(** =============================================================================================== Name : LibXmlParser Project : All Projects Subject : Progressive XML 1.0 Parser for all types of XML 1.0 Files =============================================================================================== Author : Stefan Heymann Eschenweg 3 72076 Tübingen Germany E-Mail: stefan@destructor.de URL: www.destructor.de =============================================================================================== Source, Legals ("Licence") -------------------------- The official site to get this parser is http://www.destructor.de/ Usage and Distribution of this Source Code is ruled by the "Destructor.de Source code Licence" (DSL) which comes with this file or can be downloaded at http://www.destructor.de/ IN SHORT: Usage and distribution of this source code is free. You use it completely on your own risk. Donateware ---------- This code is donateware. When you think that it is worth it you can give a donation. When you use the code on this site to earn money, you might think about giving a part of it to the author. Whether you donate, and how much, is absolutely up to you. You can find more information about donations on http://www.destructor.de/donateware.htm =============================================================================================== !!! All parts of this code which are not finished or not conforming exactly to the XmlSpec are marked with three exclamation marks -!- Parts where the parser may be able to detect errors in the document's syntax are marked with the dash-exlamation mark-dash sequence. =============================================================================================== Terminology: ------------ - Start: Start of a buffer part - Final: End (last character) of a buffer part - DTD: Document Type Definition - DTDc: Document Type Declaration - XMLSpec: The current W3C XML 1.0 Recommendation (version 1.0 TE as of 2004-02-04), Chapter No. - Cur*: Fields concerning the "Current" part passed back by the "Scan" method =============================================================================================== Scanning the XML document ------------------------- - Create TXmlParser Instance MyXml := TXmlParser.Create; - Load XML Document MyXml.LoadFromFile (Filename); - Start Scanning MyXml.StartScan; - Scan Loop WHILE MyXml.Scan DO - Test for Part Type CASE MyXml.CurPartType OF - Handle Parts ... : ;;; - Handle Parts ... : ;;; - Handle Parts ... : ;;; END; - Destroy MyXml.Free; =============================================================================================== Loading the XML document ------------------------ You can load the XML document from a file with the "LoadFromFile" method. It is beyond the scope of this parser to perform HTTP or FTP accesses. If you want your application to handle such requests (URLs), you can load the XML via HTTP or FTP or whatever protocol and hand over the data buffer using the "LoadFromBuffer" or "SetBuffer" method. "LoadFromBuffer" loads the internal buffer of TXmlParser with the given null-terminated string, thereby creating a copy of that buffer. "SetBuffer" just takes the pointer to another buffer, which means that the given buffer pointer must be valid while the document is accessed via TXmlParser. =============================================================================================== Encodings: ---------- This XML parser kind of "understands" the following encodings: - UTF-8 - ISO-8859-1 - Windows-1252 ("ANSI") Any flavor of multi-byte characters (and this includes UCS-2 and UTF-16) is not supported. Sorry. Every string which has to be passed to the application passes the virtual method "TranslateEncoding" which translates the string from the current encoding (stored in "CurEncoding") into the encoding the application wishes to receive. The "TranslateEncoding" method that is built into TXmlParser assumes that the application wants to receive Windows ANSI (Windows-1252, about the same as ISO-8859-1) and is able to convert UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 encodings. For other source and target encodings, you will have to override "TranslateEncoding". =============================================================================================== Buffer Handling --------------- - The document must be loaded completely into a piece of RAM - All character positions are referenced by PChar pointers - The TXmlParser instance can either "own" the buffer itself (then, FBufferSize is > 0) or reference the buffer of another instance or object (then, FBuffersize is 0 and FBuffer is not NIL) - The Property DocBuffer passes back a pointer to the first byte of the document. If there is no document stored (FBuffer is NIL), the DocBuffer returns a pointer to a NULL character. =============================================================================================== Whitespace Handling ------------------- The TXmlParser property "Normalize" determines how Whitespace is returned in Text Content: While Normalize is true, all leading and trailing whitespace characters are trimmed of, all Whitespace is converted to Space #x20 characters and contiguous Whitespace characters are compressed to one. If the "Scan" method reports a ptContent part, the application can get the original text with all whitespace characters by extracting the characters from "CurStart" to "CurFinal". If the application detects an xml:space attribute, it can set "Normalize" accordingly or use CurStart/CurFinal. Please note that TXmlParser does _not_ normalize Line Breaks to single LineFeed characters as the XMLSpec requires (XMLSpec 2.11). The xml:space attribute is not handled by TXmlParser. This is on behalf of the application. =============================================================================================== Non-XML-Conforming ------------------ TXmlParser does not conform 100 % exactly to the XMLSpec: - UTF-16 is not supported (XMLSpec 2.2) (Workaround: Convert UTF-16 to UTF-8 and hand the buffer over to TXmlParser) - As the parser only works with single byte strings, all Unicode characters > 255 can currently not be handled correctly. (Workaround: Use UTF-8 and handle UTF-8 characters by your own code) - Line breaks are not normalized to single Linefeed #x0A characters (XMLSpec 2.11) (Workaround: The Application can access the text contents on its own [CurStart, CurFinal], thereby applying every normalization it wishes to) - The attribute value normalization does not work exactly as defined in the Second Edition of the XML 1.0 specification. - See also the code parts marked with three consecutive exclamation marks. These are parts which are not finished in the current code release. This list may be incomplete, so it may grow if I get to know any other points. As work on the parser proceeds, this list may also shrink. =============================================================================================== Things Todo ----------- - Introduce a new event/callback which is called when there is an unresolvable entity or character reference or another error in the XML - Correctly Support Unicode - Use Streams instead of reading the whole XML into memory - Support the new UnicodeString type of Delphi 2009 and onwards =============================================================================================== Change History, Version numbers ------------------------------- The Date is given in ISO Year-Month-Day (YYYY-MM-DD) order. Versions are counted from 1.0.0 beginning with the version from 2000-03-16. Unreleased versions don't get a version number. Date Author Version Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000-03-16 HeySt 1.0.0 Start 2000-03-28 HeySt 1.0.1 Initial Publishing of TXmlParser on the destructor.de Web Site 2000-03-30 HeySt 1.0.2 TXmlParser.AnalyzeCData: Call "TranslateEncoding" for CurContent 2000-03-31 HeySt 1.0.3 Deleted the StrPosE function (was not needed anyway) 2000-04-04 HeySt 1.0.4 TDtdElementRec modified: Start/Final for all Elements; Should be backwards compatible. AnalyzeDtdc: Set CurPartType to ptDtdc 2000-04-23 HeySt 1.0.5 New class TObjectList. Eliminated reference to the Delphi 5 "Contnrs" unit so LibXmlParser is Delphi 4 compatible. 2000-07-03 HeySt 1.0.6 TNvpNode: Added Constructor 2000-07-11 HeySt 1.0.7 Removed "Windows" from USES clause Added three-exclamation-mark comments for Utf8ToAnsi/AnsiToUtf8 Added three-exclamation-mark comments for CHR function calls 2000-07-23 HeySt 1.0.8 TXmlParser.Clear: CurAttr.Clear; EntityStack.Clear; (This was not a bug; just defensive programming) 2000-07-29 HeySt 1.0.9 TNvpList: Added methods: Node(Index), Value(Index), Name(Index); 2000-10-07 HeySt Introduced Conditional Defines Uses Contnrs unit and its TObjectList class again for Delphi 5 and newer versions 2001-01-30 HeySt Introduced Version Numbering Made LoadFromFile and LoadFromBuffer BOOLEAN functions Introduced FileMode parameter for LoadFromFile BugFix: TAttrList.Analyze: Must add CWhitespace to ExtractName call Comments worked over 2001-02-28 HeySt 1.0.10 Completely worked over and tested the UTF-8 functions Fixed a bug in TXmlParser.Scan which caused it to start over when it was called after the end of scanning, resulting in an endless loop TEntityStack is now a TObjectList instead of TList 2001-07-03 HeySt 1.0.11 Updated Compiler Version IFDEFs for Kylix 2001-07-11 HeySt 1.0.12 New TCustomXmlScanner component (taken over from LibXmlComps.pas) 2001-07-14 HeySt 1.0.13 Bugfix TCustomXmlScanner.FOnTranslateEncoding 2001-10-22 HeySt Don't clear CurName anymore when the parser finds a CDATA section. 