' 'var LimitVibrancy: boolean' 'var DateCode: readonly' 'procedure DecodeDate(date, year, month, day)' 'procedure DecodeTime(time, hour, minute, sec, millisec)' 'function Now: TDateTime' 'procedure Exit' 'var Stopped: boolean' 'class Transform' 'property coefs[][]: double' 'property post[][]: double' 'property Color: double' 'property VarColor: double' 'property Opacity: double' 'property PlotMode: integer' 'property Weight: double' 'property Symmetry: double' 'property ColorSpeed: double' 'property Chaos[]: double' 'procedure RotatePXOrigin(Degrees: double)' 'procedure RotatePX(Degrees: double)' 'procedure ScalePX(Factor: double)' 'procedure Scale(Factor: double)' 'procedure Translate(X: double, Y: double)' 'procedure Rotate(Degrees: double)' 'procedure Multiply(a00: double, a10: double, a01: double, a11: d' + 'ouble)' 'procedure TranslatePX(X: double, Y: double)' 'procedure MultiplyPX(a00: double, a10: double, a01: double, a11:' + ' double)' 'procedure FlipHoriz' 'procedure FlipPXHoriz' 'procedure FlipVert' 'procedure FlipPXVert' 'procedure RotateOrigin(Degrees: double)' 'property Variation[]: double' 'property Variable[]: double' 'property postXformEnabled: boolean' 'method SwapCoefs' 'class Options' 'property JPEGQuality: integer' 'property BatchSize: integer' 'var BatchIndex: integer' 'property ParameterFile: string' 'property Multithreading: integer' 'property SmoothPaletteFile' 'property NumTries' 'property TryLength' 'property ConfirmDelete' 'property Transparency: integer' 'property PreviewLowQuality' 'property PreviewMediumQuality' 'property PreviewHighQuality' 'property MinTransforms: integer' 'property MaxTransforms: integer' 'property MutateMinTransforms: integer' 'property MutateMaxTransforms: integer' 'property RandomPrefix' 'property KeepBackground: integer' 'property SymmetryType: integer' 'property SymmetryOrder: integer' 'property Variations[]: boolean' 'property GradientOnRandom: integer' 'property GradientFileOnRandom: string' 'property MinNodes: integer' 'property MaxNodes: integer' 'property MinHue: integer' 'property MaxHue: integer' 'property MinSaturation: integer' 'property MaxSaturation: integer' 'property MinLuminance: integer' 'property MaxLuminance: integer' 'property UPRSampleDensity' 'property UPRFilterRadius' 'property UPROversample' 'property UPRAdjustDensity: boolean' 'property UPRColoringIdent: string' 'property UPRColoringFile: string' 'property UPRFormulaFile: string' 'property UPRFormulaIdent: string' 'property UPRWidth: integer' 'property UPRHeight: integer' 'property ExportRenderer: string' 'property EvenGradientStripes: boolean' 'property ColorBlending: integer' 'class Pivot' 'property Mode: integer' 'procedure Set(X: double, Y: double)' 'procedure Reset' 'keyword for' 'keyword begin' 'keyword end' 'keyword and' 'keyword repeat' 'keyword until' 'keyword while' 'keyword with' 'keyword case' 'keyword try' 'keyword except' 'keyword finally' 'keyword downto' 'keyword step' 'keyword procedure' 'keyword function' 'const True' 'const False' 'keyword div' 'keyword mod' 'keyword uses' 'unit System' 'unit Dialogs' 'unit Windows' 'function random: double' 'function RandomRange(startnum: integer, lastnum: integer): integ' + 'er' 'function Round(value: double): integer' 'function Trunc(value: double): integer' 'function abs(value: double): double' 'function sqrt(value: double): double' 'function Int(value: double): double' 'function DegToRad(Degrees: double): double' 'function RadToDeg(Radians: double): double' 'function VarToStr(value: variant): string' 'function IntToStr(num: integer): string' 'function FloatToStr(num: double): string' 'function StrToInt(num: variant): integer' 'function StrToFloat(num: variant): double' 'function