unit Chaotica; interface uses Global, RegularExpressionsCore, RegexHelper, Classes, SysUtils, XFormMan, Windows, ShellAPI, Forms, ControlPoint, Translation; function C_GetPathOf(filename: string; usex64: boolean): string; function C_SupportsDllPlugins(usex64: boolean): boolean; function C_IsDllPluginBlacklisted(filename: string; usex64: boolean): boolean; function C_IsVariationNative(name: string; usex64: boolean): boolean; function C_IsDllPluginInstalled(filename: string): boolean; procedure C_SyncDllPlugins; procedure C_InstallVariation(name: string); procedure C_ExecuteChaotica(flamexml: string; plugins: TStringList; usex64: boolean); implementation uses Main; (* // AV: rewrote and moved to Global unit function CheckX64: Boolean; var SEInfo: TShellExecuteInfo; ExitCode: DWORD; ExecuteFile, ParamString, StartInString: string; begin {$ifdef Apo7X64} Result := true; exit; {$endif} ExecuteFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'chk64.exe'; FillChar(SEInfo, SizeOf(SEInfo), 0); SEInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TShellExecuteInfo); with SEInfo do begin fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; Wnd := Application.Handle; lpFile := PChar(ExecuteFile) ; nShow := SW_SHOWNORMAL; end; if ShellExecuteEx(@SEInfo) then begin repeat Application.ProcessMessages; GetExitCodeProcess(SEInfo.hProcess, ExitCode); until (ExitCode <> STILL_ACTIVE) or Application.Terminated; Result := (ExitCode = 0); end else begin Result := false; end; end; *) function C_GetPathOf(filename: string; usex64: boolean): string; begin Result := ChaoticaPath + '\' + filename; end; function C_SupportsDllPlugins(usex64: boolean): boolean; const re_root : string = '.*?'; re_attrib : string = 'supports_dll_plugins="(.*?)"'; var xml_file : TStringList; xml_text, attrib, value : string; begin if usex64 then begin Result := false; Exit; end; xml_file := TStringList.Create; // AV: for compatibility with new Chaotica versions if not FileExists(ChaoticaPath + '\variation_compatibility.xml') then begin xml_file.Add('' + #13#10 + ''); xml_file.SaveToFile(ChaoticaPath + '\variation_compatibility.xml'); xml_file.Clear; end; xml_file.LoadFromFile(C_GetPathOf('variation_compatibility.xml', false)); xml_text := xml_file.Text; xml_file.Free; attrib := GetStringPart(xml_text, re_root, 1, 'supports_dll_plugins="false"'); value := GetStringPart(attrib, re_attrib, 1, 'false'); Result := (value = 'true'); end; function C_IsDllPluginBlacklisted(filename: string; usex64: boolean): boolean; var i: integer; blacklist: TStringList; begin blacklist := TStringList.Create; if not FileExists(ChaoticaPath + '\plugin_dll_blacklist.txt') then begin blacklist.Add('avMobius.dll'); blacklist.Add('Cross.dll'); blacklist.Add('Epispiral.dll'); blacklist.Add('EpispiralVariationPlugin.dll'); blacklist.Add('FlowerVariationPlugin.dll'); blacklist.Add('Lissajous.dll'); blacklist.Add('Mandelbrot.dll'); blacklist.Add('ShapeVariationPlugin.dll'); blacklist.Add('slinky.dll'); blacklist.Add('Spirograph.dll'); blacklist.Add('Square.dll'); blacklist.Add('Stretchy Pants.dll'); blacklist.Add('Waffle.dll'); blacklist.SaveToFile(ChaoticaPath + '\plugin_dll_blacklist.txt'); end; blacklist.LoadFromFile(C_GetPathOf('plugin_dll_blacklist.txt', usex64)); for i := 0 to blacklist.Count - 1 do begin if LowerCase(filename) = LowerCase(blacklist.Strings[i]) then begin Result := true; blacklist.Free; Exit; end; end; blacklist.Free; Result := false; end; function C_IsVariationNative(name: string; usex64: boolean): boolean; const re_root : string = '(.