2001-12-03 HeySt 1.0.14 TObjectList.Clear: Make call to INHERITED method (fixes a memory leak) 2001-12-05 HeySt 1.0.15 TObjectList.Clear: removed call to INHERITED method TObjectList.Destroy: Inserted SetCapacity call. Reduces need for frequent re-allocation of pointer buffer Dedicated to my father, Theodor Heymann 2002-06-26 HeySt 1.0.16 TXmlParser.Scan: Fixed a bug with PIs whose name is beginning with 'xml'. Thanks to Uwe Kamm for submitting this bug. The CurEncoding property is now always in uppercase letters (the XML spec wants it to be treated case independently so when it's uppercase comparisons are faster) 2002-03-04 HeySt 1.0.17 Included an IFDEF for Delphi 7 (VER150) and Kylix There is a new symbol HAS_CONTNRS_UNIT which is used now to distinguish between IDEs which come with the Contnrs unit and those that don't. 2005-07-05 HeySt 1.0.18 Changed old comments referring to "PackSpaces" to "Normalize". (not publicly released) Reworked IFDEF section at the top to better reflect Kylix, C++Builder, Delphi 8, and Delphi 2005/2006/2007. Reworked attribute value normalization to completely conform to XMLSpec 3.3.3. Deleted the ReplaceGeneralEntities method, which is not needed anymore. TXmlParser: Added a new virtual method TranslateCharacter to translate Unicode character references. TXmlScanner: Added a new event OnTranslateCharacter to translate Unicode character references. Handle (i.e. skip) UTF-8 BOMs. Switch $R and $B off. Set UTF-8 as default encoding in .Clear 2009-12-31 HeySt 1.0.19 Finished work at the attribute value normalization. Delphi 2009/2010 compatibility (no UnicodeString compatibility though, sorry) 2010-10-12 HeySt 1.0.20 Checked Delphi XE compatibility Included a $DEFINE for FreePascal compatibility CurContent is not reset to an empty string with every start tag. I will keep this behaviour so old code doesn't get broken. In case you need this you can set CurContent yourself at every start tag. *) // --- Delphi/Kylix/C++Builder Version Numbers // As this is no code, this does not blow up your object or executable code at all // Versions that will not work with this code (Delphi 1-3, .NET) will see invalid code and stop the compiler here // The defines D4_OR_NEWER and D5_OR_NEWER are only kept for backward compatibility. // They are not used in this code anymore. (*$DEFINE HAS_CONTNRS_UNIT *) // The Contnrs Unit was introduced in Delphi 5 (*$DEFINE D4_OR_NEWER *) // It's Delphi 4 or newer for backwards compatibility (*$DEFINE D5_OR_NEWER *) // It's Delphi 5 or newer for backwards compatibility // Delphi 1, C++Builder 1: (*$IFDEF VER80 *)This Code will not compile in Delphi 1 (*$ENDIF*) (*$IFDEF VER83 *)This Code will not compile in C++Builder 1 (*$ENDIF*) // Delphi 2, C++Builder 2: (*$IFDEF VER90 *)This Code will not compile in Delphi 2 (*$ENDIF*) (*$IFDEF VER93 *)This Code will not compile in C++Builder 2 (*$ENDIF*) // Delphi 3, C++Builder 3: (*$IFDEF VER100 *)This Code will not compile in Delphi 3 (*$ENDIF*) (*$IFDEF VER110 *)This Code will not compile in C++Builder 3 (*$ENDIF*) // Delphi 4, C++Builder 4: (*$IFDEF VER120 *)(*$UNDEFINE D5_OR_NEWER *) (*$UNDEFINE HAS_CONTNRS_UNIT *) (*$ENDIF *) (*$IFDEF VER125 *)(*$UNDEFINE D5_OR_NEWER *) (*$UNDEFINE HAS_CONTNRS_UNIT *) (*$ENDIF *) // Managed Code (*$IFDEF MANAGEDCODE *)This code will not compile as Managed Code (*$ENDIF *) (*$IFDEF CLR *) This code will not compile as Managed Code (*$ENDIF *) (*$IFDEF FPC *) (*$MODE delphi *) (*$ENDIF *) // It's FreePascal (*$R- Switch Range Checking Off *) (*$B- Switch Complete Boolean Evaluation Off *) UNIT LibXmlParser; INTERFACE USES SysUtils, Classes, (*$IFDEF HAS_CONTNRS_UNIT *) Contnrs, (*$ENDIF*) Math; CONST CVersion = '1.0.20'; // This variable will be updated for every release // (I hope, I won't forget to do it everytime ...) CUnknownChar = '?'; // Replacement for unknown/untransformable character references TYPE TCharType = PAnsiChar; TStringType = Utf8String; TPartType = // --- Document Part Types (ptNone, // Nothing ptXmlProlog, // XML Prolog XmlSpec 2.8 / 4.3.1 ptComment, // Comment XmlSpec 2.5 ptPI, // Processing Instruction XmlSpec 2.6 ptDtdc, // Document Type Declaration XmlSpec 2.8 ptStartTag, // Start Tag XmlSpec 3.1 ptEmptyTag, // Empty-Element Tag XmlSpec 3.1 ptEndTag, // End Tag XmlSpec 3.1 ptContent, // Text Content between Tags ptCData); // CDATA Section XmlSpec 2.7 TDtdElemType = // --- DTD Elements (deElement, // !ELEMENT declaration deAttList, // !ATTLIST declaration deEntity, // !ENTITY declaration deNotation, // !NOTATION declaration dePI, // PI in DTD deComment, // Comment in DTD deError); // Error found in the DTD TYPE TAttrList = CLASS; TEntityStack = CLASS; TNvpList = CLASS; TElemDef = CLASS; TElemList = CLASS; TEntityDef = CLASS; TNotationDef = CLASS; TDtdElementRec = RECORD // --- This Record is returned by the DTD parser callback function Start, Final : TCharType; // Start/End of the Element's Declaration CASE ElementType : TDtdElemType OF // Type of the Element deElement, // deAttList : (ElemDef : TElemDef); // deEntity : (EntityDef : TEntityDef); // deNotation : (NotationDef : TNotationDef); // dePI : (Target : TCharType; // Content : TCharType; AttrList : TAttrList); deError : (Pos : TCharType); // Error // deComment : ((No additional fields here)); // END; TXmlParser = CLASS // --- Internal Properties and Methods PROTECTED FBuffer : TCharType; // NIL if there is no buffer available FBufferSize : INTEGER; // 0 if the buffer is not owned by the Document instance FSource : STRING; // Name of Source of document. Filename for Documents loaded with LoadFromFile FXmlVersion : TStringType; // XML version from Document header. Default is '1.0' FEncoding : TStringType; // Encoding from Document header. Default is 'UTF-8' FStandalone : BOOLEAN; // Standalone declaration from Document header. Default is 'yes' FRootName : TStringType; // Name of the Root Element (= DTD name) FDtdcFinal : TCharType; // Pointer to the '>' character terminating the DTD declaration FNormalize : BOOLEAN; // If true: Pack Whitespace and don't return empty contents EntityStack : TEntityStack; // Entity Stack for Parameter and General Entities FCurEncoding : TStringType; // Current Encoding during parsing (always uppercase) PROCEDURE AnalyzeProlog; // Analyze XML Prolog or Text Declaration PROCEDURE AnalyzeComment (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); // Analyze Comments PROCEDURE AnalyzePI (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); // Analyze Processing Instructions (PI) PROCEDURE AnalyzeDtdc; // Analyze Document Type Declaration PROCEDURE AnalyzeDtdElements (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); // Analyze DTD declarations PROCEDURE AnalyzeTag; // Analyze Start/End/Empty-Element Tags PROCEDURE AnalyzeCData; // Analyze CDATA Sections PROCEDURE AnalyzeText (VAR IsDone : BOOLEAN); // Analyze Text Content between Tags PROCEDURE AnalyzeElementDecl (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); PROCEDURE AnalyzeAttListDecl (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); PROCEDURE AnalyzeEntityDecl (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); PROCEDURE AnalyzeNotationDecl (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); PROCEDURE PushPE (VAR Start : TCharType); PROCEDURE ReplaceCharacterEntities (VAR Str : TStringType); PROCEDURE ReplaceParameterEntities (VAR Str : TStringType); FUNCTION GetDocBuffer : TCharType; // Returns FBuffer or a pointer to a NUL char if Buffer is empty PUBLIC // --- Document Properties PROPERTY XmlVersion : TStringType READ FXmlVersion; // XML version from the Document Prolog PROPERTY Encoding : TStringType READ FEncoding; // Document Encoding from Prolog PROPERTY Standalone : BOOLEAN READ FStandalone; // Standalone Declaration from Prolog PROPERTY RootName : TStringType READ FRootName; // Name of the Root Element PROPERTY Normalize : BOOLEAN READ FNormalize WRITE FNormalize; // True if Content is to be normalized PROPERTY Source : STRING READ FSource; // Name of Document Source (Filename) PROPERTY DocBuffer : TCharType READ GetDocBuffer; // Returns document buffer PUBLIC // --- DTD Objects Elements : TElemList; // Elements: List of TElemDef (contains Attribute Definitions) Entities : TNvpList; // General Entities: List of TEntityDef ParEntities : TNvpList; // Parameter Entities: List of TEntityDef Notations : TNvpList; // Notations: List of TNotationDef PUBLIC CONSTRUCTOR Create; DESTRUCTOR Destroy; OVERRIDE; // --- Document Handling FUNCTION LoadFromFile (Filename : STRING; FileMode : INTEGER = fmOpenRead OR fmShareDenyNone) : BOOLEAN; // Loads Document from given file FUNCTION LoadFromBuffer (Buffer : TCharType) : BOOLEAN; // Loads Document from another buffer PROCEDURE SetBuffer (Buffer : TCharType); // References another buffer PROCEDURE Clear; // Clear Document PUBLIC // --- Scanning through the document CurPartType : TPartType; // Current Type CurName : TStringType; // Current Name CurContent : TStringType; // Current Normalized Content CurStart : TCharType; // Current First character CurFinal : TCharType; // Current Last character CurAttr : TAttrList; // Current Attribute List PROPERTY CurEncoding : TStringType READ FCurEncoding; // Current Encoding (always uppercase) PROCEDURE StartScan; FUNCTION Scan : BOOLEAN; // --- Events / Callbacks FUNCTION LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId, Notation : TStringType) : TXmlParser; VIRTUAL; FUNCTION TranslateEncoding (CONST Source : TStringType) : TStringType; VIRTUAL; FUNCTION TranslateCharacter (CONST UnicodeValue : INTEGER; CONST UnknownChar : TStringType = CUnknownChar) : TStringType; VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE DtdElementFound (DtdElementRec : TDtdElementRec); VIRTUAL; END; TValueType = // --- Attribute Value Type (vtNormal, // Normal specified Attribute vtImplied, // #IMPLIED attribute value vtFixed, // #FIXED attribute value vtDefault); // Attribute value from default value in !ATTLIST declaration TAttrDefault = // --- Attribute Default Type (adDefault, // Normal default value adRequired, // #REQUIRED attribute adImplied, // #IMPLIED attribute