{ Apophysis AV "Phoenix Edition" Copyright (C) 2021 Alice V. Koryagina } unit varSphereCrop; interface uses BaseVariation, XFormMan; type TVariationSphereCrop = class(TBaseVariation) const sx : string = 'spherecrop_x'; sy : string = 'spherecrop_y'; sz : string = 'spherecrop_z'; sradius : string = 'spherecrop_radius'; szero : string = 'spherecrop_zero'; sarea : string = 'spherecrop_scatter_area'; smode: string = 'spherecrop_mode'; private x0, y0, z0, radius, scatter_area, ca: double; zero, mode: byte; procedure CalcPre; procedure CalcPost; public constructor Create; class function GetName: string; override; class function GetInstance: TBaseVariation; override; function GetNrVariables: integer; override; function GetVariableNameAt(const Index: integer): string; override; function SetVariable(const Name: string; var value: double): boolean; override; function GetVariable(const Name: string; var value: double): boolean; override; function ResetVariable(const Name: string): boolean; override; procedure Prepare; override; procedure CalcFunction; override; procedure GetCalcFunction(var f: TCalcFunction); override; end; implementation uses Math; { TVariationSphereCrop } ////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TVariationSphereCrop.Prepare; begin ca := max(-1.0, min(scatter_area, 1.0)); end; procedure TVariationSphereCrop.GetCalcFunction(var f: TCalcFunction); begin case mode of 0: f := CalcPre; 1: f := CalcFunction; else f := CalcPost; end; end; procedure TVariationSphereCrop.CalcFunction; var x, y, z, rad, rdc: double; ang, phi, sn, cn, sz, cz: double; begin x := FTx^ - x0; y := FTy^ - y0; z := FTz^ - z0; rad := Math.Hypot(x, y, z); if (rad > radius) then begin if (zero = 1) then begin FPx^ := FPx^; FPy^ := FPy^; FPz^ := FPz^; end else begin ang := arctan2(y, x); SinCos(ang, sn, cn); phi := arcsin(z / rad); SinCos(phi, sz, cz); rdc := radius + (random * 0.5 * ca); FPx^ := FPx^ + vvar * rdc * cn * cz + x0; FPy^ := FPy^ + vvar * rdc * sn * cz + y0; FPz^ := FPz^ + vvar * rdc * sz + z0; end; end else begin FPx^ := FPx^ + vvar * x + x0; FPy^ := FPy^ + vvar * y + y0; FPz^ := FPz^ + vvar * z + z0; end; end; procedure TVariationSphereCrop.CalcPost; var x, y, z, rad, rdc: double; ang, phi, sn, cn, sz, cz: double; begin x := FPx^ - x0; y := FPy^ - y0; z := FPz^ - z0; rad := Math.Hypot(x, y, z); if (rad > radius) then begin if (zero = 1) then begin FPx^ := 0; FPy^ := 0; FPz^ := 0; end else begin ang := arctan2(y, x); SinCos(ang, sn, cn); phi := arcsin(z / rad); SinCos(phi, sz, cz); rdc := radius + (random * 0.5 * ca); FPx^ := vvar * rdc * cn * cz + x0; FPy^ := vvar * rdc * sn * cz + y0; FPz^ := vvar * rdc * sz + z0; end; end else begin FPx^ := vvar * x + x0; FPy^ := vvar * y + y0; FPz^ := vvar * z + z0; end; end; procedure TVariationSphereCrop.CalcPre; var x, y, z, rad, rdc: double; ang, phi, sn, cn, sz, cz: double; begin x := FTx^ - x0; y := FTy^ - y0; z := FTz^ - z0; rad := Math.Hypot(x, y, z); if (rad > radius) then begin if (zero = 1) then begin FTx^ := 0; FTy^ := 0; FTz^ := 0; end else begin ang := arctan2(y, x); SinCos(ang, sn, cn); phi := arcsin(z / rad); SinCos(phi, sz, cz); rdc := radius + (random * 0.5 * ca); FTx^ := vvar * rdc * cn * cz + x0; FTy^ := vvar * rdc * sn * cz + y0; FTz^ := vvar * rdc * sz + z0; end; end else begin FTx^ := vvar * x + x0; FTy^ := vvar * y + y0; FTz^ := vvar * z + z0; end; end; constructor TVariationSphereCrop.Create; begin x0 := 0; y0 := 0; z0 := 0; radius := 1; scatter_area := 0; zero := 0; mode := 1; end; class function TVariationSphereCrop.GetInstance: TBaseVariation; begin Result := TVariationSphereCrop.Create; end; class function TVariationSphereCrop.GetName: string; begin Result := 'spherecrop'; end; function TVariationSphereCrop.GetNrVariables: integer; begin Result := 7; end; function TVariationSphereCrop.GetVariable(const Name: string; var value: double): boolean; begin Result := False; if Name = sx then begin Value := x0; Result := True; end else if Name = sy then begin Value := y0; Result := True; end else if Name = sz then begin Value := z0; Result := True; end else if Name = sradius then begin Value := radius; Result := True; end else if Name = sarea then begin Value := scatter_area; Result := True; end else if Name = szero then begin Value := zero; Result := True; end else if Name = smode then begin Value := mode; Result := True; end; end; function TVariationSphereCrop.GetVariableNameAt(const Index: integer): string; begin case Index Of 0: Result := sradius; 1: Result := sx; 2: Result := sy; 3: Result := sz; 4: Result := sarea; 5: Result := szero; 6: Result := smode; else Result := ''; end; end; function TVariationSphereCrop.ResetVariable(const Name: string): boolean; begin Result := False; if Name = sx then begin x0 := 0; Result := True; end else if Name = sy then begin y0 := 0; Result := True; end else if Name = sz then begin z0 := 0; Result := True; end else if Name = sradius then begin radius := 1; Result := True; end else if Name = sarea then begin scatter_area := 0; Result := True; end else if Name = szero then begin zero := 0; Result := True; end else if Name = smode then begin mode := 1; Result := True; end; end; function TVariationSphereCrop.SetVariable(const Name: string; var value: double): boolean; begin Result := False; if Name = sx then begin x0 := Value; Result := True; end else if Name = sy then begin y0 := Value; Result := True; end else if Name = sz then begin z0 := Value; Result := True; end else if Name = sradius then begin radius := Value; Result := True; end else if Name = sarea then begin scatter_area := Value; Result := True; end else if Name = szero then begin if Value < 0 then Value := 0; if Value > 1 then Value := 1; zero := Round(Value); Result := True; end else if Name = smode then begin if Value < 0 then Value := 0; if Value > 2 then Value := 2; mode := Round(Value); Result := True; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// initialization RegisterVariation(TVariationClassLoader.Create(TVariationSphereCrop), true, false); end.