Length(str: string): integer' 'function Trim(str: string): string' 'function AnsiLowerCase(str: string): string' 'function AnsiUpperCase(str: string): string' 'function Pos(substr: string, str: string): integer' 'function Copy(str: string, index: integer, len: integer): string' 'procedure Delete(str: string, index: integer, len: integer)' 'function Format(settings: string,[values]): string' 'function FormatDateTime(settings: string, date: TDateTime): stri' + 'ng' 'function VarArrayCreate([array_indexes: integer], data_type): ar' + 'ray' 'function hypot(X: double, Y: double): double' 'function ArcTan2(Y: double, X: double): double' 'function ArcSin(X: double): double' 'function ArcCos(X: double): double' 'procedure Dec(num: integer)' 'procedure Inc(num: integer)' 'function Odd(num: integer): boolean' 'function StringOfChar(symbol: char, count: integer): string' 'function GetEnvironmentVariable(sys_const: string): string;' 'const PI' 'const NVARS' 'const NumVariables' 'const NXFORMS' 'const INSTALLPATH' 'const SYM_NONE' 'const SYM_BILATERAL' 'const SYM_ROTATIONAL' 'const SYM_DIHEDRAL' 'const NMAPS' 'const V_RANDOM = -1' 'const V_LINEAR = 0' 'unit Classes' 'unit Forms' 'const mrOK' 'const mrCancel' 'const mrYes' 'const mrNo' 'const mrRetry' 'const mrClose' 'object Apophysis : TApplication' 'method SwapVariations(var1_name, var2_name: string)' 'method SortVariationsByName' 'method SortVariationsByIndex' 'method PrintVariationsOrder' 'method CopyVariationsOrder(transform_index: integer)' 'method SetVariationOrder(var_name, index: integer)' 'function GetVariationOrder(var_name: string): integer' 'class TTaskDialog' 'const tcbClose' 'const tcbRetry' 'const tcbNo' 'const tcbYes' 'const tcbOK' 'const tcbCancel' 'const tdiNone' 'const tdiWarning' 'const tdiError' 'const tdiInformation' 'const tdiShield' 'const mtWarning' 'const mtError' 'const mtInformation' 'const mtConfirmation' 'const mtCustom' 'const tfUseCommandLinks' 'const tfVerificationFlagChecked' 'const tfUseHiconMain' 'const tfExpandFooterArea' 'const tfExpandedByDefault' 'const tfAllowDialogCancellation' 'const tfUseHiconFooter' 'const tfNoDefaultRadioButton' 'const tfCanBeMinimized' 'const tfShowProgressBar' 'const tfShowMarqueeProgressBar' 'const tfCallbackTimer' 'const tfPositionRelativeToWindow' 'const pbsNormal' 'const pbsError' 'const pbsPaused' 'const BLEND_RGB' 'const BLEND_HSV' 'const BLEND_NONE') HintParameter.TextColor = clBlack HintParameter.BkColor = clInfoBk HintParameter.HintCharStart = '(' HintParameter.HintCharEnd = ')' HintParameter.HintCharDelimiter = ';' HintParameter.HintClassDelimiter = '.' HintParameter.HintCharWriteDelimiter = ',' HintParameter.Parameters.Strings = ( 'ShowMessage(TextMessage: string);' 'MessageDlg(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMs' + 'gDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): Integer;' 'InputQuery(const Caption: string, const Prompt: string, var Valu' + 'e: variant): boolean' 'InputBox(const Caption: string, const Prompt: string, const Defa' + 'ultValue: variant): variant' 'DeleteFile(const filename: string);' 'RotateFlame(Degress: double)' 'RotateReference(Degress: double)' 'Rotate(Degrees: double)' 'RotatePX(Degrees: double)' 'RotateOrigin(Degrees: double)' 'RotatePXOrigin(Degrees: double)' 'Multiply(a00: double, a10: double, a01: double, a11: double)' 'MultiplyPX(a00: double, a10: double, a01: double, a11: double)' 'StoreFlame(FlameNumber: integer)' 'GetFlame(FlameNumber: integer)' 'LoadFlame(FlameNumber: integer)' 'Scale(Factor: double)' 'ScalePX(Factor: double)' 'Translate(X: double, Y: double)' 'TranslatePX(X: double, Y: double)' 'SetActiveTransform(TransformNumber: integer)' 'Print(data: variant)' 'RandomRange(startnum: integer, lastnum: integer): integer' 'Round(value: double): integer' 'Trunc(value: double): integer' 'abs(value: double): double' 'sqrt(value: double): double' 'Int(value: double): double' 'DegToRad(Degrees: double): double' 'RadToDeg(Radians: double): double' 'VarToStr(value: variant): string' 'IntToStr(num: integer): string' 'FloatToStr(num: double): string' 'StrToInt(num: variant): integer' 'StrToFloat(num: variant): double' 'sin(Radians: double)' 'sin(Radians: double)' 'ArcTan2(Y: double, X: double)' 'hypot(X: double, Y: double)' 'power(number: double, num_power: double)' 'FormatDateTime(format_settings: string, date: TDateTime): string' 'Format(format_settings: string,[values: variant_array]): string' 'DecodeDate(date: TDateTime, year: integer, month: integer, day: ' + 'integer)' 'DecodeTime(time: TDateTime, hour: integer, minute: integer, seco' + 'nd: integer, millisecond: integer)' 'VarArrayCreate([array_low_index: integer, array_high_index: inte' + 'ger ], data_type: integer)' 'AddSymmetry(symmetry_type: integer)' 'Morph(Flame1_Number: integer, Flame2_Number: integer, Speed: dou' + 'ble, interp_type: integer = 3)' 'SetFlameFile(const filename: string)' 'ListFile(const filename: string)' 'SaveFlame(const filename: string)' 'ShowStatus(TextMessage: string)' 'RandomFlame(randomness_type: integer)' 'SaveGradient(Title: string, FileName: string)' 'SetVariation(Number: integer)' 'VariationIndex(var_name: string): integer' 'VariationName(var_index: integer): string' 'CopyFile(Source: string, Destination: string, keep_existing: boo' + 'lean = false)' 'LoadFromFile(full_filename: string)' 'SaveToFile(full_filename: string)' 'Add(text: string): integer' 'IndexOf(text_string: string): integer' 'Delete(string_index: integer)' 'MessageBox(0, Prompt, Caption, DlgStyle: integer): integer' 'InputBox(Caption, Prompt, Value: variant): variant' 'Copy(source: string, start_pos, length: integer): string') HexIdentifier = '$' Description = 'Pascal' Filter = 'Pascal Files (*.pas,*.dpr,*.dpk,*.inc)|*.pas;*.dpr;*.dpk;*.inc' DefaultExtension = '.pas' StylerName = 'Pascal' Extensions = 'pas;dpr;dpk;inc' RegionDefinitions = < item Identifier = 'procedure' RegionStart = 'begin' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'constructor' RegionStart = 'begin' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'destructor' RegionStart = 'begin' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'interface' RegionStart = 'interface' RegionType = rtOpen ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'unit' RegionStart = 'unit' RegionType = rtFile ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'implementation' RegionStart = 'implementation' RegionType = rtOpen ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'case' RegionStart = 'case' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtIgnore ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'try' RegionStart = 'try' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtIgnore ShowComments = False end item Identifier = 'function' RegionStart = 'begin' RegionEnd = 'end' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end item Identifier = '{$region' RegionStart = '{$region' RegionEnd = '{$endregion' RegionType = rtClosed ShowComments = False end> Left = 472 Top = 264 end object ScrMemoFindReplaceDialog1: TScrMemoFindReplaceDialog AutoHighlight = True NotFoundMessage = 'Text not found' AdvMemo = Editor Options = [frDown] Left = 283 Top = 8 end object CodeBlockPopup: TPopupMenu Left = 376 Top = 112 object mnuDeleteBlock: TMenuItem Caption = 'Delete' OnClick = mnuDeleteBlockClick end object Editcaption1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Edit caption...' OnClick = Editcaption1Click end end end