adFixed); // #FIXED attribute TAttrType = // --- Type of attribute (atUnknown, // Unknown type atCData, // Character data only atID, // ID atIdRef, // ID Reference atIdRefs, // Several ID References, separated by Whitespace atEntity, // Name of an unparsed Entity atEntities, // Several unparsed Entity names, separated by Whitespace atNmToken, // Name Token atNmTokens, // Several Name Tokens, separated by Whitespace atNotation, // A selection of Notation names (Unparsed Entity) atEnumeration); // Enumeration TElemType = // --- Element content type (etEmpty, // Element is always empty etAny, // Element can have any mixture of PCDATA and any elements etChildren, // Element must contain only elements etMixed); // Mixed PCDATA and elements (*$IFDEF HAS_CONTNRS_UNIT *) TObjectList = Contnrs.TObjectList; // Re-Export this identifier (*$ELSE *) TObjectList = CLASS (TList) DESTRUCTOR Destroy; OVERRIDE; PROCEDURE Delete (Index : INTEGER); PROCEDURE Clear; OVERRIDE; END; (*$ENDIF *) TNvpNode = CLASS // Name-Value Pair Node Name : TStringType; Value : TStringType; CONSTRUCTOR Create (TheName : TStringType = ''; TheValue : TStringType = ''); END; TNvpList = CLASS (TObjectList) // Name-Value Pair List PROCEDURE Add (Node : TNvpNode); FUNCTION Node (Name : TStringType) : TNvpNode; OVERLOAD; FUNCTION Node (Index : INTEGER) : TNvpNode; OVERLOAD; FUNCTION Value (Name : TStringType) : TStringType; OVERLOAD; FUNCTION Value (Index : INTEGER) : TStringType; OVERLOAD; FUNCTION Name (Index : INTEGER) : TStringType; END; TAttr = CLASS (TNvpNode) // Attribute of a Start-Tag or Empty-Element-Tag ValueType : TValueType; AttrType : TAttrType; END; TAttrList = CLASS (TNvpList) // List of Attributes PROCEDURE Analyze (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); END; TEntityStack = CLASS (TObjectList) // Stack where current position is stored before parsing entities PROTECTED Owner : TXmlParser; PUBLIC CONSTRUCTOR Create (TheOwner : TXmlParser); PROCEDURE Push (LastPos : TCharType); OVERLOAD; PROCEDURE Push (Instance : TObject; LastPos : TCharType); OVERLOAD; FUNCTION Pop : TCharType; // Returns next char or NIL if EOF is reached. Frees Instance. END; TAttrDef = CLASS (TNvpNode) // Represents a '; CUtf8BOM = #$EF#$BB#$BF; // The Byte Order Mark (U+FEFF) coded in UTF-8 // --- Name Constants for the above enumeration types CPartType_Name : ARRAY [TPartType] OF TStringType = ('', 'XML Prolog', 'Comment', 'PI', 'DTD Declaration', 'Start Tag', 'Empty Tag', 'End Tag', 'Text', 'CDATA'); CValueType_Name : ARRAY [TValueType] OF TStringType = ('Normal', 'Implied', 'Fixed', 'Default'); CAttrDefault_Name : ARRAY [TAttrDefault] OF TStringType = ('Default', 'Required', 'Implied', 'Fixed'); CElemType_Name : ARRAY [TElemType] OF TStringType = ('Empty', 'Any', 'Childs only', 'Mixed'); CAttrType_Name : ARRAY [TAttrType] OF TStringType = ('Unknown', 'CDATA', 'ID', 'IDREF', 'IDREFS', 'ENTITY', 'ENTITIES', 'NMTOKEN', 'NMTOKENS', 'Notation', 'Enumeration'); FUNCTION ConvertWs (Source: TStringType; PackWs: BOOLEAN) : TStringType; // Convert WS to spaces #x20 PROCEDURE SetStringSF (VAR S : TStringType; BufferStart, BufferFinal : TCharType); // SetString by Start/Final of buffer FUNCTION StrSFPas (Start, Finish : TCharType) : TStringType; // Convert buffer part to Pascal string FUNCTION TrimWs (Source : TStringType) : TStringType; // Trim Whitespace (* =============================================================================================== TCustomXmlScanner: event based component wrapper for TXmlParser =============================================================================================== *) TYPE TXmlPrologEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; XmlVersion, Encoding: String; Standalone : BOOLEAN) OF OBJECT; TCommentEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; Comment : String) OF OBJECT; TPIEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; Target, Content: String; Attributes : TAttrList) OF OBJECT; TDtdEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; RootElementName : String) OF OBJECT; TStartTagEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; TagName : String; Attributes : TAttrList) OF OBJECT; TEndTagEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; TagName : String) OF OBJECT; TContentEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; Content : String) OF OBJECT; TElementEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; ElemDef : TElemDef) OF OBJECT; TEntityEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; EntityDef : TEntityDef) OF OBJECT; TNotationEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; NotationDef : TNotationDef) OF OBJECT; TErrorEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; ErrorPos : TCharType) OF OBJECT; TExternalEvent = PROCEDURE (Sender : TObject; SystemId, PublicId, NotationId : String; VAR Result : TXmlParser) OF OBJECT; TEncodingEvent = FUNCTION (Sender : TObject; CurrentEncoding, Source : String) : String OF OBJECT; TEncodeCharEvent = FUNCTION (Sender : TObject; UnicodeValue : INTEGER) : String OF OBJECT; TCustomXmlScanner = CLASS (TComponent) PROTECTED FXmlParser : TXmlParser; FOnXmlProlog : TXmlPrologEvent; FOnComment : TCommentEvent; FOnPI : TPIEvent; FOnDtdRead : TDtdEvent; FOnStartTag : TStartTagEvent; FOnEmptyTag : TStartTagEvent; FOnEndTag : TEndTagEvent; FOnContent : TContentEvent; FOnCData : TContentEvent; FOnElement : TElementEvent; FOnAttList : TElementEvent; FOnEntity : TEntityEvent; FOnNotation : TNotationEvent; FOnDtdError : TErrorEvent; FOnLoadExternal : TExternalEvent; FOnTranslateEncoding : TEncodingEvent; FOnTranslateCharacter : TEncodeCharEvent; FStopParser : BOOLEAN; FUNCTION GetNormalize : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE SetNormalize (Value : BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE WhenXmlProlog(XmlVersion, Encoding: String; Standalone : BOOLEAN); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenComment (Comment : String); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenPI (Target, Content: String; Attributes : TAttrList); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenDtdRead (RootElementName : String); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenStartTag (TagName : String; Attributes : TAttrList); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenEmptyTag (TagName : String; Attributes : TAttrList); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenEndTag (TagName : String); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenContent (Content : String); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenCData (Content : String); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenElement (ElemDef : TElemDef); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenAttList (ElemDef : TElemDef); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenEntity (EntityDef : TEntityDef); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenNotation (NotationDef : TNotationDef); VIRTUAL; PROCEDURE WhenDtdError (ErrorPos : TCharType); VIRTUAL; PUBLIC CONSTRUCTOR Create (AOwner: TComponent); OVERRIDE; DESTRUCTOR Destroy; OVERRIDE; PROCEDURE LoadFromFile (Filename : TFilename); // Load XML Document from file PROCEDURE LoadFromBuffer (Buffer : TCharType); // Load XML Document from buffer PROCEDURE SetBuffer (Buffer : TCharType); // Refer to Buffer FUNCTION GetFilename : TFilename; PROCEDURE Execute; // Perform scanning PROTECTED PROPERTY XmlParser : TXmlParser READ FXmlParser; PROPERTY StopParser : BOOLEAN READ FStopParser WRITE FStopParser; PROPERTY Filename : TFilename READ GetFilename WRITE LoadFromFile; PROPERTY Normalize : BOOLEAN READ GetNormalize WRITE SetNormalize; PROPERTY OnXmlProlog : TXmlPrologEvent READ FOnXmlProlog WRITE FOnXmlProlog; PROPERTY OnComment : TCommentEvent READ FOnComment WRITE FOnComment; PROPERTY OnPI : TPIEvent READ FOnPI WRITE FOnPI; PROPERTY OnDtdRead : TDtdEvent READ FOnDtdRead WRITE FOnDtdRead; PROPERTY OnStartTag : TStartTagEvent READ FOnStartTag WRITE FOnStartTag; PROPERTY OnEmptyTag : TStartTagEvent READ FOnEmptyTag WRITE FOnEmptyTag; PROPERTY OnEndTag : TEndTagEvent READ FOnEndTag WRITE FOnEndTag; PROPERTY OnContent : TContentEvent READ FOnContent WRITE FOnContent; PROPERTY OnCData : TContentEvent READ FOnCData WRITE FOnCData; PROPERTY OnElement : TElementEvent READ FOnElement WRITE FOnElement; PROPERTY OnAttList : TElementEvent READ FOnAttList WRITE FOnAttList; PROPERTY OnEntity : TEntityEvent READ FOnEntity WRITE FOnEntity; PROPERTY OnNotation : TNotationEvent READ FOnNotation WRITE FOnNotation; PROPERTY OnDtdError : TErrorEvent READ FOnDtdError WRITE FOnDtdError; PROPERTY OnLoadExternal : TExternalEvent READ FOnLoadExternal WRITE FOnLoadExternal; PROPERTY OnTranslateEncoding : TEncodingEvent READ FOnTranslateEncoding WRITE FOnTranslateEncoding; PROPERTY OnTranslateCharacter : TEncodeCharEvent READ FOnTranslateCharacter WRITE FOnTranslateCharacter; END; (* =============================================================================================== IMPLEMENTATION =============================================================================================== *) IMPLEMENTATION (* =============================================================================================== "Special" Helper Functions Don't ask me why. But including these functions makes the parser *DRAMATICALLY* faster on my K6-233 and Pentium-M machine. You can test it yourself just by commenting them out. They do exactly the same as the Assembler routines defined in SysUtils. (This is where you can see how great the Delphi compiler really is. The compiled code is faster than hand-coded assembler! :-) =============================================================================================== --> Just move this line below the StrScan function --> *) FUNCTION StrPos (CONST Str, SearchStr : TCharType) : TCharType; // Same functionality as SysUtils.StrPos VAR First : ANSICHAR; Len : INTEGER; BEGIN First := SearchStr^; Len := StrLen (SearchStr); Result := Str; REPEAT IF Result^ = First THEN IF StrLComp (Result, SearchStr, Len) = 0 THEN BREAK; IF Result^ = #0 THEN BEGIN Result := NIL; BREAK; END; INC (Result); UNTIL FALSE; END; FUNCTION StrScan (CONST Start : TCharType; CONST Ch : ANSICHAR) : TCharType; // Same functionality as SysUtils.StrScan BEGIN Result := Start; WHILE Result^ <> Ch DO BEGIN IF Result^ = #0 THEN BEGIN Result := NIL; EXIT; END; INC (Result); END; END; (* =============================================================================================== Helper Functions =============================================================================================== *) FUNCTION DelChars (Source : TStringType; CharsToDelete : TCharset) : TStringType; // Delete all "CharsToDelete" from the string VAR I : INTEGER; BEGIN Result := Source; FOR I := Length (Result) DOWNTO 1 DO IF Result [I] IN CharsToDelete THEN Delete (Result, I, 1); END; FUNCTION TrimWs (Source : TStringType) : TStringType; // Trimms off Whitespace characters from both ends of the string VAR I : INTEGER; BEGIN // --- Trim Left I := 1; WHILE (I <= Length (Source)) AND (Source [I] IN CWhitespace) DO INC (I); Result := Copy (Source, I, MaxInt); // --- Trim Right I := Length (Result); WHILE (I > 1) AND (Result [I] IN CWhitespace) DO DEC (I); Delete (Result, I+1, Length (Result)-I); END; FUNCTION TrimAndPackSpace (Source : TStringType) : TStringType; // Trim and pack contiguous space (#x20) characters // Needed for attribute value normalization of non-CDATA attributes (XMLSpec 3.3.3) VAR I, T : INTEGER; BEGIN // --- Trim Left T := 1; FOR I := 1 to Length (Source) DO IF Source [I] = #32 THEN INC (T) ELSE BREAK; IF T > 1 THEN Result := Copy (Source, T, MaxInt) ELSE Result := Source; // --- Trim Right I := Length (Result); WHILE (I > 1) AND (Result [I] = #32) DO DEC (I); Delete (Result, I+1, Length (Result)-I); // --- Pack FOR I := Length (Result) DOWNTO 2 DO IF (Result [I] = #32) AND (Result [I-1] = #32) THEN Delete (Result, I, 1); END; FUNCTION ConvertWs (Source: TStringType; PackWs: BOOLEAN) : TStringType; // Converts all Whitespace characters to the Space #x20 character // If "PackWs" is true, contiguous Whitespace characters are packed to one VAR I : INTEGER; BEGIN Result := Source; FOR I := Length (Result) DOWNTO 1 DO IF (Result [I] IN CWhitespace) THEN IF PackWs AND (I > 1) AND (Result [I-1] IN CWhitespace) THEN Delete (Result, I, 1) ELSE Result [I] := #32; END; PROCEDURE SetStringSF (VAR S : TStringType; BufferStart, BufferFinal : TCharType); BEGIN SetString (S, BufferStart, BufferFinal-BufferStart+1); END; FUNCTION StrLPas (Start : TCharType; Len : INTEGER) : TStringType; BEGIN SetString (Result, Start, Len); END; FUNCTION StrSFPas (Start, Finish : TCharType) : TStringType; BEGIN SetString (Result, Start, Finish-Start+1); END; FUNCTION StrScanE (CONST Source : TCharType; CONST CharToScanFor : ANSICHAR) : TCharType; // If "CharToScanFor" is not found, StrScanE returns the last char of the // buffer instead of NIL BEGIN Result := StrScan (Source, CharToScanFor); IF Result = NIL THEN Result := StrEnd (Source)-1; END; PROCEDURE ExtractName (Start : TCharType; Terminators : TCharset; VAR Final : TCharType); (* Extracts the complete Name beginning at "Start". It is assumed that the name is contained in Markup, so the '>' character is always a Termination. Start: IN Pointer to first char of name. Is always considered to be valid Terminators: IN Characters which terminate the name Final: OUT Pointer to last char of name *) BEGIN Final := Start; Include (Terminators, #0); Include (Terminators, '>'); WHILE NOT ((Final + 1)^ IN Terminators) DO INC (Final); END; PROCEDURE ExtractQuote (Start : TCharType; VAR Content : TStringType; VAR Final : TCharType); (* Extract a string which is contained in single or double Quotes. Start: IN Pointer to opening quote Content: OUT The quoted string Final: OUT Pointer to closing quote *) BEGIN Final := StrScan (Start+1, Start^); IF Final = NIL THEN BEGIN Final := StrEnd (Start+1)-1; SetString (Content, Start+1, Final-Start); END ELSE SetString (Content, Start+1, Final-1-Start); END; (* =============================================================================================== TEntityStackNode This Node is pushed to the "Entity Stack" whenever the parser parses entity replacement text. The "Instance" field holds the Instance pointer of an External Entity buffer. When it is popped, the Instance is freed. The "Encoding" field holds the name of the Encoding. External Parsed Entities may have another encoding as the document entity (XmlSpec 4.3.3). So when there is an " 0 THEN BEGIN ESN := TEntityStackNode (Items [Count-1]); Result := ESN.LastPos; IF ESN.Instance <> NIL THEN ESN.Instance.Free; IF ESN.Encoding <> '' THEN Owner.FCurEncoding := ESN.Encoding; // Restore current Encoding Delete (Count-1); END ELSE Result := NIL; END; (* =============================================================================================== TExternalID ----------- XmlSpec 4.2.2: ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral XmlSpec 4.7: PublicID ::= 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral SystemLiteral and PubidLiteral are quoted =============================================================================================== *) TYPE TExternalID = CLASS PublicId : TStringType; SystemId : TStringType; Final : TCharType; CONSTRUCTOR Create (Start : TCharType); END; CONSTRUCTOR TExternalID.Create (Start : TCharType); BEGIN INHERITED Create; Final := Start; IF StrLComp (Start, 'SYSTEM', 6) = 0 THEN BEGIN WHILE NOT (Final^ IN (CQuoteChar + [#0, '>', '['])) DO INC (Final); IF NOT (Final^ IN CQuoteChar) THEN EXIT; ExtractQuote (Final, SystemID, Final); END ELSE IF StrLComp (Start, 'PUBLIC', 6) = 0 THEN BEGIN WHILE NOT (Final^ IN (CQuoteChar + [#0, '>', '['])) DO INC (Final); IF NOT (Final^ IN CQuoteChar) THEN EXIT; ExtractQuote (Final, PublicID, Final); INC (Final); WHILE NOT (Final^ IN (CQuoteChar + [#0, '>', '['])) DO INC (Final); IF NOT (Final^ IN CQuoteChar) THEN EXIT; ExtractQuote (Final, SystemID, Final); END; END; (* =============================================================================================== TXmlParser =============================================================================================== *) CONSTRUCTOR TXmlParser.Create; BEGIN INHERITED Create; FBuffer := NIL; FBufferSize := 0; Elements := TElemList.Create; Entities := TNvpList.Create; ParEntities := TNvpList.Create; Notations := TNvpList.Create; CurAttr := TAttrList.Create; EntityStack := TEntityStack.Create (Self); Clear; END; DESTRUCTOR TXmlParser.Destroy; BEGIN Clear; Elements.Free; Entities.Free; ParEntities.Free; Notations.Free; CurAttr.Free; EntityStack.Free; INHERITED Destroy; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.Clear; // Free Buffer and clear all object attributes BEGIN IF (FBufferSize > 0) AND (FBuffer <> NIL) THEN FreeMem (FBuffer); FBuffer := NIL; FBufferSize := 0; FSource := ''; FXmlVersion := ''; FEncoding := 'UTF-8'; FCurEncoding := 'UTF-8'; FStandalone := FALSE; FRootName := ''; FDtdcFinal := NIL; FNormalize := TRUE; Elements.Clear; Entities.Clear; ParEntities.Clear; Notations.Clear; CurAttr.Clear; EntityStack.Clear; END; FUNCTION TXmlParser.LoadFromFile (Filename : string; FileMode : INTEGER = fmOpenRead OR fmShareDenyNone) : BOOLEAN; // Loads Document from given file // Returns TRUE if successful VAR f : FILE; ReadIn : INTEGER; OldFileMode : INTEGER; BEGIN Result := FALSE; Clear; // --- Open File OldFileMode := SYSTEM.FileMode; TRY SYSTEM.FileMode := FileMode; TRY AssignFile (f, Filename); Reset (f, 1); EXCEPT EXIT; END; TRY // --- Allocate Memory TRY FBufferSize := Filesize (f) + 1; GetMem (FBuffer, FBufferSize); EXCEPT Clear; EXIT; END; // --- Read File TRY BlockRead (f, FBuffer^, FBufferSize, ReadIn); (FBuffer+ReadIn)^ := #0; // NULL termination EXCEPT Clear; EXIT; END; FINALLY CloseFile (f); END; FSource := Filename; Result := TRUE; FINALLY SYSTEM.FileMode := OldFileMode; END; END; FUNCTION TXmlParser.LoadFromBuffer (Buffer : TCharType) : BOOLEAN; // Loads Document from another buffer // Returns TRUE if successful // The "Source" property becomes '' if successful BEGIN Result := FALSE; Clear; FBufferSize := StrLen (Buffer) + 1; TRY GetMem (FBuffer, FBufferSize); EXCEPT Clear; EXIT; END; StrCopy (FBuffer, Buffer); FSource := ''; Result := TRUE; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.SetBuffer (Buffer : TCharType); // References another buffer BEGIN Clear; FBuffer := Buffer; FBufferSize := 0; FSource := ''; END; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scanning through the document //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE TXmlParser.StartScan; BEGIN CurPartType := ptNone; CurName := ''; CurContent := ''; CurStart := NIL; CurFinal := NIL; CurAttr.Clear; EntityStack.Clear; END; FUNCTION TXmlParser.Scan : BOOLEAN; // Scans the next Part // Returns TRUE if a part could be found, FALSE if there is no part any more // // "IsDone" can be set to FALSE by AnalyzeText in order to go to the next part // if there is no Content due to normalization VAR IsDone : BOOLEAN; BEGIN REPEAT IsDone := TRUE; // --- Start of next Part IF CurStart = NIL THEN BEGIN CurStart := DocBuffer; IF StrLComp (CurStart, CUtf8BOM, 3) = 0 THEN BEGIN INC (CurStart, 3); // Skip UTF-8 BOM FEncoding := 'UTF-8'; END; END ELSE CurStart := CurFinal+1; CurFinal := CurStart; // --- End of Document or Pop off a new part from the Entity stack? IF CurStart^ = #0 THEN CurStart := EntityStack.Pop; // --- No Document or End Of Document: Terminate Scan IF (CurStart = NIL) OR (CurStart^ = #0) THEN BEGIN CurStart := StrEnd (DocBuffer); CurFinal := CurStart-1; EntityStack.Clear; Result := FALSE; EXIT; END; IF (StrLComp (CurStart, ''); IF CurFinal <> NIL THEN INC (CurFinal) ELSE CurFinal := StrEnd (CurStart)-1; FCurEncoding := CurAttr.Value ('encoding'); IF FCurEncoding = '' THEN FCurEncoding := 'UTF-8'; // Default XML Encoding is UTF-8 AnsiStrupper (TCharType (FCurEncoding)); CurPartType := ptXmlProlog; CurName := ''; CurContent := ''; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeComment (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); // Analyze Comments BEGIN Final := StrPos (Start+4, '-->'); IF Final = NIL THEN Final := StrEnd (Start)-1 ELSE INC (Final, 2); CurPartType := ptComment; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzePI (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); // Analyze Processing Instructions (PI) VAR F : TCharType; BEGIN CurPartType := ptPI; Final := StrPos (Start+2, '?