@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from typing import Dict, Iterable
from typing import Iterable
from spotify_model import SimplifiedAlbum
from spotipy import Spotify
from spotify_actions.album import (
@ -39,43 +38,38 @@ def label_playlist(client: Spotify, label_name: str, playlist_id: str) -> None:
playlist_replace(client, playlist_id, tracks)
def label_recent(client: Spotify, playlist_id: str, released_after: date) -> Iterable[SimplifiedAlbum]:
def label_recent(client: Spotify, label_playlist_ids: Iterable[str], playlist_id: str, released_after: date) -> None:
album_iterables = []
for label_playlist_id in label_playlist_ids:
# Get all albums in a playlist released after the provided date
tracks = playlist_tracks(client, [playlist_id])
albums = track_unique_albums(tracks)
tracks = playlist_tracks(client, [label_playlist_id])
album_ids = track_unique_albums(tracks)
albums = album_from_ids(client, album_ids)
# Because the playlists were created in descending release date order,
# `is_sorted=True` is enabled to reduce the number of API queries needed
return album_filter_release(albums, released_after, is_sorted=True)
def run(client: Spotify, recent_releases_id: str, label_ids: Dict[str, str], released_after: date) -> None:
# Create the individual label playlists
for label_name, playlist_id in label_ids.items():
label_playlist(client, label_name, playlist_id)
# Get albums from the playlists we just created
album_iterables = [label_recent(client, playlist_id, released_after) for _, playlist_id in label_ids.items()]
album_iterables.append(album_filter_release(albums, released_after, is_sorted=True))
# Merge all the albums from each label playlist
recent_albums = combinator_join(*album_iterables)
recent_tracks = album_to_tracks(client, recent_albums)
# Create the recent releases playlist
playlist_replace(client, recent_releases_id, recent_tracks)
playlist_replace(client, playlist_id, recent_tracks)
def main() -> None:
one_week_ago = (datetime.now().date() - timedelta(days=7)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# Intentionally 6 days - if running on a Friday, we don't want to include last Friday's releases
one_week_ago = (datetime.now().date() - timedelta(days=6)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-c", "--credentials", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-r", "--redirect-uri", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--recent-release", help='Name of the "recent releases" playlist constructed from all labels.')
"-d", "--released-after", help="YYYY-MM-DD date that albums must be released after", default=one_week_ago
"--released-after", help="YYYY-MM-DD date that albums must be released after", default=one_week_ago
parser.add_argument("recent_release", help='Name of the "recent releases" playlist constructed from all labels')
parser.add_argument("label", nargs="+")
cmdline = parser.parse_args()
@ -86,8 +80,6 @@ def main() -> None:
scopes=["playlist-read-private", "playlist-modify-private", "playlist-modify-public"],
released_after = datetime.strptime(cmdline.released_after, "%Y-%m-%d")
# Get all user playlists; we'll be iterating over this a couple times
user_playlists = list(playlist_current_user_all(client))
@ -97,10 +89,15 @@ def main() -> None:
# The `str()` wrapper is technically unnecessary, but keeps mypy happy
return str(list(assured)[0].spotify_id)
recent_releases = _locate_playlist(cmdline.recent_release)
label_playlists = {label: _locate_playlist(label) for label in cmdline.label}
label_ids = {name: _locate_playlist(name) for name in cmdline.label}
run(client, recent_releases, label_playlists, released_after)
for label_name, playlist_id in label_ids.items():
label_playlist(client, label_name, playlist_id)
if cmdline.recent_release:
recent_release = _locate_playlist(cmdline.recent_release)
released_after = datetime.strptime(cmdline.released_after, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
label_recent(client, label_ids.values(), recent_release, released_after)
if __name__ == "__main__":