*?)'; re_var : string = ''; var xml, var_name : string; xml_file : TStringList; find_var : TPerlRegEx; found_var : boolean; begin xml_file := TStringList.Create; // AV: for compatibility with new Chaotica versions if not FileExists(ChaoticaPath + '\variation_compatibility.xml') then begin xml_file.Add('' + #13#10 + ''); xml_file.SaveToFile(ChaoticaPath + '\variation_compatibility.xml'); xml_file.Clear; end; xml_file.LoadFromFile(C_GetPathOf('variation_compatibility.xml', false)); xml := xml_file.Text; xml_file.Free; find_var := TPerlRegEx.Create; find_var.RegEx := re_var; find_var.Options := [preSingleLine, preCaseless]; find_var.Subject := GetStringPart(xml, re_root, 1, ''); found_var := find_var.Match; while found_var do begin var_name := String(find_var.Groups[1]); found_var := find_var.MatchAgain; if LowerCase(name) = var_name then begin find_var.Destroy; Result := true; Exit; end; end; find_var.Destroy; Result := false; end; function C_IsDllPluginInstalled(filename: string): boolean; var path : string; begin path := C_GetPathOf('plugins\' + filename, false); Result := FileExists(path); end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure C_InstallVariation(name: string); var filename: string; begin filename := GetFileNameOfVariation(name); if (filename = '') then Exit; if C_IsDllPluginInstalled(filename) then Exit; CopyFile(PCHAR(filename), PCHAR(C_GetPathOf('plugins\' + ExtractFileName(filename), false)), false); end; procedure C_SyncDllPlugins; var src_dir: string; tgt_dir: string; searchResult: TSearchRec; begin src_dir := PluginPath; tgt_dir := C_GetPathOf('Plugins', false); if (not DirectoryExists(src_dir)) then Exit; if (not DirectoryExists(tgt_dir)) then Exit; //CreateDir(ChaoticaPath + '\Plugins'); // First clear all plugins on Chaotica side if FindFirst(tgt_dir + '\*.dll', faAnyFile, searchResult) = 0 then begin repeat DeleteFile(PCHAR(tgt_dir + '\' + searchResult.Name)) ; until (FindNext(searchResult) <> 0); SysUtils.FindClose(searchResult); end; // Then copy all plugins from Apophysis to Chaotica if FindFirst(src_dir + '*.dll', faAnyFile, searchResult) = 0 then begin repeat if not C_IsDllPluginBlacklisted(searchResult.Name, false) then CopyFile( PCHAR(src_dir + '\' + searchResult.Name), PCHAR(tgt_dir + '\' + searchResult.Name), false); until (FindNext(searchResult) <> 0); SysUtils.FindClose(searchResult); end; end; procedure C_ExecuteChaotica(flamexml: string; plugins: TStringList; usex64: boolean); var i: integer; name, fname: string; fails: TStringList; txt: TStringList; fin_usex64: boolean; begin fails := TStringList.Create; {$ifdef Apo7X64} fin_usex64 := true; {$else} fin_usex64 := usex64 and CheckX64; // currently useless... for i := 0 to plugins.Count - 1 do begin name := GetFileNameOfVariation(plugins.Strings[i]); if (name = '') then name := plugins.Strings[i]; fin_usex64 := fin_usex64 and C_IsVariationNative(name, usex64); end; for i := 0 to plugins.Count - 1 do begin name := GetFileNameOfVariation(plugins.Strings[i]); if (name = '') then name := plugins.Strings[i]; // assume built-in if not C_IsVariationNative(name, fin_usex64) then begin // not native -> try install if C_SupportsDllPlugins(fin_usex64) then // dll unsupported -> fail fails.Add(plugins.Strings[i]) else if C_IsDllPluginBlacklisted(name, fin_usex64) then // dll supported and blacklisted -> fail fails.Add(plugins.Strings[i]); //else C_InstallVariation(plugins.Strings[i]); // dll supported and not blacklisted -> install // ^^^ this is done on Apophysis startup now! end; end; {$endif} name := C_GetPathOf('chaotica.exe', fin_usex64); if (not FileExists(name)) then begin messagebox(0, PCHAR(TextByKey('main-status-nochaotica')), PCHAR('Apophysis AV'), MB_ICONHAND); Exit; end; if (fails.Count > 0) then begin messagebox(0, PCHAR(TextByKey('main-status-oldchaotica')), PCHAR('Apophysis AV'), MB_ICONHAND or MB_OK); end; // TODO: add directory cleaning fname := GetEnvironmentVariable('TEMP') + '\chaotica_export.flame'; txt := TStringList.Create; txt.Text := flamexml; txt.SaveToFile(fname); txt.Free; fails.Free; //if fin_usex64 then MessageBox(0, PCHAR('DBG:x64'), PCHAR(''), MB_OK) //else MessageBox(0, PCHAR('DBG:x86'), PCHAR(''), MB_OK) ; ShellExecute(application.handle, PChar('open'), pchar(name), PChar('"' + fname + '"'), PChar(ExtractFilePath(name)), SW_SHOWNORMAL); end; end.