>'); IF Final = NIL THEN Final := StrEnd (Start)-1 ELSE INC (Final); ExtractName (Start+2, CWhitespace + ['?', '>'], F); SetStringSF (CurName, Start+2, F); SetStringSF (CurContent, F+1, Final-2); CurAttr.Analyze (F+1, F); END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeDtdc; (* Analyze Document Type Declaration doctypedecl ::= '' markupdecl ::= elementdecl | AttlistDecl | EntityDecl | NotationDecl | PI | Comment PEReference ::= '%' Name ';' elementdecl ::= '' AttlistDecl ::= '' EntityDecl ::= '' | '' NotationDecl ::= '' PI ::= '' Char* )))? '?>' Comment ::= '' *) TYPE TPhase = (phName, phDtd, phInternal, phFinishing); VAR Phase : TPhase; F : TCharType; ExternalID : TExternalID; ExternalDTD : TXmlParser; DER : TDtdElementRec; BEGIN DER.Start := CurStart; EntityStack.Clear; // Clear stack for Parameter Entities CurPartType := ptDtdc; // --- Don't read DTDc twice IF FDtdcFinal <> NIL THEN BEGIN CurFinal := FDtdcFinal; EXIT; END; // --- Scan DTDc CurFinal := CurStart + 9; // First char after '' : BREAK; ELSE IF NOT (CurFinal^ IN CWhitespace) THEN BEGIN CASE Phase OF phName : IF (CurFinal^ IN CNameStart) THEN BEGIN ExtractName (CurFinal, CWhitespace + ['[', '>'], F); SetStringSF (FRootName, CurFinal, F); CurFinal := F; Phase := phDtd; END; phDtd : IF (StrLComp (CurFinal, 'SYSTEM', 6) = 0) OR (StrLComp (CurFinal, 'PUBLIC', 6) = 0) THEN BEGIN ExternalID := TExternalID.Create (CurFinal); ExternalDTD := NIL; TRY ExternalDTD := LoadExternalEntity (ExternalId.SystemId, ExternalID.PublicId, ''); F := StrPos (ExternalDtd.DocBuffer, ' NIL THEN AnalyzeDtdElements (F, F); CurFinal := ExternalID.Final; FINALLY ExternalDTD.Free; ExternalID.Free; END; END; ELSE BEGIN DER.ElementType := deError; DER.Pos := CurFinal; DER.Final := CurFinal; DtdElementFound (DER); END; END; END; END; INC (CurFinal); UNTIL FALSE; CurPartType := ptDtdc; CurName := ''; CurContent := ''; // -!- It is an error in the document if "EntityStack" is not empty now IF EntityStack.Count > 0 THEN BEGIN DER.ElementType := deError; DER.Final := CurFinal; DER.Pos := CurFinal; DtdElementFound (DER); END; EntityStack.Clear; // Clear stack for General Entities FDtdcFinal := CurFinal; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeDtdElements (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); // Analyze the "Elements" of a DTD contained in the external or // internal DTD subset. VAR DER : TDtdElementRec; BEGIN Final := Start; REPEAT CASE Final^ OF '%' : BEGIN PushPE (Final); CONTINUE; END; #0 : IF EntityStack.Count = 0 THEN BREAK ELSE BEGIN CurFinal := EntityStack.Pop; CONTINUE; END; ']', '>' : BREAK; '<' : IF StrLComp (Final, ' NIL then begin EntLen := PSemi - TCharType (Str) - i; EntName := Copy (Str, i + 1, EntLen); IF EntName = 'lt' THEN Repl := '<' ELSE IF EntName = 'gt' THEN Repl := '>' ELSE IF EntName = 'amp' THEN Repl := '&' ELSE IF EntName = 'apos' THEN Repl := '''' ELSE IF EntName = 'quot' THEN Repl := '"' ELSE IF Copy (EntName, 1, 1) = '#' THEN BEGIN // Character Reference IF EntName [2] = 'x' THEN Repl := TranslateCharacter(StrToIntDef ('$' + Copy (string (EntName), 3, MaxInt), ord (CUnknownChar))) ELSE Repl := TranslateCharacter(StrToIntDef ( Copy (string (EntName), 2, MaxInt), ord (CUnknownChar))); END ELSE BEGIN // Resolve General Entity Reference EntityDef := TEntityDef (Entities.Node (EntName)); IF EntityDef = NIL THEN // Unknown Entity Repl := EntName ELSE BEGIN // Known Entity IF EntityDef.Value <> '' then // Internal Entity Repl := NormalizeAttrValStr (EntityDef.Value, FALSE) ELSE BEGIN // External Entity ExternalEntity := NIL; TRY ExternalEntity := LoadExternalEntity (EntityDef.SystemId, EntityDef.PublicId, EntityDef.NotationName); ExternalEntity.Normalize := Self.Normalize; Repl := ''; // External Entity can have a different encoding than parent entity ExternalEntity.StartScan; WHILE ExternalEntity.Scan DO if (ExternalEntity.CurPartType = ptContent) or (ExternalEntity.CurPartType = ptCData) then Repl := Repl + ExternalEntity.CurContent; // CurContent is already encoded Repl := NormalizeAttrValStr (Repl, TRUE); // Recursively resolve Entity References FINALLY ExternalEntity.Free; END; END; END END; end else EntLen := 0; if IsEncoded then Result := Result + Copy (Str, i - EncLen, EncLen) + Repl else Result := Result + TranslateEncoding (Copy (Str, i - EncLen, EncLen)) + Repl; EncLen := 0; i := i + EntLen + 1; end; else inc (EncLen); end; inc (i); end; if IsEncoded then Result := Result + Copy (Str, Len - EncLen + 1, EncLen) else Result := Result + TranslateEncoding (Copy (Str, Len - EncLen + 1, EncLen)); end; begin if (Attr.AttrType in [atCData, atUnknown]) then Attr.Value := NormalizeAttrValStr (Attr.Value, FALSE) else Attr.Value := TrimAndPackSpace (NormalizeAttrValStr (Attr.Value, FALSE)); end; VAR S, F : TCharType; Attr : TAttr; ElemDef : TElemDef; AttrDef : TAttrDef; I : INTEGER; BEGIN CurPartType := ptStartTag; S := CurStart+1; IF S^ = '/' THEN BEGIN CurPartType := ptEndTag; INC (S); END; ExtractName (S, CWhitespace + ['/'], F); SetStringSF (CurName, S, F); CurAttr.Analyze (F+1, CurFinal); IF CurFinal^ = '/' THEN CurPartType := ptEmptyTag; CurFinal := StrScanE (CurFinal, '>'); // --- Set Default Attribute values for nonexistent attributes IF (CurPartType = ptStartTag) OR (CurPartType = ptEmptyTag) THEN BEGIN ElemDef := Elements.Node (CurName); IF ElemDef <> NIL THEN BEGIN FOR I := 0 TO ElemDef.Count-1 DO BEGIN AttrDef := TAttrDef (ElemDef [I]); Attr := TAttr (CurAttr.Node (AttrDef.Name)); IF (Attr = NIL) AND (AttrDef.Value <> '') THEN BEGIN Attr := TAttr.Create (AttrDef.Name, AttrDef.Value); Attr.ValueType := vtDefault; CurAttr.Add (Attr); END; IF Attr <> NIL THEN BEGIN CASE AttrDef.DefaultType OF adDefault : ; adRequired : ; // -!- It is an error in the document if "Attr.Value" is an empty string adImplied : Attr.ValueType := vtImplied; adFixed : BEGIN Attr.ValueType := vtFixed; Attr.Value := AttrDef.Value; END; END; Attr.AttrType := AttrDef.AttrType; END; END; END; // --- Normalize Attribute Values FOR I := 0 TO CurAttr.Count-1 DO NormalizeAttrValue (TAttr (CurAttr [I])); END; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeCData; // Analyze CDATA Sections BEGIN CurPartType := ptCData; CurFinal := StrPos (CurStart, CDEnd); IF CurFinal = NIL THEN BEGIN CurFinal := StrEnd (CurStart)-1; CurContent := TranslateEncoding (TStringType(StrPas (CurStart+Length (CDStart)))); END ELSE BEGIN SetStringSF (CurContent, CurStart+Length (CDStart), CurFinal-1); INC (CurFinal, Length (CDEnd)-1); CurContent := TranslateEncoding (CurContent); END; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeText (VAR IsDone : BOOLEAN); (* Analyzes Text Content between Tags. CurFinal will point to the last content character. Content ends at a '<' character or at the end of the document. Entity References and Character References are resolved. If Normalize is TRUE, contiguous Whitespace Characters will be compressed to one Space #x20 character, Whitespace at the beginning and end of content will be trimmed off and content which is or becomes empty is not returned to the application (in this case, "IsDone" is set to FALSE which causes the Scan method to proceed directly to the next part. *) PROCEDURE ProcessEntity; (* Is called if there is an ampsersand '&' character found in the document. IN "CurFinal" points to the ampersand OUT "CurFinal" points to the first character after the semi-colon ';' *) VAR P : TCharType; Name : TStringType; EntityDef : TEntityDef; ExternalEntity : TXmlParser; BEGIN P := StrScan (CurFinal, ';'); IF P <> NIL THEN BEGIN SetStringSF (Name, CurFinal+1, P-1); // Is it a Character Reference? IF (CurFinal+1)^ = '#' THEN BEGIN IF (CurFinal+2)^ = 'x' THEN CurContent := CurContent + TranslateCharacter (StrToIntDef ('$' + Copy (string (Name), 3, MaxInt), 32)) ELSE CurContent := CurContent + TranslateCharacter (StrToIntDef ( Copy (string (Name), 2, MaxInt), 32)); CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END // Is it a Predefined Entity? ELSE IF Name = 'lt' THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + '<'; CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END ELSE IF Name = 'gt' THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + '>'; CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END ELSE IF Name = 'amp' THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + '&'; CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END ELSE IF Name = 'apos' THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + ''''; CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END ELSE IF Name = 'quot' THEN BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + '"'; CurFinal := P+1; EXIT; END; // Replace with Entity from DTD EntityDef := TEntityDef (Entities.Node (Name)); IF EntityDef <> NIL THEN BEGIN IF EntityDef.Value <> '' THEN BEGIN EntityStack.Push (P+1); CurFinal := TCharType (EntityDef.Value); END ELSE BEGIN ExternalEntity := LoadExternalEntity (EntityDef.SystemId, EntityDef.PublicId, EntityDef.NotationName); EntityStack.Push (ExternalEntity, P+1); CurFinal := ExternalEntity.DocBuffer; END; END ELSE BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + Name; CurFinal := P+1; END; END ELSE BEGIN INC (CurFinal); END; END; VAR C : INTEGER; BEGIN CurFinal := CurStart; CurPartType := ptContent; CurContent := ''; C := 0; REPEAT CASE CurFinal^ OF '&' : BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + TranslateEncoding (StrLPas (CurFinal-C, C)); C := 0; ProcessEntity; CONTINUE; END; #0 : BEGIN IF EntityStack.Count = 0 THEN BREAK ELSE BEGIN CurContent := CurContent + TranslateEncoding (StrLPas (CurFinal-C, C)); C := 0; CurFinal := EntityStack.Pop; CONTINUE; END; END; '<' : BREAK; ELSE INC (C); END; INC (CurFinal); UNTIL FALSE; CurContent := CurContent + TranslateEncoding (StrLPas (CurFinal-C, C)); DEC (CurFinal); IF FNormalize THEN BEGIN CurContent := ConvertWs (TrimWs (CurContent), TRUE); IsDone := CurContent <> ''; // IsDone will only get FALSE if Normalize is TRUE END; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeElementDecl (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); (* Parse ' character XmlSpec 3.2: elementdecl ::= '' contentspec ::= 'EMPTY' | 'ANY' | Mixed | children Mixed ::= '(' S? '#PCDATA' (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')*' | '(' S? '#PCDATA' S? ')' children ::= (choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')? choice ::= '(' S? cp ( S? '|' S? cp )* S? ')' cp ::= (Name | choice | seq) ('?' | '*' | '+')? seq ::= '(' S? cp ( S? ',' S? cp )* S? ')' More simply: contentspec ::= EMPTY ANY '(#PCDATA)' '(#PCDATA | A | B)*' '(A, B, C)' '(A | B | C)' '(A?, B*, C+), '(A, (B | C | D)* )' *) VAR Element : TElemDef; Elem2 : TElemDef; F : TCharType; DER : TDtdElementRec; BEGIN Element := TElemDef.Create; Final := Start + 9; DER.Start := Start; REPEAT IF Final^ = '>' THEN BREAK; IF (Final^ IN CNameStart) AND (Element.Name = '') THEN BEGIN ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace, F); SetStringSF (Element.Name, Final, F); Final := F; F := StrScan (Final+1, '>'); IF F = NIL THEN BEGIN Element.Definition := TStringType (Final); Final := StrEnd (Final); BREAK; END ELSE BEGIN SetStringSF (Element.Definition, Final+1, F-1); Final := F; BREAK; END; END; INC (Final); UNTIL FALSE; Element.Definition := DelChars (Element.Definition, CWhitespace); ReplaceParameterEntities (Element.Definition); IF Element.Definition = 'EMPTY' THEN Element.ElemType := etEmpty ELSE IF Element.Definition = 'ANY' THEN Element.ElemType := etAny ELSE IF Copy (Element.Definition, 1, 8) = '(#PCDATA' THEN Element.ElemType := etMixed ELSE IF Copy (Element.Definition, 1, 1) = '(' THEN Element.ElemType := etChildren ELSE Element.ElemType := etAny; Elem2 := Elements.Node (Element.Name); IF Elem2 <> NIL THEN Elements.Delete (Elements.IndexOf (Elem2)); Elements.Add (Element); Final := StrScanE (Final, '>'); DER.ElementType := deElement; DER.ElemDef := Element; DER.Final := Final; DtdElementFound (DER); END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeAttListDecl (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); (* Parse ' character XmlSpec 3.3: AttlistDecl ::= '' AttDef ::= S Name S AttType S DefaultDecl AttType ::= StringType | TokenizedType | EnumeratedType StringType ::= 'CDATA' TokenizedType ::= 'ID' | 'IDREF' | 'IDREFS' | 'ENTITY' | 'ENTITIES' | 'NMTOKEN' | 'NMTOKENS' EnumeratedType ::= NotationType | Enumeration NotationType ::= 'NOTATION' S '(' S? Name (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')' Enumeration ::= '(' S? Nmtoken (S? '|' S? Nmtoken)* S? ')' DefaultDecl ::= '#REQUIRED' | '#IMPLIED' | (('#FIXED' S)? AttValue) AttValue ::= '"' ([^<&"] | Reference)* '"' | "'" ([^<&'] | Reference)* "'" Examples: *) TYPE TPhase = (phElementName, phName, phType, phNotationContent, phDefault); VAR Phase : TPhase; F : TCharType; ElementName : TStringType; ElemDef : TElemDef; AttrDef : TAttrDef; AttrDef2 : TAttrDef; Strg : TStringType; DER : TDtdElementRec; BEGIN Final := Start + 9; // The character after ' : BREAK; ELSE CASE Phase OF phElementName : BEGIN ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + CQuoteChar + ['#'], F); SetStringSF (ElementName, Final, F); Final := F; ElemDef := Elements.Node (ElementName); IF ElemDef = NIL THEN BEGIN ElemDef := TElemDef.Create; ElemDef.Name := ElementName; ElemDef.Definition := 'ANY'; ElemDef.ElemType := etAny; Elements.Add (ElemDef); END; Phase := phName; END; phName : BEGIN AttrDef := TAttrDef.Create; ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + CQuoteChar + ['#'], F); SetStringSF (AttrDef.Name, Final, F); Final := F; AttrDef2 := TAttrDef (ElemDef.Node (AttrDef.Name)); IF AttrDef2 <> NIL THEN ElemDef.Delete (ElemDef.IndexOf (AttrDef2)); ElemDef.Add (AttrDef); Phase := phType; END; phType : BEGIN IF Final^ = '(' THEN BEGIN F := StrScan (Final+1, ')'); IF F <> NIL THEN SetStringSF (AttrDef.TypeDef, Final+1, F-1) ELSE AttrDef.TypeDef := TStringType (Final+1); AttrDef.TypeDef := DelChars (AttrDef.TypeDef, CWhitespace); AttrDef.AttrType := atEnumeration; ReplaceParameterEntities (AttrDef.TypeDef); ReplaceCharacterEntities (AttrDef.TypeDef); Phase := phDefault; END ELSE IF StrLComp (Final, 'NOTATION', 8) = 0 THEN BEGIN INC (Final, 8); AttrDef.AttrType := atNotation; Phase := phNotationContent; END ELSE BEGIN ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace+CQuoteChar+['#'], F); SetStringSF (AttrDef.TypeDef, Final, F); IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'CDATA' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atCData ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'ID' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atId ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'IDREF' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atIdRef ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'IDREFS' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atIdRefs ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'ENTITY' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atEntity ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'ENTITIES' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atEntities ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'NMTOKEN' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atNmToken ELSE IF AttrDef.TypeDef = 'NMTOKENS' THEN AttrDef.AttrType := atNmTokens; Phase := phDefault; END END; phNotationContent : BEGIN F := StrScan (Final, ')'); IF F <> NIL THEN SetStringSF (AttrDef.Notations, Final+1, F-1) ELSE BEGIN AttrDef.Notations := TStringType (Final+1); Final := StrEnd (Final); END; ReplaceParameterEntities (AttrDef.Notations); AttrDef.Notations := DelChars (AttrDef.Notations, CWhitespace); Phase := phDefault; END; phDefault : BEGIN IF Final^ = '#' THEN BEGIN ExtractName (Final, CWhiteSpace + CQuoteChar, F); SetStringSF (Strg, Final, F); Final := F; ReplaceParameterEntities (Strg); IF Strg = '#REQUIRED' THEN BEGIN AttrDef.DefaultType := adRequired; Phase := phName; END ELSE IF Strg = '#IMPLIED' THEN BEGIN AttrDef.DefaultType := adImplied; Phase := phName; END ELSE IF Strg = '#FIXED' THEN AttrDef.DefaultType := adFixed; END ELSE IF (Final^ IN CQuoteChar) THEN BEGIN ExtractQuote (Final, AttrDef.Value, Final); ReplaceParameterEntities (AttrDef.Value); ReplaceCharacterEntities (AttrDef.Value); Phase := phName; END; IF Phase = phName THEN BEGIN AttrDef := NIL; END; END; END; END; INC (Final); UNTIL FALSE; Final := StrScan (Final, '>'); DER.ElementType := deAttList; DER.ElemDef := ElemDef; DER.Final := Final; DtdElementFound (DER); END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeEntityDecl (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); (* Parse ' character XmlSpec 4.2: EntityDecl ::= '' | '' EntityDef ::= EntityValue | (ExternalID NDataDecl?) PEDef ::= EntityValue | ExternalID NDataDecl ::= S 'NDATA' S Name EntityValue ::= '"' ([^%&"] | PEReference | EntityRef | CharRef)* '"' | "'" ([^%&'] | PEReference | EntityRef | CharRef)* "'" PEReference ::= '%' Name ';' Examples "> Dies ist ein Test-Absatz

"> *) TYPE TPhase = (phName, phContent, phNData, phNotationName, phFinalGT); VAR Phase : TPhase; IsParamEntity : BOOLEAN; F : TCharType; ExternalID : TExternalID; EntityDef : TEntityDef; EntityDef2 : TEntityDef; DER : TDtdElementRec; BEGIN Final := Start + 8; // First char after ' : BREAK; ELSE CASE Phase OF phName : IF Final^ IN CNameStart THEN BEGIN ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + CQuoteChar, F); SetStringSF (EntityDef.Name, Final, F); Final := F; Phase := phContent; END; phContent : IF Final^ IN CQuoteChar THEN BEGIN ExtractQuote (Final, EntityDef.Value, Final); Phase := phFinalGT; END ELSE IF (StrLComp (Final, 'SYSTEM', 6) = 0) OR (StrLComp (Final, 'PUBLIC', 6) = 0) THEN BEGIN ExternalID := TExternalID.Create (Final); EntityDef.SystemId := ExternalID.SystemId; EntityDef.PublicId := ExternalID.PublicId; Final := ExternalID.Final; Phase := phNData; ExternalID.Free; END; phNData : IF StrLComp (Final, 'NDATA', 5) = 0 THEN BEGIN INC (Final, 4); Phase := phNotationName; END; phNotationName : IF Final^ IN CNameStart THEN BEGIN ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + ['>'], F); SetStringSF (EntityDef.NotationName, Final, F); Final := F; Phase := phFinalGT; END; phFinalGT : ; // -!- There is an error in the document if this branch is called END; END; INC (Final); UNTIL FALSE; IF IsParamEntity THEN BEGIN EntityDef2 := TEntityDef (ParEntities.Node (EntityDef.Name)); IF EntityDef2 <> NIL THEN ParEntities.Delete (ParEntities.IndexOf (EntityDef2)); ParEntities.Add (EntityDef); ReplaceCharacterEntities (EntityDef.Value); END ELSE BEGIN EntityDef2 := TEntityDef (Entities.Node (EntityDef.Name)); IF EntityDef2 <> NIL THEN Entities.Delete (Entities.IndexOf (EntityDef2)); Entities.Add (EntityDef); ReplaceParameterEntities (EntityDef.Value); // Create replacement texts (see XmlSpec 4.5) ReplaceCharacterEntities (EntityDef.Value); END; Final := StrScanE (Final, '>'); DER.ElementType := deEntity; DER.EntityDef := EntityDef; DER.Final := Final; DtdElementFound (DER); END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.AnalyzeNotationDecl (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); // Parse ' character // XmlSpec 4.7: NotationDecl ::= '' TYPE TPhase = (phName, phExtId, phEnd); VAR ExternalID : TExternalID; Phase : TPhase; F : TCharType; NotationDef : TNotationDef; DER : TDtdElementRec; BEGIN Final := Start + 10; // Character after ', #0 : BREAK; ELSE CASE Phase OF phName : BEGIN ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + ['>'], F); SetStringSF (NotationDef.Name, Final, F); Final := F; Phase := phExtId; END; phExtId : BEGIN ExternalID := TExternalID.Create (Final); NotationDef.Value := ExternalID.SystemId; NotationDef.PublicId := ExternalID.PublicId; Final := ExternalId.Final; ExternalId.Free; Phase := phEnd; END; phEnd : ; // -!- There is an error in the document if this branch is called END; END; INC (Final); UNTIL FALSE; Notations.Add (NotationDef); Final := StrScanE (Final, '>'); DER.ElementType := deNotation; DER.NotationDef := NotationDef; DER.Final := Final; DtdElementFound (DER); END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.PushPE (VAR Start : TCharType); (* If there is a parameter entity reference found in the data stream, the current position will be pushed to the entity stack. Start: IN Pointer to the '%' character starting the PE reference OUT Pointer to first character of PE replacement text *) VAR P : TCharType; EntityDef : TEntityDef; BEGIN P := StrScan (Start, ';'); IF P <> NIL THEN BEGIN EntityDef := TEntityDef (ParEntities.Node (StrSFPas (Start+1, P-1))); IF EntityDef <> NIL THEN BEGIN EntityStack.Push (P+1); Start := TCharType (EntityDef.Value); END ELSE Start := P+1; END; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.ReplaceCharacterEntities (VAR Str : TStringType); // Replaces all Character References in the String VAR Start : INTEGER; PAmp : TCharType; PSemi : TCharType; PosAmp : INTEGER; Len : INTEGER; // Length of complete Character Reference Repl : TStringType; // Replacement Text BEGIN IF Str = '' THEN EXIT; Start := 1; REPEAT PAmp := StrPos (TCharType (Str) + Start-1, '&#'); IF PAmp = NIL THEN BREAK; PSemi := StrScan (PAmp + 3, ';'); IF PSemi = NIL THEN BREAK; PosAmp := PAmp - TCharType (Str) + 1; Len := PSemi - PAmp + 1; IF (PAmp + 2)^ = 'x' THEN Repl := TranslateCharacter (StrToIntDef ('$' + Copy (string (Str), PosAmp + 3, Len - 4), 32)) ELSE Repl := TranslateCharacter (StrToIntDef ( Copy (string (Str), PosAmp + 2, Len - 3), 32)); Delete (Str, PosAmp, Len); Insert (Repl, Str, PosAmp); Start := PosAmp + Length (Repl); UNTIL FALSE; END; PROCEDURE TXmlParser.ReplaceParameterEntities (VAR Str : TStringType); // Recursively replaces all Parameter Entity References in the String PROCEDURE ReplaceEntities (VAR Str : TStringType); VAR Start : INTEGER; PAmp : TCharType; PSemi : TCharType; PosAmp : INTEGER; Len : INTEGER; Entity : TEntityDef; Repl : TStringType; // Replacement BEGIN IF Str = '' THEN EXIT; Start := 1; REPEAT PAmp := StrPos (TCharType (Str)+Start-1, '%'); IF PAmp = NIL THEN BREAK; PSemi := StrScan (PAmp+2, ';'); IF PSemi = NIL THEN BREAK; PosAmp := PAmp - TCharType (Str) + 1; Len := PSemi-PAmp+1; Entity := TEntityDef (ParEntities.Node (Copy (Str, PosAmp+1, Len-2))); IF Entity <> NIL THEN BEGIN Repl := Entity.Value; ReplaceEntities (Repl); // Recursion END ELSE Repl := Copy (Str, PosAmp, Len); Delete (Str, PosAmp, Len); Insert (Repl, Str, PosAmp); Start := PosAmp + Length (Repl); UNTIL FALSE; END; BEGIN ReplaceEntities (Str); END; FUNCTION TXmlParser.LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId, Notation : TStringType) : TXmlParser; // This will be called whenever there is a Parsed External Entity or // the DTD External Subset has to be loaded. // It must create a TXmlParser instance and load the desired Entity. // This instance of LoadExternalEntity assumes that "SystemId" is a valid // file name (relative to the Document source) and loads this file using // the LoadFromFile method. VAR Filename : string; BEGIN // --- Convert System ID to complete filename Filename := StringReplace (string (SystemId), '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]); IF Copy (FSource, 1, 1) <> '<' THEN IF (Copy (Filename, 1, 2) = '\\') OR (Copy (Filename, 2, 1) = ':') THEN // Already has an absolute Path ELSE BEGIN Filename := ExtractFilePath (FSource) + Filename; END; // --- Load the File Result := TXmlParser.Create; Result.LoadFromFile (Filename); END; FUNCTION TXmlParser.TranslateEncoding (CONST Source : TStringType) : TStringType; // The member variable "CurEncoding" always holds the name of the current // encoding, e.g. 'UTF-8' or 'ISO-8859-1' (always uppercase). // This virtual method "TranslateEncoding" is responsible for translating // the content passed in the "Source" parameter to the target encoding which // is expected by the application. // This instance of "TranlateEncoding" assumes that the Application expects // Windows ANSI (windows-1252) strings. It is able to transform UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 // encodings. // Override this function when you want your application to understand other // source encodings or create other target encodings. BEGIN Result := Source;//Utf8ToAnsi (Source) END; FUNCTION TXmlParser.TranslateCharacter (CONST UnicodeValue : INTEGER; CONST UnknownChar : TStringType = CUnknownChar) : TStringType; // Corresponding to TranslateEncoding, the task of TranslateCharacter is // to translate a given Character value to the representation in the target charset. // This instance of TranslateCharacter assumes that the application expects // Windows ANSI (windows-1252) strings. All unknown characters will be transformed // to UnknownChar var I : integer; begin if (UnicodeValue <= 255) then begin Result := TCharType(UnicodeValue); exit; end; Result := CUnknownChar; END; procedure TXmlParser.DtdElementFound (DtdElementRec : TDtdElementRec); // This method is called for every element which is found in the DTD // declaration. The variant record TDtdElementRec is passed which // holds informations about the element. // You can override this function to handle DTD declarations. // Note that when you parse the same document instance a second time, // the DTD will not get parsed again. BEGIN END; FUNCTION TXmlParser.GetDocBuffer: TCharType; // Returns FBuffer or a pointer to a NUL char if Buffer is empty BEGIN IF FBuffer = NIL THEN Result := #0 ELSE Result := FBuffer; END; (*$IFNDEF HAS_CONTNRS_UNIT =============================================================================================== TObjectList =============================================================================================== *) DESTRUCTOR TObjectList.Destroy; BEGIN Clear; SetCapacity(0); INHERITED Destroy; END; PROCEDURE TObjectList.Delete (Index : INTEGER); BEGIN IF (Index < 0) OR (Index >= Count) THEN EXIT; TObject (Items [Index]).Free; INHERITED Delete (Index); END; PROCEDURE TObjectList.Clear; BEGIN WHILE Count > 0 DO Delete (Count-1); END; (*$ENDIF *) (* =============================================================================================== TNvpNode -------- Node base class for the TNvpList =============================================================================================== *) CONSTRUCTOR TNvpNode.Create (TheName, TheValue : TStringType); BEGIN INHERITED Create; Name := TheName; Value := TheValue; END; (* =============================================================================================== TNvpList -------- A generic List of Name-Value Pairs, based on the TObjectList introduced in Delphi 5 =============================================================================================== *) PROCEDURE TNvpList.Add (Node : TNvpNode); VAR I : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR I := Count-1 DOWNTO 0 DO IF Node.Name > TNvpNode (Items [I]).Name THEN BEGIN Insert (I+1, Node); EXIT; END; Insert (0, Node); END; FUNCTION TNvpList.Node (Name : TStringType) : TNvpNode; // Binary search for Node VAR L, H : INTEGER; // Low, High Limit T, C : INTEGER; // Test Index, Comparison result Last : INTEGER; // Last Test Index BEGIN IF Count=0 THEN BEGIN Result := NIL; EXIT; END; L := 0; H := Count; Last := -1; REPEAT T := (L+H) DIV 2; IF T=Last THEN BREAK; Result := TNvpNode (Items [T]); C := CompareStr (string (Result.Name), string (Name)); IF C = 0 THEN EXIT ELSE IF C < 0 THEN L := T ELSE H := T; Last := T; UNTIL FALSE; Result := NIL; END; FUNCTION TNvpList.Node (Index : INTEGER) : TNvpNode; BEGIN IF (Index < 0) OR (Index >= Count) THEN Result := NIL ELSE Result := TNvpNode (Items [Index]); END; FUNCTION TNvpList.Value (Name : TStringType) : TStringType; VAR Nvp : TNvpNode; BEGIN Nvp := TNvpNode (Node (Name)); IF Nvp <> NIL THEN Result := Nvp.Value ELSE Result := ''; END; FUNCTION TNvpList.Value (Index : INTEGER) : TStringType; BEGIN IF (Index < 0) OR (Index >= Count) THEN Result := '' ELSE Result := TNvpNode (Items [Index]).Value; END; FUNCTION TNvpList.Name (Index : INTEGER) : TStringType; BEGIN IF (Index < 0) OR (Index >= Count) THEN Result := '' ELSE Result := TNvpNode (Items [Index]).Name; END; (* =============================================================================================== TAttrList List of Attributes. The "Analyze" method extracts the Attributes from the given Buffer. Is used for extraction of Attributes in Start-Tags, Empty-Element Tags and the "pseudo" attributes in XML Prologs, Text Declarations and PIs. =============================================================================================== *) PROCEDURE TAttrList.Analyze (Start : TCharType; VAR Final : TCharType); // Analyze the Buffer for Attribute=Name pairs. // Terminates when there is a character which is not IN CNameStart // (e.g. '?>' or '>' or '/>') TYPE TPhase = (phName, phEq, phValue); VAR Phase : TPhase; F : TCharType; Name : TStringType; Value : TStringType; Attr : TAttr; BEGIN Clear; Phase := phName; Final := Start; REPEAT IF (Final^ = #0) OR (Final^ = '>') THEN BREAK; IF NOT (Final^ IN CWhitespace) THEN CASE Phase OF phName : BEGIN IF NOT (Final^ IN CNameStart) THEN BREAK; ExtractName (Final, CWhitespace + ['=', '/'], F); SetStringSF (Name, Final, F); Final := F; Phase := phEq; END; phEq : BEGIN IF Final^ = '=' THEN Phase := phValue END; phValue : BEGIN IF Final^ IN CQuoteChar THEN BEGIN ExtractQuote (Final, Value, F); Attr := TAttr.Create; Attr.Name := Name; Attr.Value := Value; Attr.ValueType := vtNormal; Add (Attr); Final := F; Phase := phName; END; END; END; INC (Final); UNTIL FALSE; END; (* =============================================================================================== TElemList List of TElemDef nodes. =============================================================================================== *) FUNCTION TElemList.Node (Name : TStringType) : TElemDef; // Binary search for the Node with the given Name VAR L, H : INTEGER; // Low, High Limit T, C : INTEGER; // Test Index, Comparison result Last : INTEGER; // Last Test Index BEGIN IF Count=0 THEN BEGIN Result := NIL; EXIT; END; L := 0; H := Count; Last := -1; REPEAT T := (L+H) DIV 2; IF T=Last THEN BREAK; Result := TElemDef (Items [T]); C := CompareStr (string (Result.Name), string (Name)); IF C = 0 THEN EXIT ELSE IF C < 0 THEN L := T ELSE H := T; Last := T; UNTIL FALSE; Result := NIL; END; PROCEDURE TElemList.Add (Node : TElemDef); VAR I : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR I := Count-1 DOWNTO 0 DO IF Node.Name > TElemDef (Items [I]).Name THEN BEGIN Insert (I+1, Node); EXIT; END; Insert (0, Node); END; (* =============================================================================================== TScannerXmlParser A TXmlParser descendant for the TCustomXmlScanner component =============================================================================================== *) TYPE TScannerXmlParser = CLASS (TXmlParser) Scanner : TCustomXmlScanner; CONSTRUCTOR Create (TheScanner : TCustomXmlScanner); FUNCTION LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId, Notation : TStringType) : TXmlParser; OVERRIDE; FUNCTION TranslateEncoding (CONST Source : TStringType) : TStringType; OVERRIDE; FUNCTION TranslateCharacter (CONST UnicodeValue : INTEGER; CONST UnknownChar : TStringType = CUnknownChar) : TStringType; OVERRIDE; PROCEDURE DtdElementFound (DtdElementRec : TDtdElementRec); OVERRIDE; END; CONSTRUCTOR TScannerXmlParser.Create (TheScanner : TCustomXmlScanner); BEGIN INHERITED Create; Scanner := TheScanner; END; FUNCTION TScannerXmlParser.LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId, Notation : TStringType) : TXmlParser; BEGIN IF Assigned (Scanner.FOnLoadExternal) THEN Scanner.FOnLoadExternal (Scanner, string (SystemId), string (PublicId), string (Notation), Result) ELSE Result := INHERITED LoadExternalEntity (SystemId, PublicId, Notation); END; FUNCTION TScannerXmlParser.TranslateEncoding (CONST Source : TStringType) : TStringType; BEGIN IF Assigned (Scanner.FOnTranslateEncoding) THEN Result := TStringType (Scanner.FOnTranslateEncoding (Scanner, string (CurEncoding), string (Source))) ELSE Result := TStringType (INHERITED TranslateEncoding (Source)); END; FUNCTION TScannerXmlParser.TranslateCharacter (CONST UnicodeValue : INTEGER; CONST UnknownChar : TStringType = CUnknownChar) : TStringType; BEGIN IF Assigned (Scanner.FOnTranslateCharacter) THEN Result := TStringType (Scanner.FOnTranslateCharacter (Scanner, UnicodeValue)) ELSE Result := TStringType (INHERITED TranslateCharacter (UnicodeValue, UnknownChar)); END; PROCEDURE TScannerXmlParser.DtdElementFound (DtdElementRec : TDtdElementRec); BEGIN WITH DtdElementRec DO CASE ElementType OF deElement : Scanner.WhenElement (ElemDef); deAttList : Scanner.WhenAttList (ElemDef); deEntity : Scanner.WhenEntity (EntityDef); deNotation : Scanner.WhenNotation (NotationDef); dePI : Scanner.WhenPI (string (Target), string (Content), AttrList); deComment : Scanner.WhenComment (string (StrSFPas (Start, Final))); deError : Scanner.WhenDtdError (Pos); END; END; (* =============================================================================================== TCustomXmlScanner =============================================================================================== *) CONSTRUCTOR TCustomXmlScanner.Create (AOwner: TComponent); BEGIN INHERITED; FXmlParser := TScannerXmlParser.Create (Self); END; DESTRUCTOR TCustomXmlScanner.Destroy; BEGIN FXmlParser.Free; INHERITED; END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.LoadFromFile (Filename : TFilename); // Load XML Document from file BEGIN FXmlParser.LoadFromFile (Filename); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.LoadFromBuffer (Buffer : TCharType); // Load XML Document from buffer BEGIN FXmlParser.LoadFromBuffer (Buffer); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.SetBuffer (Buffer : TCharType); // Refer to Buffer BEGIN FXmlParser.SetBuffer (Buffer); END; FUNCTION TCustomXmlScanner.GetFilename : TFilename; BEGIN Result := FXmlParser.Source; END; FUNCTION TCustomXmlScanner.GetNormalize : BOOLEAN; BEGIN Result := FXmlParser.Normalize; END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.SetNormalize (Value : BOOLEAN); BEGIN FXmlParser.Normalize := Value; END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenXmlProlog(XmlVersion, Encoding: String; Standalone : BOOLEAN); // Is called when the parser has parsed the declaration of the prolog BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnXmlProlog) THEN FOnXmlProlog (Self, XmlVersion, Encoding, Standalone); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenComment (Comment : String); // Is called when the parser has parsed a BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnComment) THEN FOnComment (Self, Comment); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenPI (Target, Content: String; Attributes : TAttrList); // Is called when the parser has parsed a BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnPI) THEN FOnPI (Self, Target, Content, Attributes); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenDtdRead (RootElementName : String); // Is called when the parser has completely parsed the DTD BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnDtdRead) THEN FOnDtdRead (Self, RootElementName); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenStartTag (TagName : String; Attributes : TAttrList); // Is called when the parser has parsed a start tag like

BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnStartTag) THEN FOnStartTag (Self, TagName, Attributes); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenEmptyTag (TagName : String; Attributes : TAttrList); // Is called when the parser has parsed an Empty Element Tag like
BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnEmptyTag) THEN FOnEmptyTag (Self, TagName, Attributes); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenEndTag (TagName : String); // Is called when the parser has parsed an End Tag like

BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnEndTag) THEN FOnEndTag (Self, TagName); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenContent (Content : String); // Is called when the parser has parsed an element's text content BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnContent) THEN FOnContent (Self, Content); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenCData (Content : String); // Is called when the parser has parsed a CDATA section BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnCData) THEN FOnCData (Self, Content); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenElement (ElemDef : TElemDef); // Is called when the parser has parsed an definition // inside the DTD BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnElement) THEN FOnElement (Self, ElemDef); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenAttList (ElemDef : TElemDef); // Is called when the parser has parsed an definition // inside the DTD BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnAttList) THEN FOnAttList (Self, ElemDef); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenEntity (EntityDef : TEntityDef); // Is called when the parser has parsed an definition // inside the DTD BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnEntity) THEN FOnEntity (Self, EntityDef); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenNotation (NotationDef : TNotationDef); // Is called when the parser has parsed a definition // inside the DTD BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnNotation) THEN FOnNotation (Self, NotationDef); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.WhenDtdError (ErrorPos : TCharType); // Is called when the parser has found an Error in the DTD BEGIN IF Assigned (FOnDtdError) THEN FOnDtdError (Self, ErrorPos); END; PROCEDURE TCustomXmlScanner.Execute; // Perform scanning // Scanning is done synchronously, i.e. you can expect events to be triggered // in the order of the XML data stream. Execute will finish when the whole XML // document has been scanned or when the StopParser property has been set to TRUE. BEGIN FStopParser := FALSE; FXmlParser.StartScan; WHILE FXmlParser.Scan AND (NOT FStopParser) DO CASE FXmlParser.CurPartType OF ptNone : ; ptXmlProlog : WhenXmlProlog (string (FXmlParser.XmlVersion), string (FXmlParser.Encoding), FXmlParser.Standalone); ptComment : WhenComment (string (StrSFPas (FXmlParser.CurStart, FXmlParser.CurFinal))); ptPI : WhenPI (string (FXmlParser.CurName), string (FXmlParser.CurContent), FXmlParser.CurAttr); ptDtdc : WhenDtdRead (string (FXmlParser.RootName)); ptStartTag : WhenStartTag (string (FXmlParser.CurName), FXmlParser.CurAttr); ptEmptyTag : WhenEmptyTag (string (FXmlParser.CurName), FXmlParser.CurAttr); ptEndTag : WhenEndTag (string (FXmlParser.CurName)); ptContent : WhenContent (string (FXmlParser.CurContent)); ptCData : WhenCData (string (FXmlParser.CurContent)); END; END; END.